Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant

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Legends of Thamaturga The Contestant: The Contestant Page 12

by HC MacDonald

  I didn’t walk slow enough, because I could see the edge of Leon’s home, time indicated I was twenty minutes early. What to do now, I thought. She may not be there. She may be with another person. She might be eating. I was letting my anxiety make me crazy. I decided to loop around the house and head to the meadow then back. That should fill my time. As I came up to the back of his home I could hear Lace. I couldn’t tell what she was saying, only that it was in anger. I could hear her stomp down the stairs. She turned on my side of the house. We were face to face.

  “She’s evil!” Lace yelled at me. “Watch out. You have no chance with a witch like her.”

  I didn’t know what to say. Instead I moved to the side so Lace could continue stomping away. As she passed me, she rammed her shoulder into my arm pushing me onto the wood siding of the house. It scratched my palms causing them to sting and bleed. I waited for her to be out of view, then walked around the house holding my hands up and blowing on them to stop the stinging.

  “Are you Pearl?” I heard a voice say, and looked up at the open doorway. There standing on the porch was an older women. She looked like Sanna. A smile passed across my face. If Sanna was twenty years older they would be twins.

  “Yes, I’m Pearl. I’m sorry I am early, I would be happy to come back closer to my time.”

  “No, come in, are you hurt?”

  “Small scrape. Nothing a little water won’t fix.”

  “Come in. We can take care of that.”

  I walked up the steps of the porch. She waved me in. As I walked through the door, I felt the mirage of magic melt away. I stopped in a panic. Pearl was gone. There was no way to hide it.

  “So, I see you have a secret?” The older woman said.

  “I can explain. I know this doesn’t look good, but if you let me explain.”

  I couldn’t read her face. It was the look Leon gave me after our dances. She waved me to the sink. There turned on the water. Taking my hands gently washed them of the debris. She looked at my arms then back down to my hands. Patting them dry asked, “Explain.” She said in an even tone.

  I took a deep breath then sat in a chair in the kitchen. She passed me a drink, I took a sip then began to tell my story. How I met him. Why I was back. Why Pearl.

  She listened quietly. Her face still holding no emotion. I finished my story. Sat patiently waiting for her to speak. As I did I noticed the draped talisman across the bow of the front door. She had diffused the magic on purpose. I jumped back to attention when she cleared her throat.

  “Why do you love him?”

  “I didn’t say that I did.”

  “Your story says otherwise.”

  “I don’t know exactly. I guess it’s because he is kind, and protective. He loves his people. He has a good heart.”

  “And what of his position?”

  “I know he is chief, but to me he is Leon. I would hope I would give him the support he needs to continue to do his job. The people need him as much as he needs them.”

  “What will you do in your responsibilities to the village as wife of the chief?”

  “I never really thought about it. Honestly, I don’t know that he would have me even if I did win. He may decide I am not for him.”

  “If he did claim you, then what?”

  “If I were to be his wife, I guess I would do what I could to protect and help the people of this land. I don’t know what I could offer, or that I have any skills of worth but I would do my best, hopefully learn from those around me.”

  “You think you are the best fit for my son?”

  “I think only Leon knows that answer. I only want what’s best for him, and if it’s not me, as long as he is happy, that is all that matters.”

  “What will you do when this is over and you are not chosen?”

  “I will return to my homeland.”

  She looked me over. Her eyes moving slowly from my head to my toes and then back again. I felt stripped of my clothing. As if I were on display, every imperfection spotlighted. It was unnerving. She finished her observation and stood. Then walking to the door, opened it wide. I took the cue it was time for me to leave. I walked out the door. As I did, she spoke quietly, “Don’t forget your disguise my dear.” I realized I hadn’t tried to put it back in place, but then I wouldn’t be able to until I left. Sitting in that room I knew what little magic I could do would have no affect there. I stepped out door and put my mirage in place than continued down the steps and onto the path back to Sanna’s.



  I was running late, but with luck, Pearl would not be there yet. I rounded the corner in time to see Raina walk out of my house. Then in a blink of an eye, Pearl appeared before me. I rubbed my eyes. It was definitively Pearl walking down the path. I ran up the stairs and stared at my mother.

  “One mystery solved son.”

  “You knew?”

  “I’m your mother of course I knew.”

  “Are they really the same person?” I was flabbergasted. She was tricking me again. Now I could only feel anger for them both. Why would she trick me this way? I was just starting to let my guard down, now this. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted her. I began pacing behind the chairs. “Why would she deceive me? Now I’ll never trust her. She would surely know that, yet still she did it.”

  “Sit!” My mom ordered. I came around the chair and sat facing her. My anger now boiling over.

  “Are you mad that she deceived you, or are you mad that one of them does not exist?”

  “Both!” I yelled back. “She had her chance, I wanted to move on. Here I find out that I had feelings for someone that doesn’t exist. How am I supposed to feel? At least I have my answers. I knew I shouldn’t have doubted Lace.”

  “Ohh, don’t you get me started on that one. She is more deceitful than you know. She has tainted you worse than anything Pearl or Raina has done. Why did you not tell me about Raina?”

