Beginning's End

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Beginning's End Page 8

by M. Dalto

  “Before us sits King Emperor Jared, the first of his line, the son of Saviors, the father of princes, and the Light of the Empire,” Reylor announced steadily, his attention no longer on the princess, but on the Emperor who sat at the opposite end of the table.

  “The Light of the Empire,” the rest of the table murmured in response.

  And so it began.

  The origin story Reylor wove for the new Emperor about the Empire, the Annals and its Prophecy ignited nothing more than memories for Alex, and she silently stood until he was done. It had changed, obviously, since the last time she had heard it. The story no longer involved Reylor and Treyan’s past, but now Sarayna and Lexan’s. The threat from the Borderlands now mentioned world domination rather than its former Lord Steward’s thirst for power and its Empress. She knew Reylor did it with purpose, to revise their story as needed, to maintain the tradition as best as he could to appease the Council and the lords, and the efforts were obvious enough.

  “We will begin your training immediately,” Reylor announced to Jared once he finished weaving the Empire’s historical tale. “Both of you, in fact,” he added as he turned towards Sarayna.

  Sarayna sat up straighter at the table. “What does that mean?”

  “It means we will not allow any part of our Empire to appear weak, or unprepared. You were sent to the Otherrealm before starting your own reign, and now that you both have returned, we will ensure you’re ready to lead this Empire into glory once again.”

  The other Council members muttered their agreements.

  “I’ll assist with arms training,” Jamison added, seeing Sara’s concern written across her face. “Your mother can bring you up to date regarding matters of politics, and Reylor—”

  “Lord Reylor,” the younger member of the Council quickly corrected Jamison.

  Jamison shot him a steely glare but turned back to Sara. “Lord Reylor will educate you in the Empire’s histories. It’s the best we can do in such a short amount of time.”

  “What’s with the rush?” Jared spoke up. He had been quiet for most of the meeting, and Alex felt the need to comfort him, as she understood the reasons for his silence, his caution. She had been where he sat once. She, too, had been inundated with the overload of information, and it had made her want to run away. What she wouldn’t have given for the support of someone who understood. At the time, she had Treyan. Even Sara, still fresh, still green, had little knowledge of the Empire that Jared did not.

  Alex stepped away from where she stood and felt as though all but Reylor had forgotten she was there. Alex kept her eyes on Jared, and the rest fell silent as she leaned against the table.

  “There is a war is coming faster and sooner than we ever expected, Emperor. Now that you and the princess have returned, we cannot delay any longer. Those in the Borderlands will, by now, be aware of your presence, and we must be prepared.” Alex dared a glance towards her daughter. “We’ll need to begin preparations for the coronation, and soon after, the wedding ceremony.”

  “What?” the princess and Emperor exclaimed in unison, and the eyes of the Council were on the Queen Empress. Even Reylor dared a glance in her direction from where he sat, but Alex continued.

  Alex’s hands grasped the edges of the table as she leaned forward, her knuckles showing white under the strain. “The Empire is steeped in tradition, whether the Annals are here or not. We must uphold tradition to the best of our abilities and show the Borderlands that our Prophecy still rings true, whether the book is within our possession or not. The coronation of the King Emperor will show the whole of the Empire, including the Borderlands, that we are not scared to proceed with living—that there are more important things than war and vengeance and death. The King Emperor’s succession will unite the Empire as it hasn't been in years.”

  “But a wedding...” Sarayna sputtered in discomfort.

  “Did you truly believe that your union would be legitimate without a marriage?”

  “Well, no, soon?”

  “Royal weddings have happened sooner,” Reylor chimed in, as though understanding where Alex was heading with her train of thought. “It is said there was once a Crown Prince who wed his Empress even before leaving the Otherrealm.”

  “You and Dad waited,” Sara snapped, her eyes focused on Alex as though ignoring Reylor’s presence. “In fact, it wasn’t until you returned from your untimely departure that you finally decided marrying my father would be for the greater good of the Empire.”

  Alex would have lost her footing and fallen to the floor if it wasn’t for the table she grasped. She didn’t dare look at Reylor, the source of that untimely departure, but she knew he tensed at the memory just the same. In fact, it seemed the rest of the Council went rigid at the reminder of what had happened between Treyan, Reylor and Alexstrayna.

  The silence was almost unbearable, but surprisingly it was Jamison who broke the tension. “Everything your mother and father have done was always for the best of the Empire, Sara. Alexstrayna is correct—the wedding of the Crown Princess and King Emperor will show your people that you are not afraid—that there is hope, that there can still be love even when times seem darkest.”

  Sara at least had the decency to not interrupt him and nodded silently before looking to her Emperor. Alex watched the silent interaction between them, and knew their words had rung true. Whether it occurred to Sara that this was their end goal mattered not—she had returned, and her Emperor with her, and the Empire would strive to continue on.

  With very little left to discuss, Reylor dismissed the Council, remaining where he was as the others mingled before departing.

  Alex watched Sara and Jared where they stood by the door with Jamison and another Council member, locked in deep conversation and unaware of her watching them.

