Maxar (The Mating Games Book 4)

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Maxar (The Mating Games Book 4) Page 5

by Catty Diva

  Razar looked defeated. “I know that you’ve already decided what I should do. Why don’t you just tell me so I don’t have to guess?”

  “You need to improve her benefits package, give her a raise, and let her mate your brother.”

  “I can do…wait a minute. Did you say what I think you said? You want to give my brother to her? I assume you mean Maxar? You just played me. Why do you even think she’ll want him?”

  “Believe me, I know she wants him. Go take care of that slime Jerry then make things up to Ernie. Leaders need to learn from their mistakes. You also should make sure someone isn’t punished for them. Ernie’s been punished and now you have to make it up to her. What better way to show her you accept her than to make her family?”

  “I’ll run out of brothers if I give one away every time I make a mistake.”

  “Not every time just this time. Now go on and get things taken care of.”

  “Yes, Dear.” Razar said with a smile. It was good that he didn’t hold a grudge and he had a good sense of humor, all his brothers did.

  Lista left leaving a chastened Razar behind. Jerry was called into the office and Maxar let Razar take the lead. Maybe he would feel better once he did something positive to correct his mistake. Jerry came in without a sign of nervousness. The man was completely convinced he had gotten away with all the dirty tricks he’d carried out. What bothered Maxar the most was the way he’d thrown Ernie under the bus. Even though the male was lower than a dung beetle, Ernie had helped him as much as she could. Earthers had a saying about no good deed going unpunished and people like Jerry were what made that true on Earth.

  “Hey Boss. Did you need something?” Jerry asked with a grin on his face.

  “I thought now that some time had passed you might have more information for us.” Razar said in a friendly conversational tone.

  “I see what you mean, Boss. That bitch really had it in for you. I saw her near one of Doxy’s machines. Maybe you should check that out. She got just about everywhere.”

  Maxar had heard all he could stand. He flipped on the big screen on the wall. Jerry’s eyes jumped too it and he turned pale. His eyes went nervously to the door but he stood his ground. Maybe he knew that if he escaped to the forest he would die a slow death from one of the predators. The human must not know he was in the room with two of the most dangerous predators on the planet.

  “You were saying?” Razar asked.

  “Look, you clearly know what I was up to. I have a sick mother to support and Earth is a tough place to live.”

  “You are trying to get sympathy when you almost cost a widow with a small child her livelihood?” Maxar asked enraged.

  “I saw the way you looked at her. She wasn’t going to suffer any. I’m not a hot chick with assets to cash in on.”

  “You have no assets. Ernie is kind and likable. No one matters to you, except yourself. We have a death penalty here for what you did.”

  “Hey, man. All I did was break some equipment. That’s nothing serious. Give me a fine and I’ll be out of your hair.”

  “Maybe you honestly believe that since you’re not a good mechanic. Several of the parts you broke could have injured or killed people. The lost time cost us millions of your Earth units.”

  “It couldn’t be that much. You were only down for a little while.”

  “You know nothing about what things cost. That one part you cut with a laser cost a hundred thousand units. There will be no small fine or freedom. You also attempted to crash our economy. That is terrorism and even Earth will stand against you.” There was no greater crime in the galaxy than terrorism.

  “I know things. What if I tell you everything I know?”

  “We’re listening.”

  “I have a contact who pays me and tells me what to break and how to break it. The big boss, no one says his name but I suspect he runs the crime cartel on Earth.” Jerry stopped talking and looked at Razar expectantly.

  There was a knock on the door. “Come in.” Maxar called out.

  “Has the party started without me?” Cravr asked. “Is this the lowlife that has been sabotaging our equipment?” He shot Jerry a look with the glow of his demon in his eyes.

  Jerry yelped. “What the hell is he?” He asked as he moved as far from him as he could get.

  “Just a local law officer. He’ll be dealing with you in the future.” Razar informed.

  “I don’t want to go with him.” Jerry whined.

  “You should have thought about that before you came here with ill intent.” Cravr said. “When you came did you know we had the death penalty and that our justice is swift and harsh?”

  “No one said anything about that. You should warn people.”

  “Would it have mattered?”

  “Maybe. I don’t want to die.”

  “We’ll see what we can work out. Maxar, Razar call me if you have any more trouble. I’ll take him with me.” Now Jerry tried to get away but Cravr had him in seconds. “Don’t do that again unless you want to push me.”

  Maxar was relieved when Jerry was gone. It was a weight off his mind but there was more to deal with. “Now what?” Razar asked.

  “Will you give Ernie and me your blessings and get Dad to approve the mating?”

  “Do I have a choice? Lista will kill me if I don’t. Are you sure you can convince her?”

  “There’s something between us. I think she will give in to the power that draws us together.”

  “She’s your one? Why didn’t you just say so? I would have helped you.”

  “I wasn’t sure until last night when I kissed her. It changed everything.”

  “Nothing feels like holding your mate against your heart.”

  “You becoming a poet, Brother. I would never have expected that.” Razar smacked him upside his head but he expected no less. It was worth it to aggravate his oldest brother.

