Down & Dirty: A McCray Crime Collection

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Down & Dirty: A McCray Crime Collection Page 42

by McCray, Carolyn

  Whirling around, the woman froze in place when she spotted Stavros. She looked him up and down thoroughly, slapping the crop against the top of her boot as she did so.

  “And what, exactly, do we have here? You certainly look like a naughty boy who deserves to be punished.”

  * * *

  “Josh, are you all right?” Allie was still in the comforting friend mode. His laughing must have looked a bit like hysteria to her. Maybe it was.

  He straightened up and tried to calm down, but the laughs just kept coming.

  “You…you…you think I’m…”

  “What is it? What can I do for you?” The earnest look on Allie’s face just set Josh off into another bout of laughter. He made a valiant effort to bring himself under control.

  “I…you…I’m not…I’m not gay.”

  “Wait. What? But you…Are you sure? I mean, it’s totally okay if you are, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Josh replied, finally getting his giggling under wraps. “And I’m not sure, but I think my parents would be okay with it, too. I have an uncle who was. He died of AIDS when I was little, but his partner still comes to family reunions.”

  Thinking about his uncle caused the rest of the mirth to leave him. His uncle had been an actor on Broadway. Josh still remembered seeing him in Sweeney Todd when he was just six years old. It had been one of the coolest nights of his life.

  “Soooo…” Allie’s face was going through more expressions than Josh could follow. “You’re not gay?”

  “Nope. Not gay. Just Mormon.”

  “What?” Allie was clearly very confused.

  “I’m guessing that you think I’m gay because I don’t date much. And maybe because I haven’t put the moves on you? Well, I’m hoping that’s why, anyway.”

  Allie nodded her head in assent, still looking like she was trying to catch up. “You do realize that using a phrase like ‘put the moves on’ isn’t helping your case much?”

  “I know. I’m a total dork.” Josh tried to grin at her, but instead, his hands just flailed around in search of a gesture. Maybe he could explain. “Look, it’s just a Mormon thing. I know it’s weird, but we don’t have sex before we’re married. And I…well, I kinda have a hard time controlling myself around you, for some strange reason.”

  Allie blushed. She blushed!


  Josh kicked at the dust in front of him. “So…yeah. This just got awkward, didn’t it?” He had said too much, too fast. The fact that she had thought he was gay because he hadn’t tried anything with her didn’t mean she wanted him to.

  Allie shook her head, her forehead scrunched up. “Hold on a sec. Nevaeh’s Mormon, isn’t she?”

  “Um, yeah, she’s in my ward.” Then, off of Allie’s confused look, Josh clarified. “It’s what we call a congregation.”

  “Okay, whatever.” Definitions of Mormondom were apparently not what she was looking for. “But everyone knows that she’s sleeping with her boyfriend. And by everyone, I mean everyone.”

  “Right. Well, she’s a bishop’s daughter.” Allie just stared at him. “Sorry. Mormon joke. Okay, here’s the deal. We’re all just trying to do the best we can. I don’t know Nevaeh’s story. I just know mine.”

  “So you’re really not gay?”

  “I’m really not gay.”

  And then a lightbulb seemed to go on in Allie’s head. “Oh no. Oh no. You…I…I’m so sorry. You must feel awful.”

  Josh tried to force out a chuckle. It ended up coming out as more of a cough. “Well, I’m not feeling particularly masculine right now, that’s true.”

  “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.” Allie’s hands were on either side of her cheeks, her expression horrified.

  “You don’t have to apologize. You can’t help it that I’m a little…”

  “No, Josh, no,” Allie jumped in. “You’re not. Not at all.”

  “Okay…” Well, that was good to know. But if it wasn’t that, what had made her go there? He looked into her eyes, searching for an answer there. “So…?”

  Allie dropped her eyes for a moment. When she lifted them back up to meet Josh’s, there were tears glimmering there. She shook her head, her mouth an angry line.

  That was the last reaction Josh had expected. And not at all what he wanted. Man, he was just messing up left and right here.

