Chosen_Their Vampire Princess

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Chosen_Their Vampire Princess Page 1

by Harlow Thomas

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  Their Vampire Princess

  Harlow Thomas

  Anastasia James

  Copyright © 2017 by Harlow Thomas

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Also by Harlow Thomas

  More sexy paranormal romance by Harlow Thomas

  Also by Anastasia James

  About Harlow Thomas

  About Anastasia James

  Chapter 1

  I wake in the dark, the same as I have every night of my existence. But tonight is different. Tonight I’ve been alive for twenty-three years. The significance of this is not lost on me. As the vampire princess of the Night Court, this is the night I begin my ascension and take my place as heir to the throne. Nerves curl in my stomach as every word of my mother’s stories replay in my mind.

  Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. She grew from a lovely child to the most stunning woman in the court. She knew her destiny was to one day rule the Night Court and bring harmony between the humans and vampires, protecting the humans from the dangers of our world until the next generation rises. The night of her twenty-third birthday the princess was dressed in her finest gown, and her mother, the queen, gave her a special gift. It was a handmade box, which held the crown the princess would give to her chosen prince. One lord from each of the four villages who swear fealty to our kingdom were sent as an offering to the princess. She knew her choice would be difficult, but that she could not ascend until her mate had been crowned and the future of the Court sealed.

  The story had gone on, but much of the details varied as my mother had given me visions of the man I would choose. This fairy tale was my future, her past, the past of every generation before us. But now? Now it is real. I rise from my bed knowing this is the last time I’ll see these chambers. My place is no longer here. In a matter of hours, I’ll be shipped off, unable to return until I have my future husband by my side. Once we return, I’ll live in a different part of the manor, share a bed with the man I’ve taken, and leave my life as princess for one as queen. I am not ready for any of this, no matter how many times my mother has told me to expect it. I know she went through the same thing when she was my age, but she’s a formidable woman, a force to be reckoned with.

  A soft knock on my door has me whirling around, blond hair flying in my face.

  My mother’s disapproving gaze travels over my form. “Felicity! You’re not even dressed. We have to leave.”

  My heart leaps. I’m not ready.

  She shakes her head and pulls a gown from my wardrobe. Giving it a stern look, she frowns and tosses the gauzy fabric on my bed. “This won’t do. Where is the gown I had made for you?”

  “I’m sure it’s there somewhere. The maid might have laid it out somewhere special to keep it safe.”

  “You need to be in the royal blue silk. It’s the perfect color for your hair and skin tone.”

  I roll my eyes. “Why does it matter? These men have no choice in this. The one I choose will come with me to gain protection for his village for his lifetime. Isn’t that how the story goes?” The disdain in my voice is hard to disguise. I have no desire to marry a man who doesn’t want me.

  “And he’ll be lucky to be yours.”

  Will he? His sacrifice, his willingness to become my consort will only stem from the desire to save his home, not out of love or loyalty to me.

  “Here it is!” my mother exclaims from the depths of the ornate piece of furniture that houses my clothing. She produces the gorgeous silk gown and offers a brilliant smile. “Stunning. You’re going to be stunning. As it should be.”

  Crossing the room, I take the offered dress and let the soft, cool material brush along my skin. It matches my eyes. I’m sure she had the silk dyed this way on purpose. My mother doesn’t believe in coincidences.

  “Get dressed and be downstairs in ten minutes, Felicity. We have to leave within the hour. Your suitors will be delivered shortly.”

  There’s that familiar clenching in my gut again. “But…I need more time. Can’t we postpone?”

  “Child, what are you talking about? The ceremony starts at the hour of your birth. You have one hour until the rest of your life begins.”

  She runs a hand over my long hair and a wistful look crosses her face before she turns and practically glides out of the room, leaving me alone once more.

  In less than twenty minutes, I’m dressed and ready to go. I’ve had my bag packed for the last three days in anticipation of this trip. Two weeks away, maybe longer if need be, but I can’t help but harbor an ember of excitement at the change I’m about to experience. I’ve never been away from this estate, from my household filled with servants and advisors, and my mother the queen. Soon I will be on my own with only my potential consorts as company. My every move won’t be watched and judged, but more importantly, I won’t be treated like a child any longer.

  As I descend the wide staircase, I realize my mother was right. The rest of my life is about to begin.

  Chapter 2

  The mist of the cool evening settles over my skin as I walk from the manor toward the gardens I’ve spent countless hours in, tending to the night-blooming jasmine under the stars. I wish I was wearing something other than this thin gown. Silk does not do well in rain, no matter how light. But I only have ten more feet to travel before I reach the archway. The beams are decorated with deep red roses, the flowers cascading down as though for a bride walking toward an altar. My mother stands in the center, a box, the box, held in her hands. Lining the aisle on both sides are the lords and ladies of the Night Court. Their pale skin glows in the dim light of the crescent moon. None of them look at me, their focus trained on their queen.

