Wife Me, Alpha (Billionaire Boss Series)

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Wife Me, Alpha (Billionaire Boss Series) Page 1

by Sylvia Fox

  Wife Me, Alpha

  Billionaire Boss Series

  Sylvia Fox


  1. Becca

  2. Adrian

  3. Becca

  4. Adrian

  5. Becca

  6. Adrian

  7. Becca

  8. Adrian

  9. Becca

  10. Adrian

  11. Becca

  12. Adrian

  13. Becca


  Sneak Peek

  Also by Sylvia Fox

  Copyright © 2017 by Sylvia Fox

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Join the mailing list, Sylvia’s Foxy Ladies, and never miss a release!

  Sylvia’s Other Titles

  Boss Me, Alpha

  Drill Me, Sergeant

  Mentor Me, Professor

  Cock Me, Pilot

  Frisk Me, Officer

  Play Me, Coach

  Love Me, Cupid

  Service Me, Mechanic

  Ignite Me, Fireman

  ... with more coming soon!

  Created with Vellum



  The first day of a new job is always nerve-wracking for me, but it’s especially so when I walk in and find out my boss is the sexiest man in all of Manhattan. Maybe even the world. But then, to add to the nervous belly-ache, my boss is not only as hot as the sun, he’s a man I’ve very much met, one I certainly never expected to see ever again.

  It was two years ago and one drunken night in Vegas. The only one-night-stand I’ve ever had in all my twenty-four years of life…mostly because I found out I was pregnant three weeks later.

  Yep, that’s right. My new boss is the father of my babies.

  Babies he knows absolutely nothing about.

  Because the other thing about that night? We only ever exchanged first names. No numbers, no Facebook profiles, no nothing.

  Needless to say, my feet are frozen to the floor and my heart is pounding at the pace of a techno dance song.

  Adrian stands slowly from his desk when I enter his office, his eyebrows shooting to the top of a forehead that’s smooth and tanned even though he’s pushing forty. He’s aged extremely well, to say the least. His mouth drops open, accentuating the strong and manly shape of his stubbled jaw. So, he recognizes me, too, then. I wasn’t sure if he would. It was just one night a long time ago, after all, and he probably goes through women like he goes through taxi cabs. A new one every time he’s in need of a ride.

  “Becca.” He clears his throat and straightens his tie. It’s the same damn move he did when we met. I thought it was ridiculously sexy then, and I think it’s sexy now. Only now I’m so gobsmacked by running into him like this, at my first day at my big new job, that I don’t respond with a sexy little move of my own. Instead, I just gape at him.

  “I, ah…well, this is certainly a surprise,” he says when I continue to stare at him dumbfounded.

  Little does he know. Sure, when I got the job offer, I knew I was hired to be the personal assistant of the billionaire CEO, Adrian Michaels, but I never in a million years dreamed he would turn out to be my Adrian. Because that’s how I’ve thought of him these past two years. As mine. Because, in a way, he is. He’s my babies’ daddy, and I see him in their gorgeous dark brown eyes every single time I look at them. My own eyes are a bright and sparkling blue, so I know they got that from him.

  “Why don’t you sit down?” He gestures to the leather chair across from his desk, smoothing the front of his perfectly-pressed suit. Despite the fact that my whole body feels like breaking out into a run, Adrian doesn’t seem fazed at all. He seems calm, cool, and collected, the way he came across that night in Vegas. Like nothing in the world could ever get in his way. Not even his random one-night-stand walking through his door to work with him day in and day out as his new assistant.

  I perch on the edge of the chair, crossing my ankles and wishing I’d worn a longer skirt. My whole outfit feels far too revealing now that I’m sitting in front of Adrian. Even the slightest hint of my thighs seems like too much.

  Because he knows what my thighs look like. And I know what his chest feels like. I can remember every ridge, every curve, every dip in his muscles. He felt strong and powerful and rock hard as I caressed my fingers across his skin. And his chest wasn’t the only thing that was memorably hard.

  I swallow, still trying to find the words inside me to make this awkward moment go away. But “thank you” is all I can manage.

  His lips quirk. “Listen, Miss Silver. Or can I just call you Becca?”

  “Becca’s fine,” I say, even though I’m not sure it is. Something about it only reminds me of how he whispered my name as he made me come so hard that my ears rang from the loudness of my screams.

  “Good.” He sighs and shakes his head, that same easygoing smile donning his lips. “I know this is a little surprising for the both of us. Serves me right for not interviewing candidates myself, eh? But what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. I’m sure we can agree that there’s nothing stopping us from working together like responsible adults.”

  In any other circumstance, I’d say yes. If Adrian Michaels was merely a one-night-stand from my distant past, there’d be no reason at all why this had to stay so awkward. Well, maybe it would still be a little awkward, but I could get past it in time.

  But things aren’t that simple. I can’t say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Because Vegas followed me home in the form of two beautiful baby girls. And how the hell am I going to tell him that now, after all these years? Yes, he needs to know. I want nothing more than for my girls to have a father figure in their lives. But this isn’t something I can just blurt out. Especially not on my first day at a new job.

