Shifting Time (Skull Shifters MC Book 3)

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Shifting Time (Skull Shifters MC Book 3) Page 8

by Tricia Wagner

  Stepping into the clubhouse, I try to get excited about telling Trance that we’re having a baby girl. That’s why I’m shocked to hear, “He do that often?” I swing my head to Trance standing at a window. I look back at the door and then to him, “Uh, do what often?” He breaks his contact with the window and looks to me, “Touch you? You hug him like that? What’s really goin on between you two?” My eyes get huge. He cannot be serious.

  “Ya know what, I’m exhausted and I’m not even going to justify your questions with answers. You need to take a step back and realize where he just took me. Where you couldn’t take me. Do you know how hard this day was for me?” He still looks pissed, and you know what I am too. His first thought is to ask me about Falcon? I walk toward the hallway thinking that this isn’t going the way that I expected. I laugh out loud thinking that nothing is what I have been expecting. I get to my room and shut the door behind me.

  I could hear his footsteps down the hall and I hear the door open as I lay myself down on the bed. The bed dips and he says, “So, are we having a girl or a boy?” Is he for real? “I don’t know about you, but I am having a baby girl. I’m also reconsidering where that’s going to be happening.” His eyes get angry, “Like hell. Did you say we’re having a baby girl?” I close my eyes and take a cleansing breathe. “Yes.” He sighs as he sits closer to me on the bed. “I’m messing this all up.”

  I nod in agreement. “Baby, things are tense. I hate it, but that’s the way they are right now. If I could take care of this today I would.” I roll my eyes, “How long is it going to take? I literally cannot take another day. Trance, I mean it. I think we’re gonna leave. I need to get out of here.” He stands abruptly. “You can’t take my baby away from me.” Not, “You can’t leave” or “Please don’t go”. It’s just about the baby. That’s why the tear that falls from my eye means so much.

  I stand up out of bed and say, “Actually, I can. No one knows you’re alive.” I walk passed him knowing that he can’t stop me. He would never grab a hold of me since I’m pregnant. I grab a bag and pull out my phone. Calling Falcon was probably a mistake, but I didn’t have anyone else that would do what I asked.

  As I stand outside the clubhouse waiting for Falcon, I realize that Trance hasn’t even tried to stop me. I should’ve grabbed more of my stuff, but I can have Mel and Soph send me it once I’m settled. I hear the door open just as Falcon pulls around the driveway. I start walking as Falcon gets out. “Babe, what’s goin on?” I hear a growl and then, “Call her babe one more time.” I whip my head around and glare at Trance. Is he serious? I look back to Falcon, “Please just get me out of here.” He looks to Trance and then to me.

  To get in the middle or not. I can see the debate. I see him warring with himself. The brotherhood or my friendship. He must decide my friendship because he gives me a nod and I walk to the car. “If you get in that car Kris, expect a fight.” I whip around, “From who? You can’t come after me.” He turns and slams his fist into the door and I get in the car. Falcon gets in the car and drives us about five miles. Pulling over to the side of the road he whips his head toward me, “What the fuck just happened?” I sigh, “Can we just not talk about this right now?”

  He sighs, “Kris, I just went against the brotherhood.” I close my eyes, “Just take me to my car. Then you don’t have to be in the middle.” He slams his hand on the wheel, “I already am!” He screams. I mean a full-on bellow. I’ve never seen him like this before. “Falcon, I walked in there and he couldn’t even ask me about the baby. Didn’t ask about the appointment. Nothing. He wanted to know if we touched like that often. Is he seriously in a position to not trust me? Then, I went to the bedroom and when I told him that I was rethinking about where the baby and I were going to be the only thing he could come up with was that I couldn’t take his baby. Not that he didn’t want me to go. No, he just addresses the baby. To which I proceeded to tell him I absolutely can since no one knows he’s alive.”

