Bloods Gem

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Bloods Gem Page 26

by Gloria Conway

  “Um. Yeah, sort of,” I said, walking around him. He followed me outside. I walked a little faster down the sidewalk, I could hear his footsteps approach. I dashed into a clothing store and he still followed. I acted as though I was looking for clothes and he approached me.

  “Faith, I need to speak with you. Don’t make a scene. I don’t want to hurt you,” He said. I wished that I knew how to use my strength against this man threatening me already. He pulled me outside, holding onto my arm. “Where are we going?” I asked. “Don’t worry about that,” he said. He pulled me down a dark alley, no one was around. He pressed me against the wall. He took off his glasses. “You remember me Faith?” He said staring into my soul. I was paralyzed with fear, I knew exactly who he was. “I--” “Shh. Don’t be scared I'm not here to hurt you. I know they are out looking for me but they wont find me. You see I'm very clever and know how to keep people away if I need to.”

  “What do you want?” I asked, angry. He touched my face and pulled his closer. I immediately turned my head, breathing harder. His dark laugh sent chills up and down my body. “If you only knew. how bad I want you, but don't worry, I'll be respectful of your virginity.”


  “Never mind that. I want you to get away from him. If you want him alive, you will find a way to break up with Daniel”

  “What!? Why?”

  “Would you rather him dead Faith? I think not.”

  “Just leave us alone! If he knows about this he'll--”

  “He’ll what, sweet angel? He would have killed me when he had his chance. He just doesn’t have it in him. Now you on the other hand. You must do as I ask or I will rip him apart right in front of you.”

  “Why do you hate him so much? Hes never done anything to you!”

  “Well, you see Love…things are a little bit more complicated now. You are not his to control. And I don’t hate him, I just would rather he understand how the world really works. You see this world is never very…shall I say fair?”

  “So you want me to end our relationship, why?”

  “Because if you don’t I will kill him which in turn will kill you. You will go and marry that boy… What’s his name Chris?” I punched Adrian in his face and tried to run away but he was too quick. He pinned me down on the ground, crawling on top of me. His hands around my throat choking me.

  “Girl, you want to die? Do as I say or I will kill everyone that you love. Your mother, Your sister. Killing them slowly in front of you. Making you live out your days reliving their gruesome deaths!” I sobbed, cussing him.

  “You will know what to say. You must hurt your dear Daniel to make him let you go. You better do this when he returns and that will be oh… in about an hour. He can sense when your in some sort of trouble. So you better get moving!” He stood me up and pinned me against the wall again. “Oh and one more thing…” He forced his lips on mine and kissed me. I kneed him in his junk and he laughed as I ran off.

  I ran back to the car and began crying. I had no clue what to do. Adrian was going to kill everyone I loved if I didn’t do as he said. And why did he want me to marry Chris? What does he have to do with anything? There was no one I could turn to. If I told Daniel everyone would die… I had no power, no control, nothing. I smashed my hand into the steering wheel and screamed.

  I decided to call the only person I could call who's name was mentioned, Chris… I quickly dialed the numbers and let it ring.

  “Yeah?” He answered. “Chris! Chris!” I yelled.

  “Faith, you okay? What's wrong?!”

  “Chris, where are you? Are you okay? Do you know anything?”

  “Wait, slow down Faith, what do you mean, know anything?”

  “Well you left You were missing what happened?”

  “Oh, Faith it was nothing. I just needed some time.”

  “Did anyone get to you?”

  “Faith, what are you talking about? Please just tell me where you are. I'll come get you.”

  “No, you can’t I'm in London.”

  “Then I'm coming now!”

  “Chris wait.You wont have to come I'm coming there soon.”

  “Um, okay.What's wrong Faith? Just talk to me. Are you okay?”

  “No, I'm not okay!” I yelled, crying again.

  “Okay, what do you need me to do? I'll do anything, just tell me,” he said, worried. “Just stay there. I'm coming home Chris. You can pick me up at the airport when I land.” “Okay. Just call me.”

  “Okay, Chris. I will. See you soon.”

