Jamie Hill Triple Threat (A Cop In The Family)

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Jamie Hill Triple Threat (A Cop In The Family) Page 4

by Jamie Hill

  Jack helped them into their jackets and herded everyone outside. As soon as the boys were buckled in to the Explorer, they both fell fast asleep. Crystal smiled at them and then Jack. “You gave them the best day ever. How can I possibly thank you?”

  He smiled and started the engine. “It was fun. We’ll have to do it again.”

  She looked out her window, realizing he was just being polite. They weren’t prepared to make future plans. Her life and the lives of the boys were in limbo until they could find Dave. She tried to stifle a yawn but was unsuccessful, and Jack reached over to pat her arm. “Lean your head back and doze off. It’s fine.”

  “I might. Did you mean it when you said this place was close to your house?”

  He glanced sideways at her. “Yep, just a few blocks.”

  “Can we drive by?” she asked. “I mean, not to go inside or anything, but just see where you live?”

  He shrugged and turned at the next corner. The neighborhood got nicer, and Crystal stared out the window in awe. Jack pulled in the driveway of a large, ranch-style house with a wide front porch and big yard. She looked at him, asking quietly, “Here?”

  “Afraid so,” he replied.

  “It’s beautiful,” she almost whispered, her face pressed against her window. “Oh, you have a porch swing, and such a big yard! Is your back yard fenced?”

  “Yeah. I, uh, have a dog.”

  “A dog?” she breathed longingly, and touched the window with her fingertips. “What kind?”

  “German shepherd. His name is Zeus.”

  “The ruler of the heavens,” Crystal commented, remembering her Greek mythology.

  Jack chuckled. “I didn’t name him. He’s retired from the canine unit. But he is pretty much the ruler of the house, I’ll admit. A major bone of contention—if you’ll forgive the pun—with Mrs. Dunlevy Number Two.”

  Crystal laughed and continued to gaze out the window. “Not a big dog fan, eh?”

  “Not of a dog that has to be reminded of his place. He seriously does think he’s in charge. I can control him, though, and he’s a great watchdog, which I appreciate.”

  “Me too,” Crystal said quietly, and whispered, “I love dogs.”

  He touched her arm. “Crystal, I have spare bedrooms. For the boys…” he forced himself to add, “and you, if you’d like to stay here tonight.”

  She looked out the window a moment longer and then turned to face him. “That sounds wonderful. But I’m afraid we’d never want to leave.”

  It was dark and they couldn’t see each other’s face clearly, but he seemed to understand what she was telling him. He smiled and squeezed her arm. “The feeling is mutual. Maybe another time, then.”

  “Yeah.” She settled back into her seat, and he removed his hand to drive them away.

  Jack was a few blocks from Crystal’s building when he passed a convenience store and read a big sign advertising cigarettes on sale for three dollars and sixty-nine cents a pack. “Jesus,” he muttered, “when I quit smoking, I'd been paying forty-eight cents, plus two cents tax, for a pack. I can’t believe…” He trailed off and looked sharply at Crystal. “I thought there was something different about you today. You quit smoking?”

  “Yeah,” she smirked. “When my pack ran out. I can usually make a carton last until payday, but it’s been an exceptionally stressful week.”

  “I’d say,” Jack agreed.

  “Man, if smokes were fifty cents a pack today, I’d be in clover," she mused. "My clothes might still be wet at the Laundromat, but I’d have damn cigarettes.”

  Jack pulled into the next convenience store he passed and looked over at her. “Are you going to buy smokes on payday?”

  “You bet I am. I know I need to quit, but that’s probably not going to happen during the week I discover a dead body and become a surrogate mother all at once.”

  He put the truck in park and shut it off. “What kind do you want? I’m going to get you a carton.”

  “Nah, you don’t have to do that,” she protested, but Jack grabbed her hand.

  “Crys, if you’re going to buy them on Monday anyway, then what’s the point of waiting? You’ll probably feel better tomorrow if you have them.”