  I need to find the right time. The right words.

  “But,” Adrian continues with a frown when I don’t respond, “if you’d rather resign now that you know who it is you’ll be working for, I’ll understand.”

  “No,” I say, almost too quickly. Problem is, I need the job and the money that comes along with it. I’ve struggled to find a part-time position that would pay me well enough to take care of my girls, and I thought I’d hit the jackpot when I got the call with the offer. If I quit, I’ll never find something this good. The right hours, the right wages, the right location in the city.

  I thought it was too good to be true.

  Turns out, it is. But I can’t let this complication ruin things for me, not now.

  I’ll work for Adrian Michaels. And I’ll find a way to tell him that he’s the long-lost father of my babies. But for now, I just smile and nod, like nothing is the matter at all.



  My new personal assistant is Becca. My Becca. The girl I’ve been fucking pining after like a lovestruck teenager for the past two years of my miserable life. Is luck finally throwing me a pass, sending her my way after all this time? Or is it the opposite of that, some kind of twisted fate that throws what I’ve wanted for so fucking long right at my door, only to keep me from having her the way I really want.

  Because even though she’s here, I can’t do anything about it.

  I’m her new boss, and that means she’s off-limits, even though I’m the CEO of the whole company. I can’t mix business and pleasure. It’s a rule I’ve had for as long as I can remember, and it’s why I’ve gotten to where I am now. Fucking where you eat only leads
to trouble. I’ve seen my peers taken down because they screwed the wrong woman in their company and got slapped with a sexual harassment suit or god knows what else. Money gone, secrets shared.

  I can’t touch her. Not if I’m her boss.

  So, when I ask her if she wants to resign now that she knows I’m her boss, a part of me hopes she’ll say yes. Because then I can get her number and take her out on a real date just like I should have done two fucking years ago. And what’s more? She looks good. Really damn good. She looks even better than she did the day we met in Vegas. She was gorgeous then, but she’s practically glowing now. Her curves have filled out in all the right places, giving her the sexiest hourglass figure I’ve ever seen in my life.

  What I would give to bend her over my desk and take her as mine right here and now without worry of what the future would bring because she’s my new fucking assistant.

  Why the hell does she have to be my new assistant?

  Not that I let any of these thoughts get reflected on my face. As much as I want to tell her exactly how I feel, I don’t. That’s not who Adrian Michaels is.

  “No,” she says quickly, as if she’s afraid I’m going to rip the job right out of her long and slender fingernails, painted a luscious shade of red. There’s a hint of desperation in her voice that suggests she needs this job more than I first assumed. Which surprises me. From what I remember about Becca, I know she’s a smart girl. Capable and up to any task. She could do far better than working part-time for an asshole like me, answering phones and making coffee. Sure, this shit pays well, but the girl I met two years ago was on a fast track to becoming a damn good associate at a law firm.

  She smiles and nods. “Of course I want to keep the job. As long as you want me to stay, of course…”

  This is my chance to say no. To let her go because of the “conflict of interest” this would cause. Five minutes ago, I might have gone for it. Now? I can’t. Not when there’s even the slightest chance she needs this job as much as it seems. I care about her interests far more than my cock. For now, I’ll just have to keep my hands to myself.

  For now.

  “You are more than qualified for the position,” I say with a smile. “You’ll make an excellent assistant, and of course I’d love for you to stay. I just wanted to give you the exit option if you felt you needed it. It’s not every day you end up an employee of a Vegas fling.”

  She lets out a light laugh as if to ease the tension in the air. Because the air is thick with it alright. It bounces around like a fucking elephant in the room. There’s no denying my attraction for the woman. Any man in his right mind would want her with every fiber of his being. Her hair is long, blond, and full of wavy curls I could grip tight in my hands. Her big blue eyes are surrounded by the longest lashes in the world. And her curves. God, those curves. I wish she would stand up and turn around so I could get a real good look at her ass. I bet its big and round and just dying to be squeezed.

  But none of that.

  I’m Becca’s new boss, and I’ll have to act like it.

  “Good. That’s all settled then.” I straighten my tie, a nervous habit more than anything. It gives me something to do with my hands when they’re desperate to reach out and touch her skin. “Your desk, as I’m sure you’ve gathered, will be just outside my door. I’ll need you to answer my phone and screen my calls. Sometimes I don’t like to be disturbed, when I’d like to keep my moments private, as I’m sure you can imagine.”

  That came out sounding a lot dirtier than I intended, like I’m in here banging chicks instead of getting on with my work. Truth is, it’s been a long-ass time since I’ve enjoyed the curves of a woman, which might be why I’m finding this entire scenario more than a little difficult. Becca was my last fuck, as lame as it sounds. I’ve been so hung up on her since then that no one I’ve met could compare.

  And now here she fucking is.

  I’m starting to think fate has it out for me.

