Resisting Temptation

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Resisting Temptation Page 15

by K. C. Lynn

  The backs of my eyes start to cloud with humiliation as I rush out of the gym as fast as I can. Just as I make it out the doors, Sawyer runs out behind me and calls my name. I stop and turn to see sympathy shining in his eyes. “Can I give you a ride home?” Since my throat is too clogged with emotion to speak, I shake my head and offer him a small smile before I take off.

  Twenty minutes later, after wandering around aimlessly with a heavy heart, I decide to head to my parents’ place, not wanting to be alone with my thoughts. I haven’t seen my mom and papa for almost a week, and if anyone can bring my spirits up it’s my papa.

  The entire way there, I think about what happened with Cade. From his scars, to his admission at why he stayed away, and, most of all, I think about our kiss. The way my body came alive under his touch and the way my soul remembered it so well. It was perfect, and something I didn’t think I would ever get to feel again.

  So why did I have to ruin it? My body still burns from his touch, but so does shame and humiliation. Letting out a heavy breath, I shake my head, frustrated and confused.

  As I get to my parents’ street, I spot Katelyn’s car outside the two-story white colonial styled house and smile. I’ll bet Papa is over the moon.

  Even though Papa George is on my dad’s side and Katelyn is from my mom’s side, he always treated her as if she was his own grandchild. In the days when we were children, and Katelyn would need to escape home, we would spend long days and nights on Papa and Grandma’s ranch. From going on adventure walks with Papa, to baking cookies with Grandma, then camping out in the back and telling ghost stories, only to have Papa sneak up and scare us. The man is a jokester and the complete opposite of my father. Clearly, a former marine and a pastor would be.

  I smile and think about how lucky both Katelyn and I are to have him. If it wasn’t for Papa, Katelyn wouldn’t have her own shop, and I would have to work right now and be unable to concentrate solely on setting up the music school.

  After selling his ranch and moving in with us when Grandma died, he gave a very large portion to Katelyn and me. It came at a good time for Katelyn because that’s when Kolan brought her here—wanting to get them both as far away from their parents as possible.

  As I walk up the front step, I swipe at my cheeks to make sure my tears have dried before opening the screen door. Walking in, I instantly hear Papa’s boisterous voice. “I’m telling ya, that doctor is a moron and doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.”

  “Now, Dad, there is no need to swear and call him names,” my mom reprimands softly. I smile when I hear Katelyn’s chuckle, and follow the voices into the kitchen. My mom’s face lights up and she rushes over to me. “Hi, baby girl.”

  “Hi, Mom.”

  Her smile slips and concern twists her expression when she notices I’ve been crying. I give her a sad smile and shake my head, letting her know I don’t want to talk about it. She sighs softly and cups my face, placing a kiss on my forehead.

  “Hey, there’s my shortcake, get your ass over here and give your papa some love.”

  “Dad! Enough with the language already,” my mom scolds again, to which Papa rolls his eyes at. I don’t know why she even bothers, it’s just who the man is and always has been.

  Smiling, I walk over to him sitting at the kitchen table and kiss his cheek. “Hi, Papa, how are you doing today?”

  I try to turn away quickly, before he can see my blood-shot eyes, but the man doesn’t miss anything. He grabs my arm before I can walk away. “Why the hell does it look like you’ve been cryin’?”

  “I’m fine, Papa. Just tired is all.”

  I look over at Katelyn when she snorts, her concerned and angry gaze knowing what, or rather whom, I’m crying about. I give her a look that has her keeping quiet. For now. Papa grunts, not believing me either, but thankfully he doesn’t push.

  I grab a banana and sit across from him. “What are you griping about anyway? What doctor is a moron?”

  Annoyance flashes in his eyes. “That damn arrogant Dr. Carson. He thinks he knows everything, but he doesn’t.”

  “I think he knows more about the medical field than you do, Dad.”

  “Why, what did he say?” I ask worriedly, not wanting to hear Papa has any health concerns.