  Another hand slamming on the steering wheel and then, “Shit, shit, shit.” I look over to him gauging his reaction, “Where do you want me to take you?” I sigh. I hate that I’ve put him in this position. “Just to my car.” He shakes his head, “No way am I letting you out of my sight. You need to leave? Fine, but it won’t be unprotected. There is still a major threat out there.” I nod, “Then I have absolutely no idea where I want to go.” He sighs, “I can take you to my place.” I look to him, “In Louisiana?” He nods. “Isn’t that going to make it worse for you in the long run?” He sighs, “Once Trance realizes what he’s done he’s going to fix it. Until then, he would appreciate me taking care of you. Or at least he may end up appreciating it.”

  I don’t want to put Falcon in the middle, but he is right. There’s still a threat and I have to keep that in mind. It’s not just my safety that I need to worry about anymore. “If it’s okay, then we would appreciate you taking care of us.” He nods, and points the car in the direction of Louisiana.

  I have no idea how far we drive when he needs to pull over to sleep. It was late afternoon when we had started our little adventure, and I was exhausted. We pull into a hotel and I pull out my phone. Thinking of the girls and how worried they must be, I turn it on and shoot of texts saying that I’m safe. I don’t give them the opportunity to respond before I shut my phone off. It’s going to die soon, and realistically that’s probably for the best. We fall into our separate beds and I pass out before my head even hits the pillow.

  In the middle of the night I hear a whispered conversation happening in the bathroom. My ears perk up as I hear Falcon say, “Brant, you should’ve seen her face. She’ll be safe and when he’s ready and able he can come get her.” I obviously can’t hear what Brantley says, but Falcon responds, “Just because it’s off radar doesn’t mean it’s safe for him to come. I get it. He fucked up though, again, and I’m not going to let her come to harm because he’s being a prick.” Shit. Then I hear, “Fuck no. Of course, I’d want someone like her warming my bed, but I would never take what’s already so clearly spoken for.” I roll my eyes as I rub my belly. My eyes slowly fall shut as I hear him ending his conversation. At least I know he has my back.

  “Babe, we gotta roll.” I roll my eyes from the bathroom where Falcon can’t see me. “Don’t think I don’t know that you just rolled your eyes at me.” I scoff and that’s the only noise I make. I come out of the bathroom and half smile at him. “I’m ready, I’m ready.” He nods and opens the door. We head out to the car and he points us toward his house.

  I had no idea what to expect, but the ranch style home wasn’t it. When we finally made it, I was too tired to take much else in. Today is a new day though, and I was standing out in the driveway taking in his house. He had to have someone keeping up with it, because the landscaping was all perfect. There were no weeds. Seriously, I’m in awe of his landscaping. When he came out the front door, I got into the car. He lived back a dirt road, and his driveway was at least a half mile long. When we got to the dirt road he turned to the left. I was trying to remember in case I needed to go anywhere. Not that he would let me do that on my own.

  “Gotta find you some clothes babe.” I nodded and said, “I need to find a doctor.” It was his turn to nod. “We’ll hit the grocery store and then I’ll take you over to the mall.” I needed to know. “If I use my cards, Trance will track it.” He nods, “I have you covered.” I scoff, “You aren’t buying me a new wardrobe. I have money.” He looks over to me, “The club is payin. I already cleared everything.” That was something I would take up with Brantley when I saw him again. I had no doubt that he would come visit me once Melanie found out where I was.

  “What’s that for?” I look to the phone charger in the buggy. “Babe. You need your cell. Your friends are all worried, and Trance would love to hear from you. Apparently, he’s a wreck.” He said it with a sarcastic tone and I didn’t know how to react to that. “Why do you say it like that?” He looks me dead in the eye, “Well talk
about him later. Just let me get this stuff. Pick any food you’d like.” I nod as we started down the food aisles.

  By the time we made it back home I had enough clothes for the rest of my life. That is, if I were going to spend the rest of my life pregnant. Falcon made me buy anything that could get me through the rest of my pregnancy. Needless to say, I was going to dress to impress, and I had no one to impress. “We gotta talk.” I look up from my room that he set me up in, and I nod. He walked out of the room, so I figured that was my cue to follow.

