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Bloods Gem

Page 8

by Gloria Conway

  Holding my chest when I woke, my heart once again felt as if it was being ripped out. Every time the dream ended, the overwhelming sensation of separation consumed me. I lost him again I thought.

  Rocking back and forth, I sobbed, unintentionally waking Kate up. “Are you okay Faith?” Kate asked worriedly.

  “I don't know,” I responded.

  I didn't want to talk and I did not feel obligated to tell her what was so upsetting.

  “Can you get me some alcohol?” I asked.

  “What? No! Do we need to go back home?” She asked alarmed.

  I shook my head. “No, just give me some time, I'll be fine.”

  I knew I wouldn't be fine. My dream man wasn't going away and I was confused by my feelings and what this all meant. I felt like a mental case and for a moment I contemplated medication. Nesting myself close to the window, I propped my knees up in my seat and held them close to my body, crying myself back to sleep.

  As the wheels touched the tarmac we were both jilted awake.

  “We're here,” Kate said as everyone around us began to collect their belongings. We were greeted by her sister at the gate. After being greeted at the gate by her sister, Kate introduced us. Gina looked a lot like her sister. They both had hazel eyes and brown hair, and petite in size. They reminded me of those little dogs that never grow, yet they are adorable.

  Her sister worked at a local club in the downtown London area. From what Kate told me, Gina’s boyfriend was the owner of the club. And we were sure to stop by before we had to leave London.

  When we arrived, we were greeted by Gina's roommate. Her roommate was pretty. Gina said she was a runaway or something and she took her in, a few years back. She was only sixteen when she found her begging for money on the street. Said the poor girl didn’t even remember where she came from. She had lost her memory. There was something strange about her though. She was almost too pretty, and her eyes were really dark with a light blue tint in them. When Gina introduced us to Haley she looked at me intently, like she knew me or something. It was kind of creepy.

  Gina showed us to our rooms. She had five bedrooms in her home and it was very spacious. Walking through a long hallway, we passed Haley's room , peeking in, I noticed a familiar face. The man I had been dreaming of for months now, in the form of a photograph standing with his arm around Haley hung on her wall. I Froze in place, unable to look away from the photograph. He was real. The dream man was a real, live human being.

  “Your room's over here” Said Gina, breaking me out of my trance. Once alone in my room, I lay on the bed. I knew I had to get back into Haley's room later.

  I checked my phone to see if I had any messages and there was about seven text messages and four missed calls.

  “Hey baby please call me when you get there safely, I want to hear your voice and make sure your okay, I love you xoxo.”

  “Babe did you make it there yet? I really miss you. I need you in my arms. I'll dream about you tonight xoxo.”

  “Hey beautiful I just woke up and had the greatest dream. It was valentines day and I held you all night kissing you. I miss your kisses xoxo.”

  “Faith am I texting you too much? I just worry. I’m sorry. I wish I was there with you. I should have just bought a ticket and went no matter what you said. Then again, I would probably stay if you wanted me to. I love you babe, xoxo.”

  His text messages made me laugh. I text him back . “Hey, I’ve made it. Our plane didn’t crash or anything. I miss you a lot! Can't wait to feel your lips on mine again and maybe attack you once more. He-he. Xoxo.”

  He text back. “Mm, yeah I wouldn’t mind that. Please be good. You're so far away and its killing me, especially when you talk like that. I want you… Back. Now…”

  I smiled and put my phone back down. I laid there on my back for awhile imagining what valentines day would be like with him and tried to get my mind back on track. I text him back before I put the phone down for the day. “I want you too. Badly. I'll call you later and we’ll finish this. Xoxo.”

  At lunch, we talked about everything from guys to cars to movies we'd like to see. Gina told us to take her car to town and buy a few things for dinner and while we were there we could go sight seeing.