  He sits up, all serious, and points over at Mom. “That asshole is trying to get your mother to change my diet. He says my cholesterol is too high.”

  “Is it?”

  He grunts. “That’s what he’s trying to get everyone to believe. I mean, what the hell did I ever do to him? He doesn’t even know me.”

  Katelyn and I burst out laughing. “Papa, I’m sure if your cholesterol wasn’t high he wouldn’t tell you that.”

  “Yeah,” Katelyn adds, backing me up, “and that asshole is damn good looking.”

  We both laugh again at the look on Papa’s face. He points at Katelyn angrily, “You stay away from him. He’s bad news, I can tell.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You don’t have to worry about me with him. It’s Faith he wants.”

  I glare at her for opening her big mouth. She smiles sweetly and blows me a kiss. I look back at Papa to see him sit up angrily again. He points his finger at me next. “Don’t you dare go near him, Shortcake, I’m serious. He’s bad news. He’s probably trying to get to you so he can mess with me and my diet.” We all laugh at him including my mom. “I’m serious,” he shouts, not finding it funny. “If his lying know-it-all ass goes anywhere near you, I’ll bring out my shotgun.”

  “Oh, Dad, give it a rest. I think it would be great for Faith to get out and he does seem quite smitten with her.”

  I roll my eyes at my mom’s not so subtle hint, and when my papa looks like he’s about to explode I throw my hand up, stopping him. “Don’t worry, Papa. I don’t plan to. He seems nice and all, but I’m too busy with trying to get the music school up and running.” And I’m in love with someone else… I think. Someone who doesn’t believe in love.

  Both my mom and Katelyn make disapproving noises, but Papa gives me a big triumphant smile. “That’s my girl. You have a good head on your shoulders, Shortcake.” I shake my head and smile.

  “Well, I have to get back to the salon. Walk me to my car?” Katelyn asks me. I nod and stand with her.

  She gives Mom a hug then heads over to Papa and gives him a big smooch. “I love you, kiddo. Be good and come back soon.”

  “I’m always good. And I will see you at Sunday supper.”

  “Oh, make sure to bring Kolan when you come, honey,” my mom shouts as we walk out of the kitchen.

  Katelyn waves noncommittally. Kolan has never been big on family gatherings. The only people he’s close to in this family, or shows any affection toward, is Katelyn and me.

  I feel the heavy weight of Katelyn’s stare the whole time we walk to her car. “Wanna talk about it?” I shake my head, my throat immediately going tight at the thought of earlier today. She sighs sadly and reaches for my hand. “All right, I won’t push. I know you’ll talk to me when you’re ready. You can stay with me at my place if you don’t want to be alone. You know that, right?”

  I smile and give her a hug. “Yes, I know that. Thank you. It’s still just a little too fresh to talk about right now.” She stares back at me with concern, but anger is more apparent. “It’s not what you’re thinking, Katelyn. He didn’t do anything wrong. It was all me,” I whisper thickly. Hating that she has such a bad view of him. She just doesn’t know him like I do.

  “Mmmhhhmm,” she replies, not believing me. “Anyway. Wanna go out tomorrow night? A good friend of mine just opened a piano bar out in Charleston. A few of us are going and I thought we could celebrate your birthday a little early.”

  “Sure. Sounds like fun.”

  “Perfect! I’ll pick you up at seven.” Giving me one last hug and kiss on the cheek, she hops in her little Honda Civic and takes off.

  I watch her car disappear around the corner, and suddenly feel emotionally e
xhausted. As I head back up my parents’ steps, I hear Papa griping again: “I’m serious, Linda. We shouldn’t make any hasty decisions until I get a second opinion!”

  “Dad, you are not having bacon and that is final!”

  I shake my head and smile. Lord, it’s going to be a long supper, but it beats sitting at home alone with a heavy heart.



  It has been almost a year since I had a nightmare. But after being slammed back into the haunting past earlier in the day, I should have known one would plague me. I know I’m dreaming, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t wake myself up. I’m swept up into a thick storm of emotions. Terror, despair, humiliation and sorrow…

  “Faith, wake up. Please. We have to get you out of here.”