  I thought about it, sitting there in the car. Ever since I became apart of Daniel's life, I’ve caused so much chaos. I didn’t want to hurt him anymore, maybe this was a good idea so he could live a peaceful life without our lives in danger all the time. If I was to just disappear from his life… I wouldn’t have to worry about him getting hurt or killed anymore. I had to let him go but I knew I had to hurt him and bad… for him to let me go forever…

  I went back to the castle and ran up to my room. I tossed my bag on the floor and fell on the bed. I heard Adrian's voice in my head. You better go through with it. Don’t tell him anything or give him any clues, or you will suffer the consequences… I'll be watching.

  I slammed my fist into the bed and yelled, “Stay out of my head!”

  As soon as I said that I heard Daniel downstairs yelling, “Where is she?!”

  I stood up, hearing him stomp through the hallway. He busted the door open and flew to me. He grabbed my both sides of my arms. “Are you okay?”

  I glanced down, trying to stop myself from crying. I thought of a few different excuses to leave. I looked up at him and pushed his arms off me.

  “I'm fine!” I yelled.

  “No, something's wrong,” he said coming closer.

  I closed my eyes, blocking Daniel out of my head.

  “I can’t do this…” I said, opening my eyes, looking into his. He touched my arm, squinting his eyes trying to read me. “Why? You're blocking me out now?”

  I shook my head.

  “Faith. What is it? You can tell me anything.”

  I wanted so bad to tell him but I knew if I did everything in my world would be turned to… ash. I looked back up at him, trying to stay strong. “I'm leaving, I'm going back home!”

  “What? Why?Did I do something?”

  “You're always leaving me and I can’t do it anymore, this is just too hard.” I heard his voice again. Not good enough!

  “I'm just…”

  “You're what?” He asked.

  Gritting my teeth, I knew how bad I was going to hurt him.

  “I'm not in love with you anymore!” I turned around trying to hold my tears back.

  I heard Adrian laughing.

  I immediately felt Daniel’s pain. “No… you're… you're lying”

  Turning around, I stared into his eyes. “I'm sorry Daniel. I should have told you before. I'm… in love with Chris.”

  His eyes bulged from his head, his fist ball up. He looked around the room and quickly hit the wall. “How? When did this happen? Have you been seeing him?”

  “No, I haven’t. I’ve been for awhile now. I denied it to myself, but I can’t any longer.” I took off my ring and walked closer. “Here.”

  He pushed my hand away. “No! This isn’t you… I know this isn’t the real you… Why are you doing this to me?!”

  I sat the ring on the bed. “I'm sorry.”

  I packed a few clothes and looked back at him. His hung his head down.

  Feeling his emotions, I couldn’t stay any longer before breaking down.

  “Goodbye Daniel” I said, walking out. He didn’t come after me. I had to walk out in front of everyone. They stood silent staring at me. I walked out with my head down trying to push them out of my head. A few of their thoughts were pretty harsh and I didn’t want to listen to any of it.

  I waved down a taxi to take me to the airport. I cried the entire way. I held my chest and began screaming, rocki
ng myself back and forth. The pain was unbearable.

  In order for my plan to work, I had to make Chris believe I was in love with him. I had to go along with Adrian's plan and marry Chris. I knew if Daniel came to look for me and saw Chris and I married, he would then believe me. I had to do everything in my power to keep everyone safe.

  I had to lock my pain away, but I didn't know how. I had to leave my soul mate and make him think something that was completely untrue and lie to Chris, making him believe I wanted him forever. I was hurting everyone in the process, but had no other choice.

  I purchased my ticket and called Chris, telling him what time to meet me. He sounded worried but agreed to pick me up. I had to act, as though nothing was wrong. Pull off the best acting job anyone has ever done. I can do this, I have to. I thought to myself.

  I realized my new look might not go over well with everyone I knew. I would claim to have contracted a rare sickness over seas, explaining that it changes the appearance of an individual in the process. And it last indefinitely.

  I finally made it. I stepped out of the terminal and Chris was standing there nervously waiting. He ran up to me and took my bag.

  “Hey.” I said, smiling trying to act normal.

