Guardians: The Turn (The Guardians Series, Book 3)

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Guardians: The Turn (The Guardians Series, Book 3) Page 12

by StVil, Lola

  “It’s a simple question. Why don’t you kill?” she pushes.

  “It’s not right.”

  “Not good enough. You have the skills, don’t you?”

  “Ameana, leave it alone,” Marcus warns, studying the hard expression on Wolf’s face.

  “If we have to work with him, fine, but the least he can do is tell us why he doesn’t kill.”

  “Ameana, come on,” Jays says.

  “I wanna know why he doesn’t—”

  “—I did!”

  All eyes turn to the Para. He looks enraged but not really at us. He seems to be far away; like he is lost in memories he never really wanted to resurface. We fall silent and let him speak.

  “I never told anyone. It happened the first night I joined the Omari. I was stoked. I couldn’t wait to get my first demon, my first Seller, whatever. I just wanted to see some action. We were in Brazil tracking down a demon that had broken several of the Council’s rules. No one had been able to track him for months. Then the Council called on us. That’s the only thing the Omari do better then kill; track.

  “I had this picture in my head of what he would look like: black soulless eyes, evil dripping from his wings. I couldn’t wait to rip him in two. We found him hiding in some abandoned cabin deep in the forest.

  “Once we found him, he knew he had no chance. He crawled into a small hole in the trunk of a tree. I had gotten there before the others. I didn’t wait for them. I scouted out the area and found him. There was this sound I kept hearing. It sounded like a wounded animal but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from.

  “It turns out it was the demon. He was crying. Demons can’t cry so I thought I was losing it. I thought maybe he had put some kind of crazy evil in the air and it was playing with my mind. I decided no way was I going to let this guy trick me. So, without hesitation, I reached into the trunk and blasted him.

  “I dragged his body out to admire my work, but instead of a dark Angel with wings, I found a kid. He was no more than fifteen years old. His owner used him as a diversion. He lay there writhing in pain. He just kept asking me why I hurt him. I didn’t know he was a Pawn.

  “As the pain spread to his chest, he started convulsing. Tears fell from his face. And he said, “Thought you were the good guys” and he died. He died in my arms. I buried him like the humans do. When the rest of the Omari came, I told them that I didn’t find anything. All I could think of was finding the real demon and killing him slowly.

  “But later when we did find him, I couldn’t take his life. The Pawn’s face kept coming back to me. Ever since then, no matter how evil a being is, I just can’t kill them. What if I kill the wrong being again? What if that being could have turned towards the light? And the Pawn was right; aren’t we supposed to be the good guys?

  “Then I started to talk to our targets instead of kill them. Pretty soon the Omari got tired of having someone on their team who wouldn’t kill. Especially someone who is supposed to lead one day.

  “I wanted so much to please my father because I was next in line to be Kon. I wanted to be a great and mighty king like him. But what they don’t tell you about being part of the Omari is everything you kill leaves this earth with a piece of you. I got out while there was still something left of me…”

  We all look at each other and silently agree not ask questions. It seems the demons inside Wolf’s head were far more dangerous than the ones we just battled. Ameana’s face softens—a little.

  Jay just nods in understanding. He has seen a lot of death from his life a human. He lived in a place riddled with gang violence. Marcus forced himself to stay focused by looking out into the sky and avoiding my eyes. I know he’s thinking about his Core.

  A moment passes and no one says anything. I know Marcus wants to get going, but for some reason we all seem to need the go-ahead from Wolf.

  “So, anyway, that’s why I don’t kill anymore. If that’s a problem, like I said before, I can stay here.”

  “You can if you choose, but we would like you with us,” Marcus says.

  “Real talk,” Jay replies.

  “The more the better,” I say. We all turn and look at Ameana.

  She avoids looking directly at us and shrugs her shoulders.

  “Yeah, sure, whatever,” but her tone, like her expression, has gotten softer.

