Latent Desires (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Latent Desires (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Rebecca Airies

  Tony clenched his fist. Logan had met her first, somewhere the night he was drugged. Whatever had happened, it had started the heat in Logan. That condition grew worse every day in their friend.

  With the pheromones Logan was putting out now, it was no wonder Jason was experiencing it. He was with Logan more than Tony. Both men were police officers. Eventually, it would become obvious in Tony, too.

  Tony didn’t want to see his friend sedated. They might have no other recourse if they couldn’t find her soon. The mating heat could make Logan dangerous to any man, woman, or child who happened to be between him and that woman should he encounter her.

  Chapter Two

  Friday afternoon, Chloe stared at her phone, waiting for a reply from Dixie, Shonna, or Leslie. She’d asked them if they’d like to go out. Although she’d like to keep them out of this, she needed advice. Her friends could answer those questions.

  Her phone buzzed. She looked down and swiped the message from Dixie.

  Sure. Where?

  That club in Dawson. She and the girls had been there a couple times. More importantly, the club’s location outside of Casworth might keep her safe. She didn’t plan to go back into the city yet. The risk that she’d run into those women seemed too high. She wouldn’t chance it until she found out how much of a problem they might be.

  Should we pick you up? Dixie’s text came through after a moment.

  No, I’ll meet you there.

  She didn’t want to tell Dixie and the others anything more yet. They’d want specifics after she told them the first information. She wasn’t at her house. She’d stayed at a friend’s vacation home. Unless she learned that the women were trying to scare her, she planned to remain there for a few days. She had a lot to think about.

  Chloe took a shower and pulled on her favorite blue dress. Before she put on her makeup, she let out her German shepherd, Odin. If possible, she’d like to prevent any doggy accidents in her friend’s house. When she was almost ready to go, she let the dog back in and petted him.

  She left to meet up with her friends. The drive there took longer than if she’d been Casworth, but the security she felt made it worth the while.

  Dawson was a human-run city. Casworth was a whyr-run city. There were a few differences between whyr cities and human cities. The big difference was that most, if not all, of the elected positions were held by whyr and were very focused on shapeshifters.

  Whyr cities enforced the laws pertaining to whyr more than human cities. The low crime rate in a whyr city drew her. Well, in addition to her friends. One drawback was that in Casworth, and other cities like it, law enforcement often checked the record of humans even on a traffic stop for known latent status.

  Although it sounded radical, it wasn’t that bad or that invasive. Latent humans had to be discovered by a blood test. In most cases, a normal visit to the hospital wouldn’t result in the analysis. She’d been tested when she was injured during an out-of-control fight at a bar. She hadn’t been part of the fight, only an innocent bystander, but a criminal investigation allowed them to do the additional screening.

  Whyr had a biological mate. Once they found her, they were locked to her. That legally took precedence over normal dating relationships.

  While the law made the latent status a matter of her record, no one could search specifically for humans with that label. To check, they had to have a specific name. In whyr cities, they liked to make sure the potential mates were safe. Known latents were protected, watched over, and usually required to live in a specific area of town.

  It took longer than she expected to find a spot to park at the club. She glanced at the clock and frowned. By this time, one of the girls should have called to see where she was.

  She dialed Shonna’s number to see if maybe they’d been held up. Chloe drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. She listened and waited.

  An almost physical weight settled on her. Was someone watching her? Tension jolted through her. Her gaze swept over the sidewalk closest to her car. No one there, but her nerves stretched taut.

  “Hi, Chloe, what’s up?” Shonna asked.

  “I parked and wondered if you three were already here.” Chloe settled back in her seat.

  “No, we’re about fifteen minutes away. Why don’t you go inside and see if you can snag a table?” Shonna said.

  “All right, I’ll be waiting inside. See you soon.” Chloe eased out of her car and headed for the line into the club.

  The white-and-green sign glowed in the gathering darkness. She went to the back of the line and waited. The heavy beat of dance music filtered out into the night.