  We were excited to see everything in London. We parked in a parking garage and began walking along the uptown strip. Shops lined the street. We peeked into the higher scale clothing stores. Imagining being a customer there one day. We walked across the street where stiff solders stood in red and black uniforms. Laughing at their big fluffy black hats, we waved but they gave no notice of our presence. In Trafalgar square, passing a bronze lion statue, we approached a fountain. Inside the fountain stood a statue of a mermaid surrounded by dolphins that spewed water. It was beautiful.

  We sat down on the side walk next to the fountain watching people as they passed. After discussing our plans for the future and mentions of our boyfriends, we walked around the square until the sun began to set in the distance. We hurried to the market picking up supplies for dinner.

  Back at Gina's house, we cooked dinner together. After eating, we talked, relaxed on the sofas, but then Gina said there were rumors around town that vampires were feeding this month and virgins should stay in at night. I glanced at her, “Why virgins?”

  “Well supposedly the scent of a virgin makes them go nuts and the purity of the blood tastes better.”

  She laughed at my worried expression. “It's just a stupid rumor Faith. There’s no such thing as vampires.”

  The sound of racing footsteps startled me. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed Haley dashing down the stairs. Looking away, in a flash she was positioned on the floor in front of us. “So, what are we discussing?” Haley asked.

  “They were just telling me about their boyfriends at home,” Gina said.

  Gina rolled her eyes at Haley's interruption. Haley stared at me, making me feel uncomfortable. She moved to sit next to me on the sofa.

  Gina turned the television on. Her and Kate oblivious to what odd behavior Haley displayed.

  Leaning over and sniffing me, she whispered something in my ear. It sounded like a foreign language. I shifted my body away from her, hoping she'd get the hint from my body language to leave me alone. She leaned in again, “You smell good girl.”

  I jumped from the sofa. “What’s your problem?!” I yelled.

  Standing, she bolted towards me. “You!” she shouted gritting her teeth. She turned on her heel and headed back upstairs.

  “What the hell was that about?” Gina asked.

  “She sniffed me and told me I smelled good. Whats her deal?” I asked.

  The girls started laughing. “I'll have a talk with her in the morning,” Gina said, still chuckling. “She's always been a little strange.”

  I ran to my room annoyed they were laughing at the situation. Throwing myself on the bed, I grabbing my phone from the nightstand and called Chris.

  “Hey Baby,” he answered, sounding half asleep.

  “Did I wake you? I can call back tomorrow.”

  “Nah, I’ve been waiting for your call. I must have dozed off. How’s everything going Babe?” He asked.

  “Good, except for this one little thing. Gina's roommate,” I said.

  “Huh? Is it a guy?” He asked.

  “No, it’s a girl. She's really weird. Got in my face and yelled at me.”

  “Why did she do that?” He asked.

  “I don't know. She kept sniffing me like I was a piece of meat. It was strange.”

  He chuckled into the phone.

  “I wish you were here with me,” I said, pulling the covers over my head. “You could protect me from all the vampires. They want virgins.”

  He got quiet.

  “Why so quiet?” I asked.

  He sighed. “Babe, don't creep me out. There are no such thing as vampires. Is someone trying to mess with your head over there?” He asked.

  “No, not really. I'm just paranoid. Don't
worry. After a good nights sleep I should be fine.”

  “Okay, just get some sleep. I love you.”

  “I love you, goodnight.”

  Putting my phone on the nightstand, I thought about sneaking into Haley's room to look at the picture I saw earlier on her wall. I was too scared. Maybe tomorrow night, I thought.

  The phone woke me. Chris had text while I slept. I looked at a message he sent.

  “I love you. Call me later, Beautiful.”

  I smiled and text back. “I love you. I'll call you tonight.”

  I tiptoed passed Haley's room. Her door was ajar, so I peeked in. The picture was missing. In it's place was a bare imprint of where it once hung.

  “Why would she take it down?” I questioned.

  “He's my brother,” Haley was right behind me.

  I flinched. “Sorry,” I said, stepping back.

  She gestured me to follow into the bedroom. Hesitating a moment, I wanted an explanation for the picture, so I followed. She shut the door behind me. I watched her warily.

