Brolach (Demon #1)

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Brolach (Demon #1) Page 4

by Marata Eros

  “Fool,” Lucas said and his angry exhale scalded a path across the wound he'd just laid on Damon. He spared a glance at his minion. “She is but a slip of a girl. And your blooded kin. Could you do nothing?”

  Damon began to bleed out of his mouth, it opened and closed like a fish out of the sea. Dark blood welled from his nose and fell into rivulets that poured down his face.

  Lucas turned away in disgust. Let him heal human-slow, he thought, for I have more important things to tend to. Like angelic pussy wrapped in a demon shell.

  When he turned his attention back to the girl, her hand was not pierced and bleeding, but glowing with a white light that stung and burned Lucas' eyes. He shrieked into the confines of the entryway to hell as Ruby's hand curled around the handle made of halos.

  The razors had bowed to her blood, they lay flat against its surface, like a cat's fur rubbed to lay down. Unruffled and perfect, she threw the door open and fled outside as Lucas recovered from the blinding heat of the interaction.

  Apparently, her angelic blood aided her escape. After all, angels were not part of below. But neither were demons allowed to be above. A mixed-breed? He did not know how they would fare.

  The demon female effectively had no home, welcome neither below nor above.

  But she could be kept below, of that Lucas was sure. He wiped his eyes free of the leaking as though fire lived there. When he was rid of it all and could see again, he turned to the door and saw that it was now closed. The halos softly glowed in blue-white brilliance, the residual touch of angel lighting them from within, centuries later.

  Lucas reared back his head and howled his fury into the chamber and it bled all the demon's ears who heard it. They plunged to their knees wherever they were, their tasks forgotten to the pain-induced rage of the right hand of the devil.

  Lucas dropped his hands and assumed his human form. He could do nothing for the ruddiness of his complexion. He was full demon and he would barely be within human norms. But he must get the female.

  For her insolence... her blood.

  For breeding.

  For all those reasons. He was demon so he did not have to embrace the greatest reason of all.


  For pride was a sin, but only if you were from above. If you were from below, it was a virtue.

  Lucas went forward, his hand latching onto the halo. He welcomed the pain as the razors sliced through his skin, searing and burning.

  Branding him for what he was.

  He tore the door open and of course, the female was nowhere to be seen.

  The halo barbed his flesh and Lucas hissed in agony. There was naught other he could do.

  He tore his hand off the halo and kicked the door closed behind him, leaving Damon to his slow healing as punishment.

  Lucas cradled his hand against his naked flesh. It resembled raw hamburger, the barbs having torn out large chunks of his flesh. Lucas would find something terrible and sinful to do and his skin would fill in, becoming whole once again.

  He would do this deed while he sought the demon female that dared to escape his kingdom. A pulse of dark warning beat inside his skull at that last thought and he kneeled on the ground where he stood.

  “Not my kingdom, my dark lord, but the one in which you allow me to govern.” Lucas stayed there on the earth of the human realm with his forehead pressed to the ground for a full minute and when the weighted evil lifted from his mind, he knew true penalty had passed him by.

  For now.

  He exhaled, shaken. It had been a near thing. A demon had best remember that even their musings hold the seeds of no mercy if they be against the dark lord.

  Lucas knew that he took no prisoners, only executions.

  The devil did not abide subterfuge, only everlasting death.



  Ruby became aware in jagged pieces of consciousness, her mind protecting her body, allowing only what she could handle to infiltrate her as she ran from that horrible place, every fiber of her being on alert to run, to scatter herself to the four corners of the earth.

  Instinctively, Ruby understood where she'd just been. She had felt the horror from her own father as he'd somehow taken them there together. Then her mind blew up the image of the horrible creature inside that stinking and heated place and she shuddered.

  Ruby knew hell when she saw it. And that's what that guy had been, hell. He hadn't been human. Sure, he'd looked human but he had horns, and red eyes, deep scarlet skin and was huge, like some kind of WWF guy without the fake. Yeah, there was nothing fake about that dude. He'd been real focused on her.

