In a Lifetime

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In a Lifetime Page 17

by Ariadne Wayne

  I met her eyes. “What did you say?”

  She shrugged. “Told her she was an idiot. That Sam was an idiot. That you are the best thing that could ever happen to her, but if she doesn’t stop moping around after that douchebag that she’ll lose you.”

  I swallowed hard. “What did she say?”

  “Some waffle about how it was so soon, and how she has all these conflicting feelings. Matt, she loves you, and maybe she always did. But she has to work out the mess in her head. So, she’s going away.”

  My mouth went dry. Going away? I never intended this break from being around her to be permanent. Not when I loved her and needed her so much.

  “Where’s she going?”

  “She’s taken a couple of weeks off work, and she flew out to the Cook Islands this morning. To go sit on the beach and do some more moping, I guess. She wants to take some time out before she gets too fat to fly.”

  I couldn’t stop the smile creeping across my face. Vanessa always did call a spade a spade.

  “Do you want to know what I think you should do?” she asked.

  “I’m all ears.”

  She leaned in close, as if what she was about to tell me was a huge secret. “Go after her. Do the big romantic gesture. Tell her that you’re there for her.” Vanessa pursed her lips. “Ella’s not good at being alone. She needs friends or family or the man she loves with her. She’ll love being in the sun in the day, and hate being by herself at night. I’ve got all the details for her trip, she emailed them to me. Uni has been so crazy busy, I only found out last night.” Tears gathered in Vanessa’s eyes as she spoke. “Go and love my sister. She needs it. She needs you.”

  I reached out, rubbing her arm to give her some comfort. “Thank you.”

  “What for?” She sniffed, rubbing her nose on the paper napkin I offered her.

  “For being my friend. For loving me and Ella.”

  “You two are so loveable. And you’re good together. Dad would be over the moon.”

  I laughed. “How is your father?”

  “Still pissed at Sam, but then, he always thought he was a bit off. I don’t think he’s hugely surprised.”

  I nodded. I well remembered Mr Brown’s attitude as far as Sam was concerned. “What about the baby? Is he at least happy about that?”

  “Happy he’s going to be a grandfather, especially when the whole ‘trying to get pregnant’ thing was wearing Ella down. I think he wishes it was yours, though.”

  I chuckled and sunk my teeth into my burger, moaning at the taste, just as Vanessa had.

  “Do you and your burger want some privacy?”

  I waggled my eyebrows at her while I chewed, looking around the food court at the other tables.

  “Did I tell you I have a boyfriend?”

  I shook my head, taking a sip of my drink. “No. Who?”

  “He and I are taking some classes together. He’s sitting at that table over there.” She waved her hand in the general direction of a whole bunch of tables with people sitting at them. Real helpful.

  “Why is he sitting at another table?”

  “Because I wanted to talk to you about Ella. And break the news that I found someone else.”

  I put my hand to my heart. “I don’t know if I’ll ever recover from this heartbreak, Ness.”

  She rolled her eyes. “As if you were ever interested in anyone but my sister. Anyway, I’ll let him join us now.”

  She waved at the tables, and a lanky dark-haired guy walked over, placing his tray on the table and sitting on the other side of her.

  “Matt, this is Connor.”

  Connor peered at me from below the fringe that flopped down over his forehead. “Hey.”

  “Connor, this is Matt.” She beamed, lighting up as she looked between her boyfriend and I. It was so good to see her that happy.

  He’d better take care of her.

  Later that night, I made my way back to my apartment. It was cold and dark, and after my conversation with Vanessa, empty and lonely. Connor had been respectful, and was clearly as enamoured with Vanessa as she was with him, which made me pleased. I’d watch over her for the rest of my days, no matter how things went with Ella.

  I sat on the couch and flicked on the television. Vanessa was right. Ella might enjoy the time alone for a little while, but she wasn’t one to stay by herself for long. Not that I thought she’d look for other company, but being by herself would ultimately make her more miserable.

  Maybe this was my chance to swoop in, tell her I love her, and have the time away from everything else to show her how much.

  I picked up the phone and dialled my boss. Since this whole Sam thing had been going on, Dominic had been freaking out at how many hours I’d put in to work and had been harassing me to take a break. Now I was about to take him up on that. With a couple of hours work tonight, I could finish up what I was working on and I’d be free to go to Ella.

  She might freak out if I showed up, but I no longer cared after my conversation with Vanessa. Worst-case scenario, she would tell me she needed more time, and I got a break on a tropical island.

  I had to take the chance.

  If she was ready, everything would be worth it.



  Ella stood by the pool, bending to run her hand through the water and then wincing as she stood. The last couple of weeks, her bump had seemed to explode in size as the baby grew. Every part of her body ached, and she made her way to a lounger and spread her towel over it before sitting down. She ran her hands across her now five-month belly as the baby kicked, smiling at the contact.

  “Let’s get some sunshine,” she whispered, leaning back.

  She closed her eyes, the sun on her face warm and comforting and the gentle breeze cool. Perfect. This was a nice spot; she’d chosen the side of the resort restricted to adults. There were a few people around, but there would be plenty of peace and quiet while she took in some rays.