  He pulled Maxar into a hug. “Blessing on you and your mate, Brother.” Razar let him go and hurried away. Sometimes it was good to be in a big family and no you were loved. This was one of those times. A few days ago had not been.

  It was time to make a plan for winning Ernie’s heart. Maxar knew he had a start on it but he needed more so he could be sure. All his life he had dreamed of having his one female, the one who made him complete. He’d found her now and he couldn’t imagine ever letting her go. She was stubborn but he could be even more so. Last night he’d had a dream and she’d been in the shower pleasuring herself. It had been so beautiful but instead of just watching, he’d stepped in to help her find her release.

  The scent of her desire when she’d seen him had been satisfying. The slick feel of her channel as he’d slid his fingers in had been arousing. Nothing he’d ever known or felt was like his mate. She could take him to the highest peak or drop him to the deepest depth. Right now all that mattered to him was that he was guaranteed to have her with him always. Ernie couldn’t escape, his desire was too strong and hers would be too. They were a matched set that would love for all time. Just listen to him, he was as bad as Razar. Maybe being mated or about to be mated brought that out in a male. Emotions had never felt this strong nor had his heart beat this hard.

  Maxar knew he would not be useful for the rest of the day so the only thing to do was take off and use this time to pursue his mate. Once she was his, they would let Shandra get acquainted with her new grandparents while he loved his mate until neither of them could walk. First he went home to shower and change. Hurrying, he headed back to Ernie’s house. Soon they would have a house of their own. Pulling in to her driveway, he got out and went to the door. Knocking he waited impatiently.

  Ernie opened the door and he took her in his arms kissing her passionately. It wasn’t the way he’d planned things but her appeal had overwhelmed him. It gave him hope when she melted in his arms. About a minute later they came up for air. Breathing was overrated when compared to kissing his love.


“Down for the night.”

  He picked her up carrying her to her bed. He stripped as he walked to the door locking it. Ernie wasn’t going to fight him, at least not now. She was removing clothes in a desperate fashion too. His mouth went dry as she revealed her lovely body to his hungry eyes. Ernie was pale and he knew she was soft from when he touched her before. Sliding on the bed he moved on top of her. Her legs were spread and he fit perfectly between them.

  Maxar kissed her squeezing her soft breasts with one hand while the other hand held his weight off her. The soft moaning sounds she made delighted him making his cock hard as stone. His fingers trailed from her breast to between her legs then he slid a finger in. it felt just like in his dreams. Finger fucking her hard and adding a finger, he wanted her ready before he pushed his cock into her. Hurting her would be unacceptable.

  She relaxed stretching perfectly until he had three of his large fingers pumping in and out. Ernie was thrashing as if she was on the edge of an orgasm so he pumped harder sending her over. Screaming his name, she jerked and bucked under him. Now she was ready. He took his hand to guide his cock to her opening then sank slowly inside. His mate moaned but showed no signs of pain. Moving slowly he took his time before he picked up speed. This was all about her, not him. He wanted her to need him so bad she couldn’t ever give him up. Maxar already needed her that badly.

  Now he was drilling into her hard and fast. She urged him on wanting more, harder, and faster. Obliging, he picked up speed feeling his balls draw up. Holding back, he needed his mate to go first. She was close and he slammed in harder because she seemed to like that. What an incredible female his mate was. They were a match in many things especially sex. Ernie exploded beneath him screaming and writhing. Maxar plunged in once, twice, and the third time was the charm. He could feel the hot sticky seed shooting into and filling his mate. Shandra needed a sibling so who knew what the result might be? It would please him and he hoped it would please Ernie as well.

  He rolled off taking her with him. They cuddled up both falling asleep quickly and their sleep was deep.

  Chapter 7

  Love Forever After

  Morning came as it always did and they were awakened by a loud banging on the door. ‘”Shandra.” Ernie gasped. She jumped out of bed with Maxar’s eager eyes eating her up. He recognized the moment she realized she was naked. Her face flushed before she reached for a robe she kept handy near the bed.

  Once she was appropriately covered she opened the door. “Mama, Mama! Hi Maxar. Did you two get married?”

  “No, Sweet pea, we aren’t married.”

  “But I told you to. Do I need to do it myself?” Shandra demanded.

  “No, you will not.”

  “Then you do it.” Shandra said tapping her toes and sticking out her bottom lip.

  It seemed Shandra was on his side. “We’ve been talking about that Shandra. I just have to talk your mama into it. You think I have a chance?” He wondered.

  “Yes, Mama doesn’t like guys, but she likes you.” The child smiled while her mom blushed furiously.

  “What did you need, Baby?”

  “I’m not a Baby! I’m hungry can Maxar make pancakes?”

  Ernie looked at him helplessly. It seemed she was leaving the decision up to him. “I can as long as I have my helper with me.”

  Shandra giggled. “I’ll help.” She agreed as she moved closer and held out her hand.

  Ernie looked mortified. “Why don’t you go wash your hands and Maxar will be out in a minute.”

  “Okay.” Shandra turned then skipped out the door. Emergency averted.