  “You should talk to her,” Reylor whispered from where he stood next to her.

  “I know,” Alex responded, and as an afterthought, “Jamison invited us to dinner tonight.”

  “You should go.”

  Alex looked to him incredulously.

  “He was close to Treyan, and Sara is like a lost memory for him. Having her back probably means as much to him as it does to you. He is your friend, Alex, regardless of what he thinks of me.”

  “And what will you do?”

  Reylor smirked. “I’m sure I can find plenty to occupy my time until your return.”

  Alex felt her cheeks flush at the thought that even after everything that happened, he still wanted to...

  All thoughts stopped when he leaned down to brush his lips against her cheek, his breath warm against her ear.

  “I will see you tonight.”

  Her breath hitched slightly, but she nodded, watching him as he walked towards the door to exit the chambers.

  Her eyes met Sarayna’s, where she now stood with her Emperor, all others having since dispersed, leaving only the three of them within the room.

  As if the princess had seen exactly what transpired between the Empress and the Lord Steward.

  Alex would not apologize, but she would try her best to explain herself.

  “We need to talk,” she informed her daughter, and motioned to the chair at the end of the table.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sarayna hesitated by the door, her blue eyes burning a hole through Alex’s head, but the Empress did not waver. She needed to talk to her daughter, or else nothing could proceed as planned.

  She glanced towards Jared and didn’t have the heart to dismiss him out into the unknown world he was so recently brought to. He looked like a normal Otherworlder, with nothing extraordinary or noteworthy about him save for his casually good looks, but Alex could tell he was destined for great things. It was as though the Prophecy had honed him since birth for this moment, as it had her.

  However, she needed to speak to her daughter. In private.

  Sara seemed to share the sentiment, at least where their conversation was concerned. Her daughter turne
d towards her Emperor, taking his hand in hers, the look on her face softening immediately at his touch.

  “Perhaps it would be best if you weren’t here for this,” she informed him as she looked up at him.

  “I—are you sure? Will you be okay?” he asked her, his grey eyes showing concern as though being left alone with her own mother could cause her harm. Alex tried not to appear offended.

  Sarayna merely chuckled at the Emperor’s concern. “I’ll be fine. You don’t need to go far if you don’t want to. I’ll find you when we’re done, but if you’re feeling adventurous, there’s a library upstairs, though I don’t know what's left of it...”

  Something in Jared’s eyes sparkled, and he nodded, leaning down to give her a kiss.

  Alex looked away as their lips met, taking Reylor’s seat at the end of the table while she waited for Sara to finish her goodbye.

  Sara stepped away first, and Jared shot Alex a questioning glance. She gave him a reassuring smile, which seemed to be enough for the Emperor, and he left without another word, closing the door behind him.

  Sarayna watched him leave, and only took her seat again once the door shut, her eyes meeting Alex’s across the length of the table. She knew it was going to be a test of wills with her daughter, but considering her lineage, she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “You look well,” she finally said to Sara, the silence growing too thick to handle any longer.

  “I don’t know how else I would look,” the princess snapped back at her mother.

  “Jared seems...nice.”

  “Nice?” Sara perked a brow at her mother.

  Alex let loose a sigh, trying her best to maintain her composure. “How is Saratanya?”

  “About as well as can be expected.”


  “I think it’s my turn to start asking the questions,” she demanded as she brought her hands flat on the table, facing her mother.

  Alex was prepared for this. “Ask away,” she said levelly.

  “Are you fucking Reylor?”

  Ever to the point, her daughter.

  There was no need to avoid it any longer, she simply answered, “Yes.”


  Alex had to perk a brow. “If I need to explain these things to you, Sarayna, perhaps you are in no position to have an Emperor of your own...”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I don’t have to explain myself to anyone, Sarayna—least of all you.”

  “After all that he’s done—”

  “We’ve all done our fair share!” Alex cut her off. “He has been forgiven for every fault.”

  “What about my father?”

  “Treyan is dead.”

  Alex could see the pain, the hurt, and perhaps a hint of something else flash across her daughter’s face. “So you disgrace his memory by sleeping with his brother?”

  “One of the last things he asked was for me to forgive Reylor,” the Empress tried to explain. “As he was dying, he trusted Reylor enough to care for us, to look after the Empire...”

  “Something tells me taking his brother to bed wasn’t part of that.”


  “Does anyone else know?”

  “Other than you and Jared? No.” Alex sighed, admitting, “but I think Jamison might suspect.”

  Sara clenched her jaw at the mention of the Captain. “Will you tell him?”

  “I don’t need to tell anyone anything.”

  “Of course not,” Sara said with a sigh.

  “Neither do you!” Alex snapped. “Speaking of Jamison, he has invited us to dinner tonight. I accepted.”

  “Will the Lord Steward be joining us?” she asked snidely.

  “No, he will not. He was not invited, and probably wouldn’t go even if he were.”

  Sara smirked at that, appearing almost pleased. “Jamison isn’t a fan either then.”

