Bloods Gem

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Bloods Gem Page 19

by Gloria Conway

  I woke up feeling incredibly relaxed. I tried remembering what I dreamed but it never came. I knew it was something about Daniel but wasn’t sure what exactly. All I knew was whatever I dreamed it made me feel hopeful about us. I wondered if he’d come to me in my dream but erased my memory of it for some reason. Leaving me with this immense happiness that I can’t explain. I jumped out of bed looking for my phone. Spotting it on my dresser, I picked it up looking at the missed calls. Chris called four times, and text seven times. Then there was one text from Daniel. Yes!

  Hello my Love. I’m sorry I’ve been absent for so long. I hope you don’t hate me for this. If you will still have me I will immediately be on the first flight out.

  I’ve been crying over you for many nights. I really thought you just didn’t want me anymore until last night… But I can’t remember everything, what did we do in the dream last night?

  Love, I’m very sorry that you had to shed even a tear for me. I hated every minute being away from you and I wont let this happen again. Last night? It must have been your conscience, because I didn’t sleep last night, I haven’t slept in awhile actually…what do you remember about this dream?

  Ugh, well that kind of bums me out a little but now that your finally talking to me again it makes me feel a little better. I don’t really know. I remember seeing you and everything was really white, but everything’s still fuzzy. I woke up and felt so good though. Guess it was a great dream from the way my body feels. I cant even explain it.

  Your body? What do you mean? Did we… do something in the dream?

  I dunno, maybe, why is that a bad thing?

  It can be. Not sure yet. I'll tell you everything when I get there Love. Just please do me a favor… Can you stay in today?

  Um, okay. Should I be worried?

  Not yet. Like I said it was probably just a dream, but the feeling after… Do you feel closer to me or…? Anyone else?

  Nope just you, I want only you…and badly…

  Good. You have me, don’t ever forget that Love. I'll be there as soon as I can.

  No… I mean I WANT YOU come on don’t make me spell it out for you…

  Oh. Sorry Love I’m dumb sometimes at these things. I do as well with every fiber of me. Soon my Love I promise, but timing is everything just be patient with me. I love you always.

  So do you forgive me for the whole Chris thing?

  That’s… something we’ll have to discuss. Yes I’m still angry about it but it's better we talk in person see you soon Love.

  It bothered me he couldn’t forgive me yet. I knew it hurt him pretty bad if he couldn’t just say all's forgiven. I felt like I would give anything or do anything to prove to him that I didn’t have any feelings for Chris in that way and how sorry I was. I just needed him to know my true feelings. The feelings I bore toward Daniel were too deep and painful to understand myself. I would rather be dead then to live another day without him in my life. I love him too much. It seemed almost so much that it was unhealthy. As though he was something to worship. But in my mind he was. I did worship him like he was a god or something. And I didn’t know if that was just because of the effect he had on humans or if it was just me.

  After mentally draining myself with all the racing thoughts I decided to text Daniel asking if he would meet me in my dreams later. He never text me back.

  I took sleeping aids around seven in the evening. Falling asleep around seven forty- five. I felt myself jump as I fell into a deep sleep. Entering my dream I was suddenly at our waterfall. I yelled Daniels name over and over again hoping for him to show up. He finally came. He slowly walked toward me. He stood there staring at me like he was waiting for something. I reached my hand out and he didn’t move.

  “Daniel, please forgive me. I would do anything to get you to accept my apology. I love you so much!” I pleaded with him.

  He smirked. “Anything?” He asked. His voice was a colder version of the one I was used to hearing. “Yes. Anything you want. Please just forgive me for hurting you.”

  His gaze pierced through me as he stepped closer. He pulled me into him and kissed me. But it didn't feel like before. This kiss seemed different, emotionless. Looking into his eyes they too were different. Empty.

  “You seem different.” He stood silent for a few minutes as though he was thinking of an excuse for his lack of emotion.