  “Have a seat.” She pointed to a blue chair sitting in the corner. Uneasy, I obeyed.

  “So, why are you interested in my picture?” She asked.

  I shrugged. “I was just curious who the man was in the picture. Because Gina told me you lost your memory.”

  “Did she also tell you I recently started having flashbacks?”

  I shook my head.

  She stood up and walked to her dresser, opened the drawer and took out the picture. “The man in this photo is a fraud,” she said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Since I started having flashbacks, I remember he was the one who killed my mother. I keep the photo so I can keep his image in my head. So when I do see him, I'll kill him.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  She glanced at me. “I don't know Faith, are you sure you have blood running through your veins?”

  “Huh?” I asked confused.

  “He killed my mother. I'm certain.”

  “So, did you run away from home or--” I began.

  “Why do you care?” She asked.

  “Sorry if my questions bother you.”

  She came closer and bent down eye level. “You're hiding something,” She smiled.

  “No. What would I be hiding?” I asked.

  “You think I'm strange. And you are scared of me aren't you?”

  “Well, to be honest yes,” I answered.

  She straightened and walked away from me. Her back towards me, she stared at the wall for some time. Turning around slowly, she pointed her finger up. “You have some sort of connection with my brother don't you?” She asked.

  “I don't know your brother,” I moved uncomfortably in my seat.

  “But you do, just not in the way you wish to be acquainted with him.”

  I got up from my chair, wanting the conversation to end. I felt she knew too much, and it made me uncomfortable. “Okay, I'm done” I said walking towards the door.

  “I believe you will find what your looking for very soon Faith,” she said.

  I glanced back at her and she was gone.

  In my room, I sat on the bed as my thoughts raced. Kate came to the door and invited me downstairs for breakfast.

  As we ate, Gina promised she would take us to the club the next night. She also explained our itinerary for the day. Telling us we'd meet up with Cameron, Gina's boyfriend, for lunch. After, we would go to a symphony. Thrilled, Kate and I went upstairs to get ready.

  At a grill called Beef Corp, we sat around the table impatiently waiting for our food. After we were done eating we went back to Gina's house and prepared for the symphony. She let me borrow a long red dress, sparkled with faux diamonds. She also set me up with jewelry and high heels.

  Putting my hair up in a bun, I curled my bangs on each side. I turned the curling iron off and headed downstairs.

  We were lead to a private box seat divided by curtains. The small compartment had half a dozen seats lined in rows. It sat one level above the orchestra section. Kate sat next to me as the lights dimmed.

  As the music played, I closed my eyes and relaxed against the back of the chair. A vibrating sensation below my feet slowly traveled up my body, lulling me into a trance. Faces flashed across my mind. I tried to shake it off, but saw Kate and I yelling at each other. A cast covered my hand. Our voices muffled.

  The sound of clapping halted the visions. I opened my eyes and looked up. Kate had stood, clapping along with her sister and Cameron. I jumped from my seat startled. She glanced in my direction. “You okay Faith? What’s wrong?”

  I shook my head. “Not sure. I keep getting these images in my head.”

  “Well, we're going home now, the show is over. You can lay down when we get back to the house,” she said.

  I nodded.

  At Gina's once again, there was mention of poker. After changing into comfy sweats and a baggy shirt, I ran back down stairs since they were wanting to play cards. Kate insisted that I rest instead of playing.

  “I'll go to bed if I don't feel well,” I said. She patted my back and smiled.

  After getting the table ready, Cameron started dealing the cards. I focused on the cards as they were set down in front of my opponents.

  My vision suddenly seemed to grow sharper. The details in the table we sat at seemed extremely close. I sat back, thinking that perhaps I was going to faint. Thinking to warn Kate, I glanced upward, but her hands caught my eye. I could make out every single line in her hand. From the tips of her polished nails to where they connected with the wrist. She held an ace and jack in her hand. I put a hand to my mouth, surprised. They all glanced at me. I acted like I was yawning.

