Destroying the Game

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by L. Grubb


  Destroying the game.

  First Edition.

  Copyright © 2016 L. Grubb &Abigail Davies

  All rights reserved.

  No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form without written consent from the author. Except in the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a piece of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, places or events are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, events or locations is purely coincidental.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you are reading this book and have not purchased it for your use only, then you should return it to your favorite eBook retailer and purchase your own copy.

  Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Published: L. Grubb & Abigail Davies 2016

  Cover Model: Lance Jones

  Cover Photographer: LJ Photography

  Cover Design: Clarissa Wild Booming Covers

  First, I’d like to say a huge thank you to Lucii for collaborating with me so we could write this story! What started out as a fun idea and has fully formed into a book! I’m so excited for people to read and fall in love with what we have created! Now to start the next project!

  Writing Dante was an absolute blast, I love his charm. I loved getting to know him the more that I wrote him and I’m sure that you’ll all love him as much as I do!

  Thank you to Lance Jones for being on the cover of our book! You’re just how we pictured Dante!

  Thank you to Clarissa Wild for making a freaking awesome book cover!

  To all the betas that read Destroying the Game, thank you so much for spending the time to read it!

  To Danielle, my other half who helps me get out of my own head and stop overthinking! Thank you for all your continued support!

  To my husband and my two daughters, thank you for always supporting me and being the rock that a girl needs. Love you all to the moon and back!

  And to you, the readers. Thank you for purchasing this book and spending the time to read Callie and Dante, I hope you love them just as much as I do. Without your continued support, we wouldn’t be able to do what we love. So thank you!

  To all the bloggers, authors and readers who share the hell out of our stuff, thank you so much! The indie book community is a fantastic place to be and I’m so lucky to be a part of it!

  Love you all! <3

  Massive thank you to Abigail Davies for writing this along with me, what started as a fun idea turned into a completion of a novel. She’s been absolutely HILARIOUS to write with and I’m looking forward to the next one. This lady never fails to make me laugh out loud.

  I’ve LOVED writing Callie, she’s such a whore and it was great to bring her character to life, I’ve even made myself laugh writing her.

  To Clarissa Wild for designing the cover for us, as always you were amazing!

  Lance Jones, thank you for agreeing to be on our cover. I met you in Dublin and got hang out with you and you were a blast and I have the photo’s to remember the fun times.

  Cassia Brightmore, my girl, damn I miss you hard! Thank you for putting up with me and Abi and thank you for making getting this cover photo so simple.

  To our beta’s; Lisa Morgan, Annabella Williams, Emma Johnson, you girls ROCK and I love you so hard!!! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting these wonderful ladies and I tell you, they’re totally AWESOME!

  To my four-year-old princess, for putting up with me when I’m in the zone, totally understanding and for being so so proud of me. She loves that I write books, she finds it super fascinating.

  And finally, to you, the readers, for one clicking this book even if you’ve never heard of either of us before. Your support and encouragement is what keeps us Indie’s going.


  “Why did I agree to do college again?” I sigh as I flop to the bed. “The work sucks and the teachers are all… urgh, I don’t know.”

  “If I remember correctly, it was because of the boys.” Jasmine is sat at her desk, no surprise, with her nose stuck in a textbook.

  “Yeah, you’re right.” Turning onto my side, I prop my head up on my elbow to face her. “Why the fuck would you want to study science? It has to be the most boring subject that ever exists.”

  “Because science is my thing just like boys are yours, Callie. I like to think there’s a scientific explanation to everything that happens in this world.” She smiles at me and tilts her head to the side as she studies me.

  “Fuck off, Jasmine. What a load of horse shit.” Shaking my head, I roll over onto my back and stare at the Lukas Rossi poster that’s stuck to my ceiling. Now that is one guy I’d seriously ride for hours.