  He hugged me. “Are you okay Faith?” He whispered in my ear.

  “Yeah,” I whispered back.

  We walked to his truck and got in. He stared at me before starting the truck. “Are you sick? You look kind of pale.”

  “Oh, I uh, kind of caught some rare sickness when we were on vacation and it’s permanent but I'll be fine.”

  “Shit. Did you go see a doctor or anything?” He asked worried.

  “Yeah I did, they said I’d live. They put me on a special diet,” I said, smiling. “Huh…” He mumbled, starting his truck up.

  “So do you want me to take you home or…?”

  “Um, well no. Can you take me to a hotel or something?”

  “Why? You don’t want to go home?”

  “No, not yet. If my mom see’s me like this she’ll freak out. I need to stay somewhere else for awhile.”

  “Just stay with me. You know my parents are rarely home and I'm fixing to move out soon.”

  I nodded. “Okay, thanks Chris.”

  “No problem babe.”

  We entered Chris's house and he sat my stuff down by the door.

  “So you going to tell me what happened?” He asked.

  “Yeah, give me a minute,” I said, thinking of how I was going to convince him.

  I went into his living room and he followed.

  I sat down on the couch. “Come sit here,” I said, patting the cushion next to me. He sat down, watching me. “Why do you still got your glasses on? Faith did he hurt you?” He snatched my glasses off my face and noticed my eyes. He jumped back. “Whoa!”

  I stood up. “It’s nothing… it’s just that sickness I got… it’s part of it.”

  He put his hand out in front of him. I knew I needed to place my hand on his head to make him feel at ease, use my ability on him, before he freaked out on me. I drew closer and he backed away.

  “Chill, I'm not going to hurt you or anything.” I closed my eyes and put my hand on his arm holding it in place. I thought of my rare sickness and it’s effects vividly and placed it into his mind. He stood there still staring at me, as I opened my eyes.

  He rubbed his arm. “My arm is on fire,” he said.

  “Are you okay?” I asked. He shook his head. “Yeah, I'm good. So this illness you have. You said it wont kill you right?” I smiled knowing my ability worked.

  “No, it wont. Plus, I'm over the worst of it. I just need to eat strange things to make sure my body stays healthy.”

  “Oh. So what were you going to tell me?” He asked.

  “I broke up with Daniel.”

  His eyes widened. “Whoa. Why would you do that? I thought you were infatuated with the dude?”

  I walked over to Chris, looking into his eyes. “No. Chris I'm not… I'm completely in love with you.”

  He swallowed hard and looked down at his feet. “Your joking right?” Peeking up at me. “No, no jokeAs soon as I realized I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I couldn’t pretend with him anymore. I want to be with you Chris and I hope you can forgive me and take me back.”

  He slowly walked back to the sofa and sat down, putting his head in his hands.

  “Give me a second… am I hearing this right? You are in love with me and not that… guy?”

  I sat down next to him, taking his hand into mine. “I love you Chris,” I gazed deep into his eyes, trying to get him to believe me. I could see my ability working on him, as his face drew closer to mine. We kissed and I almost puked in my mouth. I had to make him believe me. He pulled me on top of him.

  I stopped him as he tried groping me. I knew eventually I would have to go through with it but I wasn’t by any means ready and if I could help it, I would never be with any man in that way. I was still Daniel’s heart and soul and figured I could use my abilities to make Chris think we made love, eventually.

  “Hey.” I said, pushing his hand off my breast.

  “Oh, sorry,” he said.

  “It’s okay, this is all new Chris. Let’s take our time okay?” I said, giving him one last peck. He nodded, following me with his eyes as I got off of him.

  “So, will you stay with me then?” He asked.

  “What do you mean, like live with you?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I'm about to buy my own house. Would you come live with me?” “Of course!” I said, trying to act excited.

  He picked me up and hugged me. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this moment. I'll love you forever,” he said.

  I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn’t believe what I was doing, this was so wrong… But I knew there was no other choice. I had to continue this act. My life didn’t matter anymore. I was trading mine in for the people I loved and I didn’t mind, as long as they were safe.

