The Hit-Man: The Protectors Book 2

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The Hit-Man: The Protectors Book 2 Page 6

by Jordan Silver

  I practically had to drag her up the stairs to the loft. Once there I skimmed down to my shorts and dropped into bed ignoring her ass. When she got tired enough she’d climb in. The bed was big enough that there was half an ocean between us.


  My eyes popped open what felt like minutes later from the loud screech of the alarm, but a look at my watch showed that it was a good half hour before she’d tried to make a run for it. I didn’t hurry as I went down the stairs after her, because the place was rigged to go into lockdown if the alarm was triggered. That meant that bars and gates had fallen all around, caging us in as opposed to letting her out.

  She was hiding in a corner when I made it downstairs, with a look of fear in her eyes. “Get your ass over here and let me get some sleep. Didn’t I warn you what would happen if you don’t quit your shit?” I couldn’t be mad at her for trying, I would’ve done the same, but I’d be fucked if I’m gonna tell her that. Her ass would probably take that as an invitation to try the shit on an hourly basis; I got time for this shit.

  I led her back up the stairs by her nape and this time when we fell into bed I threw one of my legs over both of hers to keep her in place. “I can’t sleep like this with your heavy leg on top of me.” She was huffy.

  “You shoulda thought of that before you tried to pull a runner, now be quiet.” I can tell that she was one of those kids who use to get into trouble for not listening. She fidgeted and grumbled for the next five minutes until she worked herself out from under my leg. She sat up in the bed and started her shit again, before I decided to put the fear of thunder in her.

  She wrestled against me for all she was worth and I had a hard time controlling her while trying not to hurt her in the process. All the maneuvering brought our bodies into close contact and it wasn’t long before my dick was on the hunt. He knew softness when he felt it, and he also knew the only time we were that close to something soft is when we were about to fuck. “You wanna play? Let’s see how brave you are.” She struggled even harder when I pulled off my shorts, which was the only thing I’d been wearing.

  I straddled her as she sat with her back against the headboard, and with her hands held together over her head, rubbed my pre cum filled cockhead across her lips. "Open." She shook her head stubbornly from side to side. " I told you what would happen if you didn't shut the fuck up, now open up or suffer the consequences."

  If looks could kill she would've flayed me, but a hard tap across her cheek with my hard on soon had her hurrying to obey.

  I pushed just the tip in and stopped. This bitch was a pain in the ass and I'm not sure she's not more than a little touched in the head, better take precautions.

  "You bite my dick I'll cut your fucking throat." Oh yeah the Bambi in the headlights stare was enough to tell me I'd called that one.

  What the fuck are you doing Drake you asshole? Didn’t she just tell you a few hours ago that she was almost molested, what kind of sick fuck…? I pulled away from her like she’d burned me. “Please just go to sleep.” I thought that that would be the end of it for sure. She had to be afraid after the stunt I’d just pulled, but some shit was going on with her, because crazy lady decided to kick me.

  “What the fuck?” She had a strange look on her face and fire in her eyes again. I knew I wasn’t about to get a moment’s peace unless I either gagged her ass and tied her to my bed, or found some other way to shut her up. Shoving my dick down her neck was a little bit extreme, but there were other ways.

  I shifted my body so that I was now lying completely on top of her, my hips forcing their way between her thighs to make room for me.

  As she opened her mouth to complain or whatever it was she’d been about to do, I shoved my tongue right in there. “Oomph.” That was her contribution before she latched onto my tongue like a leech. I fleetingly wondered if this was the norm. If she did this shit with every man who touched her, go up in flames like that?

  I’d only meant to scare her into behaving, but it looked like the tables were turned on my ass, because I soon forgot what it was that I’d been trying to do in the first place, and got caught up in her and the way she felt under me. The way her sweet mouth tasted and her little hands clutched at me. This one was going to be a fucking headache no doubt about it.