  Alex rubbed her temples. “He was the only member of the Council who refused Reylor’s reinstatement.”

  “Well, it’s good to see someone here still has some common sense.”

  “Enough, Sarayna!” Alex slammed her hand on the tabletop, her temper finally getting the better of her.

  “No—I’ve had enough!” Sarayna shouted back, standing from her chair. “You sent me to the Otherrealm to retrieve my Emperor to save this Empire, while you’ve done nothing but begin to destroy it while I was gone!”

  “I have done no such thing,” Alex insisted, standing from her own.

  Sarayna pointed towards the closed door of the Council’s chambers. “You have allowed the greatest betrayer to this Empire back with more than open arms! You have reinstated a murderer into our ranks. You have him in your bed! You have given him more power than he ever deserved, and I hope—one day—this all comes back and bites you in the ass!”

  “If it does, it won’t be my problem anymore—it will be yours!”

  “I’ll do a hell of a lot better job than you have!”

  Alex stopped, and realized her daughter was right. What good was she to the Empire? Her husband was dead, she was sleeping with his brother, her son was their enemy and her daughter was ready to make everything better. The lords already questioned Alex, but Sarayna was new—Sarayna would be the one to reunite them, to bring them all together.

  They just needed to get Jared coronated, see the two married, and ensure the lineage was secured.

  Nodding in assent, Alex motioned to the door. “We’ll continue this conversation later, and hopefully it will be more amicable than it is right now.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “I will see you at dinner tonight, Sarayna.”

  For a moment, she thought Sara would challenge that as well, but there was enough hesitation in her face that she knew her daughter would be there—more so because it was Jamison’s request and less because Alex had demanded it.

  She opened the door to the chambers with more ferocity than needed, smashing it against the nearby wall with a resounding thud.

  Alex watched her leave, but Sara didn’t look back.

  Sarayna could feel the rage seeping off her as she stormed from the Council’s chambers toward the library where, she hoped, Jared was waiting for her. Servants and guards attempted to bid her hello as she walked by, but she was focused on her mother’s actions and not punching a wall out of anger.

  The audacity of what her mother had done—of what she continued to do—was beyond Sarayna’s comprehension. She should have told her about Treyan, right then, right there—that would have made her quickly rethink every decision she had made. She made a deal with Reylor, and Sara was honorable, if nothing else, even if she hated the man.

  Her father would be back soon enough, and he would set things straight.

  Jared was, indeed, in the library when Sara arrived, and she couldn’t help but remember the first time their paths had crossed while she was in the Otherrealm, staying with her grandmother. How she despised him at first, how she wanted nothing more than to avoid him, run away from him...but he was persistent. She had to wonder if somehow, he knew.

  “You know, if you’re looking for stories about vampires and werewolves, we have a great Young Adult section you can try,” she sang as she walked towards him.

  Glancing up at her, he sat at a desk with a few books surrounding him. “I think that’s my line.”

  “Well, if it works, why try anything else?” He had used the same line on her the first time they met at the library in New York. She had needed something to do to pass her time, and he was working. She avoided him at first, yet their paths seemed to constantly cross...and then she dreamt about him.

  Here they were now, despite everything else.

  “How was the talk with your mother?” Jared asked cautiously, and her mood immediately shifted.

  Sighing, she crashed into the chair next to his, sprawling her legs out before her in anything but a princess-like manner.

/>   Jared looked to her in question, but Sara just shook her head.

  “You didn’t tell her about your father, did you?”

  “No,” she confessed. “I told Reylor he had the week—I’m going to stick to my word.”

  “Do you think he’ll really tell her?” He turned to her in his chair. “After what you’ve told me...”

  “If nothing else, Reylor will always, always be loyal to my mother.” She shook her head again. “Even after everything...”

  “When your father finds out—”

  Sara put up her hands. “I don’t want to think about it—it will be their mess to work through. We’ll have our own problems to deal with.”

  “That doesn’t exactly sound promising.”

  Sara shrugged. “Welcome to the Empire.”

  “What now?”

  “Now?” she sighed. “Now we go find something to do before we’re expected at dinner tonight.”

  “I’m sure I could find something to do.”

  She shot him a glare. “I didn’t mean like that.”

  “Then what did you mean, Princess?”

  There was something about the way he said it that made her stomach knot and her toes curl, but she turned in her chair to face him just enough to meet his silver eyes. “Are you sure that you’re alright with all this?”

  He let out a laugh. “You’re asking me now?”

  “Fair enough...but you know what I mean.”

  “I do,” he said softly, brushing a strand of hair from Sara’s face. “It will be an adjustment, I’m sure, but what a story it will be.”

  “Good,” she said, just as softly, “because dinner tonight is going to be at Jamison’s cottage, and it will be us and my mother. I may need you to be the buffer.”

  “I suppose that will be my first task as Emperor—keeping the Crown Princess and the Queen Empress from murdering each other.”

  “The Empire will be forever in your debt.”

  “They already are—I have to put up with you.” He smiled and kissed her before she could make a retort.


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