  “She didn’t matter. She doesn’t matter.”

  “I think she does.”

  “No, you don’t know her. She stole my memories. She changed who I was. You can’t trust someone like that.”

  “Do you think if she showed up to the games as herself, you or others in the village would allow it? Would show her no prejudice or discrimination for who she is?”

  “That’s not the point!”

  “Isn’t it son. Did you not ask her to leave.”

  “My point exactly, who would stick around when they are unwanted.”

  “You are as stubborn as your father. A pigheaded fool. You are not seeing what is happening here.”

  “What is happening here?”

  “Leon, you need to give into your instincts. Let them guide you. You are letting your anger cloud your emotions. Let it go.”

  “Easy for you to say, she didn’t play with your emotions.”

  “No, she didn’t she was honest and thoughtful. She is a good match for you. She still loves you. I am proud she has the courage to fight for you even though you have rejected her time and time again.”

  “Isn’t that my instincts talking? If I keep rejecting her, then it is over. Done. She should leave.”

  “You fool. If you truly rejected her, had no connection with her at all, you would not keep going back to her. Do you do that with anyone else?”

  “Yes, Lace and I have a strong connection with her.”

  “Son, you are the only one deceiving yourself. Raina, Pearl, whatever you want to call her, may have a mask on the outside, but she is true to her soul. You are the one playing tricks.” She held up her hand to stop my comments from coming and walked out the door. She sat on the porch looking out over the trees. I needed to get out here. I didn’t like arguing with my mother. I didn’t like anything she had said. She didn’t get it.

  I found myself at the arena. They had dismantled the dome ceiling opening it up to the sky above. Just past the large white carved doors was now a maze of green ivy hedges filled with soft wh
ite flowers. The maze looked as if it extended past the arena into the woods beyond. The walls and far side of the arena no longer existing. There was still lots to be done. I began helping with the preparations. It would get my mind off Raina and my mother. I could still feel my anger. A few times I was asked to work on another project, I was destroying the delicate flowers. It was true, I had a pile of petals at my feet.

  By the time night fell, the arena had been completely transformed. I on the other hand had not. I was still heated with anger. I walked the path towards my home. Half way there I came across Lace. She was waiting in the path.


  “Leon, there you are. I needed to talk with you. I heard you may be out this way.”

  “What is it, what’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want to speak ill of a loved one, but I know Sanna has turned your mother against me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “That’s why I’m here. I needed to tell you my side before they tried to turn you against me.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  “You know Sanna doesn’t like me. Well, she was with your mother when I arrived. From the start she was throwing accusations at me. I only want what’s best for us. You mean everything to me. I love you Leon.”

  She threw her arms around my head and was leaning her body on mine. Her eyes began to swell with tears. She buried her face in my chest.

  “Oh Leon, what are we to do?”

  “Calm down. Now tell me what happened?”

  “I told you. I arrived at your home and Sanna answered the door. She insulted me before I could even say hello. Who knows what lies she told your mother about me. Then, your mother called me a thief and liar. Oh, Leon, what ever shall we do. You do love me don’t you.”

  “Of course I do. Why would she call you a thief?”

  “I don’t know! The only thing I’ve stolen is your heart I hope.”

  “That makes no sense.”

  “But its true. Then she said I don’t love you. How can she say that? You know I do don’t you.”

  “Yes, I do. Are you sure you didn’t misinterpret her comments.”

  “No! Are you taking her side? Are you agreeing with her that I don’t love you? I’m a thief and a liar?”

  “Wo, that’s not what I said. It just doesn’t sound like my mom.”

  “That’s because Sanna did this. She said things to her. How can I defend myself against your sister?”

  “Look, I know Sanna has her differences with you, but she wouldn’t sabotage your interview. I will have a talk with them.”

  “So you think I am over reacting, lying.”

  “No, I just think there was a misunderstood with you all. We can easily clear it up. You’ll see.”

  “You don’t love me. You don’t trust me.”

  “Lace, what would you have me do?”

  “Take my side for once. Stand up for me. You know me. You know I love you. That should be enough for you to trust me. Know I am right.”

  “Lace, this is my family. I need to talk things out with them.”

  “So, you're not on my side. Why am I even trying to be your wife when you don’t love me.”

  “What, you sound like you would have me choose. My family or you?”

  “Yes! If you want to prove your love you will choose me this time.”


  “Me or them?”

  “Lace, I can’t make that choice.”

  “You would choose them over your feelings for me. Our bond. Our connection. Our love. I’m hurt.”

  “Lace. I do choose you. I will let them know they were in the wrong to make you feel this way. To question your love and nature. How does that sound?”

  “Leon, I would appreciate that. They just made me out to be this monster. You know I am not.”

  “No, you're not Lace.”

  She leaned in and kissed me. Then with a smile on her face left for her home. I wasn’t sure what she was talking about, but the words my mother spoke earlier entered my mind, ‘she is more deceitful then you know.’

