Yolo: The Lovely Little Lunatic

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Yolo: The Lovely Little Lunatic Page 3

by Sa'id Salaam

  “10-99! I…oops,” he said before switching to the radio and trying again. “10-99, I found her! I found her!” He rushed out and laid the family down at gunpoint.

  “What’s going on?” his partner asked in a panic.

  “The girl’s in the closet dead!”

  A second later, the house was over-run with police and emergency workers. The Brown family was all cuffed sitting in the living room. All but Yolo of course since she was a kid. Once it was determined, that it was Harry’s room; he was carted off to the precinct.

  The angry mob murmured death threats when he emerged and was led to a police car. A hundred years ago, he would have been killed on the spot. New York has the death penalty so they would have to wait a little longer. In a sense, he was Yolo’s second victim of the day but not the last. The night was still young after all.

  A collective groan was heard when the small body bag was brought out. Mrs. Patterson swooned and fainted at the sight. It was a heart wrenching sight that reached down to the soul. Not Yolo’s soul though, she could give a fuck. The girl talked too much but hadn’t said a word since she died. With supervisors on hand, the pills and pistol in She-Ra’s room couldn’t be ignored. It was enough to ger her arrested, but she wouldn’t go to prison for it.

  “Call the lawyer so he can get me a bail,” She-Ra instructed her son as she too was led away.

  “Ok Mommy, right away!” he shot back like he was going to do it. He wasn’t. The second the house was cleaned of police, he turned to Yolo.

  “Finally got you alone,” Larry growled grabbing his erection through his pants. “I need my dick sucked.”

  “Suck it yourself!” Yolo shot back. She glanced around the room for weapons but didn’t see any. Knowing he wasn’t smarter than a fifth grader, she would out smart him. It wouldn’t be hard. A few of the houseplants could probably out smart him.

  “I can’t! I would if I could,” he admitted. He sure tried to suck his own dick on a couple of occasions but came up short both literally and figuratively. “You did Harry now you gotta do me!”

  “Ok but you gotta let me tie you up first like he did,” Yolo replied. She seen enough sexuality to know licking her lips was a good look so she did. It did the trick too.

  “Ok!” Larry cheered. He was so thirsty he forgot seeing them come out of the bathroom and he wasn’t tied up. “Come on!”

  Dumb ass led her to his room and stripped naked. He climbed in the middle of the bed with his erection sticking straight up in the air. He showed Yolo how to tie a knot and secured his own wrist to the headboard.

  “Like this?" Yolo asked as she attempted to repeat the process on the other wrist. When she gave it a tug, it came a loose in her hand.

  “No you gotta go over, then under. Ok now pull it tight,” he coached. She followed his directions and gave it a firm tug.

  “Yay!” she cheered happily when it didn’t come loose. “Now the ankles! I’ll be right back” Yolo sang and skipped from the room.

  “Where you going? I need my dick sucked,” Larry insisted humping the air. He was still thrusting his hips upwards when Yolo returned dragging the satchel. He knew exactly what was in it and stopped mid-hump. Even his erection knew what was in the bag and deflated instantly.

  “W…w…w…w…w… wait!” Larry begged then switched gears to bully. “Un-tie me right now! Right now I say!”

  “W…w…w…wa…un-tie me right now,” Yolo mocked as she dug in the bag. Larry really tried to pull free when that big shiny blade came into view. "You gotta start with the penis you know?”

  “No, no you don’t! You don’t!” he pleaded. Wasted his breath is more like it because Yolo grabbed the flaccid dick and got to work.

  She soon found out that cutting the dick off a live man is very different from a dead guy. First, there is the howl. Larry let out a scream that was a cross of a zebra giving birth, an injured opera singer, and a man getting his dick cut off while still alive.

  Then there is the blood. A blast of hot blood splashed her face and open mouth once she managed to hack it off. Her technique wasn’t yet what it will be by the end of this story. She actually accidentally left one of his balls on. I guess it’s a ball technically since it’s all by itself. Instead of being repulsed by the sight, smell, and feel of the blood, she played in it.

  “Oh!” Yolo said remembering Larry wanted some head. She moved up and worked his own dick in and out of his mouth, “Like that?”