  It would be so easy to fall asleep out here.

  Another tiny kick made her smile again. They’d recently grown from little butterflies to full on feet against skin. At least, that was how they felt. Over the next few weeks the kicks would grow stronger. Everyone she knew who had been pregnant said she’d get sick of it sooner or later and just want it to end.

  Not Ella. After everything, each kick was a welcome reminder that she’d conquered one of the biggest struggles of her life.

  Her bag, lying on the ground beside her, vibrated, and the distinctive Thunderbirds theme had her sitting up in confusion. Matt had stayed away, as they had discussed. She missed him every day, but didn’t have a clue how to let him know. It had taken so long to feel ready, and the longer she left it, the more she’d wondered if he still wanted her.

  Ella reached for her bag, pulling out her phone and taking a deep breath before answering.


  “Hey, beautiful.” A familiar voice came from her right, and she turned her head to see Matt a couple of loungers over.

  “Matt.” Her heart beat fast as she looked at him, his smile lighting up his whole face. She hung up the phone, slipping it into her bag.

  “Who?” His grin grew wider, and she rolled her eyes with a smile.

  “Oh, so it’s like that, is it?”

  “Do you come here often?”

  She laughed loudly, ignoring people around them turning to see. “This is my first time, actually.”

  He cocked his head, raising his eyebrows. “I bet that’s what they all say.”

  Ella bit down on her bottom lip, running it through her teeth as her cheeks flushed. Matt had given her the space she needed to work out what she wanted. Now he was here with her, and this was a deliberate move on his part—no way had this been a coincidence.

  For the first time in forever, hope filled her being. All those glimpses of his heart, and now it was right in front of her.

  “Matt, what are you doing here?”

  He stood,
moving toward her. And then he said the words she hadn’t dared dream.

  “I came for you.”

  She opened her mouth to speak, words sticking in her throat as emotion overwhelmed her. She’d cried so many tears for Sam, but the reality was that Matt was always the one who had cared for her, shown her understanding when she needed it, and been there when she’d called.

  Now, as their eyes met, all she saw was the love he held for her. The love he’d always kept in.

  He knelt beside the lounger. Matt gripped her arms, bending his head to kiss her, claiming her mouth with his. No backing away now.

  His lips were soft and warm, and this time, there was no guilt for either of them. She was free to love him, and maybe that was the way it should have always been.

  When he pulled away, he smiled, scanning her face and taking in her features as if seeing her was something new.

  “I tried. I tried so hard to stay away, but I couldn’t. This must be weird, me turning up here, but I couldn’t think of any better way to start again.”

  She ached, ached to be in his arms, to feel them around her once more, all the while knowing that if that happened, she wouldn’t want him to ever let go. This was their clean slate, the chance to start all over again. “Sorry. Who are you again?”

  Matt laughed, winking. “That’s my girl.” He took her hand in his. “Want to go for a walk along the beach?”

  Ella grinned, her heart warmed by his presence. “I’d love to.”

  Matt stood, helping her to his feet, bending to pick up her bag. She took it from him, unable to wipe the grin from her lips. As long as he was there with her, that would stay plastered all over her face.

  Taking a deep breath, she linked her arm in his, taking her bag with her free hand and slinging it over her shoulder.

  “How did you know I was here? Oh. Vanessa.” Ella grinned, resting her head on his shoulder. This couldn’t be more perfect, the soft beige-coloured sand between her toes, the clear blue water stretching for miles in front of them, and the cloudless sky, sun shining brightly.

  “She told me what you were doing. I was on the verge of showing up at your place anyway; I got sick of waiting. Maybe it was impulsive, but I had to see you.”

  Ella lifted her head, smiling at him. His cheeks were pink, and he looked away as if suddenly shy. She took a deep breath and slid her hand across his chest. Matt turned his head. “I’m glad you’re here,” she said.

  Those dark blue eyes scrutinised her for a moment, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile.

  “I thought we could hang out together, have dinner, and then …”


  Matt grinned. “Whatever the lady wants.”

  Ella’s heart leapt to her throat at the warm, loving look he gave her. She’d seen so many sides of Matt, but this was the next level. Away from all the turmoil and stress of home, they were free to pursue whatever this was. Despite her being pregnant with Sam’s child, Matt was here and ready to start something new.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I thought about it. So many times I thought about it. But it always felt too soon, and …” She bit down on her bottom lip. “I thought you might have changed your mind and moved on?”

  Matt shook his head. “As if there was ever any chance of that. I’ve waited for, what? Four years? Like a few more months were going to make any difference. You had to be ready.”

  “Is that why you’re here uninvited?” The words slipped out before she could stop them. “Oh, Matt. I didn’t mean it like that.”

  He stopped, taking a deep breath. The air was warm, but there was a cool breeze. It would be pleasant, but for the afternoon humidity. “I decided to take a chance. Vanessa said you missed me. I wanted to see your face. I’ve missed it.”

  “I’ve missed you.” She licked her lips. “I felt guilty at first. But after what Sam did, there is no way I want him in my life again. So I can make myself happy now, or prolong staying miserable.”

