The Lycan Chronicles

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The Lycan Chronicles Page 42

by Schroeder, Brent

  “Why? I’m busy with the bills, is it that important?”

  “There’s a bunch of weird people out there. Check it out!”

  “I don’t see anything,” Joe said, trying to see out the window through the reflection in the glass. “But, I’ll go have a look if it makes you happy… and shuts you the fuck up.”

  Joe pulled a pistol from the swell of his back, checking the clip, sliding it back in and cocking it, before putting it back. He walked outside to check things out and Maximilian greeted him at the door.

  “Are you the owner of this fine eating establishment?” Max politely asked.

  “Who’s askin’?”

  “Well, I’m Max and those are my two rigs. Those are my guys and they’ve been on the road for a long time and we’re real hungry. Can my friends and I come in and get something to eat?” he asked, in his friendliest voice. “I feel, we need to be invited, since there are so many of us and we just showed up out of nowhere.”

  “Sure, we’re open all night,” replied Joe, casting a curious glance, at one of Max’s crew. “Hey, you don’t look like any truck driver I’ve ever seen… but you’re more than welcome to come in, all of ya. Where are your friends?”

  The thunder hit once more, flashing a bright beam of lighting and Joe saw all of the Vampires that have encircled his diner.

  “Thanks for the invitation,” said Max. “You heard him, guys… you’re invited in.”

  Maximilian looked at Joe and smiled, baring his fangs. Joe was about to grab for his gun, but Max was already on him, sinking his teeth into his neck and ripping the flesh from his back, with his nails.

  Everyone in the diner saw this and they all jumped from their booths and chairs, most of them now holding firearms in their grips. The Vampires smashed through the windows of the diner, feeding on the first person within reach. Some patrons tried to run and escape, but they were easily caught and torn apart on the spot. Bikers and truckers, alike, began blasting from their guns, filling the place with bright gunfire and smoke; the screams began to drown out the noise.

  The screaming and shooting only lasted for a few minutes, before everything fell silent in the diner. The inside of the restaurant was covered in blood and pieces of torn flesh. The stools at the counter, tables and booths, were all splashed and dripping with fresh blood. All that was left in the truck stop were dead bodies, covered with empty shell casings.

  The Vampires quietly left and they returned to the backs of the two trucks, hanging by their feet like bats, all in a row, with blood dripping from their mouths; they all closed their eyes with satisfied looks on their faces. The drivers started the trucks, pulling away from the diner and onto the highway. They pulled over and Max jumped out, walking back towards the diner. He lifted the nozzle to the gas pump and began spraying everything with gasoline, inside and out. He walked back to the truck and lit a road flare, tossing it high into the air, towards the gas pumps. Once it hit the ground, the gasoline ignited and the pumps exploded, leveling the place in one huge ball of flames, as the trucks pulled away, heading for Wolf Creek, with plenty of fuel to get them there.

  The Baron ordered one more stop, before arriving in Wolf Creek. The driver in the leading vehicle looked down at the address that was scribbled onto a piece of the paper: 319 Johnson Street, South Bend, Indiana--Brittney Jones. The driver had no idea what the Baron wanted with this woman, but he followed his orders without question.

  Two hours down the highway, the trucks passed by Notre Dame, home of the Fighting Irish and they located the two story house on Johnson Street; it was a little old and in need of some paint, but the grass was nicely mowed.

  Max and the drivers jumped out of the trucks, releasing the back doors. A few Vampires hopped down out of the trailers and they followed the sidewalk leading up to the house, while two of the Vampires went around back and set it on fire. The flames began to pick up after a few minutes and the smoke detectors started going off inside of the house. It was only a few seconds after that, when the lights all came on and screams were heard coming from inside. Two people came running out, Brittney and her husband, Howard; a balding, middle-aged man, in his underwear. Max grabbed Howard by his neck and snapped it like a twig, effortlessly tossing his body to the side. Before Brittney could see what was going on, Max grabbed her by the back of her head, looking directly into her eyes and she quickly fell under his spell, glamoured.