  “Whoa. Hey, it’s all right. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

  But that just increased Allie’s frown. She heaved a big sigh and wiped her hand across her eyes.

  “I know that. You’re like the most polite person I’ve ever met. Ever. Sometimes you’re so polite I almost want to scream.” She looked up and must have seen Josh’s reaction in his face, because she waved her hands and continued. “No, in a good way. It’s just…My dad was…is…like that, too. Kind. Gentle.”

  Josh backed up a step. “Wait. The dad who left you and your mom? The one you call the deadbeat?”

  “He’s not. Not really. Not like that, anyway. I guess I just say stuff like that to keep people from asking questions.”

  Allie seemed to be working her way up to telling him something, but Josh could see that it was costing her. She was pacing back and forth and playing with the ends of her hair. Josh had only seen her do that when she was really upset about something.

  “Hey.” Josh stepped in front of her to get her to stop for a second. “Whatever this is, whatever you want to tell me…It’s okay. There’s not a thing you can say that would make me think bad of you.” He crossed his index finger over his heart and grinned at her. “Promise.”

  When Allie lifted her gaze to meet his, it was like Josh could see her whole soul in her eyes. She seemed like a little girl who was hurt and afraid and needed someone to give her a hug.

  So he did.

  It wasn’t like he thought about it. If he had, he probably wouldn’t have had the guts to do it. But when he wrapped his arms around her, he could feel her stiffen for a brief second, and then she suddenly melted, her shoulders shaking as she tried to keep from sobbing.

  If someone had asked Josh at that moment what he was feeling, there would have been no way for him to put it into words. It was the strangest combination of sadness for Allie’s obvious pain, elation and excitement that she was in his arms, and the kind of tenderness he might feel for something precious and defenseless.

  After several long moments, Allie managed to get herself under control and pulled back from the embrace. Josh couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss as she moved away from him, straightened her back and squared her shoulders. It was almost like she was girding herself up for battle. She looked straight at him.

  “My dad’s gay.”

  * * *

  Well, this was awkward. Keaton did what he could to stay out of Lacresha’s way most of the time. To be honest, the six-foot-one dominatrix scared the bejeebers out of him. And now, they had managed to interrupt her in the middle of a session with not one, but two of her regular clients.

  Keaton made the uncomfortable realization that he might have to return someone’s money. That was so not okay.

  Stavros circled the room, pulling random weapons off the walls. From what Keaton could tell, he now had a bullwhip, a leather collar with spikes attached to it, and some other odd items that Keaton would rather not attempt to identify.

  And Lacresha was eyeing Keaton in a way that made him more than a little bit nervous. He was starting to feel like the main entrée at some kind of sadistic luau.

  “So,” the dominatrix drawled. “There’s a killer on the loose, is there? And poor little old Keaton needed to come down and get Lacresha’s help?”

  “No, no. That’s not it…” Keaton caught the steel that appeared in the woman’s eyes and quickly changed tacks. He turned to Stavros. “Actually, dude, she might be a good addition. You should see what she can do with clamps.” Keaton shuddered, trying to get the image out of his head.

  “I’d say that it wa
s too dangerous,” Stavros responded, “but to be honest, there’s no guarantees for anyone in this entire complex.” He broke off for a moment and looked Lacresha up and down. “Besides, she looks like she can handle herself. Let’s go.”

  The dominatrix cracked her neck on either side and stretched out her shoulders. “Okay, boys, where to? Front entrance?”

  Keaton shook his head. “No. We’re locked in. Can’t get out.”

  “What about the club?”

  Stavros jerked his head up at that. “Club? There’s an exit through the club?”

  “Of course,” Lacresha replied. “Keaton didn’t tell you?”

  His eyes swiveling over to bore into Keaton’s, Stavros growled a response. “No. No, he didn’t.”

  “Hey, hey, hey. It wasn’t on purpose. I just forgot,” Keaton managed.

  “Forgot. You forgot one of the exits to your own house.”


