Dark Seduction

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Dark Seduction Page 4

by Cheyenne McCray

  A Middle East faction after the CVP? Damn. “We have the best security in the world in my building,” Logan said. “Only authorized individuals can even enter the building, and we screen every employee thoroughly before hiring them. Our computer security is the best.”

  “That’s not good enough.” Taylor’s expression hardened. “We believe your employees could be compromised.”

  Logan shook his head. “Everyone must pass the Cerebral Voices interview. There’s no getting by that test.”

  “An employee could have been reached after employment,” Mallory said. “That is entirely possible.”

  Logan studied them for a moment. “All right. We’ll re-administer the CVP test. It will take some time as I have a few hundred employees.”

  “Start with those closest to the project,” Taylor said. “Those are the individuals we are most concerned with.”

  “We’ll start today.” Logan didn’t like the tone being used by the agents. “I’m not required to take orders from the government. I’m doing this voluntarily.”

  “Just see that you do it.” Taylor stood followed by Mallory. “We’ll see ourselves out.”

  Logan rose from his chair and bit back words he wanted to say, and instead watched the agents leave. He wanted to go to the door and shut it hard enough to rattle the windowpanes.

  “Aimy.” He spoke aloud to the computer. “Notify Donna to hold all calls.”

  “Yes, Mr. Savage,” the computer said and almost immediately added, “Donna has been notified.”

  “Send Kenneth Jones to my office.” Logan sat again. Absently he picked up the pen he used to sign documents and started tapping it on his desktop.

  “Yes, Mr. Savage,” Aimy said, and then a moment later, “Kenneth is on his way.”

  Three minutes later, Kenneth stuck his head in the room. “You rang?”

  Logan gestured to the young genius scientist to come in. He didn’t invite him to sit, however.

  “I need you to re-administer the Cerebral Voices to every employee in the company.” Logan watched the slight widening of Kenneth’s eyes.

  “Every employee?” Kenneth repeated.

  Logan gave a brief nod. “Start immediately and begin with those closest to the project.” He dismissed Kenneth with a gesture.

  “You’ve got it.” Kenneth started toward the door. He paused and turned back. “Even the executives and managers?”

  “Yes,” Logan said. “As a matter of fact, start with them.”

  Kenneth gave a nod before heading out of the office.

  Logan mentally shook his head as he spoke out loud. “Aimy, call a meeting for senior executives and top level managers in the executive boardroom.”

  “What time would you like to set the appointment?” the computer asked.

  “In thirty minutes.” Logan glanced at the door to his office. Clear.

  He was a Walker. Time to walk.

  Logan’s body shimmered and a cooling sensation chilled his body.

  He vanished.

  Chapter 6

  As Carla, Tori moved from the hallway back toward the lab where her office was located. For the last fifteen minutes, she’d taken the form of one of the techs who had left for lunch, and had explored what areas she could as that tech.

  Unfortunately, over the past two weeks she had yet to get close to the CVP. It was too closely monitored.

  Early on, she had tried to take Logan’s form when he wasn’t around. Unfortunately, he was one of those rare individuals and she hadn’t been able to take his form at all, which was entirely unexplainable, as far as she knew. It was inconvenient, but sometimes that was just the way it was when it came to being a Changeling.

  At least from Carla she’d learned some important information on exactly what the CVP was. Something that was both intriguing and dangerous. Intriguing in what it was capable of… Dangerous—extremely dangerous—if it was sold to the wrong people or fell into the wrong hands.

  It was vital that the PIA get the CVP out of the hands of Savage Industries. Whoever possessed the device could read the minds of important people: presidents; the head of the joint chief of staff; nuclear physicists… Those who had the CVP could learn how to get into secure areas; obtain codes; learn where to locate the President… It could be used for countless things that would put the U.S. and even their allies in danger.

  She slipped into the employee restroom and locked the door behind her. It only took her a few moments to shift from the tech to Carla. As she shifted, she ignored the pain. Her mind was busy thinking about the job she was here to do.

  Once she had shifted back to her Carla form, from her pocket she slipped out the secured cell phone she used to contact the PIA. It was small, about the size of a credit card but a little thicker. She pressed the button that would send her directly to the agency.

  Out of habit she glanced around the restroom even though she knew there were no recorders or cameras. She’d made sure of that two weeks ago.

  “Mike’s Auto Shop,” came the voice on the other line.

  “I’d like to see if my Toyota is ready to pick up,” Tori said, giving the code response.

  “Just one moment and I will check for you.”

  A click, a pause, and then Janice came on the secured line. “Based on current intelligence, I have new instructions for you beyond gathering information.”

  “All right.” Tori looked in the restroom mirror and smoothed the blonde hair.

  “At this time your job is to get the specs for the project,” she said. “According to the PIA’s intel, a way to hack into the CVP’s computer system has been created.”

  Tori raised her brows. “How?”

  “That’s not important.”

  Probably another agent on the inside, Tori thought.

  “You are to approach a junior scientist who works with the project, a Jeremy Farrell.”

  She had seen Jeremy several times and he always looked at her—Carla—as though he had an enormous crush on her. That was certainly a plus.