  Ruby stopped, bracing her palms on her knees, still in her ridiculous scrap of a costume. Her natural humor came and saved her sanity by a millimeter and a little laugh slipped past her lips, slightly hysterical but still- a laugh. Her costume was in tatters and out here in the open forest near Seattle, she felt a little like Jane of the jungle. Her tits and female bits were covered but so immodestly that there'd be no way she could go anywhere and not get an assload of attention.

  The kind of attention she didn't want.

  Ever again.

  Ruby looked around, trying to gauge where she was. She'd need supplies, more clothes. Something. Her stomach rumbled angrily at the lack of food and water in the last twenty-four hours. Ruby clamped down on her needs, telling her stomach to shut the hell up. It was about surviving. Finding clothes was the first priority. How long could she survive in 40 degree weather with a slutsuit from her exotic dancer job?

  The answer was simple: not long.

  And, she sure as shit couldn't go back to the dump and get her pack, though she wanted to go back to her home at the pier in the worst way. It's where she'd been hidden and safe. It's where she felt at ease. By the sea.

  Ruby began to walk again, instinctively honing in on where the ocean was. If she could just get back there, where no one knew she lived but her, then she could get some food, grab clothes and a shower. She bit her lip, rolling it inside her mouth and biting hard. The pain brought her back to center, because God knew, she needed something to keep her awake. Away from that fine line of hysteria that roamed unheeded in the corners of her mind.

  It wasn't every day a girl went to hell and lived to talk about it.

  Ruby walked through the woods and after about a half mile or so, came to a strip of black pavement and a sign that read, Seattle waterfront, 5 miles.

  Ruby's head hung... 5 miles. That was too long for her to walk in the cold, at night. Without food and water.


  She began to trudge on. One thing filled her mind, temporarily erasing the image of the enraged demon.

  Brolach. Ruby wanted to see him again. He'd made this horrible fire inside her feel quenched. He'd saved her.

  He'd also made her feel protected for the first time- alive.

  More than existing.




  Lucas hated being in the human realm. The scents were a muddled combination of the sheep of this plane mixed with the diverse nature of the place. Give him the fire and brimstone of the bowels of Hades any time and he was happy. Ecstasy came through simplicity. Something the humans could learn by.

  Lucas could not hop and lunge here either; miserably cold, he ran at a light jog, resting every ten minutes or so to allow his throbbing hand to rest. The miserable appendage did nothing but bleed and ache. He was in a rage he could not heal it because of his current location. He was even more livid that the she-angel had caused his torture. For the barbs sprouted as a second defense to protect.

  To protect one of their own. Even centuries after the dispatch of the angels slaying, the halos still struggled to protect those of like blood. Blood that the once-living weapons recognized as their own. Why those halo sentries had ignored her demon blood puzzled Lucas. It lent credence to the possibility of dual entry both below and above.

  Lucas was ten shades of pissed as he jogged,
then stopped, then ran some more. He was slow and klutzy. Yet... determined.

  He would have this female.

  Lucas almost missed the innocent ones who were camping. Then when he caught their scent his relief was profound, cloaking him. If he could but taste of the females, without their consent, then his hand would heal itself and their energy would bolster his own in this place that was not conducive to him. It was better to be half-demon amongst the humans instead of full. It was best to be full in Hades. But here, where the humans ruled, he had only mild influence. It was all that the demonic were allowed. It was excellent that so many humans were cooperative to the dark whispers so many of them murmured beside them.

  The mild autumn breeze that blew caused Lucas to shiver momentarily then his eyes took in how the wind bit and hollowed out the side of the two man tent that stood flanked by two huge evergreens. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of the cedar, rich and dank of the forest that ruled here- alive. Lucas hated that smell, it assaulted his nostrils, was an insult to them as well. But for the scent which rode underneath he would have turned away from the noxious burn.