  Stavros pinched the bridge of his nose, his knuckles whitening to the point that Keaton was sure the man was going to break his cartilage. He took several deep breaths, then locked eyes with Keaton, his well-shaped but still masculine eyebrow arching in a clear question.

  “Okay, okay,” Keaton answered. “It’s just that there was so much left to show you—”

  “I think I’m going to kill you.” Stavros’s tone was level and without any apparent anger. “Not now. But soon. Soon, Keaton. And I will take my time.”

  “Mmmm. Can I watch?” the dominatrix purred.

  Stavros shook his head. Was that a tiny smile Keaton saw there? It must have been his imagination. The tall man looked at the group.

  “All right. Let’s move out. Keaton, lead the way.”

  Lacresha stepped forward and slapped her riding crop against her thigh-high boots. “Sorry, boys. My slaves are going first. We’re going to make the most of this little excursion. C’mon, you maggots, get going. Move.” Her voice lashed out on the last word, causing the two grown men to cower before her and scuttle to the front of the group.

  Tapping her crop against her cheek, the dominatrix stalked behind her clients, a large jungle cat stalking her prey. The two men stepped out into the stairwell and began climbing the steps that led up to the main level of the Hive.

  Keaton had started to move in behind Lacresha when the client who was slightly out in front, the one with the ball gag still in his mouth, tripped over something. He stood up, brushing himself off, just in time to have his head caved in by what looked like a large bowling ball swinging on a rope from the ceiling.

  Three more of the deadly pendulums followed close on the heels of the first, one of them bashing into the other client’s shoulder and sending him crashing down the stairs into Lacresha’s arms, his arm hanging, limp, against his side.

  Stavros waiting only long enough for the swinging globes to lose their crippling momentum before he darted in to place his fingers against the neck of the first client. After a moment, he stood up, shaking his head.


  Well, that was one less return Keaton was going to have to make.

  * * *

  It was out there now.

  Allie wasn’t sure how to feel about it, but there was no way to take back her words. And Josh had a right to know why it was that she had leapt to her conclusion.

  Question was, how was he going to respond? Josh was pretty religious. He was also a guy. And, while Allie’s feelings about her father were far from straightforward, he was still her dad. She loved him.

  “Oh.” Josh uttered. Then he didn’t say anything.

  Allie’s heart sank. This was the reason she never talked about it. She didn’t want this kind of reaction. To be honest, she wasn’t sure what kind of response would be okay. But it wasn’t this one. Then Josh spoke again.

  “Oh. You thought…he was…I didn’t…” Josh stopped, then grinned at her. “Sorry. First things first. I don’t care that your dad’s gay. Well, I mean, I care, but I don’t care, you know?”

  And even though what he was saying didn’t make much logical sense, Allie’s heart leapt back up into her chest. She might not get exactly what Josh was saying, but at least he wasn’t getting all offended or judgmental. Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad.

  “It doesn’t bother you?”

  “No. Look, I might not totally get it, but I don’t really have to, do I? He’s your dad. You love him. He’s gotta be pretty great to have a daughter like you.”

  Allie felt her face flush in response to the compliment. Talking about it released a tightness inside her that she hadn’t known she was holding on to. It felt…weird, but pretty awesome.

  “Thanks, Josh. He is, you know. Great.” She kicked a mound of dust at her feet, sending particles swirling up in a cloud around her ankles. “I miss him.”

  “Yeah.” Josh was quiet for a moment, then continued. “You can talk to me about him, if you want. You know, whenever you want. Or not. No pressure either way.” He chuckled and gave her a lopsided smile. “So, just to be clear…you don’t think I’m…prissy, or whatever?”

  Allie groaned, all of the embarrassment that Josh must have been feeling landing solidly on her shoulders. “Josh…no. Not at all. I’m so sorry you thought that. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

  “Well,” Josh said. “I was really enjoying dancing with you.”

  A flush ran up Allie’s body, starting from her toes and ending at her face. “Really?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Josh coughed and hung his head a bit. “I’m kinda shocked that you couldn’t tell, to be honest. I thought I was an open book.”

