Shifting Time (Skull Shifters MC Book 3)

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Shifting Time (Skull Shifters MC Book 3) Page 3

by Tricia Wagner

  My hand goes to my stomach as I see Jason and Brantley approaching. Brandinger gives me one last nod, and starts heading for the woods. I get a good look, and I know with one hundred percent certainty, he was not who I saw at the tree line before.

  “Brandinger.” This was Brantley. “You will let this lie. You belong behind bars, but we will settle for six feet under. You got what you wanted, so leave us to our family.” Brantley pulls me in and I bury my head into his chest. I don’t hear a response, but I hear Brantley telling me that everything is okay. These guys were all nuts.

  Lying in bed that night, I was exhausted. I needed the sleep, and I needed to work the next day. Nothing would surprise me if Brantley had an entourage with me tomorrow. Tossing and turning, I didn’t think sleep would ever find me. Somewhere in the space between real life and dreamland, Trance crawled into bed with me. Finding peace with his arm around my waist, and his hand splayed out over top of our baby, I fell into a deep sleep.

  Dreaming. It had to be a dream. I heard Trance talking to me all night. Off and on. He was here to celebrate our baby. He wanted me to know he was watching over me. When I slept the whole night through and felt the sun on my face in the morning, I sat up in my empty bed. Trance was gone. I pull my legs up to my face and lean my cheek on my knees. Pulling in a soothing breath I hear a knock at the door.

  Looking over I see Falcon standing there. He had just showered because his hair was still wet. “You slept all night?” I give him a nod and he smiles, “You okay?” I sigh. I swear I could still smell Trance. “Trance was here.” His eyes get huge, “What do you mean?” I give him a weird look, “He was holding me in my dreams all night. Celebrating our baby.” Falcon gives me a weird nod and says, “Working today?” I nod. “Brant has a crew ready whenever you are.” I roll my eyes, “I’ll shower now.”

  Getting myself together, I open my bedroom door and start heading downstairs. I hear Falcon on the phone and at first, I didn’t think anything of it. Then I heard, “If this is going to work, you need to get a handle on him. This can’t happen again. She’s only going to stay in this state for a small amount of time. Everything we did will be for nothing.” Silence was met with, “Just handle it.” I walk the rest of the way downstairs as I say, “What state am I staying in for a small amount of time?” His whole body swings toward me. “What?” I shake my head, “Don’t act dumb. I heard everything you said. What the fuck is going on Falcon?”

  He didn’t say anything, instead he sounded pissed at me as he said, “The guys are outside. Go to work, and someone will be here with you tonight when you get home.” With that, he walks out the door. I look around wondering what the hell just happened. I walk outside without breakfast and I see Jason standing there. This wasn’t what I needed to deal with right now, but I could probably get some information from him since he feels guilty. See. I’m such a bitch.

  “Kris, can we talk?” I nod, “We can start with whatever the hell just happened in my house. Who was Falcon talking to on the phone, and what did he mean when he said I was only going to stay in this state for a small amount of time?” Jason looks around, “Kris, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Let me drive you to work, and you can tell me what happened. I’ll answer as best I can.” Giving him an inch, I let him drive me to work.

  Explaining as best I can my morning events Jason listened diligently. He also didn’t have an answer for me. He looked frustrated and even almost scared. “I’m not stupid enough to think that this doesn’t have anything to do with me. I know something is going on, and I will find out.” He sighs, “Listen, go ahead into your office. I need to make a call, and I’m gonna come in in a minute. Okay?” I give him an odd look and get out of the car.

  Getting into my office, I know that something big is going on. If Jason has to call someone, that means he’s getting permission from Brantley. What the hell was going on with Falcon, and what could it possibly have to do with me?

  Before I could gather my thoughts, Jason was walking through my door. “Listen, I know you’re confused. Apparently, Falcon thinks you need to talk to someone. He said that your dreams are getting more real to you. He’s upset because this morning you told him that Trance slept with you last night. That he held you.” I raise an eyebrow, “All of this is so I’ll see a therapist?” He nods, “He thinks the dreams are messing with your concept of reality.” My mouth drops, “Is that what he said? That I’m crazy and actually think that Trance is here? That he actually held me?” Jason runs a hand through his short hair, “I think for further explanation you need to speak to Falcon.”

