Because of Liam

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Because of Liam Page 8

by Erica Alexander

  “I have time.”

  Stretching my arms over my head, I arch my back and settle into the pillow, finding a more comfortable position. “Well, you may as well sit down. Oh, wait, you already are.” Is it too early for sarcasm? Nah . . . never too early or too late for sarcasm.

  Skye seems annoyed as she grabs a pillow of her own and props her head on a hand to look at me.

  “Okay, I’m ready. Just dump it on me.”

  “We have a bet. A bet he coerced me into.”

  “A bet? What kind of bet?”

  “A sex bet.”

  “Come again?”

  I narrow my eyes at Skye. “Is that your idea of a pun?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You said, ‘come again’—is that a double entendre?”

  “No! Oh—I get it. No, I did not mean it like that. Although now that you bring that up it is funny.”

  “So anyway, as I was saying. He trapped me into a sex bet. He thinks he can make me beg for sex or a kiss. Whichever comes first.”

  She’s trying really hard not to laugh. “How did you get sucked into this bet?”

  “I have no idea. But I think it started back home over Easter.”

  “I thought you two hated each other back then, but now thinking about it, it’s not hate at all. It’s sexual tension. Enough tension to send a rocket to the moon.”

  “Tell me about it. He taunts me and takes every opportunity to tease me. I might have to take back that vibrator I bought for you. Did you open it yet?”

  “Err . . . so not going there with you.”

  “I will take that as a yes. So, eeew, no. Not sharing it.” I smirk at her. “Come on, you can tell me.”

  “Yeah, so you can bring it up next time we’re having a family dinner? No, thank you.”

  “I won’t. Pinky swear.” I lift my pinky to her and she knows I won’t say a word. Pinky swear is law.

  “I had it in my nightstand and Logan opened the drawer to stash condoms in there and found it.”

  “And?” I encourage her.

  “After I nearly died of embarrassment. He opened the box and plugged it in to charge.”

  Skye does her best impersonation of a tomato and presses her fingers to her cheeks as if that could contain the redness spreading on her skin.

  “I’d still rather have Logan and the real thing, but it’s a nice addition to our—”

  “Fuck fest? Told you you’d have fun with it.”

  “I was going to say lovemaking.” Skye still blushes often, but she’s holding her own more and more. I love the new confidence with which my sister carries herself.

  “Yes,” she continues, “but back to your issue. What are you going to do about it?”

  “I don’t know. All my insults and efforts to stay away from him are not doing anything. He just comes back at me harder. Double entendre intentional. If it weren’t for that stupid bet, I’d be all over him. I’m afraid I’ve fallen in lust with him.”

  Skye bites her lip, which tells me she’s thinking. She smiles a devious smile and it’s all kinds of wrong on her usually angelic face. Logan is doing her good. In more ways than I think she realizes.

  “What?” I ask, eager to know what she’s thinking.

  “What are the exact terms of this bet?”

  “Whoever gives in first and asks, A.K.A. begs the other for a kiss or anything sexual wins.”

  “And what exactly do you win?”

  My face blushes at this. “Head. Or sex.”

  “Come again?”

  “Whoever loses has to give the other head—oral sex—cunnilingus, blowjob, or have sex.”

  “Okay, okay, I get it. That is the weirdest bet ever. You have to ask for sex to win sex?”

  “Yep. That’s all him. He came up with this.”

  “You know, River, two can play this game. He’s obviously attracted to you. You can use it in your favor. I think it’s time for you to be the cat instead of the mouse.”

  I look at Skye and I can’t believe I haven’t thought of this before. “Turn the table on him? Make him run for a change? I love it!”

  “Time to put on your big girl panties, River.”

  “Fuck the panties! I’m going commando.”

  “Does that mean you’re actually flashing him?” Skye asks me, concern in her voice.

  “I’m going Basic Instinct on his ass.”

  “Oh shit. What have I done?”