  She takes off into the sky. Jay looks at Wolf and says, “And that’s as warm as she gets.”

  Wolf shakes his head and we take off once again.


  Prambanan is a series of 9th century Hindu temples located in Central Java, Indonesia. How do I know that? Same way I know how many people live there, what their local import and exports are and how long it took to build the city. “Wiki”-Jay won’t shut up about all things Indonesia. He said it was rude to go into a place and not have some history of it.

  By the time we finally get to the temple, two amazing things happened: one, we convince Wolf to wear a shirt (out of respect for the temples), and two, I actually miss the arguing back and forth between him and Ameana. The reason being, all the talk now is from Jay.

  “Then during Isyana Dynasty—”

  “Jay, give it a rest. We’re here,” Marcus says.

  We land a few yards away from a compound of temples; they are surrounded by a vast and beautiful garden. The misty overcast day doesn’t take away from the awe of the Prambanan.

  As we enter we pass hundreds of tourists. They snap photos and stroll along the modern day wonder. Large stone statues adorn the vast garden. The staircases look like they are right out of an Indiana Jones film. From afar we can see the three largest temples. They form a triangle and seem to take over the sky.

  “We need to go to the area that’s under construction,” Jay says. We find the signs banning entry and quietly sneak in. Sure enough, along the many smaller temples, there stands a slew of Runners and Pawns.

  I remember being attacked by Runners before. I was surprised by both the attack and by how well dressed they were. I later learned that Runners are people who sell their souls to Lucy in exchange for wealth. Thus most of them work on Wall Street and fancy suits are like uniforms to them.

  As soon as the Runners spot us, they take their guns out and start shooting; humans nearby run screaming for their lives. Soon it is just us, the Runners and the Pawns.

  It’s not really a problem for the Guardians to take out the Runners, but the trick is to do it without killing a Pawn. Unlike Runners, Pawns still have a soul. That means the Angels are forbidden to kill them, and hurting a Pawn is seriously frowned upon. The Runners are aware of the rules, so they use the Pawns as human shields.

  Marcus gives Jay the signal and before the Runners can blink, Jay Glides over to them and takes all their Pawns away. The Runners are shocked and confused by the speed at which they lost their leverage. The Guardians go after them. They run and scatter like the tourists.

  “Forget about them. Let’s get Rio,” Marcus instructs us.

  “He has to be in the main temple in the center. That’s the one that had the most Runners guarding it,” Jay says.

  “Yes, but where are the Akons?” Ameana asks.

  “Aw, it’s so sweet of you to think of us at a time like this. I’m flattered.”

  We all turn to find Rage standing a few yards away. Rage is not alone; the rest of the Akons stand along the main temple blocking the entrance.

  “Did you think we wouldn’t be here?” Mayhem says coldly.

  “Not if you’re smart,” Ameana says.

  “I’m gonna make sure you and I get quality time together before I kill you,” War says to her with a ghoulish laugh.

  “We are not leaving here without the Oka,” Marcus states.

  “Actually you are not leaving here at all,” Rage replies.

  No sooner did the word come out of his mouth, when a massive fire ball is hurled towards us. We move just in
time to avoid the blast but it hits one of the smaller temples. The explosion turns it into a pile of rubble; the remains come down hard on us.

  I look up and see Marcus putting his body between me and literally a ton of cement. Thankfully, the other Guardians are able to get away from the path of the debris.

  Mayhem takes into the air and throws daggers at Jay. Ameana redirects them at War, who is spewing acid from his palms and taking shots at Marcus. One of the daggers sinks into War’s shoulder. He cries out.

  Meanwhile Wolf tries to gain entrance into the main Temple where we suspect the Oka is located, but he is having a hard time getting past Frenzy’s lightning bolts. Marcus helps by lifting a stone statue and hurling it at Frenzy. The stone knocks Frenzy to the ground and pins him down.