  “Does he work for the agency?” Tori leaned up against the sink as she spoke, meaning the PIA.

  “No,” Janice said. “But he has been identified as an individual with the ability to perform the task. As Carla Winston, you are to do everything you can to gain the information from Jeremy.”

  Tori nodded to herself. “Consider it done.”

  “Good,” Janice said and disconnected the call.

  So now she just had to figure out how to convince Jeremy Farrell to break into his company’s computer system.

  She listened at the door to the restroom to make sure she didn’t hear voices or footsteps then opened the door. The hallway was clear. She straightened and headed toward her lab.

  Fortunately, being in management meant she didn’t do a whole lot of hands-on work. Her department was working on only a small part of the Cerebral Voices project and she had employees who did the actual work. The knowledge she’d obtained was limited, especially thanks to Carla being in a coma. But it would have to do.

  Just as she returned to her lab, the clean, sterile smell meeting her senses. The door closed behind her and then Aimy, the computer generated system, told her that senior executives and managers were due to be in a meeting, including when and where. Damn. She hadn’t heard the announcement because she’d been off pretending to be someone else.

  At least she’d returned while there was still time. Hopefully this meant she’d get some fresh information.

  An ice-cold sensation flowed over her from her scalp to her toes. For a moment, she felt like someone was behind her, watching her. She slowly looked over her shoulder but no one was there. Her body warmed again, as if the presence had moved away.

  Her mind turned back to her assignment. So far she believed she was “in” with Logan, which was the most important step at this time.

  The door to the lab opened behind her and she whirled to see Logan standing just inside the doorway. Her heart beat faster an
d her belly flipped as the door closed behind him. He looked so damned good.

  The bastard. Why did she have to fall for the enemy?

  She gave him a smile and worked for it to appear genuine. “What can I do for you?”

  He returned her smile with a sexy grin that made her melt. “Stopped by to see if you got the message about the meeting.”

  She nodded. “I did.”

  This had to be about him wanting to see her. Aimy didn’t make mistakes in notifying the staff. She located them by their badges. Of course she hadn’t been wearing hers when she shifted into another staff member, but he wouldn’t have known that.

  He sat on the edge of her desk and watched her. “What happened to you and whatshisname—Bruce?”

  As Carla she’d broken up with Bruce and had told him she was still in love with Logan. It hadn’t been a stretch. Carla loved Logan in her own way…just not enough to make their relationship permanent.

  She moved her gaze from Logan, not ready to tell him that she—Carla, of course—was in love with him. When she felt the time was right, when it would have the most impact she would say it.

  “Bruce wasn’t what I’ve been looking for,” she finally said when she met Logan’s eyes again. “I want something that he can’t give me.”

  “What’s that?” He took her hands and drew her close so that she was standing between his thighs.

  She looked down then raised her gaze to meet his again and didn’t know if it was her talking or that part of her that was now Carla. “He’s not you.”

  Logan eased to his feet and took her into his embrace. He felt solid and good with his arms wrapped around her. She tilted her head up and he brought his mouth to hers.

  She sighed, his kiss reminding her of their weekend together and she moved her palms to his chest. He was so masterful and strong when she was used to being the strong one in anything she did. He tasted good, masculine and warm and his scent made her think of being in his bed all weekend long.

  As much as she’d tried to hate him, the past two weeks had made it so much harder. When she was around him, he didn’t seem like the monster that he was made out to be. He was intelligent and levelheaded, tough but kind, abrupt at times but caring. He seemed like a real down-to-earth guy who was pleasant to be around. And even though Carla had broken up with him, he hadn’t been uptight with her, but she could tell he still cared for her in some way. Most important, he didn’t seem to have intent to sell anything to the bad guys, but over the years she’d known that surface observations meant little.

  When he drew away, a flicker of something was in his eyes when he looked at her. Was it love? She didn’t know, but the thought that he might love her sent new thrills of excitement through her. But then the excitement eased away.

  He wouldn’t be in love with Tori. It was Carla he’d be in love with.

  It was crazy to care one way or another.

  He brushed hair from her eyes as he held her. She thought about earlier when she’d been in his office. It had been utterly bizarre. At first he had stared at her like she’d grown horns. Or like he knew exactly who she was, which of course was impossible.

  His heartbeat was strong beneath her palms as their gazes held. Why did he have to be so damned sexy? She wanted so badly to see him naked, to feel his body next to hers, skin to skin. To have him inside her.

  She wanted it all.

  He kissed her again, his mouth moving slowly, as if savoring her taste. Sensation built between her thighs and expanded to her bellybutton. She couldn’t help herself as she moved her body closer to his, felt his erection against her. She liked that she could turn him on like this.

  “Five minutes until the meeting starts.” Aimy’s computerized voice brought both of them back to reality.

  He trailed his finger over her soft lips as they looked at each other. “I’m looking forward to tonight,” he said softly.

  She didn’t have to pretend as she added, “So am I.”

  For a moment longer he studied her face. “I need to go.”

  “I’ll follow you in a moment,” she said, knowing that Carla and Logan had always kept their relationship hidden from other employees.

