Venom & Vampires: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Venom & Vampires: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 196

by Casey Lane

  After that Calvin had been fired. Talk about irony. He liked to tell it that he had left for better and bigger things. Our paths had rarely crossed since but his animosity and lust for me seemed to grow each time. Calvin only called me Ms. Tanner to piss me off. He damn well knew my title and he was the only one I made sure used it and not my name Mischa.

  “It’s Captain Tanner you sack of-.” The rest of what I was about to say cut off as I turned and got a load of the man standing behind me next to Calvin. For once I was speechless and liking the feeling. The man next to Calvin is who left me speechless…which is so unlike me.

  It wasn’t that he was gorgeous—I’d seen my share of men like that and worked with many—it was the power that I felt coming off him. That power wasn’t like anything I had felt before. It made me want to bask in it and wrap it around me and roll around. I stiffened at that since that wasn’t like me either. I narrowed my eyes and stared at the man trying to get an idea of what he was. Not knowing what he was made me leery. Yes I didn’t know what many of my team was but them I trusted and knew that they would have my back. This man I didn’t and that I wasn’t able tell…well it made me want to detain him until I figured it out. In the days before all the legalities I would have. Did I mention that I missed those days? Yeah if not then here it is. I miss the days when I didn’t have to worry about the human laws we had to abide by until such time things called for us not to. Yes you heard that correct. We followed the laws but what the humans, who made them were thinking they were protecting those who weren’t human, didn’t know sometimes you had to step outside their human laws when dealing with non-humans. When dealing with some non-humans when they were backed into a corner they didn’t think of the laws all they thought of was survival. And any one cornered and wanting to survive will do all that was possible to do so. In those cases we didn’t think of the law but of surviving ourselves. If the humans knew even a drop of what we did they would label us monsters. Well it took monsters to hunt monsters so I was okay with that label. Looking at the man standing next to Calvin, I wasn’t sure what kind of other being he was and if he was a danger or not. The danger I could deal with later it was the not knowing what he was that would bug me until I found out.

  “Captain Tanner,” Calvin said it and the sneer was there in his voice.

  I took my gaze off the man beside him, but I knew each breath he took and if he moved I would shoot him and deal with the fall out. It was also unlike me to want to shoot and ask questions later. But something about this man made me want to. I focused on Calvin and he also had a sneer on his face. That made me feel so much better. Calvin was easy to understand. He thought he had power but didn’t and it made him want to make everyone who did bow to him so he felt superior. I didn’t bow to anyone. Ever.

  “Why are we here Calvin?” I was proud of myself for not calling him a name. Although you could tell from my tone I was without actually saying it. I love a good tone that portrayed screw you without actually saying it. Drove people crazy wondering if they imagined you were telling them off without saying it verbally. If Calvin hadn’t been so full of himself, he would have known it but I didn’t think he was that aware. I didn’t need to be polite to this dickwad.

  The Police Commissioner—my boss—already knew the history with Calvin. So even if Calvin called to say I was rude, he would tell him to fuck off. Yeah he alienated my boss too. He had issues with the Police Commissioner and stupid Calvin let it be known. The funny thing was Calvin didn’t have issues with the Commissioner being a non-human. Calvin’s issue was that the Commissioner was in a Triad relationship with the Mayor of New York and a Senator of New York. The three-some were powerful politically and most humans accepted it. At least it seemed that way, since they did elect the Mayor a few times as well as the Commissioner— an office that was an elected one. I knew all of the three since I was close friends with their daughter, Jaxxon. Well we were friends who liked to mess with each other and those who didn’t know us may view it as we actually didn’t like each other. Which isn’t true. We liked each other just fine. We also knew each other well enough to know if it came down to it we would do what needed to be done. Jaxxon and a few others are the only ones who I trusted enough that if I went all crazy or power-mad to take me out. They would mourn me but do what was needed. I would do the same for those I trusted and we all understood that. We of course didn’t tell humans that they could be a little squeamish about such things.

  “It is not Calvin who requested your presence.” The man beside Calvin spoke for the first time. His voice was pure sex. His Irish accent was plain in that deep melodious voice that resonated from his chest.

  I returned my attention to him and the man stood tall and proud. I narrowed my eyes as he reminded me of someone and I couldn’t place who. I studied him as I tried to figure out why he was so familiar. The man was eternally handsome. His hair in varying shades of blue and green framed that face that would make someone stop in their tracks to stare and many would probably want to do his bidding. His eyes were the same varying shades of blue and green as his hair and against his pale luminescent skin it stood out. In the next moment it dawned on me what he was. I didn’t blurt it out since he hadn’t been present at the ceremony that brought his people to light a few days earlier and I was assuming there was a reason.

  “Talon Roarke, my brother said you were good and asked that you be brought here since we have a problem.” The man stared at her. “Someone is trying to kill my twin sister. And we cannot let that happen since it would cause a war the likes of which no one on this plane or others would have ever seen.”

  It sounded dramatic but I knew he was only speaking the truth. Now that the genie was out of the bottle as they say I could speak freely.