  “Get into the back of the truck.”

  Without saying a word, Brittney walked, in a trance-like state, getting up into the back of the trailer, no longer noticing that her house was going up in flames. Max walked back over to Howard’s body, picked it up and tossed it through the front window of the burning house, causing a back draft that blew a wave of monstrous flames, consuming the home within minutes. He got back into the trailer and the two trucks roared off… heading due south.


  Chapter Sixty-Five

  Wendy rolled the window down, letting her long, brown hair blow in the wind, as JD sped down the highway in their black SUV full of their belongings, leaving just enough room for Nanook to squeeze into the back. She drifted back to the days when things were good and the reality of what was happening began to sink in… she realized that those days were now over. Wendy knew that she needed to prepare herself mentally for a life on the run and she decided that this was a good time to talk.

  “Do you have a plan, once we get to Louisiana?”

  “I do,” JD said, not saying anything more.

  “Well, would you like to share it with me, then?”

  JD thought about it for a few seconds and then he spoke.

  “Wendy, you know I don’t like to bring up the past and there are a lot of things that I’ve never told you,” he began. “Back when the group caught the Lycanthrope, we had no control over our actions. We killed a lot of helpless settlers and there was nothing we could do to stop ourselves, once we transformed,” he explained to her. “We had an Indian with our group, who took us to someone that was able to help… a voodoo witch. She lives deep in the swamps of Louisiana and she was said to have a cure for us.”

  “Well, it doesn’t look like she did,” Wendy said, cracking a smile. “Well, she did help, actually. She cast a spell on us, so that we would keep our human thoughts after the transformation. And with

  that, we learned how to transform without the full moon. We were no longer Werewolves, we became Lycans.”

  “Do think she’s even still alive?”

  “She was over eight hundred years old, when she helped us, so yeah, I think so,” JD said, with a smile.

  “How’s she going to be able to help us? Can she use a spell to pick off a few Vampires for us, or something?”

  “I doubt that, Wendy, but who knows. I was hoping she could perform some type of spell that would help us hide. A cloaking device of some sort, maybe.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her,” Wendy said, while dreading the thought of slugging through swamplands.

  The Baron and all of his Vampires were asleep in the backs of the trucks, hidden in the thick woods, off the main road in Wolf Creek. One of the drivers had his binoculars out and he could see the people moving about the streets. It appeared that a lot of people were leaving town; many of the cars and trucks heading out of town were filled with boxes. There was a run on the town’s bank, as everyone was cashing out and fleeing. The cars were leaving in droves, but there were a lot of folks who felt that the Baron would be reasonable with them and work out a new deal. They didn’t want to give up their homes that they’ve lived in for so long and some of them really had nowhere else to go… so, they stayed and prayed for the best.

  The truck drivers finally put their heads down and shut their eyes; it was the first chance they’ve had to sleep, after popping speeders and driving for two straight days.

  JD and his group had crossed the border into Louisiana and traveled across most of the state, until the
y reached a town that was close to their destination, just as the sun was rising; it had been a long drive and they were all very tired.

  “We need some rest and I need a shower,” JD said to Wendy. “We’ll pull into this motel and get some sleep.”

  He pulled off the highway, into the parking lot of a cheap motel and everyone in the vehicles began to slowly file out, stretching their legs. The younger ones walked over to join the group that was gathering near JD and Nate, to see what the plan was.

  “Everyone, wait here,” JD told the group. “I’ll get us some rooms. I want everyone to get something to eat and get some rest.”

  He walked into the motel lobby to get their rooms, but there was no one behind the desk, so JD rang the bell a couple of times. After a couple rings and a few minutes later, an old man came out from the back room, obviously awakened.

  “What can I do for you?” the man groggily asked, scratching his butt.

  “I need seven rooms, please and we’ll be staying for a couple days.”

  “That’ll be fine… that’s fifty dollars a room a night.”