  “I love you, sis. Always have. But Skye 2.0 is so much cooler than original Skye. Logan is good for you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Liam and Logan are coming over for dinner. I’m standing behind the shades watching through the window when Skye comes into the living room.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Watching the window?”


  I give her my most devilish smile. “Operation Knock Liam On His Ass has been activated.”

  She looks me up and down. “Is that what you’re wearing?”

  I look down at my ripped denim daisy dukes and baby blue tank top. “Too much?”

  “No, not enough. Everything is hanging out.”

  “That’s the point, Skye. It’s not like I’m going out dressed like this. Just hanging out at home in casual clothing like I’m not expecting anyone to show up.”

  “But you do know they’re coming—wait, are you wearing a bra?”

  “Yes and no,” I answer both her questions.

  “My boyfriend is coming too and those boobs of yours could eclipse the sun on a bright day.”

  “Logan only has eyes for you. I could parade around here naked and he wouldn’t even notice.” She looks alarmed. “But don’t worry. I won’t.”

  I look out the window again. “Oh, here they come!” I run to the kitchen, open the freezer, and grab a grape ice pop and run back to the living room. I lie down on the couch, casually propping my legs on the back of it, and grab a book. Sucking on the ice pop. I smirk at Skye.

  “You’re going to kill Liam.”

  “That’s the idea.”

  “Flip the book, it’s upside down.”

  No sooner does Skye tell me that, than there’s a knock on the door. She lets them in and I wait for a few seconds until I’m sure Liam’s eyes are on me. Then I look over my shoulder at the door and let my head drop over the side of the couch so my hair is falling to the floor. My girls are popping over the edge of my tank top and I’m looking at Liam upside down. Then I suck the ice pop almost all the way down and pull it out slow, never breaking eye contact with him. I lick the top then my lips and smile. “Hi, guys.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Ahh fuck!

  What’s she doing?

  And what’s she wearing?

  And why the fuck is she upside down on the couch looking at me while sucking on a popsicle?

  Her lips are tinted a wine color from the ice pop and her eyes are locked on mine. And did I mention she’s sucking on the damn thing, sucking it all the way down and—shit! Now she’s licking it.

  I think she said something and Logan behind me laughed and said something in reply before following Skye to the kitchen. I don’t have a clue what either of them said. Because I have no fucking blood left in my brain and I probably need that shit to make my ears work.

  My dick, however, is working just fine right now. And so are my feet because somehow, I end up right by her. She turns her head to look at me better, then rights herself, wiggling her ass into the couch to get comfortable. Half of her ass is peeking out of the cutoffs she’s wearing. That damn ice pop is still in her mouth and she’s moving it up and down, up and down, sucking and licking.

  “What’re you doing?” I hear myself ask. It’s more of a growl.

  “What does it look like?” she asks me back. The tip of the ice pop rests on her plump bottom lip and her tongue comes out to lick it. She looks at me all innocent, but my dick and I know River just amped up the game.

reading?” I ask and I’m dumbstruck by my own words because I really have nothing right now. I’m used to being in charge. To being in control. I attack and she retreats. That’s how we play this game and River just changed it up on me.

  “Not really, just looking for the good parts.” Her lips form an O around the ice pop and she sucks it a little harder.

  “Why do girls like to read smut? Doesn’t it leave you high and dry?”

  “Who says I’m dry?”

  Fuck. Me.

  Skye’s voice floats to us across the kitchen island that separates the two spaces in the open concept living room. “Try chapter three and oh, chapter seven gets a lot better.” Then Skye squeals. When I glance over, Logan has his arms around her and his face in her neck.

  River moves and I watch as two melting drops slide down the ice pop and fall to her chest, running down into her cleavage. My eyes follow.

  “Oops,” she says as she dips two fingers between her tits, catches the drops, and brings them to her mouth, sucking on them. Book abandoned on the couch, she gets up and stands inches away from me. Her cinnamon and sugar scent envelopes me. She gives the ice pop one more suck and lick.