  Matt twisted around, grasping her arms. “What’s going to make you happy, Ella?”

  She scanned his expression. He had hope written all over his face, and she was what he hoped for. “You.”

  The joy in his eyes was too much to bear, and her cheeks ached from the grin she now couldn’t wipe from her lips. For a moment they stared, no sound, no gestures, just two people truly discovering one another for the first time.

  It didn’t matter that there were other people on the beach. All Ella saw was the man who had loved her for so very long with nothing to stop them from being together.

  He bent his head, pressing his lips to hers in a kiss that bonded them, sealed whatever deal they’d made. There would be no parting them now, of that she was sure. The kiss also settled her heart, giving her the final sign that this was real and it was here.

  “I swear to you right here and now that I will never take you for granted,” he whispered when they broke contact.

  Tears rolled down her face. “I know.”

  She closed her eyes as he wiped the tears away with his thumbs. “Do you want to know what I think?” he asked.


  “We see where things go. Take it as it comes. We have all the time in the world. I’m going nowhere.”

  Ella opened her eyes as he kissed her cheek.

  “I like that idea.” She slid her arms around his neck, resting her head on his chest.

  ELLA YAWNED, dropping her fork to her plate. Even getting to midday without a nap had been hard. Lunch had helped brighten her up, but now she struggled.

  “Am I keeping you awake?” Matt’s lopsided smile betrayed his bemusement.

  “I get tired in the afternoons. Especially here, where it’s so much warmer than home. I’ve slept like a baby the past two nights.”

  He grinned, reaching for her hand. “If you think that’s how babies sleep, you’re going to be very disappointed.”

  Ella laughed. “You know what I mean. Walk me to my room?” She flicked a glance at him. Was he staying here too? The thought of him sharing her room made her heart flutter.


  Matt took her hand as she stood, and they walked through the resort. All colours of hibiscus grew on either side of the path. The fragrant scent of the flowers filled the air as they drew close to her door.

  “Where’s your room?” she asked as she swiped the card.

  “About five down from yours. Vanessa could tell me what type of room you had, but not which one. I guess I lucked out.”

  In a move brave for Ella, she put her hand on Matt’s shoulder, pulling him down for a lingering kiss on the lips.

  “Aren’t I lucky?” He grinned.

  “That’ll have to hold you until later.” She straightened the collar on his cotton shirt, patting it as she pushed at the door with her other hand.

  “How about I swing by and pick you up for dinner about six? We can eat in the restaurant.”

  “Sounds good.”

  He bent again, pecking her on the cheek. “See you then. Have a good sleep.”

  Ella leaned against the door as she closed it, waving her hand to fan her face. Her holiday had become a million times better than it had been that morning.

  Matt was here, and he wanted her. Her body was exhausted, but her mind was racing. How on earth could she sleep knowing that he was so close and ready to love her?

  She looked down at her protruding belly, full of a life formed with the man she thought would love her forever. How was this supposed to work? Sam still didn’t know; he was next to impossible to talk to without her feeling like she was to blame. That Matt would still want to start a new relationship with her at this stage in her life made her heart glow. He didn’t seem to care.

  Ella yawned again. So much to think of, and yet the child who grew inside her fought to make her sleep. At least, that was what it seemed like. It made up for the times when soon enough she’d suffer from lack of sleep.

  She didn’t bother s
tripping off, lying down on top of the bed and yawning again as she closed her eyes. Dinner with Matt. That was what she’d focus on. Not worry about what came next, or how quickly it might happen. Matt was there. That was all that mattered.

  For the first time in so long, Ella drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face. She finally had something to be happy about.

  REFRESHED, she’d woken and went into the shower. Although the room was cool, her skin still tingled from the heat of the sun, her hair sweaty from the outside humidity.

  She stood under the water, closing her eyes as it washed the feeling away. Despite lathering on sunscreen, she had patches where her skin was red, but the water helped cool them.

  Running her hand over her bump, the baby gave her some of those small kicks that made her smile. They’d slowed when she’d slept, and she smiled at the thought of her boy napping when she did. He must get tired too.

  She dressed in a sarong as a skirt, and a light buttoned shirt. A romantic dinner with Matt. Whoever thought she’d end up in this place with him? To think that back when they’d met, she’d thought he didn’t like her.

  Every memory took on a new life as she remembered his reactions to things. The look on his face when he’d seen her in her wedding gown. And she had been worried that she looked okay.

  That day must have been so hard on him.

  A gentle tap on the door told her he was there, ready to take her to dinner. Excited, she pulled at the door handle and caught her breath.

  Dark-brown board shorts, a white and grey striped button-up shirt, and that look in his eye that told her how he was feeling.


  She nodded. “I’ll grab my bag.”

  “Did you have a good rest? I watched a movie and fell asleep, too.”

  Ella picked up her bag from beside the bed, her stomach flipping at what was to come for the evening. If she knew Matt at all, he’d be caring and patient. Despite the length of time he’d waited for her, he wouldn’t rush.

  “I feel a lot better. I think the little man got a sleep, too.” She patted her stomach.

  The corners of Matt’s mouth crept up into a smile. “You’re having a boy?”


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