Monroe, Melody S. - Lydia's Passion [Pleasure, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody S. - Lydia's Passion [Pleasure, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Melody Snow Monroe

  He shook her shoulder. “Wake up, sleepyhead. Work calls for both of us.”

  She cracked open an eye. “What time is it?”


  Her shift started in thirty minutes. Her two bosses liked to handle the early birds, as most were old men there to socialize. She sat up and stretched. Her rear was sore, as was her pussy. “Did you play with my plug all night?”

  He laughed. “No. Rolling around will work it in more. Speaking of which, go shower and I’ll change it out for a larger one when you finish.”

  “A larger one? I can barely handle this one.”

  He kissed her nose. “Yes, you can. Just remember how big Tom is. This little plug in you is tiny compared to him. Don’t you want to be ready when he gets back from his assignment?”

  “Yes.” That is if he hasn’t fallen in love with Destiny Jones by the time the trial got over.

  “All right, then. Go. If you want to be the one to take it out, that’s okay.”

  She stood, and he lightly slapped her butt. Even that pressure stimulated all parts of her. Boy, was she in trouble when Tom got here. Or should she say, Tom would be in big demand the moment he arrived.

  She dashed into the bathroom and jumped in the shower. After she soaped up, she had to bend over to get the dang thing out. Pulling it out slowly actually turned her on. How could that be? She never was into sex toys where she was the one doing the manipulation. Something had changed in her life.

  Yes. Tom and Justin.

  Once she finished, she wrapped a towel around her body and stepped out, knowing Justin had to shower, too. “Next?”

  He was already naked with a hard-on. As he passed, she grabbed his cock. “I’m going to suck on you soon. Trust me.”

  He grinned and disappeared into the bathroom. She’d just put on her green uniform when he emerged, hair damp, freshly shaved, and very naked. He waved another plug.

  “That?” It was not only bigger, but had what looked like bulges all along its length, as if a snake had swallowed five mice at once.

  He stepped over to her. “Bend over.”

  “I’m dressed.”

  He grinned, spun her toward the bed, and gently leaned her forward until her hands touched the wall. He pulled up her dress and dragged down her panties to her knees.

  “Spread ’em.”

  She tried, but her panties wouldn’t stretch that far. She expected him to put lube on the plug. Instead, he dipped his fingers in her pussy and dragged her fluids up to her hole. Never did she expect him to place a hand on her back and enter her with his cock. When had he put on a condom? Man, she needed to stop daydreaming and pay attention to the world around her.

  Her body welcomed his even thrusts. “God, you feel good. I could start everyday like this.”

  “It’s a date.”

  Oh, my God. He couldn’t be serious. Work called, but his cock elicited such lust she couldn’t ask him to stop. He thrust in her as he grabbed her rear. He, too, seemed lost in the moment as the plug remained on the bed. His hands traveled down her thighs and back up again, but she concentrated on the wonderful sparks shooting inside her. She’d been so sensitive after last night that it took little to reignite their passion. She leaned back into him, and he pushed forward. His balls slapped against her ass as he seated himself fully and ejaculated into her. Bless him for not stopping. He kept driving into her pussy until the lust overwhelmed her, and she came hard.

  “My God. I never expected that this morning.”

  He dragged his fingers inside her pussy and rubbed her fluids up to her hole. With the plug, he repeated the wetting process.

  “This should go in easier. For one, you’re relaxed, and two, your body should welcome the pressure.”

  He was certainly right about the first part. Her legs were closer to spaghetti than steel. However, the large glass knots in the plug took some doing to get in, but once they got past the first ring, a new fire seemed to ignite inside her.

  She moved her hips to the left to increase the pressure. “I like that.”

  “I thought you might. Now hold still so I can push this in all the way. Just so you know, you might walk a little funny. This plug will take up a lot of room.”

  She wasn’t sure she’d like that. “Will anyone notice?”

  “Only those who’ve worn one or whose woman needs to be stretched.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. Did he consider her his woman? “Eh.”

  “Sorry. Just a little more.” He patted her butt. “There. You’re all set. Now enjoy. I’m sure you’ll be thinking of having me in you again tonight. You’ll think there are two men inside you with that plug.”

  He turned her around and kissed her hard, then pressed her plug again before pulling up her panties and straightening her dress. “Go get ’em, tiger.”

  As she headed for work, she wanted to shout to the world how happy she was.

  Justin was right about one thing. Having sex with him in the morning was even more amazing. The only damper about last night was that Tom hadn’t called. She understood he was working, but she’d have appreciated even a one-minute call, or an e-mail for that matter. It was possible Justin hadn’t given Tom her personal information, but that’s what phones were for.

  All day, while she waited on customers, she pictured the three of them in bed, only this time, both men would be inside her. Glory, glory.

  Her shift took forever to get over, but eventually 5:00 p.m. rolled around. Justin wasn’t back yet from whatever he did during the day, so while Connie finished her shift, Lydia set about cleaning the small room and bath.

  Justin came in around seven and brought dinner from next door. “If I had time, I would have whipped up something from home, but Mountain View’s fare is probably more edible.”