  After he’d left, she picked up a tablet off her desk and pressed the On button. She’d played with the electronic tablet over the past two weeks but hadn’t gotten the hang of the touch keyboard on that particular device. It was a scientist version with high-level software and there was only so much knowledge she’d gained—it didn’t extend to understanding scientist-speak.

  Carla kept detailed notes and used abbreviations when she typed but that hadn’t been passed on to Tori. How was she supposed to take legit notes when she hadn’t obtained that knowledge from Carla?

  Her mind kept returning to Logan’s kiss and the way he made her feel. She squeezed her eyes shut. She had to get things under control and think of him only as an assignment. If she didn’t, then she should consider asking Janice to replace her.

  But what would she say? I’m in love with Logan Savage so I can’t do it anymore.

  Yeah, right.

  She returned her attention to what she had in her hand. Forget the tablet. She set it down, adjusted her lab coat, and headed to the executive boardroom. Her heels clicked on the marble tiled floor, her mind filled with Logan. She knew he loved the way she looked and how she dressed. She found it interesting that Carla dressed so sexy for work, but then the woman had a potent sexuality that she was more than aware of and used to her advantage.

  When she reached the boardroom, she eased into a chair that was still available around a huge oval conference table. Staff was filling the room and soon it was standing room only. Murmurs traveled around, hushed voices wondering why they were being called together.

  Logan walked in and her heart skipped. He was so handsome, so damned sexy, and all she could think about was screwing him senseless. After that kiss in her lab, she knew she’d get some action with him tonight after dinner.

  A part of her felt guilty, for using him… As if she was betraying the man. Another part wasn’t affected in the slightest bit. He was the enemy and he was fair game.

  “This will be a short meeting.” Logan moved his gaze from one person to another.

  When his gaze met hers for one fraction of a moment, she shivered with awareness. She wondered how many other women in the room were having the same reaction.

  “The Cerebral Voices test will be administered to every employee in the company,” he said, and her heart nearly stopped. He continued, “Starting with those who work on the project itself and then all executives and management. You will be called into the lab when it is your turn.”

  Her throat grew dry. Damn, damn, damn. From what she’d gathered, this was bad, very bad for her. Cerebral Voices was far more accurate than a lie detector test… This bit of technology would read her thoughts… To be read out loud by the machine, for anyone around to hear.

  Not good. So not good.

  Her hands shook a little in her lap and she had to clench them into fists to still them. Somehow she had to avoid taking that test. She wasn’t sure how, but she’d figure something out. She always did.

  She was the last one out of the conference room. She had observed various employees, memorizing their actions and movements, listening to what they said. If it came down to her having to go through the test then Carla would have to disappear and Tori would have to take someone else’s place once that someone had passed the test. She just needed to figure out who was closest to Logan in some fashion.

  If she did have to change forms, the PIA would make the real person disappear for a while and erase his or her memories for the period of time that Tori replaced the person. Probably one of his senior executives. If at all possible she’d prefer to avoid doing that—a real pain in the ass. It would be a lot harder to get close enough to Logan to get some of the more personal information from him.

  She shook back the long golden mane of hair that she sporte
d now. It felt a little odd having so much hair when she was used to her short curls. She’d had to practice walking in the three-inch heels that Carla preferred and Tori avoided like the plague.

  Sometimes she got stuck in bodies that she could barely stand. Like a couch potato male with a beer gut—that definitely sucked. Or an elderly person who didn’t have the strength or clarity of mind that someone younger had. Tori was still “herself” when she borrowed someone’s form, but she had their limitations. It was odd how it worked.

  She looked at her surroundings trying to think of something that would help her move things along. Two weeks and still not enough intelligence worth squat.

  The CVP junior scientist, Jeremy Farrell, rounded the corner and she knew exactly what she was going to do.

  Chapter 7

  Jeremy Farrell wore black glasses with thick lenses, but behind those lenses was a handsome young face and nice brown eyes.

  “Jeremy,” she called out.

  The young man looked nervous and his Adam’s apple bobbed when he spoke. “Yes, Ms. Winston?”

  “Call me Carla.” She smiled at him, enjoying the way he blushed when she did so. “I’m going to lunch and I was wondering if you’d go with me. I’m in the mood for company.”

  “Me?” Jeremy’s jaw had dropped and he pointed to himself. “Now?”

  She gave a nod and tried to keep amusement out of her expression. “Yes you, Jeremy, and yes now.”

  “Sure,” he said, looking awed and amazed. “Yes, of course I would.”

  “Meet me at Marco’s Deli.” She touched his shoulder. “I’m heading there now.”

  “Yes, Ms. Winston.” He corrected himself, stumbling over his words. “I mean yes, Carla.”

  “Great.” She gave him a brilliant smile then turned and let him watch her ass sway as she walked down the hall. He was going to be so easy to crack.

  It didn’t take her long to ditch her lab coat and glasses then grab her purse. She wanted to reach the deli before Jeremy did. She’d chosen a place far enough away from the Savage Industries building that she hoped would be off the usual grid for company employees.


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