Down With Cupid Shorts Bundle

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Down With Cupid Shorts Bundle Page 5

by Melissa Blue

  She’d walked in with her hair tucked back into one of those stylish buns women wore now, looking every inch the professional even though a flush had crept over her face.

  A memory crawled out of the depths of his mind. His fingers buried in her hair at the nape of her neck. The silky hair covering her mound tickling his other palm. Nicole flushed from roots to toe, moaning against his neck. Professional looking now, but she was supple every where.

  Like then, her plump lips were parted on a soft sigh. Like then, a bolt of need shot down his spine into his cock and hardening because his body knew what was supposed to come next.

  Sebastian tore his gaze from hers. She shouldn’t still have this pull on him. It had been two months, and he wasn’t some simpering idiot who fell for a woman because she could fuck well. They shared a weekend. End of story. Yet his cock stayed hard at the sight of her slightly breathless and flushed. His mind couldn’t help but painstakingly remove the red silk blouse and gray dress suit. Only leaving the red high heels.

  Thankfully, Jeremiah Phillips took that moment to turn in the client chair. “Look who finally showed up.”

  If he hadn’t seen the shock widening her eyes, Sebastian wouldn’t have known the easy smile for the lie it was. Still, the grin lit up her amber irises.

  “Aren’t you the one to talk? Thought I’d have to storm your office and get this meeting come hell or high water. As usual.”

  The man stood, straightening to his full height. Sebastian scowled at the subtle gesture. Jeremiah was attracted to her. He was making himself the bigger man in the room, taking up space so her eyes would only be on him. It was Sebastian’s job to know these kinds of things. How a client should look, move and speak. He was an image maker and this image said look at me and only me.


  But since Jeremiah was a client and Sebastian didn’t want Nicole for himself, he stood away from the desk and made a mental note to not straighten to his full height. He rounded the crystalline glass desk and gestured to the couches on the other side of the room.

  “We can finish up the rest of the meeting here.”

  He settled into the soft cushions first, because it took them a moment to catch up. She was busy giving Jeremiah air-cheek kisses and Jeremiah willingly let her. The irritation wasn’t because it was Nicole, but because it was unprofessional and bordered on cliché. They were supposed to instill in the client that they knew how to put a spin on anything. They knew how to make the client stand out.

  But, maybe this is the way Nicole did things and, from the looks of it, Jeremiah was supremely happy. They settled in and chatted for a few minutes. He saw the way she maneuvered the man into talking about the auction. Smooth and without breaking stride. She gained back points lost for the kiss.

  “Speaking of that,” Jeremiah said, “I’m not too sure about being a bachelor for this event.”

  “Listen—” she began.

  “You’re right to feel unsure,” Sebastian cut in.

  The lines around Nicole’s mouth tightened, and if looks could kill, a Mack truck would be backing up over him again and again until nothing was left but skid marks and goo.

  He went on. “You’re a good looking man and selling sex is easy enough to do. The plan is to make you more accessible. To play up the sexy geek. It’s in right now. This will give your company the commercial exposure it needs. You’ve gained the respect of your peers. Now you need to branch out.”

  “I don’t know.” Jeremiah’s face flushed. “Will anyone bid on me? And if they do…” He swallowed nervously.

  It became clear to Sebastian the man didn’t go on dates very often. Well, fuck. What the hell had Nicole been thinking?

  “Look at me,” Nicole said. “I will walk you through all the possible scenarios. We’ve talked. Quite a bit. So I know you’re charming and smart. Women love that. Make her feel special. She’s spent money on a wonderful cause. You’re only the vehicle. If things start to make a turn for the worse, you can call me, and I’ll see what I can do to make it better. But you won’t need me.” She clapped, stood. “How about we start off small and not sweat the event yet? You need clothes. Davina has been dying to put you in a suit. Something classic and comfortable. Think Clooney.”