  She smiled. “It’s the thought that counts.”

  They chatted about some of the crazy gossip she’d picked up at work. She wanted to ask about Tom, but she didn’t want Justin to think she wanted his deputy more than him, so she focused more on Justin and what he did today. Their conversation was easy and interesting.

  Around nine, he suggested they head into bed.

  “Let’s put the two beds together for tonight. I’m a little too big to be cramped on the twin bed with you.”

  “You won’t get a complaint from me.”

  Once they secured the beds together with some ties, she snuggled next to him. Her curiosity finally got the best of her. “Have you spoken to Tom?” She held her breath.

  “Sure. He calls every few hours to check in.”

  And you didn’t tell me? “He ask about me?”

  “Sure.” His tone lacked sincerity, and her heart sank when he didn’t say any more.

  Life without both her men just wouldn’t be complete.

  Their lovemaking was as intense that night as it had been the night before. He was right about the larger plug making the experience that much more heady. She was surprised he could fit in her.

  The next morning he announced that he might have to be gone until late the next day.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I got some intel that Snake might have gone to Bozeman. I need to check it out.”

  “What if something happens here, and you’re both gone?”

  He tapped her nose. “I’ve asked Cole Lambert to stay here with you.”

  Cole was a volunteer fireman and could handle himself, but she didn’t know him that well. “He’s going to stay here?”

  He smiled. “Not in this room. He’ll be the nighttime dispatcher. If anyone comes in, he’ll be able to handle him.”


  The first night, she was fine, having her novels to keep her company. By ten, she was getting worried and stepped into the other room.

  “Cole, have you heard from Justin?”

  “He called to say he’d be running late. Sorry, I saw your door closed and thought you might be asleep.”

  “I appreciate that, but i
f he calls in the future, let me know. It doesn’t matter what time it is.”

  “Will do.”

  She went back to reading, but it was difficult to concentrate knowing that something bad could have happened to him. Finally, around eleven, she gave up and went to bed. When the door creaked open at midnight, she cracked open an eye. “Hi.”

  “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “That’s okay.” She propped herself up on her elbows. “Everything go okay?”

  “Yes.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Go back to sleep.”

  He sounded so worried about her that she lay back down and closed her eyes. She loved listening to him undress, imagining him getting naked just for her. First the boots thudded on the floor, and then his zipper lowered. She could get used to these sounds. The bathroom door closed and the light from inside disappeared. His electric toothbrush whirred for over a minute, not that she was counting. Once the shower turned on, she must have fallen asleep.

  When the bed sank, she opened her eyes and could see him smile. “Come here, you. I need a hug.”

  She loved that his voice sounded so needy and she scooted forward into his arms. He held her tight until her muscles relaxed. When she awoke to a chair scraping in the outer room, she looked around. Damn. Justin was gone. How had he gotten up, dressed, and left without her hearing him? The man was so considerate.

  For the next three nights, he left early and didn’t come home until after she’d fallen asleep. Only this time, she didn’t wake and he didn’t wake her up, asking for a hug. What was up with that? She needed to feel his arms around her. His absence could almost give a girl a complex, like he was afraid of getting attached to her.

  On the fourth morning, she saw him walk out of the bathroom. She needed some attention. “Hi.”

  “It’s early. Go back to sleep.”

  “You’re the one who’s up at five and who works past midnight. Haven’t you heard the old phrase about burning the candle at both ends? It’s not healthy.”

  “I know, but with Tom away, I have to do double duty. It’s what we lawmen do.”

  She couldn’t argue with his logic. Or could she?

  That morning before she went to work, she spent a few minutes chatting with Connie. Lydia tried to pry out some information as to why Justin was gone so much, but Connie’s lips remained sealed. Damn.

  Maybe the usually quiet Cole could be coerced to tell her what the love of her life was up to. He’d been at the dispatch station for a good hour when she went out to see if her new bodyguard needed anything. He shook his head. Darn. It was getting mighty lonely without her men.

  “You hear from either Tom or Justin?”

  “Nope.” She swore his eyes shifted as if they’d told him to tell her nothing.

  If she’d had Tom’s number, she might have called him, but she feared he might have moved on. Right now, she wasn’t ready for the rejection, one that would take a piece of her heart.

  That night Justin came in a little earlier. “How are you?” she asked. Maybe with a little coaxing, she could make love to him, or at the very least, give him some pleasure.

  “I’m beat.” He walked directly to the bathroom and closed the door.

  When he came out, he was wrapped in a towel. She expected him to instigate something. Instead, he dropped the towel on the floor, crawled into bed, and placed his back to her.

  She’d thought about tapping him on the shoulder or just grabbing his cock, but she wanted to show him she was sensitive to his needs. Maybe there’d been something bad happening, and he’d wanted to spare her. Whatever. She rolled over and tried to sleep, but she wasn’t successful.

  When he left the next morning, she didn’t open her eyes. Instead she pretended to sleep through his morning ritual.

  Later that morning at the bar and grill, she was finishing bussing a few tables when her cell rang. Her heart pounded, thinking maybe Tom was calling. She slipped the phone from her pocket and studied the number. She didn’t recognize it.