  “Yes. There’s been a lot of things I’ve been dealing with Faith. So sorry if I seem a little strange to you.” Something was just off. But I didn’t know what it was.

  “I need you to meet me somewhere if you’re serious about what you offered,” He said. I was too eager. “Okay, where?” I asked.

  “How about the house?” He suggested.

  “Okay, when do you want me there?”

  “Now.” He seemed impatient.

  “Okay…” I agreed.

  He placed his hand on my head and I woke up. I got dressed and took moms truck down to the house. All the lights were still off, like no one had been there. Walking up to the house I saw the door was cracked open. Pushing it open I called out to him.


  I heard him answer back, so I went inside.

  “Where are you and why are all the lights off?”

  “I’m in the kitchen. My eyes are sensitive right now just walk toward my voice,“ he said. He stood next to the fridge.

  “There you are,” I said walking toward him. “So, what do you need me to do?” I asked. He chuckled.

  “Take your clothes off,” He said.

  “What? I thought you wanted to wait?”

  He approached me.

  “Faith, just trust me… Now take your clothes off.”

  “Um… Okay…” I felt strange doing this, like it was a trick or something. But I did as he said. I got down to my panties and bra.

  “Now come here darling….” It felt as if he was controlling my body to move toward his. He grabbed me, jerking me to him. He kissed me forcefully and tore the rest of my clothes off. Yanking me off my feet he picked me up and darted to the sofa, throwing me on it as though I was a rag doll. He threw his clothes on the floor and jumped on top of me pressing his erection to my leg. He began grunting and held my arms down. I couldn’t breath and he was crushing me. “Stop, stop!” I shouted. He wouldn’t stop so I started fighting, punching him in the head. He placed his palm to the back of my head it burned my scalp. I suddenly felt calm and submissive. My body was quickly responsive and out of my control. I wasn’t scared or hurting anymore. I closed my eyes and let my body go limp surrendering myself to him.

  Hearing a growl echo the room loudly made me open my eyes. Daniel was in the air being flung around. Someone else was in there with us, and he was fighting with whoever it was. They moved so fast I couldn’t keep up. I yelled, “Leave him alone!”

  I hurried to put my clothes on then turned on the light. There were two Daniels. One threw the other upstairs and the other darted after him. I didn’t know what to do. I was in shock. I could hear growling and cussing coming from upstairs.

  Celeste entered the room before I tried going upstairs. She explained what was going on. Her brother Adrian came here to trick me into thinking he was Daniel by cloning his image and presenting himself to me. His plan was to unold on me after he made me pregnant.

  I dropped to the floor and started vomiting. I felt sick and foolish for falling for it. “Did he… get very far?” Celeste asked.

  “He was about to when Daniel showed up, but no. He didn’t have the chance to do anything to me except suffocate me and bruise me up.”

  Feeling disgusted, I held my stomach and cried. Celeste tried comforting me but it didn't help matters.

  Others showed up and ran upstairs. Then there was silence. Four men had Adrian restrained as they walked back downstairs. Daniel followed behind. His eyes bloodshot and his expression was pained. He dropped to his knees as he came closer.

  “I’m so sorry Faith… I could have lost you forever
. I’m so sorry I put you through this please forgive me. Please tell me you still want me. I didn’t believe Adrian would really try this.” He put his arms around me.

  He glanced at his sister and she nodded, leaving us alone. He cupped my face in his hands. “Faith, I love you so much. I don’t want anyone to harm you. I want to be together always. If I was here minutes later. he would have done what he came to do, and I would have been too late.” I looked into his teary eyes. He looked exhausted like he hadn’t slept in weeks. His eyes started changing colors. I drew my face closer squinting wondering if I was seeing things. His mouth opened and I heard a hissing sound coming from his chest. Startled I tried getting away but he was too quick and I too slow. Within seconds he was on top of me ripping through my skin with his teeth.

