Bloods Gem

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Bloods Gem Page 12

by Gloria Conway

  “I’m just going to relax you Love. Don’t move” I slowly kissed up and down her neck letting her feel my breath on her skin. She moaned. Grabbing the back of her head I closed my eyes and chanted a few words.

  “This you shall remember. All here, All said, when you wake.” I added something of my own. “Call me. Wake now!” I let go of her and watched her spirit float back into her body.

  I woke, knowing she would call, grabbing the phone right before it rang. I answered, “Morning Love. Are you okay?”

  “What the hell was that? You almost popped my head off. I felt something crunching in my skull.” I started laughing, “Uh, I think you’ve fell and hit your head on something when you woke up. I didn’t squeeze that hard.”

  “Really? My head is sore!”

  “You're silly Love. That’s impossible.”

  “I know,” She sighed.

  “So. Are you okay with this Faith? Or, do you need some time?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, did you really come all the way here?”

  “Yes. I’m not too far. At a hotel. Why? you… don’t want me here?”

  “It’s not that. I just… I do need some time. This is going too fast. And my mind needs to register everything you're telling me”

  “I understand. I'll be around when you're ready.”

  “So, you're going to wait around for however long it takes me? I mean it could be weeks. And hotels aren’t cheap.”

  I started laughing. “That’s not an issue. If it takes years, I don’t care.” “Do you need to get a job or something?” she asked.

  “You're funny. No. Actually my family is very wealthy. I’m well taken care of, but thank you for your concern.”

  “Oh. Alright, umm… Well I'll call you soon okay?”

  “Okay, call or text anytime Love. I'll be here waiting for you.”

  “Okay. Bye.”

  I lay there thinking about her hesitation. I didn’t understand why she wasn’t embracing this as I thought she should. I wondered what I could do to make this easier for her. I also thought about things humans do to show interest in each other. Maybe if I sent her some cows or sheep. Shit.different era. Scratch that.

  Thinking of healthy ways humans have relationships, I knew ours needed to be at a steady pace. I needed to court her. I pulled out my laptop and searched online. I typed in all kinds of things: romance, dates, how to do this and that. I was ignorant when it came to these types of things. But I was going to succeed in finding a method that suited her. I guess the throwing it all out there didn’t seem to make her more willing, so I needed to take a different approach.

  I went near her house, waiting and watching again. I hated being away from her and not seeing her or knowing how she felt. At eight in the morning I heard a truck coming down the road. Sinking deeper into the woods, I crouched looking pass the trees and into her front yard.

  It pulled into her driveway and a young man stepped out. I knew this was the guy she’d been talking about. I growled and stared at him through the trees. Before he reached the door she stepped out and into his arms. Trembling, I began to make my way out of the trees. Holding myself back, I tried to keep my cool. For the first time in my life, I was jealous. I was so angry that this guy had her in his arms and I didn’t.

  I wanted to rip his head off, bask in the glory and show my gem the kill was for her. Knowing how morbid it sounded, a thrill passed through me, replaying it in my mind.

  They got in his truck and drove off. I followed, staying back so I wouldn't be spotted.

  Parking the truck in a school parking lot, they got out. I knew right away this was where she attended college. I waited until they walked into the school and followed five minutes later. Walking through the halls, I mapped out different class rooms and where everything was.

  I saw Faith and Chris in a class sitting next to each other. I wanted to bust the door open and just take her but I knew that wasn’t the way to win her heart. At lunch, I sat in the cafeteria and watched her from across the way, as if stalking prey. I was fascinated by every move she made. Every bite she took was a turn on.

  Faith had no clue of my presence. She sat with a group of friends as they enjoyed their lunch and conversed. A few people glanced in my direction, so I went to the food bar and bought some chips. Sitting back down I tossed a chip in my mouth, cursing the tasteless food. Faith glanced in my direction and locked eyes with me. I stared back. She licked her lips as she watched me, making me want her. Biting my bottom lip she did the same. I held myself to the seat.

  She looked away startled when Chris touched her shoulder. I stood, wanting to kill him for interrupting. Glancing at me she shook her head.

  Sighing, I sat back down. He glanced at me then back at her. And asked why she was staring at me. She refused to answer. They both got up and left the cafeteria. I threw my food away and went outside to wait.

  She text me. Hey, I’m in the bathroom now, what the hell were you thinking coming here? Did you follow me?

  Sorry. I was curious. Please don’t be upset.

  What was all that about anyway? I mean in front of my boyfriend? Would you like me to come show you? I chuckled.

  You’re… Insane… Please don’t tap into my head like that again in front of my friends. It’s embarrassing! “

  Why not? I didn’t do anything to you… we just connect, like I told you. You didn’t do anything?! You're funny. You were… mind fucking me or something.

  I laughed hard. This girl cracked me up. I think it was the other way around little girl. You shouldn’t tease old men like that. I might have a heart attack or something.


  Meet me please. I need to see you.

  You just saw me!

  Not the same. Just come outside for a minute. I’m out front.