  Within minutes Sebastian felt like a third wheel, following them to another floor. Anna was smart and had created a stylist branch to her company—a full boutique for appearances.

  There was no question Nicole’s eyes were bigger than her stomach when it came to the securing Jeremiah for the bachelor auction. Yet, she put Jeremiah at ease. She told him what he needed to do and made it sound like child’s play. She didn’t condescend or bully or do half of the things that some publicist would to get the same result from the client—full cooperation. It was breathtaking to watch.

  But that’s not why he agreed to work at Limelight. So Sebastian bided his time, made the right noises and saw the client out. He followed instead of led and waited until Nicole closed the door to her modern and immaculate office. Waited even longer for her to lean against the edge of her desk and cross her legs at the ankle with a smug expression.

  “You did a good job allying his fears,” he said.


  “You’re going to have go in a more drastic direction to get him to show up. Yes, we serve our clients, but it means nothing if we lose our contacts. You’re going to lose the woman in charge of the charity event when he backs out last minute. The man’s one step away from a recluse. Public events scare him so much his balls don’t retract for a week at the thought of public speaking. You’ve set yourself up for failure.”

  “Crude but true. Don’t you believe I’ve thought of that?”

  “I’m sure you have, but there’s nothing that will get him there.”

  Her gaze glinted. “Would you stake your reputation on that?”

  “I would.” Sebastian leaned back in the client chair and told himself not to enjoy the way her legs looked crossed. How smooth and delectable they looked bare from her knee down to the toes peeking out from the red straps. It didn’t help he knew how silky her skin felt gliding beneath his tongue. “But, how about we make this truly challenging?”

  Her gaze narrowed on his face, and he knew that look. He’d made it form on her features when he told her to come on command. Make me the expression said. “You got him to agree to go to the event,” Sebastian said. “Doesn’t mean he won’t back out last minute. Let’s see who can ensure he shows up.”

  She scoffed. “That’s too easy. I’ve never had a client skip an event I’ve scheduled.”

  “Neither have I. I know this isn’t right for him. Your ego won’t let you see it. There’s the difference.”

  “You’re cocky.”

  “You should know.” His voice had gone husky without provocation.

  Her teeth sank into the side of her mouth, pursing full lips. She straightened. “I do. Never doubt that.” She made a sound full of contemplation. “Your confidence will be your Achilles’ heel. You think because you know something, you know everything.”

  “I’m not new at this.”

  “No, you’re not. At least not from the way you conducted yourself. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn more tricks of the trade.”

  He hoped, like hell, they had stopped talking about the client. Then common sense prevailed and shot down the idea. He and Nicole had to work closely together. What happened once could never happen again. The only reason he had the urge to play this game was to prove himself to Anna and her publicity manager. Nothing else. Nothing more.

  “I could say the same.”

  A smile, slow and seductive, curved her lips. “What’s the prize?”

  “A coveted contact.” He had more than a few she’d salivate over, and after seeing her schmooze Jeremiah, he knew she had a few he’d want.

  “Then you’re on, Sebastian. May the best publicist win.”

  Chapter Three

  A week later, Nicole could look
back and see the problem actually started the moment she accepted the challenge. She hadn’t been thinking when he’d thrown it out as bait. Nicole had only been thinking how much she’d love to wipe the smug expression off Sebastian’s face. He’d lulled her into complacency while he’d stood silently as she wooed Jeremiah into a fitting and a follow-up meeting. She’d forgotten just how dangerous Sebastian could be when he put forethought behind his actions.

  It didn’t help when his voice lowered an octave and reminded her of their weekend together. She’d done her best to forget their sexcapade had happened. Except, she couldn’t really forget the way his mouth closed over her nipples, her lips, her clit, especially when he smiled that knowing smile. As though he could detail all the ways she’d practically begged him to take her. Side by side, on top, on bottom, her astride his face. He’d done it all with skill and the same confidence that probably spurred the challenge.