  Jasmine is right though, the only reason I decided to even come to college was because of the gorgeous guys that roam around. And I kid you fucking not, some of them are so damn hot that they should be made illegal and I’ve probably fucked the majority of them. Call me a whore, I don’t give a fuck because I’m exactly that. I’m proud of who I am and I’m the biggest player in California State University.

  My best friend, the geeky bitch who likes science, is probably the complete polar opposite of me. She has mousy brown hair, brown eyes and wears clothes that don’t show off the curves I know she has. She hates attention whereas I love it, seek it and embrace it. When I’m in the room, every fucker knows it, when Jasmine is in the room, people practically ignore her and let’s be honest, that’s her problem. I love her to pieces but she’s always got her nose in a book and she never wants to come to the Frat parties… I’m pretty sure I’m her only friend and I abandon her at every opportunity. I’m probably not the friend she needs but she’s stuck with me anyway, maybe because we share a dorm room so she doesn’t really have a choice.

  “Head stuck in the clouds there, Callie?” Jasmine chuckles but doesn’t look away from the text in front of her. I don’t bother replying, choosing to sigh instead.

  “Have you never dreamt about rock stars? How shit hot they’d be in bed?” I smirk because I know the topic of sex with Jasmine makes her uncomfortable, but hey, that’s the kind of friend I am.

  “You’re disgusting,” she scoffs.

  “You’re a prude,” I shoot back. It’s true though, she is a prude. She never talks about boys, sex, bum fun… nothing. I know she’s a virgin and I know she’s keeping it that way until she’s married but I think even then she won’t give it up.

  Our conversation ends there and I hate silence. I sit up, swing my legs over my bed and stand. “I’m heading out. You coming?”

  “Nope. I have studying to do, as do you.” She raises a bushy brow at me above her glasses.

  “Meh, not really bothered. My classes are fucking easy.” I swing my purse over my shoulder and eye myself in the mirror. I look fucking ace as always. I pucker my lips at myself, contemplating whether to take a selfie but the chiming of my cell stops the thought.

  “Hello?” I sing song as I answer, still checking my hot self out in the mirror. “Sure. See you soon!”

  “Who was that?” Jasmine asks as she swings herself around on her chair.

  “Not that you actually give a shit, but it was Mikey. Frat party is starting in ten minutes so I better shoot.” Blowing her a kiss, I leave the room and click the door shut behind me. I fucking love Frat parties. Booze, drugs and guys. What more could a woman want?

  If you must know, Mikey is part of the football team; he’s hot, great in bed and a genuinely nice guy. But because I stick to my rule, one night only, I’d never get to experience his eight incher again. Sigh, such a shame.
  Swinging my hips, I pull down my aviators and make my way out of the dorms and into the blistering sun. My skins sizzles as I make my way across campus and down the road to the main Frat house. I can already hear the bass pumping and see people milling about on the front lawn with those little red cups, which are so cliché by the way.

  Fuck. I can’t wait to get a drink inside me, maybe a line of coke… after that, I won’t be held accountable for my actions. Shit is about to get real, people. I will get fucked tonight and that’s the mission.

  “Yo, bro!” I hear Dylan shout and I turn to face him, nodding my head to silently ask him what’s up.

  He waggles his brows at me, his dark, almost black eyes are sparkling about something. I sigh and shake my head at his dramatics. We’ve been friends since the first day of college when we both moved into the football frat house on campus as freshman. He’s dumb as shit but one of the best fucking football players we have at CSU.

  “She’s here.” He smirks, pointing over to the middle of the dance floor.

  My eyes follow to where he’s pointing and I see her, Callie. The bane of my fucking life. I grit my teeth as I watch her grind her ass against some poor, unsuspecting fucker. Dude doesn’t know what he’s letting himself in for.

  I can’t stop my eyes from wandering over her curves, imagining that it’s me gripping onto her waist instead of that grimy fucker.

  Lifting the solo cup to my lips, I drain the warm beer and crush the cup in my hand then throw it over my shoulder.

