Guardians: The Turn (The Guardians Series, Book 3)

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Guardians: The Turn (The Guardians Series, Book 3) Page 8

by StVil, Lola

  “So, Wolf is in line to lead the Omari?” I ask.

  “It’s much bigger than that; as the Kon, he would be the king of the Paras. I guess that’s not what he wants.”

  “Maybe he just needs time,” I suggest.

  “It’s been a few cycles already. But when and if Wolf ever feels he’s ready, there is a royal symbol he was born with that will glow.”

  “I’ve heard about that, but wasn’t there some controversy?” Marcus asks.

  “Yes, the mark only appears above the waist. That way everyone will be able to see it and know he is the chosen Kon. But although his father says he will be the next Kon, there is no mark on Wolf.”

  “I’m guessing tattoos don’t count?” I ask.

  “I’m afraid not,” Carlos replies.

  He then signals us to look over where Wolf and Ameana are. Wolf has been given a guitar by the birthday girls’ grandpa. The music is turned down. Everyone gathers to hear Wolf play. He strums the guitar and sings softly in Spanish.

  “I should go check on Jay,” Marcus says.

  “Okay, I’ll come with you.”

  “No, you can stay,” he says. It hurts. Why is he trying to push me away?

  “Carlos, please thank everyone for the food and for inviting perfect strangers into their home,” I say as Marcus walks away from me.

  “I will,” he says with a bright smile.

  I race to catch up to Marcus. He is already at the front step of the house where Jay is recuperating.

  The moon is full and seems to take up the entire night sky. Wolf’s voice flows down the street and the scent of summer flowers fills the air. This scene is so romantic; so perfect. I just want to share it with him.

  “Hey, can we just sit awhile? Then go look in on Jay?”

  “Yeah, I guess,” he says not bothering to hide just how distracted he is. He sits on the steps beside me. I take his hand. He takes mine but there no real conviction behind it.

  “Hey, are we okay?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, if Jay is really healed by the morning we should have time to find the Seller and locate the place Rio is being held.”

  “No, I mean are we okay. You and me.”

  He avoids looking directly at me.

  “Marcus, what is it?” I ask again.


  “C’mon. You can tell me anything.”

  “Yeah, like you’d listen to me,” he says.

  “Of course.”

  “No, you won’t Emmy.”

  “What do you mean? I listen to you.”

  “Really? When I said, ‘don’t go into the cave with the giant Soul Chaser that will rip you in two,’ you went anyway.”

  “Wait, that was—”

  “—Then I say don’t go anywhere without a Guardian and you end up alone in a classroom with Agony, who nearly kills you.”

  “That was a long time ago. I had just gotten the news that I was somehow wrapped up in all this. That’s history, Marcus. Why are you bringing it up?”

  “Okay, then what about an hour ago?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Argh!” he yells so loud some of the neighbor look our way. He doesn’t care.

  “Emmy, the reason I brought you along was so that I knew you were safe. I didn’t trust anyone else to guard you but me. But how can I do that if you won’t let me?”

  “What are talking about?”

  “When Rage knocked me out, you ran and placed yourself between us.”

  “I was doing it to help you!”

  “What did you think you could do to stop Rage?”

  “I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking—”

  “—No. You weren’t thinking. Rage could have set you on fire. Do you get that?”

  “Stop yelling at me. I saved you!”

  “I don’t care about me. It’s you. You’re my entire reason to continue and you keep putting yourself in danger.”

  “I am not going apologize for trying to save your life!”

  “I don’t need saving. I need you. What you did today, you can’t do ever again.”

  “I am so tired of you getting mad at me for helping you. You know Marcus, it’s not hard. When someone puts their life in jeopardy to help you, just say ‘Thank you.’”

  “Thank you for what? Putting yourself in harm’s way needlessly?”

  “He was going to kill you!”

  “I am a Guardian I can take care of myself. What I can’t do is watch the girl I love being set on fire!”

  “And what about me? You think I can survive your death?”

  “Well you better start trying because I’m already dead. This is just a mission. After this, we will have to say goodbye.”

  “So what, you want me to stop caring about you? You want me to stop loving you because sooner or later you’re going back to where you came from?”

  “That’s what makes sense.”

  “Sense? We are here to save a world that doesn’t even know it’s in danger. We are relying on the help of an ex-con. One of the sweetest Angels in the world has just become a terrorist, and you are talking about making sense?”

  “You have no right to sacrifice your life for mine.”

  “It’s my life and I can sacrifice it for who ever I want, Marcus Cane.”

  “You’re acting like a damn child!”

  “Go to hell!”

  I march back into the house and slam the door.

  I hate him.


  “How are you feeling? Do you need anything?” I ask Jay.

  He shakes his head “no”. I look him over. There are bandages on his leg so I can’t tell if he’s really getting better. I inhale and give him my biggest smile.

  “You are looking much better Jay.”

  “Being sick can’t hold down a brother’s shine, ya’ know?” he brags.

  “Exactly,” I laugh, or tried to; it came out kind of sad.

  “So, was that you and Marcus out there raising hell?”