  What was the problem exactly? He was her shadow until Anna said differently. At every client meeting, lunch break, phone call and emailed press release, he was right there, being her shadow.

  Practically every moment of the past week, she had to pretend his proximity didn’t affect her one bit. Nicole had to act like his smell didn’t make her stomach twist with a need that could never be sated. She had to be unchanged by the way his low timbre traveled up her spine and made her want to shiver. She had to admit, only to herself, she admired the way he handled clients. They didn’t have the same methods, but she couldn’t deny his worked. He was smart and quick and driving her crazy.

  She stole a glance in his direction. He’d ditched the suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of the dress shirt to his elbows. She refused to let her gaze linger on the muscled forearms that brought back too many memories of how strong he was, or how she ran her tongue along the skin there just to taste him. Instead, she focused on his facial features, and, unfortunately, it wasn’t the lesser evil. Not with all the angles detailing pure masculine beauty.

  Frowning at the schedule pinned to the wall of her office, Sebastian stalked across the small space. Their last client of the day had left. The stars beckoned for admiration through the large window directly behind her. If he hadn’t been there, she would’ve called it a night, but he was; so she couldn’t.

  All those breaks during the past two months had turned her soft. To think, the man who had inspired the slow down mindset didn’t take things at a slow pace himself. What a fraud he’d been that weekend.

  Nicole wished she could point it out, but that would be admitting she’d thought more than once about what had happened between them. It hadn’t been simply sex between two consenting adults, but something that changed her. Not a flaw she’d confess to in this lifetime or the next.

  Tired, she dredged up all the skills to fake boundless energy and enthusiasm and came up empty. It had been a long day and an even longer week. She rubbed at the worry lines creasing her forehead. “Sebastian, what is it?”

  “Chelsea’s really screwed up her hometown girl image. When will these celebrities learn to put on underwear when they’re about to get trashed?” He made a sound full of frustration and ran a hand through the black strands, finally making them look like they had during their weekend in bed. “I should be thinking about fifty different ways to salvage her reputation and image. Who to call. Who to call back first. Except, I can’t help but wonder what restaurants are nearby. I could kill a lion right now with my bare hands and eat it raw.”

  The comment was so unexpected she laughed. A grin whipped across his face and he joined in. Still chuckling, she tapped her phone and looked up the information.

  “Depends what you’re in the mood for. Some places deliver, most are Chinese or Thai.”

  “I’m feeling like pizza. The biggest slice I can shove in my mouth.” He moved to the couches, dug in his suit jacket and put his wallet in his pant’s pocket.

  “There’s a place adjacent to this building. Tell them I sent you and you’ll get it for free.”

  “How about we do one better? Come on.”

  He didn’t wait for an argument but headed to the door. She scowled at his back. “I still have some things to do before I can take a break,” she said.

  He slowed for a moment, grabbed the door handle and wrenched it open. “You’ve taken one and that was to the bathroom. You’ve been on your phone non-stop. As I’ve learned pretty quickly, that makes you grumpy as hell by the end of the day. You’re taking a break, especially if I have to deal with you for the next few hours.”

  He walked out the door, leaving it open. She wasn’t grumpy at the end of the day, she was tired. If she lost a bit of decorum, it was understandable. And if he were a true gentleman, he wouldn’t have brought it up. Her stomach grumbled a protest. The dissatisfied growl made the decision for her.

  Nicole didn’t follow him out—a fine distinction necessary to make—she met Sebastian at the elevator. He stood with his back against the door. It dinged in protest or maybe as a warning.

  “You know people have died that way.”

  “In movies.” He slid in after her and punched the ground-floor button.

  Silence filled the space. This was the first time they weren’t on the move for a client. The first time she let herself actually be alone with him when it didn’t involve work in some way. His cologne filled the space, and she tried to take shallow breaths, because what she wanted to do involved plastering herself against him and nuzzling his chest. Since he hadn’t made a single overture, giving in to the desire would be awkward at best.

  “You don’t have to act like I’m going to maul you.”