  Yes. I definitely needed to speak to Falcon. “Are we done then?” Jason shakes his head, “No, I need to apologize.” It was my turn to shake my head, “Later.” He sighs, but he does leave saying, “There are guys on watch.” I roll my eyes. Of course there are.

  It didn’t take long for the girls to come into my office to check on me. Running down my events of the morning, I was hoping for some insight. “What do you think it could mean? I mean obviously the things he said don’t mesh with you seeing a therapist. He wouldn’t have used the words, “everything we did will be for nothing”, right?” Those were my thoughts, too. “Exactly. Jason was covering for something. He said I need to talk to Falcon, but if I do that I know he will have had time to come up with reasoning for his words. I should’ve forced him to stay, but I didn’t have a choice. He walked out before I could even try to say anything.” Sophie gets close, “We will get to the bottom of this. Our men are hiding something from us. It obviously has something to do with you. You have every right to know.” I give her a nod, “I’m going to sneak out and go see Falcon.”

  They both look to each other, “Now? Why do you have to sneak?” I shake my head, “Something is going on, and they’ll warn him I’m coming, right?” They both nod, “So I need to sneak out.” They both give me a huge Cheshire grin as we form a plan to get me out of here.

  I had made it to Brantley’s driveway. There was no tail of loud pipes behind me. I was also driving Mel’s car, so there shouldn’t be a problem with that either. They were all going to think it was Mel coming home for lunch. I don’t know how long it would be before they noticed I was gone, but I didn’t need long to pull off the sneak attack. I was about to do something that no ol’ lady had ever done. I was going into secret rooms, and I was going to snoop.

  I was going to snoop until Falcon found me. Then he was going to tell me exactly what was going on. Yep. This was my plan until I walked into the clubhouse. The front part was empty, but I hear voices coming from the other room. Walking up to the door of the forbidden room, I heard someone faintly talking. Doc. I could definitely hear Doc. Falcon was there too, I just couldn’t hear what they were saying.

  I thought about trying to open the door, but I knew they would hear it opening. Instead, I decided to go with my first plan. Let the snooping begin. I went first to Trance’s room. They had told me I could come here whenever I wanted, and they weren’t going to give away Trance’s room. I slowly open the door and his smell hits me as if he was here this morning. I can’t even stop myself from crawling into his bed. I pull his covers up over my head, and take in a big whiff.

  Then something hit me. I stood up from the bed, and I went into his bathroom. The other rooms didn’t have ensuite bathrooms, but for the officers in the club they did. Wet towels. Wet shower. Someone was using Trance’s stuff. What the hell? I rush back down the hallway, and now the snooping was over. I was going in guns blazing.

  How dare someone use his shower! His space! That isn’t anyone else’s. I hit the main bar area, and walk right up to the big forbidden door. Forbidden my ass! I fling it open, and I feel a huge kick in my gut at the sight I have in front of me.

  Chapter Five

  This wasn’t even possible. My hand automatically goes to my stomach as I see Falcon standing there with Doc. Behind them stands the man who was using Trance’s bathroom. How do I know he’s the guy? Because ther
e stands Trance. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to hit someone. Mostly I wanted to kiss him. I couldn’t do that. He let me believe he was dead for two months. Two months! I was pregnant with his child, and he let me mourn. This is why instead of kissing him, I ran. I heard my name being yelled, but instead of stopping I jumped in Mel’s car, and I got the hell out of dodge.

  Everyone had lied to me, and I had no idea who knew and who didn’t. Mostly, I knew that Brantley, Jason, and Falcon knew. They called me family. I scoff out loud. Family wouldn’t do that. Not this. Tears fell down my face as the betrayal fell over me. He said he loved me and then he left me. Only, he hadn’t left. He chose to stay away from me. This had to be some sort of sick joke.