  Larry of course didn’t answer. For one he had his dick in his mouth and two; he was dying. Once his clock stopped, she got to work cutting him up. Just like a chicken, she started with the wings. Then the leg quarters and finally the head. Larry’s big ass head rolled off the bed and landed with a thud. She hoped to be able to dispose of the body before She-Ra got home but no such luck.

  “Larry! Get yo sorry ass out here!” She-Ra yelled as she stormed back into the house.

  Chapter 5

  “Larry! Larry! Get your sorry ass out here! Why didn’t you call the lawyer?” She-Ra yelled. When no reply came, she went in his room screaming his name. She eventually found him but he wasn’t how she left him.

  “What did you do?” she asked Yolo when she walked into Larry’s room. The child was covered head to toe in dried black blood and the air was thick with the distinct coppery smell of blood. “Where is my son?”

  “Um…” Yolo stammered, looking for an explanation. But what’s to explain? The man was in six pieces, seven counting the dick in his mouth. She just huffed and pulled the comforter away.

  “You little lunatic!” were the last words Yolo heard before the attack. She-Ra beat the girl as if she were a grown man. She punched, kicked, clawed, and body slammed her like it was Monday night wrestling. Except this was real, a real beat down.

  She-Ra was actually shocked the little girl lived through the beating. It was on the way to the tub to cut her up that she discovered she still had a pulse. She had no idea that the child was born dead and it would take a lot more than that to kill her. She-Ra dumped her in the bed and set out on the gruesome task of cutting up her son properly.

  When Yolo fully recovered, she got beat into a coma. When she recovered from that beating, she got another and another as she entered a new age of abuse. Not only did she get her ass kicked on a regular bases but was forced to pick up on the twins duties around the house. She cut grass and chopped wood growing stronger and angrier by the day. All the while, she was warned that her body would be sold as soon as she turned ripe. She had no idea what that meant until the day came.

  “She-Ra! She-Ra!” a frantic Yolo called as she pounded on her foster mother’s door. She knew the woman had company and what she was doing with her company but this was an emergency. She was bleeding! When no reply came, she turned the knob and barged in.

  “Girl…don’t…you…see I’m…busy!” She-Ra replied not wanting to stop working over her new friend Britney’s box.

  “But I’m bleeding! My stuff is bleeding," she whined confused by what was going on. The little nubs on her chest had begun to itch lately as well.

  “What stuff? Where?" She-Ra asked as she reluctantly rose from the bushy vagina. She looked down and saw blood on Yolo’s little cotton panties. “Ooh that’s what we’ve waiting on!”

  “Little mama you a woman now,” She-Ra’s guest cheered.

  “Yup, that cherry just got ripe. Go on and run a bath, I’ll be in once I finish in here,” She-Ra said and muff dived back in.

  Yolo followed directions and got in the tub. She washed with a sense of dread as she figured out what was to come. Now that she had begun to develop, She-Ra was going to sell her. Sell her virginity as if it was hers to sell. It wasn’t and Yolo was mad. She moved her toes individually then fingers and limbs. This was proof that she and not She-Ra controlled her body. It was her virginity and she decided to keep it. Even if she hat to kill to do so.


  “Let me see,” She-Ra demanded on a daily basis
to check Yolo’s pad. She had to bring a used one to get a fresh one so she could keep up on her flow. She had a wealthy client waiting in the wing. A sick little pedophile with ten grand to spare. It wasn’t his money to spare and his ass was about to be in trouble.

  Maurice Wheeler made his money in stocks and bonds. He flipped it until it multiplied many times over. It afforded him the lavish home where he kept his trophy wife along with his other toys and accessories. During a trip to the Dominican Republic, he stumbled across the disgusting world of pedophilia. The small Caribbean Island had a bustling child sex market so he made monthly trips.

  Being the enterprising entrepreneur that he was he saw a hustle in it. It began by selling his homemade footage to likeminded sick fucks who liked that sick shit. As the market grew, he decided to dive full steam ahead into child pornography. Since he couldn’t use his legal money to finance the illicit business, he took out a loan.