  When we made it to the great room he sat in a chair and I sat on the couch. I wasn’t sure what I needed to be prepared for, but I assume this was about Trance. “He wants a call.” My eyes grow wider, “Jumping right in, are we?” He nods, “No point in talkin in code. I don’t really want in the middle of this shit, but obviously everything he said in there made you run. I would rather have your back, then to have you leave and be alone. You’re vulnerable even though nothing has gone down.”

  I sigh, “Why am I vulnerable though? There’s no reason for them to follow me.” He shakes his head, “Kris, you are carrying Trance’s baby. No?” I roll my eyes, “Obviously.” He raises an eyebrow, since that was his point. They wanted this baby because of the blood that runs through his veins. I just didn’t really have an answer. “Falc, what did you expect me to do? He’s been so distant. He might as well be gone for real. I don’t see him, I don’t hear from him, and you are the one that is taking his place. It’s not my fault that he’s jealous. I can’t do anything about the fact that he needs to hide.” He nods, “You need to take the call. I can’t force you, but I can strongly encourage it.”

  Great. “I’ll think about it.” He nods, “Fair enough. I’ll do my best to field calls until you’re ready.” I let out a sigh of relief. Thank God. “Can I go back and get my things settled?” He nods and I head back to “my” bedroom. It takes a while, but I get everything all setup. Everything had been such a whirlwind that I hadn’t really sat down to think about all things Trance.

  As soon as I settled down into bed, I could feel the tears coming. I knew this wasn’t going to be pretty. I had just left the only man that ever held my heart. Knowing that he was out there and alive, but I was unable to have him anyways was the worst pain. The problem was, I had a little girl to consider. This wasn’t the life for her. I needed to get my shit together, and I needed to do that for her.

  That was the badass version that went on in my head. Then as I fell asleep, I dreamt of how much she was going to miss out on, not having her father. The things he could teach her, and the fact that he was out there somewhere, not dead, and I was keeping her from him. That’s the thing about dreams. They have a funny way of making you feel pretty shitty when they play the devil’s advocate. What the hell was I going to do?

  Chapter Thirteen

  I was sitting on the back porch when I first heard it. I hadn’t heard the sound in about a month. Pipes. Multiple pipes. Shit. I slowly get my extremely pregnant self, up from the chair. Heading through the sliding doors and moving toward the front door I see Falcon. “Who is it?” He shrugs even though I know he knows. He would be on guard if he didn’t know who it was. This is why I roll my eyes, and head back out to the back porch. If he’s not worried then neither am I.

  Even though it takes a lot of effort, I manage to sit back down. Taking in the sun, I close my eyes plopping my headphones in my ears. It didn’t take long for someone to pull one out of my ear. I don’t budge. I obviously know that it’s not a threat. I keep my eyes closed and I focus on the song playing in my ear. It was a song about Dirt and Whiskey. A love that just couldn’t be. That was Trance and I. As much as I had wanted it to work, it just never would. “Kristina.”

  Well, that wasn’t the voice I was expecting. I look up into Brantley’s eyes. “Brant, what are you doing here?” He snarls, “What am I doing here? It’s been a month. My girl misses you. Do you know what happens when my girl is unhappy?” Oh shit. My eyes must’ve gotten big because he nods, “Now that that is settled, get your ass up out of that chair, pack your damn bags, and get your pregnant ass out to the truck.” I hadn’t seen Brant yell at a woman like this since he yelled at Melanie years ago. They were fighting about her trying to pay off his loans for his house and the club. That obviously didn’t end well for Mel. Now I felt like a child being scolded.

  I stood up trying to pull my inner bitch. Why the hell did she choose now to hide? The reason I know she’s hiding? I stood there, blubbering. Yes, I’m crying. That’s when I hear a muttered, “Shit.” From behind us. I look to see Jason standing there. I wondered who else was with him. “I…I…I can’t do this. You weren’t there. It isn’t f-f-fair for you to take his side. You c-can’t make me come back.” Brantley gets close and puts both hands on my shoulders, “Darlin, the hell I can’t. You two need to work all that shit out. That isn’t my concern. You’ve barely spoken to Mel or Soph for that matter. They’re worried. They don’t want you to have this baby and them not be there for you. Sophie wants you home for her wedding. If there’s one thing you know about me, it’s that I do everything in my power for my woman. This is a part of that.”