  She wouldn’t let me go when I tried pulling away again, and I ended up prolonging the kiss even though my survival instinct had kicked in and was screaming at me to get the hell out of there. When I was finally able to lift my head and look down at her, the dazed look on her face drew me back in. “Behave yourself baby, I need sleep.” She nodded her head dumbly and nipped at her swollen lips with her teeth.

  “One more.” I dove back in, sucking her tongue into my mouth and grinding my now hard cock into her softness. She sighed into my mouth and moved against me as if in heat. “Fuck!” I barely pulled away in time and flopped onto my back beside her, before pulling her into my arms. “Sleep.”

  Chapter 9


  It’s been two days and I was still no closer to knowing what to do with her. I was torn between calling her stepdad and telling him to get fucked, and giving him back his money, or giving her that money to make a fresh start somewhere. I wasn’t too butt hurt about reneging on our deal if she was telling the truth, but she won’t tell me anything more about the situation, so my hands were tied. As much as I believed her, I needed to know a hell of a lot more before I go Rambo on this man’s ass.

  “Selena where are you?” She was in the habit of combing the fields outside the cabin for who knows what. I felt safe leaving her out there on her own because she now knew that she couldn’t get down off the mountain by foot unless she wanted to get her ass eaten, and she was deathly afraid of heights so the sharp incline leading up to the property with the deadly drop-off was a deterrent.

  She was picking wild flowers with half the field already adorning her hair. With her bare feet on the ground and her mane loose and flowing around her, she looked like a wood nymph; and I have lost my damn mind. The fuck I know about wood nymphs and shit?

  She looked up at my voice and smiled with a wave. My heart jumped in my chest the way it had grown in the habit of doing whenever I looked at her. She was some sort of an enigma, one minute she was a ball of stubborn fire that made me want to pull every hair out my head, and the next she was like a newborn kitten, looking for love and affection.

  There were times when I could tell that the situation was getting to her. Being secluded up here wasn’t easy. There was no one else around for miles, nothing to do really. No TV, just a little transistor radio and yours truly for company. I’m amazed that I haven’t fucked her yet as much as I wanted to. Something held me back though, and I was afraid I knew what that something was.

  In the last couple of days we’ve shared more than a few kisses. In fact it seemed like my mouth was always on hers whenever we were alone together in the same room, which was ninety-five percent of the time. I was still strong enough to keep it there though, at just kisses, and not go any farther for now. But I knew it was only a matter of time before I took her.

  That thought propelled me to make the decision I’d been battling with since we got up here. I was almost certain that no one had followed us, but the time to check in with Carlos had come and gone a few hours ago and it was only a matter of time before he realized something was up. Besides, when he didn’t hear about a young girl coming up dead on the island, he was bound to have some questions.

  I needed to get everything out of her now so that I could deal with him and move on from there. Either way we were leaving here today before I did something I was sure I would regret. An annoying voice warned that I was fighting a losing battle, but I wasn’t quite ready to throw in the towel as yet.

  “It’s time.” She’d finally made her way over to me, her arms laden down with flowers in all shapes and colors. “You didn’t stray too far did you?” It was more of a rhetorical question than anything since I was sur
e she never went beyond where she could still see the front door. There were beers and other wild creatures in the surrounding forest, but I’d relented enough to tell her I had traps set up around the place so she was safe up unto a certain point.

  “No of course not; time for what?”

  “I need you to tell me all of it.” She did her usual huffing thing before bypassing me and heading for the kitchen table where she dropped her bounty. “I don’t see why you need to know all that stuff, isn’t it enough that he tried to molest me, what more do you want?”

  “I want to know how long it has been going on, who else knew about it, and why he wants you dead. He’s not the first asshole to try this shit, some even succeed, so why the dramatic escape, and why the hit?” The more I thought about it as the days go by, the more convinced I became that there was something else going on.

  She studied me as she beat her fingertips against the tabletop. I just looked at her, more like stared her down truth be told, until she ducked her head and picked at her nails. “What if I knew something?” She just stopped there like I was a damn mind reader.