  “No problem, I’ll pay for two nights in advance,” JD said, pulling out a wad of hundreds. He peeled off some bills, giving them to the old man behind the counter.

  “Thank you, here are the keys to your rooms… they’re all next to each other.”

  “Perfect, have a nice day, sir,” JD said, thanking him.

  “Where you all headed? Fishing trip, or something?”

  “Or something,” JD replied, with a smile. “We’re going to visit an old friend.”

  He turned and made his way back out to the parking lot, handing out keys to everyone, before they all moved towards their rooms. JD and Wendy grabbed a few bags and slowly made it across the parking lot and into their temporary homes, before unpacking a few things and getting cleaned up.

  Wendy was getting dressed from her shower, when JD picked up the phone and dialed Nate’s room. “I want everyone to wait here,” he said, when he picked up. “I’m going into the swamps. Everyone should be safe here, for a couple days. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

  “Is Leon supposed to call us, when the Baron gets into town?”

  “Yes, but I’m not going to count on that. He might not get the chance. And, if for some reason, I don’t come back… please take care of everyone for me.”

  “You know I will,” Nate answered. “I’ll keep everyone safe.”

  “Good,” replied JD. “Start showing everyone how to use those weapons, in case it comes down to a fight… and I think it will.”

  “You can count on me,” Nate assured him. “Weapons training, 101.”

  JD laughed and hung up the phone. He spent the next half-hour making love to his wife, before shutting the motel room door behind him and stepping out on his way. He threw some firewood and a stack of old newspapers into the back of his truck and then he was off. He traveled for about an hour, until he came to a fork in the road, taking a right turn… lucky for him, not much has changed in this part of the country.

  Looking around, JD began noticing a few familiar things, seeing a few landmarks that he remembered from before. He spotted a familiar road that was overgrown with grass and tall weeds, as he turned and followed it, deep into the woods, until some Ash Trees of Life that were drooping over the trail blocked the path. JD parked his truck and he made a fire using some of the wood he’d brought with him. Once the fire got going, he threw in the newspapers and grabbed an old Indian blanket. For the next hour, he fanned the blanket, making smoke signals, in attempt to make contact with the swamp. He was about to quit, when he heard a faint creaking sound coming from the trees. JD stopped and listened closer, as the sounds got louder and one by one, the trees began standing up, straight, revealing a hidden path along the swamplands. Hopping back into his truck, he drove through, following the beaten path, as it turned and twisted through the lush swamp. It was dark and not a single ray of sunlight broke through the trees, but in the reflection of his headlights, JD could see hundreds of beady, black alligator eyes watching him from the waters. Thankfully, sections of the swamp had dried up over the years and JD’s vehicle was able to reach the end of the path, near the voodoo lady’s home.

  The memories came flooding back, as JD looked the place over. The farmhouse had long since crumbled, but the main house was still there, along with a couple more small buildings. The door to the front porch slowly opened and a very attractive, young black woman stepped out with two pit bulls on leashes. She was short, with flowing black hair and a very mystical appearance… you could almost see her aura glowing.

  “May I speak with your grandmother, dear miss?” JD asked her, as she approached. “She is the one that I wish to speak with.”

  “You can speak to her, but it will have to be through me. My name is Amelia Black,” the young lady greeted. “My family was killed many years ago, by some witch hunters… the Anderson family,” Amelia told him, as he intently listened. “They left the safety of the swamps in search of ingredients for potions and they were murdered by those evil men. And, I already know who you are, JD,” Amelia said, surprising him. “My great grandmother spoke very highly of you and said to expect you someday. I was instructed to help you to the best of my abilities,” she went on to explain. “I am quite powerful and I’m not as young as I look. I have many years of knowledge and my family’s powers have been transferred to me upon their passing… I now possess the strength of four.”

  “That is terrible news, Amelia,” JD sincerely replied. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I fed those Anderson bastards through a wood-chipper awhile back,” he said, putting a smile on Amelia’s face. “But now, I have a very serious problem and I will need your help, if you would, please.”