  “Hm.” She might not have any idea how to do it, but Allie was going to do her best to flirt with this amazing guy in front of her. “Maybe I’m just not a good reader. Know anyone that could tutor me?”

  Josh choked. Was it working? “Well…I could help you out with that, maybe. I’ve been known to help struggling students from time to time.”

  “Perfect.” Allie grabbed Josh’s hand and started dragging him back to the club entrance, tsking at herself. Time to put her ego on the line and just go for it. “Dude. What’s my mom gonna say when I tell her I might have a Mormon boyfriend?”

  She glanced back over her shoulder and watched as his jaw dropped.

  This was the best night ever.

  * * *

  Stavros scanned the hallway ahead, paying close attention to the floor. Twice now, the traps had been triggered by a wire stretched across their paths. He was not going to get suckered again.

  Behind him, as close as he could get without tripping Stavros up, Keaton hovered, a constant stream of words flowing from his mouth.

  “Good. This is good. No problem. We’ve lost a few workers, but no one essential. We’ll come back and regroup tomorrow. For now, we’ve got a plan. We’re headed to the club, we’ll grab all the X there, then we’ll get out. Then, after that—”

  Stopping dead in his tracks, Stavros felt the little man bump into him. Stavros turned around slowly, pinning Keaton with his glare.

  “What did you say?”

  Something in Stavros’s tone must have alerted the micro-preneur, as he started hyperventilating. “Ah. Nothing. Just that we were getting out. You know.”

  “The X. About the X.”

  “Oh,” Keaton burbled. “Yeah. We’ll grab the X that I keep in there. You know, for the clubbers.”

  Stavros’s jaw tightened, all of the rage bubbling up inside of him concentrated in that one tiny little muscle. He whispered, not trusting his voice right at the moment.

  “You had X. And you made me follow you around to all of those…You had X.”

  “No, no, no!” Keaton countered. “Well, yes, technically. But that X is for the club. It wasn’t available.” Seeing the ever-increasing frown on Stavros’s face must have given Keaton pause, because his tone changed. “At the time. Now, of course, it’s all yours. All of it.”

  Stavros held up a hand. “Don’t talk. Stop.

  “Oh, yeah, totally. Got it.” Stavros glared at him again and Keaton shut his lips tight, and mimed locking his mouth with a key and throwing it away.

  This headache was never, ever going away, was it?

  Moving out once more, Stavros growled to the group.

  “Stay alert. Watch out for traps.”

  It was time to get the hell out of here.

  * * *

  Had she just said “boyfriend”? Had she really just said “boyfriend”?

  This night had been like some kind of bizarre yo-yo, yanking him up, pulling him down, jerking him sideways. But, at this moment, he could not care less.

  Allie was thinking of him as a possible boyfriend. There was not a single thing that was more important than that deliciously delectable thought. This was the kind of thought that might just help him get through two years of no dating on his mission.

  Josh was doing what he could to wrap his head around the concept when he realized there was something off. Allie swung the door to the club wide and pulled them both back into the darkness of the converted garage. Josh was halfway expecting the attendant girl to make them pay to get back in, when what was wrong entered into the forefront of his brain.

  The music had stopped.

  Paying closer attention, Josh noticed even more somethings were wrong. There was no attendant here, demanding money or otherwise. She was nowhere to be seen. Neither was anyone else. Lights still strobed from around the corner where the dancing was, but that was it. There was no other indication that anyone was here at all.

  Josh and Allie stared at each other, each one reading the concern on the other’s face. Finally, Josh broke the eerie silence.

  “It’s not late enough for the club to be shut down, right?”

  “I don’t think so. Maybe it got busted?”

  “Yeah, maybe,” Josh responded. But honestly, what self-respecting cop would come out this far to break up a rave? Oh, dance festival, right. He looked into Allie’s face, watching the lights reflect off the side closest to the corner that led to the dance floor. “Do we go in?”


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