  “Something like what?” She fidgeted around in her seat and picked at the flowers, finding shit to do to buy time I guess. “Come on Selena we don’t have all day.”

  “Why, what the hell do you have to do in this dump?”

  Spoilt brat. I ignored her sneer and upturned nose as she looked around the room. My growl was enough to get her attention and she pinked up as I leaned over her. “Start talking before this gets messy.”

  “Fine, I have evidence that he’s been messing around with young girls, like really young. I only found the videos by accident the day after my mother died. It’s why I made a run for it when I did. I had planned on waiting at least a few days after the funeral. I wanted to take some of mom’s things with me when I left, but after realizing how sick he was I wasn’t willing to take that chance. I guess he realized the card was missing from his hiding place and put two and two together.”

  “Let me see it.” I held my hand out to her but she eyeballed me like I was a coiled snake. “Why should I trust you? For all I know, this could’ve been your game all along. Get me to let my guard down and then get the video and kill me. No way, and just so you know, I’ve made copies and sent one to someone who will take it to the press if anything happens to me.”

  She’s a horrible liar but I had to give her an E for effort. “Fair enough, let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “We’re getting out of the dump. This place is only good for a few days at the most. Anything more and I’ll start going nuts from the ennui.” Not to mention that it was getting harder to stave off visions of bending her over somewhere and drilling into her from behind.


  I don’t know what possessed me to bring her back to civilization. I had even less control of her here. She likes the beach so that’s where we ended up, at the edge of the country bordering Canada. I’d already ignored two calls from Carlos and knew that time had ran out. She still hadn’t given me the evidence she claimed to have so I was still flying blind.

  I was in the middle of rifling through her shit while she was in the shower. I’d given her enough time to trust me with her secret, but that shit wasn’t working. Either she really believed that I would off her if she gave them over, or she was just one stubborn fuck. Whatever the case, if she really did have that shit we could use it as a bargaining chip.

  I felt something hit my back before I was protecting myself from her nails and teeth. “ Atembado careverga.” Like I knew what the fuck that meant. I pointed my finger at her after I was able to escape her clutches.

  “Calm your ass down. I’ve been asking you for days to give me the information but your head is hard as fuck, and you don’t seem to realize what it is that we’re dealing with here. This man has already paid good money to see you dead, if I don’t do it, then I’m pretty sure he’s going to find someone else to do his bidding.

  I can’t help you if I don’t know what I’m dealing with and since you’re being a jackass this was the only choice you left me. Now sit your half naked ass down somewhere before you bite off more than you can chew.”

  You’d think that little speech would be enough to get through to her, but I’d forgotten who I was dealing with. She never did the expected, and trying to understand her brand of crazy was like trying to hold water in my hand. Nothing fucking doing!

  “Come mierda pendejo.” And she was off and running again, arms flailing as she tried to deck me. I wonder if she had any idea how incongruous it was for her to pit her puny little self against my hulking mass. It’s come to my attention that my little mariposa don’t have a lick of damn sense when her dander is up though.

  “I’m about to slap the shit out of you little girl if you don’t settle the hell down.” Who does she think she is anyway, and more to the point, who does she think I am? Because I’ve been slack where she’s concerned these last few days she’s forgotten her place. Her eye roll was proof of that shit. Her tongue ran away with her and I was pretty sure she was flinging swear words at my head. I should wash her damn mouth out with soap. Either that or fuck the living shit out of her, which I was pretty close to doing.

  Her fire breathing always gets me going, and it was only an act of pure stubbornness on my part that has kept me from fucking her already. I knew the day was coming, but I was putting it off as long as fucking possible no matter how much my dick revolted. Only this morning I’d had to restrain myself from rubbing one out in the shower. I haven’t done that shit since my early teens and my first taste of pussy. She was rattling shit off a mile a minute as she tried to get by me to reach her stuff.