  Unsure of where to go, I hit the highway. I couldn’t go home and I definitely couldn’t go to my office. The girls would want a report, and I didn’t have one to give them. I needed to get out of Missouri and I needed to get my baby out of this situation. I had enough in the bank to start over somewhere, I just didn’t know how to do that without the Skull Shifters following me. More tears came and I chose this moment to stop thinking about the men who betrayed me. Focusing on my baby and keeping him or her safe, I headed out of town.

  I drove until I came up with some sort of plan. I had no clothes with me and zero supplies. Who goes on the run with no supplies? I needed some snacks and I needed them now. First, I needed to find a bank to withdraw cash from. Since I’m still so close to home, I find a bank. From there I can go anywhere and they would never know as long as I’m paying in cash.

  Checking into my hotel that night, I decide that I put enough miles between me and the MC. They would find a way to find me, but if Trance was in hiding and pretending to be dead, it isn’t like he could come after me himself. Not that I wanted to see him. That was a conversation that I wasn’t ready to have. I had turned my phone off a long time ago because everyone wouldn’t stop calling. It would eventually die, but until then I had it off. Lying in the bed, I place my hand over my stomach. “I know today seems really bad, but Mommy’s gonna get us through this. I have you and that’s all I need.” Those were my final words out loud before I promptly pass out.

  At least waking up to morning sickness gave me a sense of familiarity. A little friendly reminder that I have a little person growing inside of me. I let a small smile spread on my lips thinking about my little peanut. Coming out of the hotel bathroom, I scream when I hear, “Grand theft auto, Kris?” I swing my eyes to Brantley, who was sitting in a chair in the corner of my room. “How the hell did you find me?” He smirks, “The car.” Of course he had Mel’s car tracked. Seriously?

  “You need to leave right now.” He instantly shakes his head, “You need to come back with me.” To this I laugh, “To my family? A family wouldn’t let me go through what I went through. A man who supposedly loved me, wouldn’t let me mourn for two months.” Brantley stands up, “There’s a lot you don’t know.” I laugh louder at that, “Uh. Ya think?” He shakes his head, “Enough of the smartass. In order for this to work, you need to keep mourning. If you don’t, everything we did to keep him safe will be for nothing.”

  I didn’t want to care. I didn’t want to go back. I definitely didn’t want to see any of the guys. “If I come back, no one comes near me. People can believe that I’ve made a decision to keep me and my baby away from the MC that got my boyfriend killed. If I come back, I will not under any circumstances see him.” Brantley runs a hand through his hair, “Kris, he loves you. He loves that baby. This hasn’t been easy on him either. Why do you think he was sneaking out to see you?” To that my eyes snap to Brantley. I charge. I hit his chest first with my fists. “You let me think I was crazy! You let me think I was seeing things and you tried to get me to see a therapist! What the fuck is wrong with all of you?”

  At this point his arms had come around me and I was sobbing into his chest. He shushed into my hair as he held me saying, “We didn’t have a choice. Kris I’m so sorry. This was never supposed to happen.” I sob harder thinking about Trance being alive. I would never get to be with him again. He was still here, but we were gone. He let me cry, and then he pulled back saying, “I need you to come back. I need to be able to protect you if necessary, and we need you to act like none of this happened. Brandinger is watching and we need to get him behind bars or in the ground. Everyone knows my preference, but since Trance is here with us, I’ll settle for behind bars.”

  I didn’t feel as if I had a choice. Even if I didn’t want to care, I still did. That’s why I looked up to Brantley and say, “Give me your word. I don’t want to see him.” He nods, “You have my word. You don’t have to unless you want to. Just please remember the circumstances. This isn’t his fault. He thought he was keeping you safe by keeping you in the dark.” I shake my head, “I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to see him.” He nods, “Listen, the girls don’t know.” My eyes snap to him, “You can’t keep lying to them.” He nods, “Come back with me to my house, so we can explain to the girls. Then you can go about your normal business.”

  I sigh, “You just said I don’t have to see him.” He sighs, “Please. It’s one time, and he won’t try to talk to you. I need to stop lying to my girl about something so big.” I had to give him that. Mel and Sophie were going to be pissed.