  I woke up screaming, cheeks soaked in tears. Daniel was next to me holding me. “What’s wrong? I’m here Love.” I fought him still out of it. His hand went to my head and immediately I calmed.

  “This is bad, really bad!” I shouted.

  “Faith, what did you see, what is it?”

  “Your brother Adrian…” I whispered.

  “Tell me everything. I need to know…”

  “He was coming for me to get me pregnant and unold on me, he was tricking me making me think he was you.” Daniel held me close.

  “He wont get near you Love I promise but you do realize, the dream.”

  I nodded. “I know, it might come true right?” His head dropped. His fist tightened. “Faith,your ability is rare, you dream the future. He won’t get you, I won’t let him!”

  He stood up and went to the window.

  “If you have to go to school, I’m going with you, or you just stay with me.” He began packing my clothes.

  “Wait, what are you doing?” I asked. Your coming with me. I can’t sit here and guess when he’s going to try. I need help. Would you consider coming to London with me, or having my sister come here and stay with us?”

  “Whatever you think is best Daniel. I just don’t want to be away from you,” I said, as I stood up. He hugged me. “Faith. I love you so much. I’m sorry I was gone. I can’t imagine something happening to you. I would never forgive myself.”

  I shook my head. “Nothing will. You’re here now and staying….right?”

  “Yes. I wont leave you alone but don’t get upset if I have my sister baby-sit you.”

  “I promise,” I said trying to kiss him. He pulled away. “What?” I asked wondering what I did wrong.

  “Sorry Love, I just haven’t had time to eat, affection makes it a little difficult… you know?”

  “Oh crap. I’m sorry. Yeah your eyes are really red, go eat something.”

  “Come with me. I'll go buy some meat,” He said, pulling me and the clothes he packed for me out of the room.

  “Okay, but let me text my mom. I’m going to tell her I need to tell her I'm going to stay with you for a few days.”

  Chapter Twenty-four


  I called father telling him about the dream Faith had. He confirmed that it's an ability she gained, just as I expected. The closer we get to our gem, the more abilities she gains. However, on most occasions the abilities occur when the process of unolding has been completed.

  “How are we going to catch Adrian Father?” I asked.

  “I'll send Celeste and a crew over there to keep watch. And another crew will be stationed around the area waiting for his next move. Don’t worry Son, he wont get the chance.”

  “Thanks Father. Please send Celeste over soon.”

  “She’s leaving now. Celeste is more then happy to be of use,” He said chuckling.

  “Yeah, that’s Celeste for you.” I said grinning.

  After speaking to Father I sat in the bedroom waiting for Faith to get out of the shower. She stepped out of the bathroom a towel wrapped around her. Turning my head I heard her giggle.

  “I'm going downstairs,” I said, making a dash for the door.

  Having been away for awhile, I was struggling with temptation. Not just her scent but the desire I felt for her. I knew I had to keep my mind focused on the task at hand and not worry about little matters.

  Faith ran downstairs after me.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I peeked over at her. “Just please get dressed Love. I can’t focus on what…I uh… Err,” I said, stumbling over my words.

  She laughed and ran back upstairs.

  Punching the side of the sofa, I despised feeling weak again as though I was a human with the mind of a teenage boy in high school. My thoughts consumed with lust and it wouldn't go away.

  I stepped outside to meditate. Trying to focus my mind to where Adrian could be. I still couldn’t hear his thoughts, or smell his scent. But I realized that Faith dreaming up Adrian's future actions was because he was near. Going back inside the house Faith sat on the sofa watching television.

  “Better?” She asked, pointing to the baggy clothes she wore.

  “Thanks Love. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. You need to focus and I don’t want to be a distraction. I’m the one sorry.”

  Walking into the kitchen, I opened the refrigerator to pull out some meat. Cutting the raw steak into pieces, I popped a few into my mouth until I was full. Faith walked up and watched me. “Is it really good?” She asked, biting her bottom lip.

  “I can't talk and chew,” I said, choking on a piece of meat.