  “Why were you not at the ceremony introducing your people?” I paused. “Especially since if you are related to Talon who is the King of the Necromancers then you are technically a prince. And as such it is something we needed to know.” I thought of what he said about his sister. “And since that also makes your sister a princess we needed to know that too. How many siblings are there?”

  I didn’t like at all that the newly revealed race of Necromancers had even more people we didn’t know about. Hell we hadn’t even know until a few days ago there was so many in New York and that they had many that were mixed with other things. Things that made them even more dangerous than them being a Necromancer did. Their genealogy was so mixed that they, from what I could tell, since I hadn’t gotten near all of them yet had so many other beings that I wanted to make sure to know each and everyone. When the attempt of the Mayor, Commissioner of Police and Senator happened a few days ago; we found out it was actually an attempt on Jaxxon none of us knew it would lead to the council—the ruling body of almost all other being races— had agreed it was beneficial for the Necromancer to come into the light—literally. No human knew of that race and a few others that was deemed too much for the humans to understand or know. Now here we were a few days after that announcement of Necromancer and I had thought we had seen them all but seems as if Talon hadn’t revealed all his people.

  “With Nicolette’s career in the media, we thought it best not to have her there. As for myself I don’t follow orders so I didn’t go.” The man shrugged an elegant movement. “And I don’t like most people.”

  I could relate to that. Both the orders and not liking most people. The man studied me then smiled a soft grin that made my pulse jump into my throat. All of a sudden I felt as if I was hunted and I didn’t like it one bit.

  “I’m Devereux.” The man held out his hand.

  I really didn’t want to touch him. But I held out my hand. He slid his hand into mine and I stilled as the power that I had felt rolled over me with the softness of a summer breeze; yet the force of a hurricane. It was a contradictory and disconcerting feeling. And not unpleasant but I didn’t like anyone using their power against me without my permission. The power softened even more but did not

  “It was not my intention to offend.” Devereux Roarke said. “It recognizes you.”

  I had no idea why his power would and frankly I didn’t care. I unfurled my own power as a warning but Devereux didn’t back down. Instead his magic rose to meet mine and mine hesitated before it did what I had wanted to earlier—rolled around in his power. A calmness overcame me as all the various parts that made me seemed to align for the first time. That was again disconcerting sensation. He lowered his lashes over his eyes. I wanted to see those eyes and knew it was a necessity.

  Open your eyes. I spoke to him mind to mind on a path I had never used yet seemed to know so well. He did as I bid and his eyes blazed. I didn’t need to see mine to know mine did the same. Suddenly his power stopped and I felt the loss deep in my gut.

  Devereux breathed out a harsh breath then. “I had no idea I would meet you today or I would have been prepared. My control is usually better than this.”

  “What do you mean?” I had no clue what he was saying.

  No idea why my power was reacting to him as this. It wasn’t something I ever did. Lose sight of a case and be distracted.

  “If you are done flirting.” Calvin’s voice was cold.

  It was a reprimand in it and he had no right but I couldn’t call him on it since I had let this get unprofessional. Devereux’ nostril flared and he didn’t look at Calvin but I was suddenly afraid for Calvin’s life.

  “You can’t kill him. I would need to arrest you.” I warned and stared at Devereux.

  He didn’t reply verbally instead inclined his head in a short acknowledgment of what I said.

  “He won’t kill me. Nicolette wouldn’t like it.” Calvin sounded way too smug.

  I really hope this Nicolette wasn’t his woman or something because I didn’t want to have to deal with Calvin much.

  “You overestimate your worth to Nicolette.” Devereux didn’t even try to hide his disdain for Calvin. “And seeing as you are not doing your job effectively. This is why I am here to oversee why these threats are getting through on your watch.”

  Calvin made a noise and I glanced at him. I never knew someone’s face could be so red. I could see Calvin’s intention before he did it.

  “If you touch him, he will hurt you and maybe badly. I don’t have time for that.” I warned Calvin. “I need to know why I am here and where is this Nicolette so I can question her.”

  Calvin blinked startled then frowned. “Have you never seen Shasana Crite Captain Tanner?”

  The disbelief was plain in his tone and on his face. I didn’t know why that was such a big thing.


  “But…it’s the biggest show on TV.” He scowled. “And it has a vampire in it for christsake.”

  I didn’t like his tone as if I had to watch since I was technically a vampire too. It was the main other being group that humans seemed to want to box people into. A lot like gender, race and religion as well as political affiliations. You could be flexible in any of those things but most humans tended to want to put you in only one box instead of accepting things were not that simple.

  “And you’re an asshole. Do you know every asshole on TV or socially?” I studied him. “Maybe there is a club or something that you all go to. Flash a member card that says I am an asshole so I watch every TV show that features one and talk to each one.” I passed and watched his face get that interesting shade of red with some purple this time. “I’ll take that as a no; so why does it matter I don’t watch Shasana Crite? Or as far as I am aware none of my team has. And from what I have seen today I won’t be. It’s insulting to vampires and stereotypical.”

  Calvin opened his mouth then closed it before he rubbed his hand down his nose. “I really don’t want to deal with you but I’m her head of security and was told to play nice and work with you.”