  Nicole must be tired if she couldn’t at least keep up her game face. “Not even close to what I was thinking.”

  She was scared of the opposite happening. He was arrogant, bossy and insufferable when it came to everything. He was also passionate. Not to forget, he smelled like something she wanted to sink her teeth into. And she knew just how well those qualities played out in bed. The changed woman she’d been trying to keep under wraps wanted to go a few more rounds with him, to see if he held up to the fantasies she’d built up around their weekend together.

  “Just thinking of how to fix this Chelsea fiasco,” she said. The doors slid open with a ding.

  “You’re an incredible liar in business not so much in personal matters. That’s a good thing. Thought you should know.”

  “Excuse me?”

  He put his hand on the door, waited for her to leave the elevator first and then followed. He stopped abruptly, and she instinctively turned to face him. Sebastian smirked. Another one of his damn tactics.

  “Look me in the eye and tell me you haven’t thought about our weekend. Not once since it happened.”

  She had in odd moments, inappropriate ones and for no reason whatsoever. Usually, a momentary ache to hear the deep gasp of pleasure whenever he came. A few more months and the pang would pass. It had to, right? For now, Nicole would know way more than she wanted to about her weekend lover. He walked with the same cocky swagger with clothes on. His voice had the ability to make her knees weak. He could see through her bluster.

  Nicole met his gaze and almost backed out of the stupid dare. Answering would paint a target on her back, one he could pull out whenever it suited him. Three more weeks of his hazing, one he obviously didn’t need, and she wasn’t about to complicate this more.

  Nicole told herself he wasn’t the man who knew her intimately, sexually. He wasn’t the man who spurred her need to slow down and enjoy the life she worked hard to attain. He was a man. Handsome as sin, arrogant as fuck, and in need of at least one woman to prove he wasn’t God’s gift to their sex.

  “I had a good time but the moment I left that hotel room you didn’t cross my mind. Seeing this is the second time you’ve brought up the experience, I can assume I had a lasting effect.” She smirked at the uplift of his chin. “Now, do you want that slice of pizza, or do you want to be proven wrong about something el

  A moment passed for an eternity. Sebastian threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, Darling Nikki.”

  Her outraged gasp teased another chuckle from his lips. She’d told him over a naked mid-night snack, one of the rare moments of taking a break from bed, that her long ago high school boyfriend used to serenade her with the song. Years later, when Nicole really listened to the lyrics, she realized it wasn’t an endearing love song. She’d sworn him to secrecy to never speak of it again. Ever. “You promised.”

  He tsked. “Apparently we’re both liars.” A wicked gleam shone in his eyes.

  Clamping her mouth shut, she considered him. She hadn’t been the only one confessing intimate secrets and shames. “You know this means war, right?”

  “Bring it, but first, pizza.”


  There was no question about it. Sebastian had bitten off more than he could chew. A long line of cheese trailed from Nicole’s mouth to the hot slice in her hand. She twirled a finger around the stray piece and sucked. Her teeth scraped lightly and with expertise over the digit, cleaning off the remnant of food. Was it wrong to be jealous of dairy? Probably, but his gaze refused to move from the seductive action. He couldn’t even pretend not to stare. The mischievous glint in her eyes told him she knew exactly how it looked.

  And it all started because Nicole felt the need to lie about what happened. Why did it matter? It shouldn’t have. In their world a minute was a lifetime. Someone’s reputation could be ruined within seconds. There were more than a million seconds in two months. He should have long since gotten over her effect on him. Yet the seconds ticked by as she ate her pizza. Driving him insane. It should have been patently ridiculous but part of the problem was he knew that mouth, those sucks, licks and scraping of teeth. On his skin.

  Sebastian curled his left hand into a fist to curb the urge to reach across the table, drag her to him and plant his mouth over hers to show Nicole exactly what to do with her tongue. The little minx knew the right buttons to push as she wiped her mouth and hummed, erotically.


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