  I stir at the sound of Aadil’s terrified voice, my battered and used body screaming in protest. I awaken and look down to see I’m dressed in a long, black, silk nightgown. It’s the first time I’ve been covered up since being here.

  Turning my face to his, I trace my fingertips across his wet cheek that’s streaked with tears, and try to soothe him as best I can. The chains that are shackled to my wrists only allowing me so much access. “Shhh. It’s okay, Aadil. Everything will be okay.”

  For the past week I have lied and told him this, not knowing what else to say. For the first few days I had hope that I would get out of here and that someone would come for me. But every passing day I realize that is less and less likely. No one even knows where I am. My once full heart has been almost completely shattered, at not only what I’ve had to suffer, but what Aadil has had to as well. He’s been forced to watch me be beaten and brutalized in the worst way, at the hands of his father and his men. Every night he sneaks back in, kneels by my bed and sobs beside me. Constantly apologizing for his father and begs for forgiveness. No matter how much I tell him that I love him, and that it isn’t his fault, he still seems to feel like it is. Some nights we pray and others we sing, which helps us get through our desolate nights together.

  Aadil shakes his head frantically. “No, it’s not okay. It’s not going to be okay. I heard my father talking. They are going to take you to him and do something horrible. We have to get you out of here, Faith.”

  I become a little more alert and confused at what he’s talking about. “What are you talking about? Take me to who?”

  Guilt flashes in his eyes. “I’m so sorry I never told you. My father made me do it. He said he would kill you if I didn’t.”

  My heart begins to pound with anxiety, wondering what could be so awful that he would keep it from me. “You didn’t tell me what? What happened?”

  When he begins to cry, I run my fingers through his thick, black hair and try to soothe him. “Shhh, it’s okay. You can tell me, Aadil.”

  “The soldier is here.”

  I gasp. “Cade? Cade is here?” He nods and tells me what his father made him do, and how long the three of them have been here. Dread rushes through me when I realize they have been here as long as me. Oh God, please let them be all right.

  “I heard my father say they are going to take you to him and do something really horrible. We have to get you out now. I will try to help the soldiers after, but you need to go first and find help.” He pulls a key from his pocket then looks up at me. “I stole it. It won’t be long before he knows it’s gone. We have to move fast.”

  For the first time in a week, a small flare of hope breaks through my despair and sorrow. If I can get out of here and make it back to Cade’s camp… Surely someone must be looking for them.

  As soon as Aadil unlocks my wrists, I have to stifle a scream of pain that rushes through my arms. Rolling over, my body aches in protest but I don’t stop, adrenaline and hope fueling me with strength to push through the pain.

  I take Aadil’s hand and look down at him. “You have to come with me, okay? We are both going to leave here.”

  “But what about the soldiers?”

  Terror slices through me, thinking about Cade, but I also have to think of Aadil and I know Cade would want me to get him out too. “We will run and get them help immediately. I have an idea where to go, but you cannot stay here, Aadil. Your father and his men will hurt you and then you will not be able to help anyone.”

  I feel bad causing the bout of fear to flash in his eyes, but I need to be truthful right now. He nods in agreement. “We will go through the kitchen and sneak out through the garden doors. My father and his men are in his study on the other side of the house, but they were coming for you soon, so we need to hurry.”

  Opening the door quietly, he peeks his head out then tugs my hand and pulls me quickly down the massive hallway of the mansion I’ve been kept in for the last week. My heart pounds so loud with fear and adrenaline it’s all I can hear.

  Just as we turn the corner, a maid walks out of one of the rooms and sees us. We both freeze and panic seizes my chest. Her eyes widen in alarm before looking at Aadil. She scolds him in Arabic and I have no idea what they are saying, but Aadil’s tone is pleading and desperate. The woman looks at me and sympathy flashes in her eyes before she shakes her head and turns away.

  Aadil looks back at me, “It’s okay. She won’t tell.”