  Wolf tries to reenter the Main Temple but one of Mayhem’s daggers hits him in his right wing. He groans from the pain. Marcus goes over to release him but is tackled by Rage. The two battle for control, demolishing anything in their path. I rush to help Wolf. Once I pull the dagger out, I ask if he’s okay. He nods quickly and takes off to battle once again.

  Ameana helps Marcus by hitting Rage with a series swift, high kicks. Rage smiles at first, but when one of her kicks lands and splits the side of his cheek open, he is no longer amused. Rage seems to take the attack personally. He looks back at her say if to say “How dare you?” He then angrily throws a fire ball right at her face. Jay gets to her just in time.

  Jay then looks at Ameana and says, “I hate it when Mommy and Daddy fight.” Ameana is going to say something but given that Jay just saved her life, she thinks better of it. As soon as Jay is on the move again, Frenzy starts tracking him.

  Frenzy tries to predict which area Jay will mostly likely Glide to next. Frenzy guesses right. As soon as Jay stops, he is met with a lightning bolt to his chest. The jolt causes Jay to crumble onto the floor.

  “Jay!” I call out. Marcus hears my cry, looks over and rushes to check on Jay. He signals to me that Jay’s okay. I know Marcus wants me in a Holder but I don’t want to stay behind a glass prison when they may need my help.

  “Emmy, get to Ameana. She has a Holder,” Marcus orders.

  “No, I want to help.”

  Before he can argue with me, Rage comes up behind him and grabs him. Marcus and Rage battle in the air. Fireballs are coming from every direction. Marcus skillfully dodges them.

  Frenzy sees this and prepares to launch a lightning bolt at Marcus. He never gets the chance because of Ameana’s quick thinking. She brakes off the leg of one of the statues and bashes it over Frenzy’s head. While Frenzy is down, Marcus restrains him. He then makes an announcement to Rage who is in the air, getting ready to strike again.

  “Give it up, Rage or I’ll kill Frenzy, right here and now,” Marcus vows.

  “You kill him, Mayhem kills her,” Rage replies.

  I didn’t even feel Mayhem behind me. But here he is holding a dagger to my throat. I’m so angry at myself for not staying alert. How could I not know Mayhem was right behind me?

  Okay Emmy, this isn’t the time to think about things like that. Try instead to focus on other things. For example, there is a cold, poisonous dagger against your neck.

  “Move and I will slice into you like human sushi,” Mayhem warns me.

  I force myself to stay calm. Marcus is angry but his voice is controlled.

  “Rage, don’t do it,” Marcus cautions the First Akon.

  “What happens to the human is totally up to you Marcus,” Rage replies.

  “Okay, we’ll let go of Frenzy.”

  “Yes, you will.”

  Marcus signals for Ameana to release Frenzy.

  “Okay, now you let her go,” Marcus instructs Mayhem.

  “Yeah, I’m gonna need one more thing,” Rage says.

  “What?” Marcus asks between clenched teeth.

  “I want to see Ameana—alone,” Rage says simply.

  The Guardians and I are shocked by Rage’s request and judging from the reaction of the other Akons, they are too.

  “No,” Marcus counters.

  “Okay. Shame though. I have seen what Mayhem’s poisonous daggers do to human flesh first-hand. Tsk, tsk. So. Much. Blood.”

  Mayhem presses the dagger harder into my skin. The coldness of the blade sends chills down my back. My eyes are wide in terror. I tell myself over and over again to breathe but the air is too thick.

  Marcus looks at Ameana. She signals to him that she is okay meeting with Rage alone.

  “Are you sure?” he asks her.

  “Yes, it’s fine. I can handle him,” she says. She then walks over to Rage slowly. Rage tells his team not to let me go until he is done with Ameana. From the look on their faces, they aren’t happy with his plans to meet with her alone, but none of them voice their objections.

  He announces the next few words loudly, ensuring that the Guardians hear it as well.

  “Mayhem, if anyone moves, kill the human. If the wind changes directions even slightly, kill her,” I know that last line is meant for Jay. Rage knows that Jay could easily Glide over to Mayhem and take me out of harm’s way.