  “Yeah, sorry. Did we wake you?”

  “It’s okay. Need a distraction. So, baby girl, lay it on me. What’s the problem?”

  “Nothing. Marcus and I are perfect. Our love is welcomed and celebrated throughout the Angel and human world.”

  He laughs despite himself.

  “I needed that,” he says.

  “Well, I promised Reese I’d keep you entertained.”

  “Sometimes it feels like we are the only ones who remember him.”

  “No, Reese is on Marcus’s mind. Or should I say his conscience.”

  “He feels guilty. Me, too.”

  “Everyone did the best they could.”

  “Yeah, but what do you do when that’s just not good enough?”

  “Stop thinking about that. Just try and rest okay?”

  “Any cuties at the party?”

  “Lots; they wouldn’t stand a chance if you were out there.”

  He grins and grows perfectly still. I love watching Angels recharge. It’s their version of sleep. They look so peaceful. Like every question they ever had has been answered by Ominus. And now there is nothing left to do but enjoy the stillness of knowing.

  I head to the door and find that Marcus is nowhere in sight. It’s just as well. I don’t really have anything to say to him.

  Seriously, how hard can it be to thank your girlfriend for saving your life? I’m not excepting a forty piece orchestra. I don’t need a two pound bag of chocolate or my name in the sky. All I want is a simple, “Gee Emmy, thanks for stepping in so I didn’t become a smudge on the sidewalk.”

  But does he thank me? No. Instead he scolds me like I’m a kid. Then, he actually says the words out loud, “You are acting like a child!” How dare he say that? Argh!

  “After this Emmy, we will have to say goodbye.”

  Doesn’t he think I know that? That thought keeps me up m
ost nights…

  Saying goodbye to Marcus is something I just can’t wrap my head around. Yes, when we are together I pretend like it’s gonna last forever, but I know the truth. I know it so well. No matter how this all plays out, the love of my life is going away.

  So, what does Marcus do with the limited time we have together? Does he say he loves me all the time? Does he surprise me with trips around the world? Does he even try and get his Rah back from his ex? NO. What does he do? Yell at me for saving his life!

  I am so lost in thought I don’t realize I have wandered past the party. I spot Ameana standing under a streetlight. The light beaming down on her makes her look like the very essence of an Angel, yet there is something very sad about her.

  I guess that’s my fault. I am the one who ended up with Marcus. I really didn’t set out to… It doesn’t even matter. The point is she’s sad and I’m sure that I’m the last person she wants to talk to. If Miku was here, she’d have someone…

  Just when I am about to summon up the courage to approach, Wolf comes around the corner and goes over to her. I hear them talking but they don’t know I’m there. I hate to spy but I just want to make sure she’s okay. Yeah, I know its crazy since she hates me but she has saved me and, unlike like Marcus, I know how to be grateful to people that help me.

  She turns and sees him approaching. She rolls her eyes and turns away.

  “Be cool, princess. I come in peace.”


  “You just look like you need to talk, that’s all.”

  “Well, I don’t.”

  “I’m just try’n to help.”

  “How? Wait, is there another demon around? Do you want me to get you two a mat so you guys can meditate together?”

  “It’s cool, man. I can take hint.”

  He starts to walk away. She calls out after him.

  “You don’t care that you are letting your family down by not joining the Omari?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “What’s complicated about it? You made a vow and now you refuse to keep it. You guys are all alike.”

  “Hold on. First, that vow was made for me even before I was born. Second, I think the guy you wanna send that frosty tone to, is back there somewhere,” he says bitterly as he stomps away.

  I head back to check on Jay and give Ameana some time to herself. Once in the house I find Marcus looking in on him as well. Jay lays still and peaceful. Carlos checks on his wounds then disappears into the kitchen.

  “How is he?” I ask.

  “Better, Carlos says he should be up and running by sunlight.”

  “Good,” he says.

  “Good,” I reply stiffly.

  We avoid looking directly into the other’s eyes.

  “Look, I’m not gonna apologize for trying to save you,” I blurt out.

  “I’m not gonna apologize for trying to protect you,” he replies equally unyielding.



  We are so not fine…

  * * *

  At first light, we get ready to fly back to New York City. Wolf is the last one to show up for take-off. As soon as he arrives, Ameana addresses him with irritation.

  “You still not wearing a shirt?”

  “You still check’n me out?”

  The flight back is tension filled, but at least Carlos was right, Jay’s leg was completely healed by the time we were set to go. Unfortunately, there is a side affect to Woe. It seems that for a few hours afterwards, it leaves the person very…loving.

  That is to say Jay has been telling all of us how much he loves us for hours now. Seriously. He told Ameana that she was a ray of sunshine and that she lit up his life every time she smiled. We laughed so hard, Marcus nearly dropped me to the ground below.

  “There has to be a way to make him stop,” Ameana insists.

  “Carlos said it will only last a few hours,” Marcus replies.

  “What? You have a problem with emotions? Who would have thought an ice princess would have an issue with that kind of thing?” Wolf mocks.

  “Isn’t there a love-in somewhere you should be attending?” she asks.