  “Princess Felicity, daughter of mine, come forward and accept your birthright. Take with you on your journey this precious crown and bestow its treasure on your chosen mate. Only then can you return to us and take your place as heir.”

  My heart gives a squeeze at the reminder of what’s at stake. If I don’t choose, I can’t rule. And if that happens, the Night Court will fall.

  I stop in front of my mother, her proud smile giving me strength. Kneeling, I hold out both hands and wait.

  “Choose wisely and with caution, daughter.”

  The heavy box settles in my outstretched palms and somehow, it grows warm on my skin. My head spins and a cold sweat breaks out across my forehead as a blue light swirls around me. Feeling nauseated, I close my eye
s and grit my teeth against the strange feeling of falling. Panic grips me until birdsong hits my ears, and…oh my god, the glow of light sneaks in under my closed eyelids.


  I’m going to die before I have a chance to really live.

  Standing, I hold the box under one arm and raise the other in a sad attempt to shield myself. Until I realize I’m not burning. I’m warm, but I haven’t gone up in flames. What the hell? My eyes hurt from the amber hue surrounding me and I blink hard against the orange glow of sunset. Where am I? Sandy beach and palm trees span as far as I can see from North to South, and rich greenery flows inland. The crash of the ocean waves is a sound I’ve always loved, but now, with the dark blue water catching the fading light of the sun, I may never be able to experience the ocean at night again without melancholy.

  “She’s here,” a deep male voice catches my attention, dragging my gaze from the beauty of the sea.

  Behind me, at the mouth of a trail stand four of the most attractive men I’ve ever laid eyes on. These four are here for me. I know it the instant I see them, and my fangs begin to elongate from the intense wave of hunger they’ve triggered. To my horror, the tallest of them takes a few steps toward me, his startling blue eyes sparkling with interest and confidence. I want him. I want them all.

  “Stop,” I say, not wanting to kill him. I haven’t fed yet today. I thought I’d have time before I met them. “Don’t move one inch closer unless you want to die.”

  Those self-assured eyes turn wary. “That’s not part of the deal I made.”

  “Isn’t it? Don’t you know what I am? Why you’re here?”

  His confidence is back almost instantly as he closes the distance between us and takes my hand. “I’m here to win you.”

  “And how can you win me if I don’t even know your name?”

  He presses a kiss to the space between my first two knuckles and I have to fight a shiver of longing. “Forgive me, my princess. I am Sebastian Billings. It is a pleasure to be at your service.” He rolls his eyes up to meet mine and there is no apology in their depths. This man knows he’s handsome and he has read my reaction for the arousal it is.

  I have to tear my gaze from his mesmerizing attention, but I manage to break his hold and glance at the other three men. Each stand with a defensive posture, and each of them are beautiful to behold.

  “And the rest of you. Are you going to introduce yourselves as well, or are you just handing the crown to Sebastian?”

  Taking my hand from Sebastian’s warm grip, I push gently past him and walk up the path. I am in control here, and I need to remember that.

  I stand in front of a tall man with thick, dark hair and pitch black irises. His jaw is shaded with a hint of stubble, giving him a more rugged appearance from the others. I like it.

  “What is your name?” I ask as he assesses me, a slight frown furrowing his brow.

  “My princess, my name is Garrett.”

  “You are quite handsome, Garrett. But your frown betrays your true feelings. Are you here unwillingly?”

  His lips twist into a bitter smile. “Not unwilling. But I’m under no illusion of what this is…and what you are. You might be walking in the sunlight now, but once you leave the magic of this island, the sun will burn you and our differences will be even more clear.”

  No one has ever spoken to me like this. There’s a clear note of disgust singing in his words. “So, you don’t want to be chosen?”

  “I’ll do my duty for my village. If you choose me, I’ll accept.”

  Now it’s my turn to frown. Why is he here if he doesn’t want this?

  A throat clears to my right, bringing my focus to my next suitor. Blond hair the color of sand hangs longer than the rest of the men. It gives him a careless air, the tousled locks catching the breeze make me itch to run my fingers through the strands.

  He kneels and bows his head. “Miller Bellamy, my princess.”

  His broad shoulders and the muscles of his back are visible through the thin material of his T-shirt. This man is strong. Sliding my hand over his shoulder, I let it linger a touch too long before speaking.

  “Rise, Miller. There is no reason for any of you to bow to me. Or call me princess. One of you will be my chosen consort, after all. I am Felicity to you. Just Felicity.”