  Okay, but gotta be quick. Next class is in ten minutes.

  I felt giddy, like a teenager again. My stomach did flip-flops. I sat down on the bench to wait for her. I smelled her before I saw her and started trembling. The scent stirred my appetiate and I tried to ignore it. She walked out, her hair flowing in the wind. I smiled as she approached.

  She shook her head and tried to avoid a smile.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You. That’s what.” She set her backpack down beside the bench.

  “Why? What did I do?” I asked sarcastically.

  “You’re going to get me in trouble.” She nudged me.

  “Yeah, well… I like being a bad boy sometimes. It’s exciting isn’t it?” “Whatever,” She said, rolling her eyes.

  I stared at her. I couldn't look away.

  “You know you look like your going to just eat me up or something when you look at me like that.”

  “Do I? Well maybe because I want to, but I’m trying to hold back,” I said snickering.

  “You’re over a hundred and act like a teenage boy. I think that’s odd for a vampire.”

  “Ha-ha. Yeah well… I’m young at heart and I don't think that will ever change.”

  She smiled and shook her head.

  “Come here… I want to kiss you again,” I said motioning her closer. “No. Are you crazy?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe. If you won’t let me kiss you, I want to smell you.”

  “Oh my god. You’re crazy. I’m going back to class,” She said laughing under her breath.

  I jumped up and pulled her to me.

  “Kiss me…”


  “Kiss me…”

  “No. I have to go to class…”

  “I love you… Kiss me.”

  She looked at me and licked her lips. “You’re… Bad.”

  “Yeah. I’ve been told.” I leaned into her and she drew back.

  “I can’t.”

  I sighed. “Then go on a date with me tomorrow night.”

  She flinched.

  “What?” I asked curious.

  “You don’t even have a car.” She said.

’t worry I'll fix that today. Then will you if I pick you up?” I asked. “Fine. But you have to stop following me. It’s creepy.”

  I laughed. “We’ll see.” I let her go and she punched me in my arm. “What was that for?”

  “That was for the mind thing.” She smiled.

  “You loved every minute!”

  She winked at me. I wanted to do a happy dance, but stayed composed. Like the sophisticated Ill-suen I was raised to be.

  I walked around the campus waiting for her classes to end. Exploring various wild plants that grew in the area, I ate a few. I was surprised to find that some had taste to them. There was nothing better to do then walk around putting random plants in my mouth. A few made me sick, so I had to spit them out. I figured if someone was watching they would think I was a basket case and wanted to see me eat the wrong one, maybe fall to the ground with foam coming from my mouth. Some were poisonous but I didn’t care, it wouldn’t cause my indestructible body any harm just making me a little sick in the process.

  I heard the bell ring and stood out front. She came out alone. I whistled and she ran toward me.

  “Hey, what are you still doing here?”

  I pulled a flower out of my pocket.

  “I picked this for you.” I put the flower behind her ear. “Looks good.”

  “Thanks…” She put her hand on my chest. “Does this thing beat?” “Why do you ask?”

  “Because, you have a big heart,” she said smiling.

  “Well thanks. Glad you think so. But no, it doesn’t.”

  “Oh… And what about breathing?”

  I smiled. “I can… But I don’t have to if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “I mean… do you … Or?”

  “Oh. Well yeah… I’m still part animal in a way. But it’s just not necessary. I did until I was eighteen. The habit stuck with me and my heart too, pumped just like yours does now. But not anymore.”

  “Ah… Okay.”

  “What’s up with all the questions?”

  “Just wanna know,” She said.

  “Why is your skin warm and your breath cold?”

  “Well Love, I don’t have all the answers,” I smiled. “So can we hang out today?” I asked.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Why all the questions?” She asked.

  “I just wanna know,” I said mocking her.

  “I have to study for a test.”

  “By yourself?” I asked.


  “With that guy?”

  “His name is Chris… And yes.”

  I looked away scanning the parking lot for him. “So… You’re going to ditch me for him?”

  “Stop,” she said.

  “Okay… But only if you kiss me.”

  “Why do you want me to kiss you so bad?”

  “Don’t you want to?” I asked.

  She sighed. “You know I do. I can’t and you know why.”

  “Because of that guy?” She nodded.

  “So you’ll go on a date with me but not kiss me?”

  “Yes. We are going on a date as friends.”

  “But isn’t mind fucking more than friends? I mean, that’s like way beyond friends.”

  “I guess it was mind rape then,” She said.

  “Cute. It takes two Baby. And as far as I could see. You were enjoying it, so it’s not rape if you want it.”

  “True… You have a point.”

  “So you did… mind elaborating?” I smiled.

  “No… not really… Maybe in a different life when we are both cats or something.”

  My laugh echoed through the parking lot. “I can pull that off… Would you like to see?”

  “Actually I'll pass because you’re probably not bluffing. I gotta go.” “Alright…” I pulled her close to me and kissed both her cheeks. “Ciao Bella.”