  I let my eyes scan the crowd and make a beeline for the first girl I see making eyes at me. Giving her my signature smirk and wink, I take her hand and pull her onto the dancefloor.

  She tries to act coy and flutters her lashes but I see the lust shining through her dull eyes. She knows the score, all of them do. They get one night, a night they’ll never forget and then that’s it. No second nights, no matter how much I crave their pussy.

  “Hey there, Dante,” the blonde purrs in my ear. I’ve never seen her before but everyone knows my name and not only because of me being the star of the football team.

  Girls want to bed me and guys want to be me, that’s just the way shit rolls on this campus. I mean, shit, I’m trying to get around to all the girls but there’s only so many hours in the day, you know?

  I pull back slightly and spin her around, not wanting to see her face. All I want is to feel her ass against my cock and damn, it feels good. Resting my hand on her hips, I guide her to the exact spot that I want her and groan as I close my eyes at the feeling.

  Feeling eyes on me, mine spring open and connect with Callie’s. She flicks her eyes away from mine and dips low, lifting her ass in the air and rubbing it against the dude’s cock.

  Fuck. Me.

  I can’t look away and a quick look around the room tells me that no one else can either.

  Her smirk tells me that she knows this and as soon as her eyes connect with mine again, I pull the blonde tighter against me and widen my hand against her stomach, knowing that Callie is watching my every move.

  Callie was one of my first fucks at college. The first day we met I had her in my bed and fuck, do I wish I would have held out longer. I wanted to savor her sweet ass but I was horny and there’s no way in hell that anyone would have turned her down.

  My cock gets harder just thinking about her. Callie, not the blonde. It doesn’t matter how much the blonde grinds on me, all I can think about is it being Callie’s ass.

  Meeting Callie’s eyes, I watch as she follows the trail of my hand as I move it lower. I can feel the wetness through the tiny scrap of material the blonde is wearing and I cup her pussy, jeez, I don’t even have to work for it anymore.

  I smirk as her eyes flash, letting her know that I saw her, shit, I knew she wanted me again. Who fucking wouldn’t?

  Closing my eyes, I imagine that it’s Callie grinding against me. Fuck! That’s not helping matters, I can’t go there again; I fucking won’t. I’m not breaking my code for anyone.

  “Let’s go,” I whisper into the blonde’s ear, sticking my tongue out and licking the side of her neck. That shit works every time.

  She moans and squirms in my hold and once she nods her approval, I grab her hand and walk us to the bottom of the stairs.

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Dante small Dick,” I hear from behind me.

  “Damn.” Spinning around, I face Callie. “I love it when you talk dirty to me, baby.” I know she fucking hates that term of endearment, which means I call her it even more. Am I a dick for doing that? Damn fucking straight I am.

  “Fuck you,” she spits and grabs the guy’s hand that she was grinding against, swaying slightly on her feet.

  Fuck, she’s only been here half an hour and she’s already shitfaced.

  “You already did that once, baby.” Leaning forward, so close that we’re almost touching but not close enough to touch her, I whisper. “And you had the best night of your fucking life.”

  “What the fuck ever, you think you’re so fucking hot, don’t ya?”

  I ignore her and move my eyes to the douche. “Bro… you sure you wanna go there?” I ask, tilting my head at Callie as she tries to regain her balance.

  He looks from me then to her and back again, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. Chuckling, I watch as her eyes blaze with anger, her hands clenching into tiny fists.

  “I wouldn’t touch you again with a hundred-foot fucking barge pole,” she screeches, gaining people’s attention. “Now, move!”

  Throwing my head back, I laugh so hard that I have to grip my stomach to get myself under control. A stomach that is rock hard and looks shit hot, by the way. All the girls go crazy for it, which means I like to walk around without a shirt on as much as possible. You know… just doing my community duties.

  May as well give them a show, right?

  Once I’ve stopped laughing, I turn back to her and wave my arm at the stairs. “After you.”