  “Well Callvy boy, I didn’t get the same message from my boss.” I smiled widely flashing my fang just to scare him. “And I’m a little cranky so…tell me where Nicolette is so I can do my job. Figure this out then we won’t have to see each other if we are lucky ever again.”

  Yeah I’m not that lucky but a girl can hope.

  “Don’t call me that.” He said then hissed.

  He wasn’t at all frightening. To even maybe give me concern, he’d need to be a powerful shape-shifter and atlas to Calvin’s everlasting regret he was only human. Not my words but his when he asked me to turn him. See Calvin wanted to be one of us and it galled him that he wasn’t and no one was willing to turn him. I’d also put out the word not to. Because if Calvin was that much of an asshole as a human; I could only imagine how much of him being an other being would make him. So I’d ensured to make it known in all circles to not turn him into any other being. I was respected by many and feared by a whole lot. I liked it that way. Calvin had no idea I had done that and from the reports I had from others he was really trying to become something other than human.

  “Callvy.” I taunted.

  He took a step toward me his face a mask of violence. Did I mention Calvin was stupid? He was really thinking of coming at me. Even if I didn’t use any of my powers I could still take him. Yeah the man has no sense.

  “Calvin.” Devereux said and there was amusement in his voice. “Although it would be interesting to see Captain Tanner wipe the floor with you; we’re here to solve the issues that Nicolette is having. Not whatever personal issues you have with Captain Tanner or her team.” Devereux looked at me then said. “Nicolette is the star of the show.”

  It took a moment for me to process that. I felt the rest of my teams surprise especially those who had some vampire genealogy in them.

  “She willingly acts like a stereotype.” I blinked. “Is your sister a vampire?”

  “No. It’s just a role and one that makes her really good money.” Devereux smiled widely. “Loads of money.”

  “If I was a friend of hers, I would have issues with the little I have seen how she portrays vampires.”

  The rest of my team made sounds of agreement. Since we were coming off a bad case; I had more than usual when we first went out to evaluate what was needed with a case. I also had my best and most dangerous of my team. I didn’t think they were needed but we were together and they said it was urgent we get here.

  “This show isn’t the usual for the show which makes it not just popular among humans but the supernatural communities.” Devereux shook his head. “It’s a cross-over with another show whose rating isn’t doing as well and the execs thought Shasana Crite would give it a boost. Nicolette did it as a favor for one of the writers for the other show who is a friend. This won’t make it on air. Nicolette won’t allow this garbage to be seen by her fans.”

  “So she has that much clout to say such a thing?” I might not watch much of these TV shows but I knew enough on how stuff worked.

  “Yes.” Devereux gestured. “We can wait in her dressing room until this wraps.”

  “How long will that be?”

  I really didn’t want to be here for hours waiting for them to finish.

  “Nicolette will be done in a few minutes.” Devereux smiled. “She doesn’t have much patience for crap and will be stopping it.”

  “Ok.” I gestured for him to lead the way.

  He and Calvin fell into step with each other leading me and my team toward the dressing room.

  “I still don’t get why we are here if this is s simple security issue.” Tyrnca—one of my seconds—walked beside me.

  “Probably whoever Talon called is a fan of the show and thus we are here.” Arnon—another of my seconds—said and rolled his eyes.

  “Either way we are stuck.” I shrugged. “We’ll see what has been happening and if it can be handled by the human police we will had it off to them.”

  The rest of the team didn’t say anything but I knew they had heard me. This time I just so happened to have all other beings with me. We did have humans who were part of STIF but they had to be re
ally good. Today just so happened there wasn’t any humans with me.

  Devereux and Calvin stopped in front of a door. Calvin opened it and then went in followed by Devereux. I went in behind them and took in the room which was larger than I thought it would be from outside. It was comfortable and airy. The view through the windows was of the waterfall that they had in the lobby of the building. Coming in I had thought it was beautiful then wondered how they had did it. I could feel the magic in it and figured they had hired someone who controlled water to install it. That was another thing, all the beings who had come into light had done—learned to use what they had to find jobs if they wanted too. As I finished looking around the room, which took seconds, I stopped as I saw the table that was close to the window. The sun shone over the table bathing it in a glow. But it wasn’t that that had my attention.

  As I stared at the item I prayed like I haven’t in a long time that I would be able to save everyone in this room and the building.

  Chapter Two

  Saying someone had it in for Nicolette in a bad way was putting it mildly. You either had to be crazy or have a death wish to handle Havoc. Most vampire’s when they reach one hundred years were immune or at least that’s what I was told. Oh the arrogance of the young. I went looking for Havoc when I hit good old one hundred and fifty. No reason just because I could. It was a moment I would never forget.

  I learned the hard way. No one had told me when mixed with certain other things vamps were no longer immune. It wreaked well havoc on the body, bringing out basic urges to a fever pitch until you gave in to it. I’ve never heard of any human coming into contact with Havoc but with their frail system I could only imagine that they would die from the overload on their system. Well I choose to forget or at least try to forget my experience with Havoc.


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