  “I’m sure I will. Generic extra lights will be fine. I buy whatever’s cheap.”

  He grinned. “Those are like smoking air, anyway. Okay, I’ll be right back.”

  Crystal smiled and he went into the store. Returning a few minutes later, he carried two bags full of stuff. He put the bags in the back of the truck, and returned to his seat with one pack of cigarettes.

  “If those bags were full of cigarettes, I’m set,” she told him.

  Jack grinned and pulled one smoke out of the pack. He puffed on it to light it, and handed it to Crystal. “There you go, babe. Knock yourself out.”

  She took it and inhaled, lowering her window partway to release the smoke. She exhaled and murmured, “God, Jack, you’re my hero.”

  He chuckled, and headed to her apartment building.

  “So what was in the bags?” she inquired.

  “Just a few things to hold you over until you get to the store. Kids need milk and juice and stuff.”

  “I know they do,” she muttered. “I’m doing the best I can.”

  “Yes, you are,” he answered gently. “I wasn’t trying to offend you, I just wanted to help.”

  Crystal sighed and tossed her cigarette butt out the window. They were back in the real world, and there was Ralph lurking in the doorway to her building.

  Jack pulled into a no-parking zone in front and glanced back at the sleeping boys. “Why don’t we carry them up, and I’ll come back for the pizza and stuff?”

  “Okay.” Crystal suddenly very tired. She got out of the truck and snagged one piece of pizza from the full box. “Hey Ralph.” She handed it to him. “Keep an eye on Detective Dunlevy’s Explorer, will you?”

  “Yeah. Hey, Crystal, thanks! Sure I will.” He nibbled on the pizza as he slunk back into the shadows.

  Jack picked up Mark while she hefted Devon onto her shoulder. They headed into the building. Once they were up one flight of stairs, Jack asked in an amused voice, “What do we think Ralph’s going to do if someone tries to screw with my truck?”

  Crystal chuckled. “Probably run away pretty fast. But he’ll holler first, and hopefully the noise will scare whomever off.”

  “Like the noise from my car alarm might?”

  Crystal paused and looked down at him. “You have a car alarm? You might have said something.”

  Jack nudged her arm and they continued up to the third floor. “What, and shatter all the mystery on our first date? I’ve got to save a little something for next time.”

  Crystal had to stop again to laugh. “Damn, Jack, you slay me. You really do.”

  “I try, sweetheart.” He gave her butt a gentle nudge this time.

  Devon was dead weight and she knew Mark had to be as well. “I’m going, I’m going.” She gave a big yawn and went up the last flight of stairs.

  “Where are we putting these guys?” he asked.

  “We’ve been sleeping at their place, so they can be in their own beds. I guess we’ll go there.” She pulled her keys from her pocket and unlocked Dave’s door. She hit the wall switch and looked around. Everything was just as she left it. “Guess no Dave yet.” She went to the bedroom and settled Devon gently on his bed.

  Jack settled Mark in the other bed, and slowly removed the boy’s jacket. Crystal did the same to Devon, and covered both boys with their blankets. She pulled their door partially shut and clicked on the little night light in the hall.

  Jack looked around. “I’d like to go through this place, see if there’s anything that might help me.”

  “Not while the boys are here.” Crystal shook her head. “Do you suppose you could do it while they’re in school?”

  “Sure.” He nodded, still looking around.

  “I can give you a key,” she said.

  “Where do you sleep?”

  She motioned to the next bedroom. “Dave’s room.” Jack gave her a pointed look and she shrugged. “I changed the sheets.”

  He smiled and leaned against the wall. “So were you and Dave…?”

  Crystal looked at him, and leaned back against the other wall. “Is this for the investigation?”

  “Do you see my notebook?”

  She tossed him a look over her shoulder and wandered to safer territory in the living room. “When Dave and I first met, yeah, we slept together. Then I found out that he slept with every woman he met, and probably a few he didn’t even know. But it was when I caught him boinking an off-duty hooker while the boys watched TV in the next room that I really wised up. I went and had myself tested for everything imaginable, and decided it was time for some self-imposed celibacy.”