  Standing to his full height, he draws closer and I have to incline my head to look him in the eye. “Felicity,” he says, my name sounding like a song from his lips.

  Oh, I like Miller. This choice might not be so hard. Perhaps I’ll be home tomorrow. I can just give Miller the crown and get back to my life. Knowing I still have one suitor remaining, I tear my attention from Miller and turn to the man standing next to him. His thick, wavy hair is the color of coffee, and the green of his eyes makes me wonder if he holds some fae magic in his blood. They look like emeralds set in his irises. The thought of his blood has my fangs readying to unsheathe but I push back the hunger and focus on my true reason for being here.

  “Your name?” I ask.


  “And you know what I am, why you’re here?”

  His steady gaze never leaves mine. “I do.”

  “And you’re not afraid?”

  “I’m not.”

  I like this one. He seems younger than the rest, but somehow stronger. “Good,” I say.

  Sebastian takes my arm, the contact sending a jolt through me. “Felicity, allow me to escort you to our home for the next two weeks.”

  I watch him rake his gaze over my body as the others stand close by. So, he’s the alpha of this pack. Or at least, he’s trying to be.

  Removing myself from his grasp, I turn my focus to Garrett. “I’d like it if you would escort me, Garrett.”

  Frustration rolls off Sebastian in waves as Garrett reluctantly offers his arm, but I ignore him. He needs to understand his place here. He is not in charge.

  I am.

  Chapter 3

  I shouldn’t be surprised when the house we walk up to is extravagant. My mother would set me up in nothing less than what I’d grown up with. The open air design gives the illusion we’re outside even when sheltered. The chitter of birds and the crash of the waves float through the rooms on the breeze. A smile pulls at my lips. I could get used to this. Sun, sand, freedom.

  “This is…stunning,” I say, turning around slowly as I take in the resort-like home. I place the box containing the crown on the round table in the center of the foyer. “How long have you been here?”

  “About three days. It’s perpetually dusk here, so it’s hard to tell.” Garrett’s scowl doesn’t shift as he separates himself from me and settles on the couch before picking up a book from the end table. Why does this man hate me so much, and why the hell is he here?

  His dark gaze doesn’t leave the pages of his book, but I can feel the animosity coming from him. I should just kill him now and move on, but something stops me. There’s a reason for his behavior, I’m certain of it. And, I can’t deny the tingle of attraction that surges through me every time our eyes lock.

  My stomach gives a loud growl in the quiet room, causing Sebastian and Miller’s lips to twitch.

  “Hungry?” Sebastian asks.

  “She doesn’t eat. She’s a vampire, idiot.” Garrett’s tone is clipped and annoyed.

  Frustration builds in my chest. So many misconceptions. “Actually, I do eat. I eat food, drink coffee, sleep, breathe, etc. I do everything humans do.”

  “Humans don’t drink people’s blood.”

  “Humans do a lot of terrible things to each other for no purpose. Vampires need blood to survive just like you need food. How is that so wrong?”

  Garrett finally puts down his book and stares at me hard. “You kill us, then expect the rest of us to be happy about it when were chosen.”

  “I’ve never killed a human.” In fact, I’ve never fed directly from one either. My fangs haven’t pierced anything in my twenty-three years. I’ve only been serv
ed blood in a wineglass, offered by donors I’ve never seen.

  “There’s a first time for everything,” he says before standing and stalking out of the room.

  Sebastian lets out a soft chuckle. “God, he’s moody. It’s like he’s begging you to put him out of his misery.” His hand slides across my waist, settling on the small of my back. It’s so strange to be touched in such a familiar, sensual way. I’ve spent my life without these gestures of desire. My breath catches as he leans in close and his lips brush my ear. “Come on, I’ll show you to the kitchen. I’m hungry too.”

  Glancing over my shoulder at Miller, I see him watching with amused eyes. He’s not worried. Not in the least. But Thomas stands quietly, observing and assessing the situation.

  “You guys coming?” I ask. Sebastian’s hand tenses on my back. It’s too soon to be alone with any of them. I need to get to know them each together and then one by one.

  They follow us, the two men behind me talking about some football game or other. I like the sound of their voices, the feel of them all with me. Even Garrett’s anger is better than the complacency of home.

  Miller crosses the large kitchen toward the refrigerator and pulls open the door. “The fridge is stocked with anything you could want. I think it might be magic because no one else has been here but anytime we take something out, it’s replaced the next day.”

  Confusion races through me. “You mean that’s not how it is in every home?”

  Laughter fills the kitchen from all three of them. “No. We have to go to the store, buy food, repeat,” Thomas replies.

  “That sounds…awful.”


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