  “I know you killed the Andersons…. and I know that you attacked the Baron’s Castle, as well,” said Amelia. “I see that didn’t turn out so well.”

  “How did you know about that?”

  “I saw the visions, JD. I still speak with my elders. They have delivered me instructions and told me of a way to save you from the Vampires.”

  “You can stop the Baron?” JD replied, unbelieving.

  “Yes, but I can’t do it by myself,” Amelia explained. “I will need some help.”

  “Sure, anything.”

  “You have a girl with you who goes by the name of Whisper Winds,” Amelia went on. “She has undiscovered powers and I can awaken them. But, I will need her beside me.”

  “Yes, she’s with us. Her father was killed in England.”

  “I know,” Amelia said again. “JD, I’m sorry to tell you this, but the Baron showed your men no mercy… he had them impaled, in front of his castle….”

  “Please, I don’t want to know anymore,” he interrupted. “Is there any hope for the people who stayed behind in Wolf Creek?”

  “I am afraid not. You warned them and that was all you could do.”

  “Is there a possible way to defeat the Baron?” JD asked in desperation. “Please, tell me you know of something.”

  “Get your people and be back in the morning,” Amelia instructed him. “And, I will make preparations.”

  Chapter Sixty-Six

  “Everyone, out of the trailer!” Maximilian shouted into the back of one of the trucks. “We have business to conduct!”

  After the Vampires flew out of the trailers, they all formed in orderly rows, facing the Baron.

  “You are going into that town and you will kill anyone who is still living there!” ordered Max. “Man, woman and child… leave no one alive! Also, see if you can extract any information, as to JD’s whereabouts!”

  “Leon,” the Baron called over, “show Max and I where the club is located.”

  “Yes, my lord, right this way.”

  Dave’s Grill was full of people and everyone was drinking and having a carefree time, when the gasoline bombs were thrown onto the roof. The fire spread quickly, filling the place with smoke and send
ing the frightened patrons screaming out the front door, right into the arms of the awaiting Vampires. One by one, each person was snatched up, sliced or bit and then drained of all their blood.

  Dave saw what was happening outside, grabbing his double-barrel shotgun, stepping outside just in time to see his waitress, Jessie, being attacked by one of the Vampires. He cocked both barrels and let the killer have it with one of the wooden bullets, blowing him up into ball of fiery pieces, on contact, while Jessie ran for cover.

  “You dirty bloodsuckers!” Dave screamed, as he spun around to let another bullet fly, taking out one more in a bloody, fiery spectacle. Jessie stuck close to Dave, as he cracked open his shotgun, popping out the two empty shells and loading two more.

  “You alright?” he asked the girl. “Get behind me and I’ll protect you.”

  “Okay,” Jessie said back, her voice sounding a little strange. “But, who’s going to protect you?”

  Dave heard the change in her voice, but before he had a chance to respond, Jessie suddenly sprouted her own set of Vampire fangs and leaped onto his back, savagely ripping into the exposed flesh of Dave’s neck, already feeding for her first time. The restaurant owner dropped his weapon and fell to the pavement, as freshly-turned girl continued to feed, hungrily chewing and sucking away.

  People ran and screamed, as the Vampires set fire to the entire town, igniting, building to building, driving the people out of their homes to their very own demise. They were killed without mercy and their bodies were thrown back into the burning houses, where they once lived. Not a single soul escaped the attack, both Vampires and humans, alike; the Baron wanted only the English Vampire bloodline to remain and any undead resident residing in Wolf Creek was brought to an abrupt end.

  Jessie wiped the blood from her mouth and gathered next to a small group of Vampires, thinking she was one of them now. She looked up at one of her new brothers and he looked back. Without blinking, the Vampire grabbed her by the back of her hair and ripped her head off with one hard tug, letting her decapitated body crumble to the ground, as burst into flames. The Vampire held up the girl’s head, just as it began to burn, to show the laughing group, before tossing into one of the burning homes.


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