  “How’s that working for you?” Jack gave her a devilish grin.

  She grinned back and shrugged. “Things have been better. Things have been worse. But at least I know I’m not contagious.”

  “So your tests came out okay?”

  She looked at him again. “This for the investigation?”

  “You know it’s not.”

  She raised her eyebrows and walked over to the door. “Got your second wind to run down and get that pizza?”

  “Only if I don’t have to run.” He headed out.

  “Hey Jack?”

  “Yeah?” He stopped and looked at her.

  “Just so you know, my tests came out perfect. I like to tease, but I’d never tease about a subject like that.”

  He let his eyes run up and down her body once, then shook his head. “Perfect, eh? Pretty much what I expected. Be right back.”

  She watched him as he headed down the stairs, and when he returned she had her apartment door open and led him inside. “We’ll keep the food at my place. When Dave shows up, he’s buying his own stuff.”

  He unloaded the bags of food into her refrigerator.

  “Jesus, Jack.” She lit a cigarette nervously. “You didn’t have to buy all that.”

  He stuck in the two pizza boxes and closed the fridge door. “You’ve got two growing boys to feed. This won’t last long.” He took a step toward her and she stepped backward, puffing on her smoke.

  “Don’t I know it,” she agreed. “So, will you call me when you find out anything about Dave?”

  “Absolutely, and I want you to call me if he shows up. I don’t care what time it is.”

  “I couldn’t do that,” she said hesitantly.

  “I’m going to be up late working this information into the system anyway. If he turns up, I really want to know. Promise you’ll call me.”

  “Okay,” she agreed. “But I hate to think of you losing sleep over me, Jack.”

  He looked her up and down again. “It won’t be the first time.” He looked into her eyes longingly.

  Crystal sensed he wanted to kiss her, and the thought made her nervous as hell. She took a step toward the door to get out of his range. “I’d better get back to the boys. I guess I’ll be talking to you.”

  “You will,” he nodded. “You definitely will.”

  She smiled as he watched her close and lock her apartment door, then step into Dave’s place. “Good night Jack. Thanks again, for everything. It was a great day.”

  “Yeah, it was. You’re welcome. Lock the door.”

  She grinned and saluted him, and closed the door between them.

  “Lock it!” he called out.

  “I did! Go home.”

  He rattled the door. “Piece of crap lock.”

  Crystal chuckled. “Go home, Jack. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight Crys,” he said softly.

  She heard his footsteps on the stairs, and sighed.

  * * * *

  She talked to Jack again late Sunday afternoon.

  “Have you eaten?” he asked before saying hello.

  “God, yes. We’ve done nothing but eat all day long. It’s nice to be full.”

  “I thought maybe I’d bring over hamburgers.”

  “We have food, we’re good. But thanks.”

  “I know, I just thought you might like to hear what I found out today.”

  “Damn, you work fast! Yeah, I would. Come on over, but don’t worry about the hamburgers.”

  “What, did you get a better offer or something? Did Dave show up and take you all out to Red Lobster?”

  She laughed and realized she wanted to see him. “Okay, I won’t argue with you. Bring hamburgers if you want, and fries. Lots of fries. Who cares if I can’t fit into my clothes from stuffing myself so much?”

  “I don’t believe you have to worry. I’ll be there in half an hour with hamburgers and lots of fries.”

  “Cheeseburgers?” she added, trying to sound timid.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  Crystal smiled to herself. “Thanks. See you soon.” She hung up the phone and continued smiling as she tidied up her apartment. The boys were playing a game, and she kibitzed over their shoulders until she heard the knock on her door.

  She opened it and smiled at the delivery man. She was definitely warming up to the way he looked in his tight, faded jeans and that worn leather jacket. “Mmm, cheeseburgers.”

  “And fries. Lots of fries.” His smile and the quick sparkle that flashed in his dark eyes led her to believe he wasn’t exactly sorry to see her, either. Before she could expand on that theory, he looked past her and said, “Hey guys. Hungry?”