  He heard about the Black Mob through the underground grapevine and got the finances. Had Casper known what it was for he would have sent a killer to kill him. Instead, he bought the lie about opening a day care center and cut a check.

  It’s never wise to borrow money from a loan shark. To make the decision not to pay them back is just plain stupid. Wheeler had stiffed plenty of banks in the past. What’s the worst they could do, sue him? The Black Mob didn’t sue; they sent collectors. If you didn’t come up with what you owe it would cost a whole lot more than you could afford. The target was stalked for weeks until he came out in the open. When he left his home one night, he had an unseen trail.

  “Looks like our friend has a hot date!” Casper observed to the very serious man behind the wheel. “Let’s see if we can make it a little hotter shall we?”

  “We shall,” Mr. Grimsly agreed and pulled out behind him.


  “Now it’s gonna hurt a little and it’ll be a little blood,” She-Ra explained as she prepared Yolo for her Saturday night rape date.

  “There’s gonna be a lot of blood and it’s gonna hurt a lot,” Yolo assured her nodding her head in agreement with herself. There was a murderous glint in her eyes but She-Ra was too busy fussing with her pigtails to catch it.

  Child molesters like pigtails and bobbie socks so that’s exactly how She-Ra dressed her. She had on an Easter Sunday looking dress along with shiny patent leather shoes. Even had a little patent leather purse to match.

  “He’s here!” She-Ra announced and clapped happily when the doorbell chimed. She had them ten thousand dollars spent several times in her mind.

  “What is this place?” Mr. Grimsly asked curiously. The doll, flowers, and happy gait of Wheeler made him wonder. Rumors of his sick fetish had just reached them and his blood began to boil.

  Mr. Grimsly was a very, very dangerous man. He had been doing hits for a living for most of his life. The aging killer now in his early sixties killed exclusively for the Black Mob. He was deadly efficient but oddly humane. It was the latter trait that his employer could do without. Casper lost his humanity along with his anal virginity. The only obstacle between him and total anarchy was the refined Mr. Grimly. Casper was the boss but still held a fatherly respect for the elderly gentleman.

  “Guess we’re about to find out,” Casper announced and got out of the car. He waited for his companion to collect the tools of his trade than followed Wheeler to the house.

  “Mr. Wheeler!” She-Ra gushed pleasantly as she pulled the door open for the child molester. Yolo had a bitter scowl on her face and took the opportunity to move the small revolver she lifted from She-Ra’s dildo drawer and conceal it behind her back.

  “Miss She-Ra, always a pleas…oh my! Is that her?” he asked fawningly at the sight of the little girl. He knew her to be 10 but she looked seven and that was fine by him. The younger the better was his mantra. Doctors are still examining brains of pedophiles looking for a cure. Seeing her scrawny legs and tiny breast buds had his heart beating a hundred miles a minute.

  “Say hello to Mr. Wheeler Yolo,” She-Ra urged, through clenched teeth.

  “Good-bye Mr. Wheeler,” Yolo said with a smirk. Her mind commanded her hands to produce the gun and shoot him but the front door opened first.

  “Hello Mr. Wheeler,” a male voice said causing all in attendance to turn towards the door. There stood a smiling Casper along with Mr. Grimsly who rarely smiled.

  Actually, Grimsly did smile in a past life. Back when he only did part time hits to augment his tool manufacturing shop. He was a happy husband until a burglar killed his wife. Now he only manufactured deadly devices and killed people. He answered an ad in as underground forum and got hooked up with the Black Mob. He was now the in-house killer. Murderer of record so to speak. The bag he carried was just like the one in She-Ra’s closet. It contained everything one would need to take a body apart in small pieces. He planned to distribute those pieces to a few other customers with past due balances. It was the Black Mob’s version of a collection letter.

  “Casper! Hey um… good to see you! I’ve been trying to call you! Things have been so slow! I’m uh… expecting some receivables next week and will have you all squared away!” Wheeler managed to get out. It actually sounded pretty good, but it didn’t match up to the previous lies.

  “Is that what he told us last week? It isn’t is it?” Casper asked Grimsly with a curious frown.

  “Not at all,” Grimsly replied grimly.