  Maxar jumped out of bed to dress quickly so he could follow Shandra to the kitchen. Ernie followed him putting a pot of coffee on as soon as they got there. Concentrating on the pancakes, he combined all the ingredients and while Shandra mixed them, he got out two frying pans for the bacon and the pancakes.

  “I’m done.” Shandra told him putting the mixer in the sink.

  Taking the pancake mix, he poured out a measured amount. “Good job.” He told her.

  She smiled and looked at her mama. “I told you I could do it.”

  Maxar turned to the stove putting all his attention into cooking. It worried him that Ernie might have thought Shandra too young to use the mixer. Would she be angry at him?”

  “You were right. Next time I’ll let you mix for me.”

  Thank the gods she wasn’t angry at him. It wasn’t long before he had a stack of pancakes and a pile of bacon. Turning off the stovetop, he drained the skillets putting them to soak while they ate. Everything was divided among three plates according to appetite.

  “It appears some bacon is missing.” He said sternly.

  “That’s Mama, she loves it and she ate some while you were cooking.”

  “Shandra, you told on me.”

  “You say I should be honest. It’s not like you will get in trouble like I would.” Shandra said matter of factly.

  Ernie blushed again which Maxar found cute. He couldn’t care less about the bacon he preferred pancakes like Shandra did. “Since you’ve been naughty I’ll have to punish you.”

  “You won’t hurt Mama, will you?”

  “Of course not. I’ll make her go to bed early.”

  “That will teach her. She always stays up after I have to go to bed.”

  “It’s settled then. She goes to bed when you do.”

  Shandra giggled clapping her hands together. “That’s funny.”

  Ernie started on the dishes while Shandra took her dishes to the sink then left. Today wasn’t a work day so no one was in a hurry to get things done. Maxar helped with the dishes hoping she would let him stay once they were done. Ernie was quiet but mellow today. Maybe them catching Jerry had eased her worries or making love had sated and calmed her. It had certainly done a lot for him. He wanted to do it again and again. A bulge appeared in his pants making him uncomfortable.

  When they finished the dishes Ernie invited him to take his coffee to the living room where they would be more comfortable. “I’m not sure what we should do now.” Ernie gave him a serious look.

  Maxar thought he knew exactly what they should be doing and talking wasn’t necessary but she might not agree or even appreciate his opinion. “What do you want to do?” He asked instead. Playing this cool would be best right now.

  “That’s the problem, I don’t know. I didn’t think I would want to get involved with a man again but you are making me question that.”

  “If we aren’t involved after last night, what are we sweetheart?”

  “That is another question I can’t answer.”

  “Let me tell you what I want. I want to make love to you every night waking up next to you every morning for the rest of my life. We’ll add to our family so Shandra has siblings to boss or play with. We’ll live with love and laughter in perfect happiness if you only give me a chance.”

  Ernie moved closer throwing her arms around him. “That was beautiful. But we still have things to work out. Where would we live? What would I do about my job? Shandra needs to know about her father. He was a good man and he loved her.”

  “Let’s do this one question at a time. I agree Shandra needs to know about her father. He’s part of who she is and I don’t want to take his place but I would be another father to do the things he can no longer do. You can tell her about him, share pictures and stories. Never would I ever want to erase him from her life or yours.”

  “You’re almost too good to be true.”

  “Next your job is there for you if you’re willing to come back. Razar authorized a raise and improved benefits because he feels bad.”

  “That had to hurt. He was so sure I was pure evil.”

  “The truth showed him the error of his ways. Now about the house. This one will do while we finish building the house I’ve already begun to build. It’s a shell and together we can decide how we want it to look.”

  “That sounds wonderful.”
/>   “About work, I need you Monday if you are ready to come back but there’s more. Jerry was sabotaging us on the inside but equipment is coming in already damaged. I need you to check out each piece as it enters and make a log of any problems you find.”

  “You know who is doing it?”

  “No, but all the damaged equipment traces back to one transport. It’s someone on that ship.”

  “Now will we find out who?”

  Maxar smiled to himself. Ernie might not realize it yet but the bonding process had already started. She considered them a team. “Cravr will put someone on the ship undercover. We will know by the end of the next trip.”

  “I’m glad. It’s hard on everyone when we live in fear and suspicion. At least Jerry will be gone. He is gone, right?”

  “He’s gone for good.”

  “Thank God.”

  “You did good. If you hadn’t had the cameras put in, we would have never known Jerry was up to no good. He was packed up, planning to leave that night. There was even a note he intended to leave about how working for us was too dangerous with all the accidents causing him to fear for his life.”

  “That guy is a piece of work. What will happen to him?”

  “He’s giving information hoping to make a deal but he will get some jail time.”

  Ernie nodded. “He deserves it.”

  “If his information is helpful, he’ll get less time than he deserves but we need information.”

  “I understand. Thank you for telling me.”

  “I would tell you anything you wanted to know.” Ernie blushed again then looked at the floor as if she didn’t know what to say. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “Not wrong. Never be afraid to tell me what you need but you are so intense. I don’t always know what to say or do.”

  “You make me feel things I’ve never felt before. It’s like you hold my heart in your hand. I feel the need to share everything with you. Maybe you and Shandra would like to go see the house that’s being built?” He looked up at her hopefully.


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