  “Yes!” Both boys responded, and helped him carry the sacks to the table. She poured milk for the boys and water for herself and Jack. They sat down together and ate. He asked them about their day, told about his. It was such a normal thing, sharing like a family. The situation clutched at Crystal’s heart. She ached for life to feel as normal as that moment did.

  The boys washed up and they returned to the living room to finish their game.

  Crystal said softly, “It’s going to be hard to talk with them awake.”

  Jack nodded and stretched back in his chair. “That’s why I thought we’d talk after they’ve gone to bed.”

  She looked at the clock. It was barely six-thirty. “They don’t turn in until eight-thirty on school nights. And I need to give them baths.”

  He shrugged and gathered the fast food wrappers into one bag. “Sounds fine. I’m in no hurry.”

  Crystal watched him clean up, wondering if this guy was for real. She stepped to the window and opened it a crack. She lit a cigarette and puffed as she continued to watch him.

  “What are you playing?” He strolled into the living room and looked over Mark’s shoulder.

  “Sorry. Crystal cheats. She doesn’t make Devon go back when she knocks him off,” the older boy replied.

  Jack shook his head and stretched out on the floor between them. “That’s just plain wrong. Why don’t you start over, and I’ll play?”

  “Sure!” Mark cleared the board and set it up for a new game. “You playing, Crystal?” he called to her.

  “Not if you’re afraid I’m going to cheat.” She puffed her cigarette.

  “Suit yourself.” Jack stacked up the game cards and said, “Draw to see who goes first.”

  “The youngest player always goes first,” Devon announced.

  Jack looked at him like he was crazy.

  “Says so in the rules.” Crystal blew smoke toward Jack for emphasis. She ground out her cigarette and closed the window, joining them in the front room.

  “Bull hockey.” Jack shook his head. “Draw to see who goes first. Highest number wins.”

  Mark grinned and drew a card, then Devon shrugged and chose next. Jack drew the highest numbered card and got to go first.

  “Now who’s cheating?” Crystal looked over his shoulder and kicked his leg with her toe.

  “Perfectly fair,” Jack told her, and the game proceeded. Crystal got that ‘normal family’ feeling in the pit of her stomach
again, and tried to bat it down by moving back to the window and lighting up another smoke.

  In the men’s version of the famous Parker Brothers’ board game, nobody cut anybody any slack. Those who were sent back went back with a snotty, “Sorry!” Crystal tried to kibitz but Jack would have none of it. They finally had to call the game on account of time, and declare Mark the unofficial winner.

  “I guess the winner gets to decide if he bathes first or second,” Crystal told him as the boys picked up the game.

  “Second,” Mark decided, “and I want to shower, not take a bath.”

  “Ooh, I want to shower too!” Devon called out.

  “Manly men.” Jack stood up and looked at Crystal. “So where do they shower, here or there?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “My bathroom is definitely cleaner. I think here. Would you mind getting Devon started while I run next door for their p.j.’s?”

  “You bet.” He headed into the bathroom. “Come on, Dev. Let’s see how much of a mess we can make.”

  She stuck her head through the bathroom door. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. He can’t wash his own hair.” She smiled at Jack sheepishly.

  He gave her a sarcastic grin. “Oh, thanks a lot.”

  She could tell he was up to the task, so she hurried to Dave’s place and brought back clean clothes for the boys.

  Jack called out to her, “Hey Crys? Could you shoot us a couple more towels, please? We had a little problem.”

  She stood in the doorway and stared at her flooded bathroom floor. Jack wrapped a towel around Devon and looked up at her apologetically. “I was just kidding about making a mess, but we had a little shower curtain issue here. Seems no one told him it needed to be on the inside of the tub. Sorry.”

  Her heart ached sweetly as she watched Jack rub a towel through Devon’s hair. He was such a big man, kneeling awkwardly in her small bathroom, and taking such gentle care of the little boy. There was something very tender about the moment, and Crystal bit her lip anxiously.


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