  In that moment, I wished I was dead but I knew if I tried or went through with killing myself, my Daniel would die too…

  I was at Daniel's favorite mountain top. I sat in the snow and cried. I began singing trying to calm myself, then I heard someone behind me laughing. I stood up.

  “What do you want?”

  He stood there his eyes intense on mine. “Nothing, you did exactly as you were told and I'll hold up my end.”

  “Then why are you here? To harass me some more?”

  He drew closer. “No, believe it or not I love you. I don’t like seeing you hurt but this is necessary.”

  “What do you mean? You love me? You don’t even know me!”

  “Yes, I do… I’ve known you for a long time Faith but that wasn’t your name when we first met, it was Leah”

  What was he talking about? I didn’t know who this Leah was. I think he was mistaking me for someone else.

  “I think your confused!” I yelled. He laughed at me again. He placed his hand on my face. “I love you Leah, let me show you something.” His hand went to my head, it burned instantly.

  I saw these images go by so fast, then they suddenly started coming into focus. He showed me what looked like me and him talking on a bench. Then he showed us making love. I pushed his hand away trying to push the thoughts out of my head.

  “What is this? Why are you showing me this? That’s not me!”

  “Yes it is my Love. You were once Leah in a past life. Your soul is inside of this body now, can’t you see it?”

  I was so confused. What he thought I was… wasn’t true.

  “Listen Adrian, I'm not… this person who you think I am. I have no clue what you're wanting from me but these things your showing me--”

  “In time. Just be patient my love and do what I told you to do. We will be together again, eventually.”

  I shook my head, he was a nut case, I thought.

  “Oh and remember, don’t let Daniel convince you to go back. He will be visiting yo
u shortly, you must stick to your story no matter how hard he tries. He will also try to use his abilities on you. So, I'm giving you some training, and a few of my abilities in the process. You will be able to keep him out of your dreams and mind for good. When you wake, your abilities will be effortless and you will know how to use them instantly when you need to.” He grabbed me, kissing me. There was no pulling away this time, he had control over me and I couldn’t move.

  “I love you. Please be patient and wait for me to show you. the real you,” he said, disappearing.

  I suddenly woke up. I was drenched in sweat. I clinched my chest. It felt like my insides was being ripped from me. I started screaming. I ripping the covers off me and stood up, knocking over the dresser. Chris quickly came in grabbing a hold of me. “Faith, wake up, your dreaming!”

  I opened my eyes and glanced at him. I had to get myself together. I didn’t want him thinking I was a crazy person. “Sorry, I was having a nightmare,” I mumbled, laying back down and holding my chest.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, sitting down next to me.

  I nodded. “Yeah. I just don’t feel very good. You mind if I just lay in bed today?” “Sure, whatever you need. I'll go get you some breakfast,” he said.

  “Thank you, Chris.”

  He kissed my head and walked out. I cried in pain. I heard my phone go off between screams and grabbed it out of my purse. It was a text from Daniel. I was scared to read it but I couldn’t help it, anything just to feel him close to me even with words.

  Faith, my true love. I don’t know why your doing this. Faith, I can't live… without you. I just cant let you…go. I don’t understand. I know you're not you right now and I don’t know why but I have a good idea. Your in trouble. I can feel that you're hurting. I can still feel you. Just trust me, tell me, even if your scared, try to communicate with me… whoever is making you do this, just please. Faith come back to me because you know me. You know I wont ever give up, no matter how hard you try to hurt me. YOU KNOW ME FAITH!

  He was right. He wouldn’t give up. And he knew there was something wrong. The lie I told him made no sense, out of the blue. He could read my every thought and emotion up until Adrian got to me. And even a little now…somehow. He wasn’t going to leave me alone no matter how much pain I inflicted on him. didn’t know how else I could convince him I wanted to be with Chris. Unless I let him read me. My thoughts. Making myself feel a certain way even for a few minutes, just so he could feel it and see it… It might make him believe. I knew Adrian was watching my every move somehow and could hear and read me every second. There was no way to get around him. Unless, I kill him myself.


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