  “Sorry,” She whispered. I chuckled.

  “Why do you tease me?” I asked curious.

  “I don’t mean to. I mean, I guess I’m the same as you. You just can't help being you. Can’t we just… you know. get it over with? All of this tension would disappear.”

  I held the counter top tightly, closed my eyes and exhaled. “Please don’t tempt me. Your making this extremely hard. I have to restrain myself to this damn counter so not to launch at you.”

  “Well, I mean, it would be easier… if you would just give in.” She watched me as I bit my lip. My expression pained. I leaned over. “You really want to knowing the state I’m in? It wouldn’t be as you imagine. Not romantic, or lasting for that matter. And if I hurt you or somehow made you bleed… it wouldn’t be pretty,” I said, gritting my teeth. Trying to explain my frame of mind in that moment.

  Walking around the corner she pressed her body into mine. “You can control yourself. I’ve seen it. I want you. I don’t want to wait forever. Don’t you want to satisfy my needs too?”

  “Please, don’t do this… Not now. I already know the outcome I can see it.”

  “Then promise me soon. I mean there are other things…”

  I read her mind. “Okay, maybe the other things. But it has to wait and I’m only agreeing to maybe try it out. If I feel the need to stop, don’t try to force it. Being a delicate situation, you would have to remain completely still. But, can you promise me something?” I asked, annoyed that I was agreeing to try foreplay knowing it could end badly.

  “What do you want me to promise? I will do anything,” She replied.

  “Stop… tempting me. Just until I see you're safe and I’m out of this frame of mind. It makes it harder for me to think about anything else but that and I need my mind for this love.”

  “Okay. I promise. As long as you keep yours.”

  “I told you. We will attempt it as soon as all this is done with but no guarantees it will be as satisfying as you may think.”

  “I’m sure it will be amazing,” she said smiling now. She turned around and sat back down on the sofa.

  The crew showed up at the house after a few hours. Father sent Celeste, Nick, Howell, Cesar and Vanessa. Celeste and Vanessa ran up to hug me. I heard Faiths thoughts when I hugged Vanessa back. Immediately I turned around and introduced them. “Love, this is Vanessa my good friend. Vanessa my true love Faith,”I said proudly, putting my arm around Faith. Vanessa hugged Faith then jumped back. I shook my head. “I told you,” I said, laughing.

p; Faith glanced at us. “What do I need to take another shower or something?”

  My laugh echoed the room. “The opposite Love, you smell good, maybe you should roll around in mud.” She giggled and slapped my arm. I picked Faith up, giving her a peck on the lips.

  The guys stood against the back wall. I put Faith down and walked over.

  “What?” I asked. They smiled and let me read their minds. “Ah, yeah same for you guy too? It will pass the longer you’re around her.”

  “Dude she’s smoking hot!” Cesar said. I punched him in his gut.

  “Hey! Don’t be making moves on my girl man,” I said, as I heard the rest of their thoughts. I chuckled. “Nah, she’s not into that. Plus there’s no hope. She’s taken, get over yourselves.” I blocked them out and they started laughing.

  I introduced the rest of the crew to Faith. Happy that she was meeting some of my close friends. “So, you're the ones giving Daniel shots making him pass out?” Faith said, laughing. They all laughed at me. I put my head down.

  “Yeah, he’s pretty weak if you ask me!” Howell shouted.

  “Oh Yeah, am I dude?” I asked, slowly inching towards him. Howell and I wrestled around as the girls watched and laughed at us. Finally pinning him down he called truce. “Alright guys! Enough of the shits and giggles. We need to get to work,” I shouted getting everyone together.

  We decided Howell and Cesar were going to keep watch for the first eight hours, then we would rotate. Outside, I pointed them to the areas they could hunt when they got thirsty. Howell and Cesar brought some blood with them and thought it would last them awhile. “That’s not going to last long though and you know you guys might be here awhile. I don’t know when Adrian will show but expect an extended stay.”


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