  “Better go clean up. I’m all wet and sticky now.” Then she takes a bite of the ice pop tip, hands it to me, and walks away toward the hall. I stand there with her melting ice pop, wondering what the fuck just happened.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  We’re done with our late lunch and just waiting for the check when we hear voices from the booth just on the other side of us. At this time of the afternoon, between lunch and dinner crowds, King’s Pub is empty and the voices carry easily over the thin dark wooden panel that divides the sections of booths. The wall is about six feet tall and runs the length of this section, giving people on both sides privacy. Normally we wouldn’t be able to hear the people on the other side of the panel, but in the quiet afternoon their voices are clear. Both Logan and I notice when Skye freezes and tenses. She looks at him and mouths one word: Jon.

  I have no idea who this person is, but Logan seems to recognize the name. He nods once and stays quiet, so I follow his lead and tilt my head to better hear what the two men on the other side of the wall are saying.

  “You’re not going to believe who I saw yesterday,” one of the men says.


  Skye flinches when she hears his voice.

  The other guy replies, “Your ex.”

  “Which one?” The asshole snorts. I don’t even know him and I already hate his guts.

  “The one who got away,” the other guy says.

  “Skye?” Jon asks him back.

  “The one and only. You never tapped that, did you?” The other guy laughs.

  “The little bitch put up a fight every time I tried. Cold as a dead fish.”

  Logan fists his hands on the table and Skye covers them with hers. My lips press in anger.

  “She wasn’t putting up a fight with the guy I saw her with yesterday, right outside Pat’s Cafe. In fact, it looked like she was really enjoying all the mauling and groping that was going on.”

  Logan smirks at this and Skye blushes.

  “Who’s the guy?” Jon sounds pissed.

  “Don’t know. He looked older. I don’t think he’s an RU student. Big dude too. Maybe you’re just not big enough for her,” the other guy teases.

  “Well, her sister didn’t complain about it,” Jon retorts, venom dripping from his words.

  Skye’s mouth opens in a small gasp. I shift in my seat, ready to take the wall down and beat the living shit out of this Jon guy. It’s Logan’s turn to grab my arm and still me. The two on the other side of the partition continue talking, ignorant of our presence and how close they are to a beatdown.

  “River? No way you tapped that. She hates your guts.”

  “Maybe she didn’t. Maybe it was all a front because she wanted me but couldn’t have me thanks to her sister. I wouldn’t have minded double-dipping into the twins.” He laughs.

  “No way, man. I don’t believe you. River hates your guts. When did this happen?”

  “About a year ago.”

  “No, it didn’t happen. If you had said last week, I might have believed you. But a year ago, there’s no way. Those two are tight and—”

  “It did and I have proof.”

  “Proof? What kind of proof? Did you get a video or something?”

  “No, nothing like that. But she has a birthmark shaped like a heart in a place no one would be able to see. And I saw it.”

  I look at Skye, hoping for denial and finding confirmation. The shock in her face is enough for me to know it’s true. The asshole had, at the very least, seen River naked and her heart-shaped birthmark, wherever it is.

  “Dude, where’s this birthmark?”

  “Not telling you and if you say anything about it to anyone I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Why are you keeping this on the down low, man? I know you like to brag about all the ass you get.”

  “River doesn’t want anyone to know and if anyone says anything and it gets back to her, she’ll know it was me. If it comes back to me, I’ll point her in your direction. Do you want to be on her shit list?”

  “Hell no, that bitch is crazy.”

  Skye gets up and walks out, making sure the two guys don’t see her. Logan goes after her but not before giving me a look that says, don’t do anything stupid. I get up and intercept the waiter before he can get to our table and hand him a fifty. It should be enough to cover lunch and tip. Stepping outside, I meet Skye and Logan by the car. The day is warm, but I feel chilled inside.