  “Is this Lydia Nestman?”


  “This is Sherry Alexander. I’m a nurse at your brother’s group home.”

  Her heart sank faster than a rock tossed off the edge of a cliff. “Is he okay?” No one even knew she had a brother, so she waved to the other server to take over and headed into the hallway next to the ladies’ bathroom for some privacy.

  “We’ve had some trouble with him running away. He hasn’t gotten far, but each time we bring him back, he’s become angrier. We’ve decided it might be best if you come here and talked with him.”

  Given Alex didn’t communicate well, the trip might be futile, but perhaps just seeing her would help. “I’ll try to get up today.” His home was on the outskirts of Bozeman, only an hour away. Since she didn’t expect Justin to be home early, she bet he wouldn’t even know she’d gone.

  The problem was that she’d taken off so much time from work, she worried her boss might fire her, but her brother and her mother were all the family she had left. The more understanding of her two bosses was tending bar. As soon as the old man seated at the bar left, she approached her boss and told him about her the dilemma.

  “I didn’t know you had a brother.”

  She lowered her gaze. “Mom told everyone he died. She was too embarrassed to admit her son was autistic. He can say a few words and lives in a group home, but he’ll never be normal.”

  “By all means, go. Someone can cover your shift.”

  She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, but don’t tell Justin if he should come asking about me.”

  “You got it.” He did the zipper-across-the-mouth motion.

  She gathered her coat and scarf and stopped next door to tell Connie she had an appointment in Bozeman.

  Connie took off her dispatch headphones. “When will you get back?”

  “Hard to say. I’ll be back before Justin gets here.”

  “Well, drive safely.”

  Tom was in Bozeman and maybe Justin was, too. If she’d known where Tom was staying, she might have been tempted to stop by and say hi. However, if she caught him in a lip-lock with Destiny, her heart would surely break.

  The hour drive gave her a chance to think things through about what she wanted to do about her two men. When they arrested Snake, she’d be free to go back to her house. The big question was where would her relationship be with them? Was she just a convenient fuck? Both Tom and Justin seemed to care for her, but a lot of men had appeared to care. With those type of men, when she’d wanted more, they’d run. Would Justin? Would Tom?

  Before she knew it, she was at the office of Alex’s group facility. Sherry Alexander met with her and said Alex was twenty-four years old and at a crossroads in his life. They were happy to keep him, but if he insisted on running away, Lydia might have to consider institutionalizing him, despite the fact he could function quite well with the men in his home.

  “He cleans up after himself, loves to play video games, and can even count money. While he’s not as verbal as some of the others, he follows instructions very well. We’re thinking he isn’t always as diligent as he can be about taking his meds.”

  Her heart sank. “That sounds like Alex. He’s the independent type.” That meant he’d be miserable someplace else.

  They discussed alternatives, but in the end they both thought it best if Lydia met with him to see if she could calm him down.

  Being with Alex was tricky. Some days he was calm and other days he could get violent at the smallest thing. At six foot four, there wasn’t much she could do if he wanted his way. En route to his group home, she stopped at a store and bought a couple of his favorite ice cream bars.

  Fortunately, Sherry agreed to come with her. Alex was familiar with the nurse, and hopefully her presence would help. Inside, the house smelled like bleach and something else, but Lydia didn’t really want to catalogue the odor. Alex lumbered out. As soon as Lydia sp
oke to him, his eyes lit up and he let her give him a hug.

  They spent over an hour trying to communicate, but she didn’t know how much he understood. He did make eye contact quite often, so it made her hopeful he did know what she was saying.

  About the only smile she got out of him was when she handed him his ice cream. At the end of the hour, Lydia wasn’t sure how much good she did in diffusing his frustration, but she enjoyed seeing her brother again.

  Outside, she looked back at the house. Alex was at the window waving.

  She followed Sherry back to the car. “If he gets agitated again, do you think you can put him on the bus to Pleasure? It’s nonstop.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem for him. I can let the bus driver know about him and where he needs to get off. The service around here knows about our wards.”

  “That would be great.”

  It was dark by the time she got close to Pleasure. She was coming in on 287 when she spotted Tom’s car about a tenth of a mile in front of her. Joy spread through her. He was finally home!

  As he went down Main Street, he passed the station. Maybe he wanted to go home and pick up some more clothes. She debated stopping at the station to tell the nighttime dispatcher that she was safe and sound, but how much fun would it be to surprise Tom at his house?

  Not wanting him to know she was tailing him, she remained at a distance. Since she’d never been to his house, she couldn’t afford to stay too far behind. About ten minutes past town, he turned in to Beaver Creek Road. She slowed, turned off her lights, and followed. The moon provided enough light for her to stay on the road.

  He pulled in front of a small, one-story house with a nice front porch. She stopped a block away. She had her hand on the doorknob when Tom’s passenger-side door opened. The light from his porch light made recognizing Destiny Jones easy. Now why had he brought her to his house? Feeling like a voyeur, she waited for about half an hour, starting her engine every once in a while to keep the heat going.


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