  Females were in the tent.

  Ripe and ready for him to plunder. His hand gave an especially sharp pulse of writhing pain, the tendons and muscles jumping and moving with the struggle to heal outside of Hades.

  He needed this decadence. For without the task of sin against flesh, this wound would disallow his reign of terror against the female he sought. Lucas could not come against her without this advantage.

  Lucas moved toward the opening of the tent as his fingers met the cold metal of the zipper. It slid along its pathway, meeting the arc at the other side and he surveyed the interior where two women lay curled against one another.

  He had that moment of perfect clarity that only true silence and stillness of time can give.

  Then the screaming began.

  Lucas grinned and stepped inside the tent.

  He didn't bother with closing it.


  Heather's eyes popped open, sleep struggling to keep her like reluctant fingers. She was floating that in between; somewhere in the first two deep hours of sleep- where reality and consciousness are uncertain. That's why Heather didn't react quickly at first, her eyes trying to make sense of the creature that filled the soft entrance to their tent, a finger that appeared so dark a red it was a black stripe of color against the side of the hole he poured himself through.

  Because whatever he was, he was male. From her vantage point on the ground, his hanging genitalia looked like a large swinging and ominous pendulum of scarlet flesh. Heather knew instantly what he was before her vision cleared, the last vestiges of sleep sliding away to true wakefulness.

  Her lungs filled with the pure cold air that preceded the demon into the tent and she executed a shrill cry of warning, her girlfriend beside her, Trisha, sat up like a plank of wood, she looked around like a half-lit zombie and saw the huge male demon and her screams matched Heather's.

  “Quiet, human female,” he hissed, a tail rising behind him and brushing the interior roof of the tent. Trisha quieted, mesmerized like a cobra in front of a snake charmer.

  “Fuck you, demon,” Heather said in a voice low and full of warning, of preordained knowledge.

  “That can be arranged,” Lucas said in a smile.

  Heather's girl weekend roughing it had just gone from rough to harrowing. She bounced to her knees, smashing her palm into the demon's nose and heard a dull crunch. He swung and Heather fell backward from the momentum as the mark of his palm stung her cheek where he'd slapped her. It'd been a light slap, but it tripled her vision, the world inside the tent streaming in shades of gray.

  “Lie down, female,” he said to Trisha and she lay down.

  “Don't... fight him,” Heather said, her cheek swelling.

  Trisha stared at Lucas vacantly, then turned that empty stare to Heather and she shivered when her friend's personality fled eyes she knew so well. “I don't want to,” she said and moved to lie down.

  “Spread your legs, whore to the humans,” Lucas said and Trisha didn't just open her legs but parted them until her sex was open and pulsing for him.

  Heather began to cry then, on her side and helpless. Trisha was now in the middle of this. He was too strong, too evil... her unshakable faith had fled before his brutality.

  But God had other plans.

  The small necklace she wore at her throat began to heat, a manifestation of what she was. The cross, the size of half her thumbnail, burned in a pleasant heat. All that glorious blue-ish white light tried to bleed through the thin tee she wore over her naked breast, her panties bare to the beast in front of her.

  Lucas saved the one who would heal him for last, and turned his attention to the one who so easily would allow his penetration. Of course, she was one of decadence and would visit his home in time-- regardless. She was easy to defile.

  For she wished to be defiled.

  Lucas glanced at the one who still possessed a modicum of modesty, her large breasts cradled inside a thin dressing of white, her hot wetness disguised by a thin strip of material that kept it secret from the heat of his prying gaze. Partial consent would not be enough. The slut at his right who was spread in a wanton heap, her deep sex splayed for his tail to divide and plunder was under demonic thrall. If she had been in her right mind, it would be a pure rape, as it were, it would be a pale recompense- but a delight to plunge his member into something that could barely accept what he gave.

  The one to his left looked as though she would scream again and he clamped a hand over that beautiful mouth. She fought, and Lucas used his other hand to secure her wrists above her head even as his tail sought her companion’s heat.