  “Come here.” I made a grab for her but she evaded my reach and turned furious eyes my way. “You don’t scare me.” She’s so full of shit. Instead of arguing with her hardheaded ass, I just grabbed the front of the towel where she had it knotted and pulled her into my chest. She opened her mouth to argue my ass to death and caught my tongue.

  She melted into me just like that; no muss no fuss. It was like flipping a switch and never failed whenever I put hands on her. Her reaction to me was making it harder to resist the lure of her amazing body, and those eyes of hers still had the power to make me weak.

  I lifted off her mouth with little nibbles before releasing her; it was becoming damn near impossible to do that. I wasn’t sure what to expect, things could go either way with this one. The kiss could either: calm her ass down and put her in a good mood, or she’d be up to her shit again.

  Her sweet smile assured me that I had tamed her fire for the next five minutes at least. Shit! I forgot the affect she had on me. Pretty soon I was the one in danger of being tamed. It doesn’t take much, all she has to do is make that fuck me noise in her throat and rub her body against mine and I lose every thought in my head. If she ever catches on there will be hell to pay. That’s way too much power for one little girl to have.

  Like an ass I went back in. I sucked on her tongue until she whimpered, and then I fed her mine. Her arms came up and around me, drawing me in closer, putting herself in danger. When she pressed her sweet body closer to mine it was like throwing gasoline on an already blazing inferno. My body reacted viciously, jumping to complete hardness between her thighs.

  I couldn’t help pulling her in even closer so that she could feel the effects of what she was doing to me. I pulled my mouth away once more so that we could both breathe, and pressed my lips closely to her ear, “I’m going to take you.” To hell with giving her time, if I had to be around her one more day without having her under me I’d go mad.

  She didn’t argue, just looked at me with all the trust she’d learned in the last few days. Those eyes of hers gave me pause for all of five seconds before my libido won out over common sense. I’ll deal with the fallout later; right now I needed her more than my next breath.

  There was a hint of fear in her eyes when I palmed her tits, which made m
e wonder about her innocence. I eased off, my hands itching to feel the weight of her bounty, but I didn’t want her to hold anything back. I wanted her hot and willing, nothing less.

  I touched her face tenderly, searching her eyes. The pulse in her neck was going crazy, keeping time with my own and I pressed my finger against it. I had to close my eyes for a second to get my bearings. She was so fucking young, but still…I opened my eyes onto her wide questioning ones and knew that there was no turning back for me. My conscience will have to take a backseat to my raging need. I ran my thumb over her erratic pulse one last time.

  “Don’t be afraid babygirl, I’ll take care of you.” Kissing her eyes closed, I walked her backward until we reached the bed. She was too quiet in my arms and I felt the slight tremble in her little body. I didn’t want her fear and reticence though, I wanted to taste that heat she was so fond of showing me. I wanted my little fire angel in my arms, and knew just how to draw her out.

  I was a little rougher this time when I took her mouth, my arms a lot stronger when they brought her to me, pressing the sweet heat between her thighs into my hard rod. It was all that was needed to get beneath her shell. She tried to climb my dick as she pressed her tits into my chest. It was time.

  I drew my breath in sharply as I pulled the towel open and got my first real look at her in days. She was something to behold with her overly bountiful breasts that tapered down to a tiny waist, before flaring off into rounded hips, and an ass that would stop traffic.

  I had the fleeting thought that she had childbearing hips, hips that could help bring forth my seed easily. The thought made the blood pump to my heart faster. “Shit, I’m going to fuck you so hard.” I hadn’t meant to say the words out loud, hadn’t meant to scare her.

  She was the one to pull me back in this time, as I got lost in the sight of her. She bit my lip as her fingers went after the buttons of my shirt, sending them flying across the room in her haste. “There she is.” Her boldness spurred me on and I didn’t feel the need to hold back any longer. We fought for dominance, our tongues battling each other, until I rubbed my hardness against her heat and stopped her in her tracks.


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