  “Is that an invitation?” he remarks.

  “Please,” she replies.

  It goes on like this for longer than I care to think about. When we finally get to New York City, we make our way to the pawn shop. There is Trimeter mounted on the door so that the Seller will know if a demon is entering. Sellers are not allowed to sell to demons, but they always find a way around that. Being sneaky is how Sellers make a living.

  When we enter Tony’s shop, we find Holders, Cars mounted on the wall by Samson String and Holders. I look up on his counter and find a vial of Weeping Oil. Instantly my stomach turns. When I was kidnapped, The Akons force fed me Weeping Oil. It’s like being burned alive inside your own skin. The very thought of it makes me shiver.

  Tony looks up and gives us his best show room smile. Tony is a short, hairy, chubby guy who wears brightly colored island shirts and way too much jewelry.

  “Well, I’ll be a Runners last meal; it’s my friends!” he greets us warmly.

  “Save it, Tony,” Marcus says curtly.

  “We know what you’ve done,” Ameana adds.

  “Hey, how was I supposed to know what that Seller chick was into?”

  “What are you talking—”

  “—It gets lonely being Tony-Tone. Sometimes you need a little companionship. And sometimes you do things…you don’t want to admit to yourself you like it but…you like it,” he says mostly to himself.


  “—Who knew there was so many uses for Samson String and hot wax? And the way she massaged my—“

  “—Tony!” Marcus shouts out of sheer disgust.


  “We are here because you sold Oka to the Akons.”

  “That I did not do.”

  “When I kill you, should I use your own hand to beat you to death or my own?” Marcus asks.

  “Dude, just tell him the truth. He’s not a very centered guy,” Wolf warns.

  “I may have connected a buyer and someone an Oka to sell…yes.”

  “Why would you do that?” I ask.

  “Look, I try hard but Selling is who I am. Is it my fault that I am so good at it? Well, who am I fooling? I’m not good at it; I’m great. In fact—” he hands us all business cards.

  “Are you serious?” Ameana asks.

  “Well, you never know. Just pass them around to friends, and if they use your names, they get a ten percent discount off any purchase. On their next visit of course.”

  “Tony-Tone, I want you to know something,” Jay says.


  “I love you, man. I mean it.”

  “I see someone got hold of some good Woe,” Tony says.

  “How’d you know?” Ameana asks.

  “Woe, has helped a lot of us…less than hunky guys get some action.”

  “You’re disgusting,” Ameana says, recoiling.

  “Tony, focus. We need some information from you,” Marcus demands.

  “I don’t know if I can help. I mean to be honest, I’m a little upset with you guys.”

  “Why?” I ask.

  “Well, I helped save you, Emmy. I also helped Marcus and the rest of you by revealing privileged information about my clients. My reputation took a hit. A Seller is only as good as his word.”


  “So, I did all that and what do I get? Nothing. Not even a word of thanks.”

  “Marcus isn’t really good at saying ‘thank you,’” I reply under my breath. Marcus catches it and decides to leave the subject alone.

  “Really, some word of thanks would have been nice. I helped Emmy out of that warehouse,” Tony asks.

  “You also helped the Akons trick me,” I respond.

  “It’s so like you huma
ns to focus on the negative.”

  “Tony, we don’t have time for this,” Marcus says.

  “See, that’s just what I mean. You guys only come around when I have allegedly sold something I shouldn’t have. You bark orders at me to betray my clients, then you walk out of here and don’t look back.”


  “So, I’m more than a Seller. Tony-Tone is a complicated man. Did you know I crochet?”

  “No, Tony. We didn’t know that.”

  “Well, had you asked…”

  Wolf addresses Tony with excitement.

  “You crochet; that’s righteous, man. Do you think you could make me a scarf with a rocker—”

  Marcus pounds on the glass counter. The counter shatters into millions of fine pieces.

  “Tony, I’m really trying not to kill you. Help me with that,” Marcus says, glaring at the Seller.

  “See, right there. Threatening and demanding. Just once, it would be nice if you acted like um…an Angel.”

  Marcus balls his hands in a fist. I think Tony-Tone has only seconds to live. I step in because he saved my life and well, I should try and save his.

  “We’re sorry, Tony. We will try and make some time for you.”

  “That’s all I’m asking. Ya know it was my birthday last week?”

  “We didn’t know it was your birthday,” I say awkwardly.

  “Well…it was.”

  “We’re sorry. But we really need your help now. Please.”

  “Okay, I’ll try my best to—hey, you’re Wolf right?”

  “Yeah, man.”

  “I know a Pawn who used to work for Arden, the party girl. He says you and her had a thing.”

  “Well, ya know it’s private but…”

  Ameana glares at Wolf, who is now smiling mischievously at Tony-Tone.

  “So, is it true that she uses her power to slow things down for another purpose?” Tony asks.

  “All I can say is she’s a sweet girl.”

  “That means yes, right?”

  Ameana sends Tony flying into the wall. The items rattle and shake as Tony collides with them.

  “Hey, I have back issues ya know?” he yells.

  “I am done playing with you Seller,” Ameana replies.


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