  He found it easily and her hips rose to meet his phallus tip. It had been responsible for driving a multitude of demon females to the brink of insanity. Though both his phallus and demonic dick were self-lubricating, they were both close to a foot in length and as wide as his wrist.

  Not his problem. But only for his express pleasure.

  The human slut was caught up in her senseless lust, drawn out by his demon thrall and opened her legs wide to receive what he gave in her ignorance.

  She would not be ignorant for long.

  Lucas held the squirming one beneath him as he dipped the tip of his hot phallus inside her female companion. She writhed to accept this small first inch of him and cried out her pleasure inside the tent. Lucas smiled at the one beneath him, tears running to soak the hand that clasped her mouth as her wide eyes took in the fucking of her friend.

  Heather watched the thing stick a long, cylinder of deep red flesh into Trisha, her yelled warnings lost in the hot skin of the demon's hand that covered her mouth and held her down easily; Heather's squirming did nothing to dislodge him as she watched Trisha's hips rise to meet the long length of him.

  Then she began to fight, right on schedule, Lucas mused. “No... no, it's too much,” Trisha panted as half of him was buried into her wet folds. Her eyes widened as he pulled out what he'd put in.

  “You will take it, human... all of it,” Lucas stabbed his hot cock halfway inside the juicy slickness of her again and she yelled, the pain of his entry breaking through the artificial thrall he'd cast over her.

  Lucas groaned in pleasure as her body resisted his size. He bored in deeper and got impossibly harder when she shrieked at the agony of the twelve inches of him reached the end of her and he sighed at the encapsulation of him inside the partially willing female.

  The one beneath him tried to drive a knee into his erection and he fell on top of her as his tail tip pounded the rest of the way inside the female and she writhed to get away. Lucas began to pant, this is what he'd needed and there were no clothes to get in the way of his pleasure, to heal himself and take.

  And take some more.

  He let his tail work in and out of the female, driving that tip in and out of her, the tightness of her giving it up to his pounding. Fina
lly, he felt something give deep inside her and made his way in ever deeper; her legs spreading even wider, her body sliding against the sleeping blanket underneath her as he drove his length home again and again.

  He took his hand off the one beneath him, leaving her mouth to scream and readied his cock. She gave a blood curdling scream of defiance and the pendant underneath her shirt shone like a falling star. It blinded him as she bit his lip and blood splashed everywhere on her face.

  His blood.

  Lucas flinched at the sweetness of the pain but kept her wrists above her head with one hand and tore her shirt and panties with one talon, sternum to the succulent slit that split her thighs. The hard hanging length of him fitted just inside her like a honing device of flesh.

  The cross at her throat blazed impossibly brighter as Lucas began to press and deepen his length inside her.

  A warning buzzed at the back of his mind but Lucas was too far gone in his need to stop the driving of his appendages.

  A virgin, his mind breathed like a whisper of additional warning. The brightness of the necklace should have been something that alerted him.

  One he didn't heed.

  One he should have.

  His prick pierced her barrier and Heather yelled into his face to stop but his mouth was slack, his cock and phallus in love with the double penetration of the females who lay underneath him.

  Heather could hear Trisha's garbled senselessness as the demon who was raping her, took her friend as well. She had to trust in what she knew would happen, but it didn't halt her fear in the present.

  Her cross illuminated the one above her, his now icy blue-white gaze gone languid with his lust as he tore her virginity from Heather without a care. Her pleas went unheard.

  Yet, Heather did not make them to the one who thrust above her- into her-- but to heaven.

  Sometimes He did not answer as Heather would have Him.

  Yet, He was faithful.

  As the agony of entry ended, that burning penis married so deeply inside her Heather couldn't breathe, his huge size and her tight untried vagina screaming in protest at the invasion of him. Lucas gave a grunt as his tail tip released his hot load of demon seed inside of the whoring one, her scream of submission at accepting his essence echoing in his ears.


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