  Ameana walks past me slowly. We make eye contact. She looks calm but alert. She enters the temple a few feet to the left of me, where Rage is waiting. Rage shuts the door. From the corner of my eye, I spot a small opening the size of quarter. I can make out their movements and overhear their conversation.

  “Okay, you wanted to talk, talk” Ameana demands.

  “I just have one question, Guardian” Rage says bitterly.

  “Well?” Ameana says.

  “Where did you get it?”

  “Get what?”

  “The concoction you slipped me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “What did you give me?” he roars.


  “Right; so you didn’t slip me anything while we were together?”

  “We were never “together” and no, I didn’t slip you anything.”

  “So why am I like this?”

  “Like what?”


  “I saw you out there, blasting away at everything that moves. You didn’t look distracted to me. Is that what this is? You wanted to talk to me so I could stroke your ego. Oh, Rage you are so strong and powerful. There. Happy?”

  “You did something to me,” he insists.

  “What is making you think that?”

  “Think? I haven’t been able to think at all.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean you did something to me. You are in every thought I have. And I want it to stop.”

  Suddenly something occurs to her and she looks at Rage with what I can only describe as sympathy.

  “What is it?” Rage asks impatiently.

  “Nothing,” she lies.

  “Guardian, I am not going to allow you play around inside my head. I will destroy you first.”

  “I haven’t given you anything to get inside your head.”

  “Then how do you explain what is happening to me?”

  She seems to be too embarrassed to say it out loud. She looks around the Temple as if scanning for a quick exit. She avoids Rage’s eyes at all cost.

  “Talk!” he barks at her.

  “I don’t know.”

  “That’s crap. You know something.”

  “Okay…maybe you…don’t hate me…”

  “I just tried to kill you a few minutes ago.”

  “It’s what you do, it doesn’t mean you don’t, ya know..”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Rage, maybe you…liked us being together.”

  He laughs a cold, mirthless laugh.

  “So what, I’m into you?”

  She looks up at him as if to say “yes.”

  “You’re a damn liar! You gave me something and now it’s messing with my head. You did all of this so you cou
ld stop us from getting the Triplex.”

  “I was never with you because of the mission. I was with you despite it.”

  “So, this thing where I think you about all the damn time, is what?”

  “It’s what happens when you like someone.”

  “I like my teammates but I don’t have them in head all the time.”

  “Chaos can’t kiss like me.”

  “Damn it, stop joking! How do I make it stop?”

  “When I find out for myself, I will let you know.”

  “It’s driving me freaking nuts! Maybe there’s something for this sickness at the market.”

  “Doubt it.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I would have found it by now.”

  “Your leader’s a moron, leaving you for a human.”

  “That thought crossed my mind.”

  “Have I ever…?”

  “Crossed my mind? Sometimes.”

  “When you think back on all the times I tried to kill you?”

  “No, I think back to the one time you didn’t.”

  “It impressed you that I spared your life in battle once?”

  “No, it disturbed me,” she says. He regards her with genuine curiosity.

  “You really don’t act like an Angel.”

  “But I am. I am an Angel.”

  “I’m an Akon. That will never change.”

  “I know.”

  “You’re happy this is happening to me; that you are my every thought. You enjoy torturing me.”

  “I could watch your insides get scraped on the mountainside. I could even redirect your own fireball and watch as you set yourself on fire. It would make me laugh. But I could never wish for anyone, even you, to be in love alone.”

  “Is this love?” The First Akon asked anxiously.

  “Does it hurt?”


  “Then yes.”

  He walks up to her. Every step he takes towards her is menacing and brings the promise of violence. She doesn’t step back. She allows him to get close.

  “I hate you,” Rage swears, inches away from Ameana’s lips.

  “I know.”

  “I miss you.”

  “I get that.”

  He leans in as if to kiss her. The two are less than an inch apart.


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