  I went to her window that night and watched her sleep. She moaned and I leaped into her dreams to see what was going on. As I entered her dream, I noticed my look-alike on the bed with her. We were making love. I quickly exited the dream letting her have privacy with my dream self. Knowing she had that desire for me, made me feel better.

  Back in my room, I thought about what I just witnessed. It consumed my thoughts and made me want her that much more.

  A few hours later she texted me.

  Hey, you awake?

  Yes. Why do you ask?

  Just wondering… What are you doing?

  Thinking about you. What else would I be doing?

  What about me?

  Oh… I dunno everything. I would like to… romance you and win your heart.

  How do you think your going to accomplish that?

  How would you like me to?

  I never said I’d like you to.

  Is it possible?


  Will you break up with your boyfriend?

  No. why should I?

  Because you're in love with me. It’s not fair to him.

  How do you know? And what makes you believe I’m not in love with him?

  Because I can see the difference, when you’re with me and when you’re with him. It’s obvious which one you’d prefer.

  Okay. Daniel you’re always right…

  Are you denying it? Do you love me?

  No. I don’t. I don’t even know you.

  Yes you do Love. I can see it in your eyes and I can feel our connection, just like in the cafeteria.

  It’s lust not love.

  What we have is strong than both lust and love.

  I’m going back to bed. I'll see you tomorrow.

  Goodnight Faith.

  Goodnight Daniel.

  I didn't understand why she denied her feelings for me. But I was going to do whatever I could to prove to her, I was right for her.

  I climbed in Faith's window and woke her up. She sat up in bed. "What is it?" She asked.

  "I would like to show you something."

  Walking behind her house we walked a ways into the woods. "Here should be good." I said smirking.

  She cocked her head. "What's all this about?" She asked.

  "You'll see."

  Closing my eyes I imagined a bright blue lake surrounded by red, green, and yellow trees. Also creating glowing butterflies that ranged in color swarming about. I opened my eyes glancing over at Faith.

  "Oh my gosh!" She said.

  "You like?" I asked.

  She nodded. "It's beautiful."

  I took her hand in mine. "What to explore?" I asked.


  We walked along side the lake. She stopped walking.

  "What is it?" I asked.

  "I had this dream. It was the same scenery as the illusion you created."


  "Yeah. Does that mean anything?" She asked.

  "I think it's probably a glimpse into the future. What else happened?"

  "We went swimming and found a gem. I took it in my hand and it enclosed me. I couldn't get out. You eventually broke it though. I don't remember the rest."

  "Well, Love, if it makes you feel any better we wont go swimming."

  She slapped my arm and rolled her eyes.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Daniel picked me up after school. He wanted to take me to dinner and a movie. I agreed of course. I wanted to see just how well we did connect, if we had things in common and if we could have fun together. I didn’t want to throw everything I had with Chris away, because I felt an attraction to another guy.

  I wanted to make sure. See if this was just an infatuation, before I made a decision.

  He took me to a quiet little restaurant in Fayetteville called, Sheila’s. It was dimly lit with candles on every table. I ordered a huge plate of sea food. He ate a rare steak. His eyes lit up every time he looked at me, as though he was smitten. I liked it… a lot.

  “What’s your favorite book?” He asked.

  “Really? Yo
u want to know?” I asked. He nodded.

  “I don’t think I have a favorite. But, I like true crime books. They’ve always fascinated me. And I’m into fantasy, horror, and romance. What about you?”

  “Well, I’ve read so many. But I guess my favorite genre would be non-fiction. I already live in a fantasy world, you could say, from my perspective. My world is normal and then I go to this completely different one, with humans running around. That’s my fantasy world. Just like the things humans believe is non-existent, is their fantasy.”

  “Yeah. I get it.” I said.

  “Favorite movie?” He asked.

  “Well… I have two.” “Okay. Tell me both.” He smiled.

  “Moulin Rouge and Closer.”

  “Hmm. Haven’t seen or heard of either. Maybe we can rent them and watch them together?” He suggested.


  “What’s your favorite movie?” I asked.

  “I don’t have a favorite. But I do have some I watch over and over again.”

  “Okay. Tell me.”

  “Nosferatu, Interview With the Vampire and What Dreams May Come.” “Wow…”


  “I wouldn’t have guessed. Because you just said, about the fantasy world and all.”

  “Yeah. Doesn’t mean I don’t like my world. I was just saying other things are more interesting. And as far as the movie choices, well, Interview With the Vampire, I like to laugh about some of the things they think are accurate, but are completely false.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well… For example, you’ve noticed I’m more than capable of walking around in the sun without burning and turning into ash right?”


  “Well… What really happens, is we blister in the sun. If our skin is exposed, we get these huge blisters. Every few seconds it heals, but comes back if we stay in the sun. So that’s why in the summer we’ll wear long sleeves and pants, It’s painful and a nuisance.”

  “Huh okay…”


  “Nothing. It’s just something new to me is all taking it all in.”

  “Alright. Next question. Favorite color?”

  “Red and black. Can’t just pick one. Both together are pretty neat.” “Yeah. That’s about right,” He said smiling.


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