  “Prick!” she shouts, walking past me and practically dragging the guy behind her. Damn, she’s leading him around like a puppy.

  I swear watching her ass as she goes, swinging from side to side, makes me even harder. If that’s even fucking possible.

  “Let’s go,” I say to the blonde, pulling her up the stairs with me. Every step up is painful, the hardness behind my zipper is hurting, begging for release.

  Reaching the top of the stairs, I pick her up because she’s too fucking slow in those stupid heels she’s wearing and barrel my way through the crowds of people that are gathered on the landing.

  I’m not even heading to my room; I go to Dylan’s instead. I don’t give a shit if it makes him pissed, my room is off limits for sex, apart from that one time with Callie. It’s one of my codes. It’s a short code but I like to live by it.

  Flinging the door open, I don’t even wince as it bangs against the wall, startling the couple who are on the bed. I tell them to ‘get the fuck outta here’ and once they’re gone, I throw the blonde on the bed; not giving a shit if I’m too rough.

  I need to fuck and I need it now. Whether she gets off isn’t my problem. My release is needed; the hardness of my cock proves that.

  As I strip off my jeans and boxers, my thoughts drift. Who the fuck does Callie think she is calling me ‘Dante small dick’? She may like to say that but the bitch knows how big my cock is. She’s been there, she’s sucked, fucked and manhandled it before. She was begging for more, calling my dick ‘The Monster’. She can go suck a little one if she really wants to but the girl knows how big mine is.

  I look down at the chick spread on the bed, her dress is bunched up around her waist as she smiles at me coyly and it makes me fucking cringe. I shake my head, trying to get Callie out of my head and take a deep breath.

  Licking my lips, I stalk forwards and take in her whole body. Her eyelids are at half-mast, heavy with lust and I can see how wet the lacey thong covering her pussy is glistening with her juices u
nder the single light bulb that lights this room. I fucking wish I shut the light off so I don’t have to see this girl’s face. But I’m beyond control now, my dick is seeping at the sight of the dripping wet pussy it’s about to be balls deep in.

  Before I reach the bed, I grab a condom from the nightstand and rip the packet open with my teeth. No point in having reckless sex, I don’t want kids and I sure as fuck don’t want diseases.

  I grab her legs and yank her to me and rip off the pointless panties as my cock lands in the apex of her thighs. The wet heat seeps through the condom and more pre-cum drips into the latex glove. I can’t wait any longer, no point in putting it off. I’m way too far gone to stop myself now.

  I line my dick up and thrust inside her, moaning when I’m buried to the hilt. This girl isn’t as tight as I expected her to be but fuck it. Pussy is pussy and I’m fucking desperate for it right now.

  Her screams fill the room as I bang out a punishing rhythm. To be honest, the noise is fucking me off so I shut my mind off and concentrate on reaching the finishing line. The look of ecstasy on her face has me grimacing, she doesn’t even look hot during an orgasm so I flip her over and lift her hips up to me.

  Lifting my hand in the air, I slap hard against her left ass cheek before I thrust straight back in again. I tune out her cries and moans, the screams and the mewling. It’s off-putting. Sweat drips down my back as I fuck her hard and fast, no time to breathe when my balls are drawing up and the tingle is starting at the bottom of my spine. She screams my name into the air and for one second I wish that voice was Callie.

  I erupt, my orgasm slamming through me like a hurricane and I bite my lip to stop from calling out the wrong name.

  I lean over the girl, trying to catch my breath and all I can think is, ‘why the fuck am I thinking of Callie? She annoys to no end and knows just what buttons to press.’

  But I can’t deny that I can remember our night together like it was yesterday and not years ago.

  “Callie?” I’m dragging some dude behind me as I stomp through the front yard in my heels, I’m sure I have a thunderous look on my face but Dante is that guy that rubs me the wrong fucking way. Insufferable, intolerable… I can think of a stronger word but even that’s too polite. “Callie!”


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