  I let out a sigh of relief and follow quickly behind him, knowing we need to move a lot faster. After a long minute of weaving in and out of hallways, I’m just about to ask him how much further when a sharp pain slices through my scalp as I’m suddenly yanked back by my hair.

  “Faith, no!” Aadil runs up to the guard behind me, and starts kicking and punching him. “Let her go!”

  The guard starts shouting for help then punches Aadil so hard the blow sends him into the wall. A strong bout of anger replaces my panic. Managing to slip just enough in his grip, I sink my teeth into his forearm, that’s locked around my throat, and bite down hard enough that his blood fills my mouth. He howls out in pain, and as soon as his grip loosens I turn around and knee him between the legs.

  The sound of a loud, piercing alarm going off has my panic coming back full force. Wasting no time, I grab Aadil and haul him up. He gains his footing quickly and we start running as fast as we can. I lift my long nightgown with my free hand so I can take quicker strides. Fear and desperation fueling our speed, but no matter how hard we try, we aren’t fast enough.

  Just as we enter one of the wide, open rooms, Aadil’s hand gets ripped from mine as we’re both grabbed. “Faith!” he screams in fear, his hand reaching out for mine as he fights against one of his father’s men.

  I struggle against the arms that hold me captive with every ounce of strength I possess. Spinning me around, the man backhands me across my already battered face and knocks me to the ground. Pain radiates through my head and black spots dance in my vision.

  “What the fuck is going on?” At the sound of Aadil’s father’s furious voice, I struggle to my hands and knees and look up to see Aadil’s eyes wide with fear. His father’s expression is twisted with fury and betrayal. “You little bastard. You betray your own father for this whore?”

  He rips Aadil out of the other man’s arms with lightning speed and grips him by the front of his shirt so his feet dangle off the floor. Fear no longer shines in the boy’s eyes, only determination and strength. “I won’t let you hurt her no more.”

  My heart warms at his courageous words, but horror soon replaces it when his father slaps him hard enough that it sends the young boy to the floor. I get to my feet quickly just as Aadil’s mother comes running into the room, screaming. “Allah, no. Stop!”

  An absolute heart-stopping terror grips me when I see his father raise his gun at him. “NOOOO!”

  Everything happens in slow motion. I race toward his outstretched arm, but I’m nowhere near fast enough. Agony strikes my soul at the sound of the gun going off. The pain is so sharp it brings me to my knees as an agonized scream of despair rips from my chest, until my throat becomes raw from it.

  “AHHHHHHH!” Waking
from the sound of my scream, I shoot up and look around the bedroom. With my face soaked from tears, I clutch at my chest to try to ease the agony shredding my heart, while attempting to breathe through the painful sobs that wrack my body.

  Not having the strength to stay upright, I drop back down, curl into a ball and sob into my pillow. Guilt and desolation rip through the air, shattering my soul all over again.

  “I’m so sorry. So, so, sorry, Aadil.” But no matter how many times I chant this, I know nothing will ever ease the guilt that an innocent boy lost his life while trying to save mine.



  I pull up to the swanky piano bar and park in the last available stall behind the building then glance around at the busy parking lot. Dropping my head back, I release a heavy breath. What the fuck am I doing? I shouldn’t be here.

  When Evans came into the gym this morning and told me I was coming to the piano bar tonight, I had grunted and said, “Oh yeah? And why would I do that?”

  “Because it’s for Faith’s birthday, and she doesn’t know many people yet. And because, if you don’t I will punch you in the fucking face.” After that he had turned and walked out, not even bothering to wait for my response. Probably because he knew what I would say.

  All day I told myself I shouldn’t go, that I couldn’t trust myself to be near her, but my need to see her had won over commonsense. I need to know that she’s okay, because the pain that was on her face when she left me yesterday has been haunting me ever since. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it… From her panic attack at the sight of my scars, to her guilt from thinking I blamed her… Jesus, I still can’t believe she fucking thought that. Yeah, well, if you wouldn’t have been a dumbass and told her why from the beginning she wouldn’t have thought that.


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