  “Can someone tell me what’s going on? And while you’re at it give me a good reason not to go back in there and kick that guy’s ass.”

  Logan looks at Skye and she nods. He turns back to me. “Jon is a guy Skye dated back a couple of years ago.”

  Skye takes over. “We only dated for a few weeks. Not even a month. He was nice and sweet at first but then turned out to be a jerk, and River hated his guts. From day one she made it very clear she thought he was an ass, and she told him every opportunity she had. I can’t imagine she’d ever hook up with him.”

  “You think he was lying?”

  “I would, except for—”

  “Except for what?”

  “He knows about the birthmark. How can he know about it? It would be impossible for him to know unless he—” Skye’s gaze drops to her feet. She can’t even say the word.

  “It makes no sense at all. River hates him. She called him, ‘you know nothing Jon asshole,’ to his face every time she saw him,” Skye says.

  She looks at Logan. “Can you take me home? I have to talk to River. Whether or not this is true, she needs to know Jon is talking about it.”

  “Sure, babe.”

  I open the back door of the car and settle in. “I’m coming too.”

  Logan looks at me. “Liam, this has nothing to do with you.”

  “The hell it hasn’t. Try stopping me.” I glare at him.

  Logan’s shoulders drop in resignation. “Okay, I guess we’re all talking to River.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Skye and the guys walk in and when I glance at them, I can tell something is wrong. There’s apprehension in Skye’s face. Logan looks resigned and Liam seems mad as hell. I put my notebook on the coffee table and get up, my eyes darting from face to face. They’re acting like they’re ganging on me for some unknown reason.

  When I stayed home to study for a final instead of going to lunch with Skye and the boys, the last thing I expected was for them to come home planning a fucking intervention. Especially when it’s for something I have no fucking clue about.

  “What’s going on?”

  “River, I—” Skye looks around, and I can tell she hates whatever she’s going to say next. She’s clearly upset. “We have to talk to you about something you probably won’t like.” She looks at Logan as if searching for reassurance.

; “Maybe you two should discuss this alone,” he says.

  “What’s going on?” I ask again.

  Skye lets out a heavy sigh. Logan leans on the wall by the door, his hands in his jeans pockets, and Liam has his arms crossed, his legs apart as if standing at attention, an odd look on his face.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Liam replies to both of them and if possible stands even taller and stiffer.

  “What’s going on?” I ask for the third time.

  “When we were at the restaurant, we ran into Jon.” She looks nervous and intently at me. As if I should have some kind of reaction to her words. “Well, he didn’t see us, but we overheard his conversation.”

  “You know nothing Jon asshole?” I frown. I hate the guy.


  “What about him?”

  “He said he slept with you.”

  “Come again?”

  “He said he had sex with you, River—”

  My body tenses. I’m getting angry now. I don’t like feeling like they’re backing me against a wall.

  “I know what slept with someone means. What I don’t know is why you’re telling me this as if you believe him.”

  I cross my arms defensively, much like Liam, I realize. Mrs. Spencer, my behavioral psychology professor, could have used me as a text book example in class. My body language says: Back the fuck off because I don’t like where this shit is going one bit.

  Skye wrings her hands. She hates confrontation. She’s always the peacemaker and I can tell it’s hurting her to ask me this.

  “Because of what he said.”

  “What did he say? And when, please enlighten me”—my sarcasm is full-on now—“did Jon and I have this love affair?”

  “He said about a year ago—”

  I cut her off, “You do know I hate his guts, right? More than hate, I despise him. He’s a piece of shit and I wanted to throw up every time I saw him with you.”

  Right then what Skye said hits me. About a year ago. Could it be? No, God no. Anyone but him. Not Jon. Not Jon. Not Jon. I can’t take it if it was Jon. There’s a mantra in my head and it keeps repeating, not Jon, not Jon, not Jon.


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