  “Sorry, I'm getting tired,” I said excusing myself. They wished me a goodnight and I ran upstairs.

  Starring out the window, I wondered what was wrong with me. Am I a freak or something? If I decided to tell someone they would surely have me committed I thought.

  I decided not to call Chris that night, laid my head down on the pillow and shut my eyes.

  We flew across the night sky. My dream man held me close, taking me to a place surrounded by glowing trees. Each tree radiated a different color. Butterflies surrounded the trees, taking on the color of each individual tree. Approaching a purple tree, I reached out to touch the branch and butterflies began swarming under and around me. My body was lifted from the ground and they carried me to a nearby lake. Placed in the middle of the lake, I noticed the water beneath me glowed bright blue. Sinking under the warm water, I began to explore.

  My dream man by my side, taking my hand in his, we saw bright red gems glowing alongside clusters of rocks, the deeper we swam. He picked one up and handed it to me. Once in my hand the gem began to grow. I tried throwing it but it had attached itself. As it grew it moved upward and over me and I was suddenly enclosed. No longer attached to my hand, I could see through the clear red glass. My dream man swam under the gem pushing it up out of the water. Once we surfaced, I saw him holding one hand up as he guided me and the gem closer to him.

  Levitating above the water, in a muffled voice, he chanted. Suddenly I felt pressure building up,as if my body would explode. Punching the inside of the glass I yelled for him to stop. The gem shook and a high pitched ringing invaded my head. I held my hand over my ears willing it to stop.

  A pop signaled the gem shattering beneath me. I glanced down and saw that it had turned into glitter. Silence surrounded me on all sides. I levitated, naked, above the water. I smelled it before I saw it. The coppery odor of warm blood. I glanced down and saw myself covered.

  My dream man smiled from a distance. Eyes fixed on mine, a calm set upon me. He waved his hand causing my body to echo his hand movements. Under his spell, I was paralyzed into submission. One stroke of his hand, wiped the blood from me. He rose into the air, but kept a distance between us.

  Closing his eyes and cupping his hands, he extended his arms out with his
palms open towards me. Pulling his arms inward, i felt a tug on my body. I watched as his body dropped to the ground. Simultaneously, an enormous pressure hit my chest, entering my body. His voice broke though. "Don't be frightened, my love. We will be forever bound."

  His spirit wrapped around mine. As our spirits twined, one around the other, our souls attached as the earth to the moon. Embracing and bound together as one.

  A constant ringing woke me. I wanted to remain in the dream world with him. He was now my keeper and I his. Though it was a dream, I hoped it would never end. Every time I woke I felt ripped from my new reality. Is this what love feels like?

  I finally answered the phone. “Yeah,” I answered still half asleep.

  “Babe, are you okay? Why didn’t you call me last night? Did something happen?” Chris was overreacting.

  “What's up with the twenty questions? No, I’m fine. I felt a little sick last night and went to bed early,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “Okay, next time text me, or something, so I don’t worry. I miss you so much,” he said.

  “I miss you too, and I'll see you tomorrow.”

  Hanging up, I staggered out of bed. The strong smell of bacon cooking drug me downstairs. “Smells good,” I said, entering the kitchen.

  Kate walked up to me smiling. “Are you feeling better?” she asked.

  “Oh yeah, much.”

  “Good. I have a question to ask you,” She said, seeming excited.

  “What?” I asked curious.

  “Would you mind if we stayed a few more nights? Gina can't bear to part with us yet and she wants to show us the town.”

  I agreed. Knowing the longer we stayed, I would continue to dream about my fantasy man vividly.

  She squealed and hugged me. I patted her back, pulling my shoulders up to protect my sensitive ears.

  After breakfast we lounged around the house most of the day. Though I wanted to fall asleep again, I wasn’t tired. I looked around for sleeping aids, but could not find any and was embarrassed to ask. I figured they might think I was a junky or something.


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