  I headed home, now more frustrated than ever. My mother was cooking dinner over the stove. She waved me to a chair in the kitchen. “Mom, we need to talk.”

  She poured me a bowl of stew and sat across from me. “Whenever your ready.” She announced.

  “What happened in your interview with Lace?”

  “Oh her. Not what I thought we would talk about but okay. Let’s see. She said she loved you. Was devoted to you. Couldn’t wait to be in control. Nothing much. Very nice girl.”

  “Really, that’s not the story she told me.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “What do you see, Mom, I love this woman! You have to be kind to her.”

  “I gave her the kindness she deserved.”

  “Mom, that doesn’t mean much. You don’t even know her.”

  “I knew enough.”

  “Yeah, from Sanna. She never liked Lace. You shouldn’t have let her persuade your opinion.”

  “Sanna didn’t say anything about Lace. She was leaving as Lace arrived.”

  “Well, she did say something to Lace. It really upset her.”

  “If she did, I didn’t hear it.”

  “So, you say Sanna didn’t try to convince you Lace was not the right choice for me.”

  “Yes, that is what I am saying, Sanna and I never discussed Lace in the slightest.”

  “Then why would Lace come away thinking you disliked her. You thought she was a thief and liar?”

  “I don’t know, maybe it was something she said. Maybe she’s mad at herself for letting her true feelings come out.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I didn’t do anything. I let the serum do all the work. I sat quietly and listened.”

  “What serum?”

  “The truth serum I gave to all the contestants. It’s the only way to know for sure their true intentions with you son. Come now, don’t look at me like that, your grandmother did it to me.”

  “That’s not the point. You can’t do that.”

  “Son, are you troubled that she may not be who she seems?”

  “No! I know who she is.”

  “Great, that’s settled, no need to discuss it further.”

  She was done with her meal, rinsed her bowl and went to the fireplace. “Mom. Why would you do that?”

  “You asked for answers, I wanted you to know what was truth and what was not.”

  “I love her.”

  “You told me you loved more than one women when I arrived. Has that really changed?”

  “Yes. I can’t forgive someone who blatantly deceived me?”

  “You need to look at why. What is she trying to prove?”

  “How do I know that?”

  “You ask.”

  “How can I believe them, her?”

  “Trust your instincts. They will tell you. I’ve had a busy day, so I will see you in the morning for the challenge. Meet you there.”

  “Good night mom.”

  “Good luck son, and if I might suggest, no jewelry in tomorrows event. Wouldn’t want any of our contestants to loose something so valuable.”

  I dismissed the thought, my focus on game tomorrow. I cleaned the dishes then laid down for the night. My mind kept replaying conversations over in my mind. Lace, Raina, Pearl.

  I woke early. I needed to stop the lies, stop the deceits. I had a plan. I dressed and headed to the arena early to put my plans in place.



  When I saw Sanna that evening, she was nothing but smiles. “I’m glad my mom knows. She likes you ya know.”

  “I wasn’t sure. I got the impression she didn’t.”

  “That’s just her. She told me everything. You were the highlight of the interviews. She’s cheering for you also.”

  “So, she’s okay with Pearl?”

  “Yeah, I explained it was my idea. She gave us props for be
ing so creative. That and the fact you look like my grandmother.”

  “What? You did that on purpose.”

  “Yeah I did. Thought Leon would pick it up by now. Funny. My mom caught it right off the bat. She didn’t need any talismans to know you were in a disguise.”

  “I could hit you right now.”

  “Aw, but you love me.”

  “Yeah, I do. You are the best sister anyone could ask for.”

  “I know it.”

  We hugged and giggled some more. Ethan just rolled his eyes and went to his room. “Call me when supper’s ready.” He yelled out. We went to work preparing dinner, the rest of the evening uneventful.

  Morning came. We all headed out to the arena together. At the participants entrance we said our good-byes. They headed up the flight of stairs to the seating area. I waited in the white room behind the beautiful white carved doors. The others had not arrived yet.

  We were all here and the official gave us the rules. They were simple. Make the right decisions to exit the maze. You will be rewarded on your ethics and speed. Okay, it was oddly phrased, but the goal was to get to the end fast.

  The official then held a bag up to each of us. Please remove your jewelry. I was the only one not wearing any. In turn, he gave each of us a wooden talisman to wear. I looked at the engraved markings on the block of wood. I could feel my magic hum. My mask was still in place. He didn’t explain what it was for, only that we were to keep it on at all times. Leon walked into the room then. He collected the bag from the official and wished us all good luck.

  The doors opened wide and the three of us entered the arena. It was transformed into a green and white garden. The walls of ivy stretched high above our heads. In the sky, our bodies illuminated. I lifted my hand, and my mirror above did the same. The talisman was a transmitter of our actions and moves. I got it. We were each introduced, the crowd energetic and anxious. I could feel their energy making me eager to begin. We lined up at the opening of the maze. To my far left I could see the exit. A beautiful wood carved frame with symbols outlined the opening we would exit. I thought to myself, that at some point this labyrinth would circle back. I would need to orient myself to that fact.


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