  “Yeah, no, it’s just that things have been slow and I’m tapped for cash and…”

  “So, what’s in the bag?” Casper inquired about the cash pouch he clutched in his hand.

  “Huh?” Wheeler asked getting a round of laughter and the pouch snatched.

  “Huh it’s… like ten large here!” he said flipping through the cash with his thumbs. He looked at Wheeler, She-Ra, and then Yolo and figured it out. “Youse a real piece of shit you know! You tryna screw the kid?”

  “Screwed you too boss,” Grimsly instigated. He wasn’t much of a talker and wanted to get to the killing part.

  “Did he touch you little girl?” he asked Yolo then turned to She-Ra. “Was you gonna let him touch her?”

  “No!” She-Ra shouted feigning outrage. She spoke as if it were the most preposterous thing she’d ever heard. “I would never let anyone touch my child.”

  “Liar. You was gon’ sell my cherry to that man,” Yolo growled.

  Grimsly heard murder in her tone as she spoke. He spoke that language fluently and easily picked up on it. Sure enough, her little arm came from behind her back. In her little hand was a little pistol.

  “What are you going to do with that dear?” Grimsly asked softly.

  “Kill her for selling me and him for buying me,” Yolo stated. So matter of factly no one present doubted her, except Casper that is. He twisted his lips dubiously as if she wouldn’t bust a grape.

  “Well go on and shoot he- …damn!” Casper shouted as Yolo shot She-Ra before he could finish the statement. The bullet rushed into her open mouth and entered her brain. She shook her head and dropped dead on the spot.

  “Him too?” Yolo said asking for permission.

  “No him too!” Wheeler shrieked. He could not believe he just witnessed a child kill someone. Casper looked at a delighted Grimsly who gave a nod. It was his kill but why not.

  “Sure you can kill him,” Casper said sweetly and watched her put a bullet in the man’s forehead.

  Wheeler hit the ground twitching so Yolo stood over him and fired into his bald spot twice, then handed over the gun.

  “Bring him to the bathroom. I’ll get the stuff,” Yolo said and walked off towards the rear.

  “Well you heard the lady. Take him to the bathroom,” Casper laughed. He had no idea what was coming but he was very eager to see.

  “Right away boss,” Grimsly said just as eagerly. The slight man was still super strong and easily toted Wheeler to the bathroom. He plopped him in the tub just as Yolo arrived with the satchel.

p; “No way,” Grimly exclaimed seeing the tools of the trade. Yolo started with a pair of emergency room scissors and shred his clothes away.

  “You gotta start with the penis,” Yolo explained and did just that.

  “Knew you were a cocksucker!” Casper laughed when the girl stuffed his stuff in his mouth.

  “Boss, can I keep her?” Grimsly said with the enthusiasm of a boy finding a turtle in the backyard.

  “A pet murderer? You would be the first on the block with one,” Casper shrugged. “Guess we gotta, seeing as she killed her mom.”

  She was able to lop the penis off with one stroke because she had a little practice. Larry may have been her first but Mr. Wheeler was her fourth so she was quite proficient at it. The second was a smart mouth deliveryman who kept disrespecting She-Ra. The foul tempered woman shot him in his temple the second after he installed the flat screen. The third was a local stick up kid who figured the brothel would be an easy lick. Ironically, he was carried out in the same duffle bag he brought to tote his haul.

  “Now what?” Grimly asked once the bodies were broken down.

  “Um…I don’t know?” Yolo admitted. This was as far as she ever got. She had no idea what She-Ra did with the parts.

  “I’ll show you some other time. I have so much to teach you,” Grimly said delighted to have a student. What he did teach her for now was how to use a house against itself. He ruptured a gas line and lit a candle in the room furthest from it. That would give them plenty of time to get away as the home filled with gas. Once the two met, it was...

  “Cool!” Yolo cheered at the orange explosion behind them as they drove away. “Can we do it again?”

  “Don’t worry little lady, we’ll be doing that plenty. Trust me.”

  Chapter 6

  “Wow!” Yolo cheered sounding her age when they arrived at the Black Mob mansion. The gated estate was spectacular and the circular driveway was home to a cool million in cool cars.


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