  I step back, “So Trance didn’t send you?” He sighs, “Of course he did. You haven’t spoken to him once. He’s been patient because he was a dick, but a guy can only take so much. You’re pregnant with his child. He was away from you for long enough in the beginning. Don’t you think he deserves to be seein you this way?” I shake my head, “You weren’t there.” It was a whisper, but I know he heard me because he says, “That’s why I’ve given you the time I have. Falcon knows the score here. We’re all goin back, and we’re doin in right now.”

  I close my eyes. I was never going to win this argument. That’s why I took my pregnant ass, and packed my things. I walked out of the bedroom and Jason was standing there. He pulled me in for a hug and I relaxed into him. “I’ll carry your bags. Go sit and wait in the great room.” I nod. “And Kris?” I look to him, “Don’t ever do this shit again. If there’s issues between you and Trance we would’ve worked it out. You didn’t have to leave.” I close my eyes. I had hurt a lot of people. Not that I didn’t know that. This was just…well it was just easier. That’s why I say, “This seemed like the easiest way. If I saw him, I would’ve forgiven him. With what he did and said…I just couldn’t let it go that easily.” He nods, “I get it, but you gotta know it’s tearing him up not being here for you.”

  I figured that it would come to this. “Can we just not discuss this?” He nods, “Yeah, but you should know…” I interrupt him, “Please, Jason.” He puts both his hands up as he mutters something under his breath. I didn’t catch it and I didn’t care. I was already having to face things I didn’t want to. This was why I huffed myself to the great room. I waited until the guys were ready and I got my ass to the truck.

  At first, I was confused. I saw Jason come out and he put my stuff in the back of Brantley’s truck. Then he went and got on his bike. From there, Brantley came out and was on his. The confusing part was when I saw Falcon’s bike. He walked out of the house, locking it behind him. He sat astride his bike and I looked around. Am I supposed to drive? How did Falcon’s bike get here? That was when the driver’s door opened and Trance got in. Oh hell no. I went to get out, but he grabbed my hand and locked the doors. I swung my eyes to him as he started the truck and put it in drive. They totally set me up. What. The. Hell.

  I’m furious. The thing that makes me most furious? The freaking pull that I have to him. It’s been a month since I’ve seen him and all I want to do is stare at him. I want to breathe him in and jump on him. I want to tell him I missed him and that I love him. Instead, I snap my mouth closed and turn my head to the window. Why did everything have to be so complicated? More than that, why did he have to be so damn good looking.

  “We’re gonna talk. You can sit over there as silent as you want, but you’re gonna hear me.” I stay silent, because I know there’s no
point in fighting him. He’s going to say what he wants to say. “I see you’re gonna stick with silence?” I don’t respond so he must take that as his cue to continue.

  “A month, Kris. I’ve had a month to take in everything that I’ve been putting you through. It would’ve been a day, but Brant and Falcon forced me to stay away. It also took us this long to get a tracker on Brandinger. That way we knew where he was when we were comin and goin from the club.” Why didn’t he just stay in Louisiana then? Why go back to the club when there was still a threat? Was there still a threat? Of course, I wouldn’t get the answer to these questions because I kept my mouth shut.

  “It’s been the worst month of my life. Worse than when you thought I was gone. You knew I was alive and yet you chose to stay away from me. I fucked it all up, baby. I intend to fix it.” Of course he does. He thinks that coming here and forcing his hand will make me stay with him. Although, if he left and there is still a threat, then that proves he would do anything for me. Doesn’t it? Eh. Not really. That just proves that he wants to be able to see his child. It has nothing to do with me.

  He hasn’t asked to marry me. The only way he is tied to me is through this baby. He doesn’t want me. “Kristina, I was wrong. The day you left was all on me. I get why you did. I had been stand offish for weeks. It was killing me not to be able to be at that doctor appointment. Then to see Falcon holding you when it should’ve been me. I left you a ton of messages, I don’t know if you heard any of them.” I had. Every single one. Those nights were the worst. Knowing that he would only ever pretend to want me in order to see his baby.


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