  Chapter Six

  Pulling down the long driveway to Mel’s house, Brantley was behind me on his bike. I saw Mel hit the back deck as I pulled around the bend. She runs to my car, well her car, and pulls me out. “Girl, what the hell happened? We sent you for recon and you disappeared.” I sigh, “You’ll see.” She gives me a weird look and then looks to Brantley. “Listen, just know it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” She gives him a weird look and Sophie comes out of the clubhouse with Jason.

  “Girl, don’t ever do that ever again! I’ve been worried sick.” I shake my head and look to Brantley, “Can we get this over with.” He nods and leads us all into the clubhouse. Opening the door to the “forbidden room” Mel looks to me. “This must be serious if he’s letting us in here.” I can only nod. Walking in we all sit down at the big table, and Brantley says he’ll be right back.

  Heading back into Doc’s room I think about the day that I smelled Trance. He was right there. Is that why Brantley asked for the sonogram? Had he seen our little peanut? We didn’t even get to share that together. He had to hear from the guys that I was having his baby. Brantley walked back into the room, and he wasn’t alone. Doc followed and then Trance. I heard the gasps and I heard whispered words, but mostly I just took him in. I was staring at a ghost. At least, what I thought was a ghost. He was very much alive, and he looked destroyed as his eyes met mine.

  The girls started asking their guys questions, but I couldn’t do this anymore. I needed to get out of here. This is why I stood and said, “Mel, I know that you have a lot to take in, but do you mind if I borrow your car again.” She looks to me, “We brought your car. Keys are in it at the front of the driveway.” I nod and start to walk out when I hear the voice of an angel, “Kris, baby, please. We need to talk about this.” I can’t look at him. If he kept talking I was going to break.

  Instead, I look to Brantley and said, “Remember our agreement. I’m out of here.” I heard Trance let out a frustrated growl, and then I heard a fist hit the wall as I hit the doorway. I just kept on walking. I needed to get away from him or I wouldn’t just break I would give in. That was something that I just couldn’t do. I didn’t have just me to think about anymore. He took something beautiful and ruined it. I focused on getting myself home, and when I was finally in the driveway, I sat there. What the hell was I going to do with this situation?

  There was no way for me to come up with a solution to my life right now, so instead of dwelling on it, I headed inside. When I got myself sunk down into a bath, I heard the doorbell ring. I close my eyes and take in a soothing breath. Pulling myself out of the water, wrapping my robe around me, and heading toward the door, I see Mel an
d Sophie standing there. I quickly glance behind them to see if either of the guys are with them. Seeing the all clear, I open the door.

  “Girl, we are sorry. You were taking a bath. Go relax, and we’ll be out here when you’re done.” I look around, “Uh, what is this?” Sophie raises an eyebrow, “Excuse me, we were lied to, too. You don’t think we’re going to stay with our men tonight, do you?” My mouth pops open, “Please don’t let this ruin what you have. Mel, you’re happily married, and Brantley thought he was keeping you safe. Soph, you’re about to get married to the man of your dreams. Don’t do this.” It was Mel who then said, “Okay, so does that mean you’re going to talk to Trance? After all, he was just looking out for your safety.” That got me to shut my mouth. That also was what sent me to the bath, and left the girls in my living room.

  I left them for about thirty minutes. I was trying to clear my head, and that seemed like an impossibility. Pulling myself out of the tub, I get dressed in my comfy clothes. I splashed water on my face, and walked out of the bathroom. Heading downstairs, I hear the girls popping popcorn. “Guys, I’m not really in the mood for a girl’s night.” They both look at me with a face that says “too bad”. Great.

  Sitting down in front of the TV, I see that Mel must have had on DIY. She’s always watching stuff like this for inspiration. I lean my back against the couch and pull my knees up to my chest. “Kris, are we going to discuss this?” I shake my head, “I don’t even know where to start.” Sophie gets close, “Start from the beginning. How did you find out?” I sigh. There was no way out of this, and I needed to get it all out there. I tell them everything. From me getting to the clubhouse up until Brantley found me in the hotel.


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