  “Of course.” Her smile falters, and I can see that her mind went exactly where mine did. I’m a billionaire CEO after all, and we have reputations. “Screen calls when it’s private time. I can do that.”

  “And,” I say, turning the subject onto something a little more mundane, “as much as I hate to say it, you’ll also be in charge of the coffee and lunch orders. I usually eat at my desk around noon unless I have a meeting, and my assistant tends to order takeout for me. That, or she goes and picks something up…”

  I hate this. It feels so wrong. The girl I’ve never been able to forget, grabbing my fucking lunch every goddamn day? It has to feel wrong to her, too.

  But, if it does, she doesn’t let on. “Got it. Coffee and lunch. Anything else I should know before I get started?”

  I’ve been thinking about you all this time. I want nothing more than to take you out on a date. You got into my head, and I’ve never been able to forget you no matter how hard I try.

  But instead of saying all that, I just shake my head. “No, that’s all for now.”



  After my morning shift, I head back home. My best friend and next door neighbor works a night shift bartending at the local pub, so she’s agreed to look after the twins during the day while I do my best to earn enough cash to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table.

  Carrie greets me at the door with her ever-present smile on her face and her hair in a messy bun. Carrie’s what I like to call naturally beautiful. She doesn’t have to try to look like a model straight off of a Times Square billboard. She just looks that way all on her own. No makeup, no fancy clothes, no blond highlights or hairspray. She just rolls out of bed, puts her hair in a bun, and looks fabulous.

  “How were they?” I ask as I stroll into my tiny one-bedroom apartment, expecting pure carnage to be plastered on the walls in the form of bright pink crayons. But everything looks bizarrely normal, which is a pleasant surprise.

  “They were two little angels,” Carrie says with a bright smile. “I thought they were supposed to be approaching the dreaded toddler stage at this point.”

  “Trust me,” I say with a laugh, “they have their moments.”

  “Well, luckily not this morning.” Carrie drops onto the couch and tucks her feet underneath her ballet-like body. “So, tell me all about your first day. What’s Mr. CEO like? Is he an old graying Harrison Ford or a young hunky Ryan Gosling?”

  “Neither.” I frown. Carrie knows all about my mysterious Vegas Adrian, of course. She heard all about him when I got back from my trip, and she’s been around through all of the surprising aftermath. Hell, she was even there when I took the pregnancy test, holding my hand and telling me everything would be okay. “More on the Ryan Gosling side of things but with much darker hair and much more Vegas, if you catch my drift.”

  “What, like an Elvis impersonator or something?” She presses her lips together and tries not to laugh. “Tell me he has massive sideburns. Oh, please say it’s true.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” With a sigh, I plop onto the couch next to her and meet her eyes. “My boss. His name is Adrian.”

  A flicker of confusion crosses her pixie features before realization dawns in the form of wide eyes and dropped chin. “Wait a minute. You aren’t saying what I think you’re saying, are you? Your new sexy CEO boss is none other than your mega-hot one-night-stand from Vegas?”

  “One and the same.” My cheeks flush with heat. Even now, I can’t talk about Adrian without feeling weak in the knees. It was the single best night of my entire life, and I’ve been dreaming about him—and fantasizing, to be totally honest—ever since. Sometimes I think about him while I’m trying to relax in the bath, pushing my hands between my aching thighs…though let’s be honest, those baths are few and far between while raising two girls all on my own.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Carrie squeals and scoots closer on the couch. We’re finally having one of those conversations she’s been beggin
g me for all these years. Girl gossip. Or, new girl gossip anyway. She goes out on a lot of dates, but I don’t, and she’s been trying to get me to loosen up and get out there again. But life is too chaotic with the twins. Not to mention, no man ever interests me. They can’t measure up to my dream guy.

  The guy who is now my boss.

  “Tell me everything, Becca.” She elbows me in the side. “How was the reunion? Sexy? Tell me he locked his office door and gave you a repeat performance of that perfect night you two had in Vegas.”

  Don’t I wish. But Adrian didn’t show even a hint of interest in rekindling our short-lived romance.

  In fact, he’d been one-hundred percent professional boss.

  “He seemed surprised to see me,” I say, “but that’s all there was to it really. Once he told me what he expected of me, I got to work.”

  She frowns, cocking her head. “Wait. That’s it? No lust-filled greeting?”

  I shake my head. “No lust-filled greeting.”

  “Tell me there was at least a hint of flirtation. A wink? A seductive look in his eyes?”

  “No.” I try to keep the disappointment out of my voice, but I’m pretty sure that’s impossible at this point. “He said what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. And that was that.”

  “Damn,” she says. “So, what are you going to do? From the sound of things, I’m guessing you didn’t tell him about the twins.”

  “I’m going to go and work for him and leave it all in Vegas like he asked.” I wince, hating the words. That’s not what I want to do at all, but I don’t think I have any other choice. “And when the time is right, I’ll tell him…I just worry that it will result in me losing my job. What man wants the mother of his babies—ones he didn’t even knew existed, by the way—working as his personal assistant?”


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