  It didn’t take long to reach the front. She went inside and looked around for a place to sit and wait.

  The interior of the club was primarily white. Green and blue splashed through the interior, from light accents on the walls to the color of the chairs and booths. Upbeat music pumped through the room, lifting her mood in spite of everything on her mind.

  Chloe managed to find a table and ordered a drink. She thought about the situation, not to mention the questions it could lead to. Her stomach knotted, and her hands dampened with sweat.

  She’d been keeping secrets from her friends about far more than the break-in. Her gaze locked on the slightly reflective tabletop, which picked up the hue of the flashing lights. She hoped what they learned didn’t hurt them. She’d never meant to do that.

  The waitress brought her bourbon on the rocks and left to deliver another table’s drinks. Chloe took a sip and grimaced as the liquor burned on the way down. Normally, she drank beer or one of the fruity cocktails. Tonight, she thought something stronger might get rid of a little nervousness.

  She finished the drink and decided to wait until Shonna, Leslie, and Dixie arrived to order another. She didn’t want to get bombed out of her mind before they arrived.

  A hand landed on her shoulder. Chloe spun, startled. She smiled as she recognized her friends. Dixie stood in the center. Her blond hair hung in spirals around her face. She’d accented her curvy form tonight with a clingy black dress accentuated by a red belt.

  Shonna’s hair hung in a straight glossy fall around her lean face. A bright yellow shirt enhanced the brown tones of her skin while the tight black pants molded to her slim form.

  The pixie cut of Leslie’s blond hair enhanced the natural beauty of her face. Her petite build masked her fierce spirit. She was a force to be reckoned with when she found something she desired.

  Very few people would realize from looking at them that they were whyr. The males, especially the male bears, most people could spot and identify as whyr simply because they were so big. Dixie was a bear, Shonna a wolf, and Leslie a cougar. Those three women were the reason she’d come to Casworth.

  “Hi, I’m glad you three finally got here.” She stepped forward and hugged her friends.

  “We had a little wardrobe malfunction as we left.” Shonna stepped up to the table. “Not your usual drink.”

  “No, I wanted something different.” Chloe shook her head and dropped down into her seat.

  “Why the hard liquor? You don’t drink that stuff.” Dixie took a seat and waved the server over.

  “Liquid courage.” She let out a deep breath. She might as well admit the truth.

  “Why would you need courage?” Dixie asked.

  Chloe ordered a bourbon and ginger. “Yeah, I have some questions to ask.”

  “You know you can ask us anything.” Shonna dropped into the seat opposite.

  The waitress brought their drinks and left.

  “This isn’t easy.” Chloe tipped her glass back and took a long swallow. She grimaced at the taste. “I’m used to handling my problems.”

  “What kind of problems do you have?” Dixie asked.

  “The whyr kind of problems. I don’t know what I should do, or if I should do anything.” Chloe finished her drink and searched for the waitress.

  “Here, have mine.” Dixie pushed her
glass over to Chloe. “Tell us what the problem is.”

  Chloe took a swig of the drink. “Yum, rum and coke, I should have ordered this first. But you three aren’t drinking. We’re supposed to relax and have a good time before I tell you the shit that’s happened in the last week.”

  She didn’t want to talk about that yet. She’d rather finish her drink and maybe dance.

  Dixie nodded to the other two and then gestured to her phone. Chloe had no idea what that meant, but relaxed when she saw Shonna take a drink of her cocktail.

  “You need to get a drink, Dixie.” Chloe stared at her friend and noticed her texting.

  “I’ll get us another round. You start talking.” Shonna walked off to snag the waitress.

  “No.” Chloe shook her head and held onto the table when she became a little dizzy.

  Leslie put her drink back on the table. It appeared full, but Leslie enjoyed her beer. “Well, you will tell us. You can’t say that shit’s been going on this week and leave it there.”

  Shonna came back and took a seat. She took a drink of her cocktail.

  “Someone, a whyr, broke into my house.” Chloe stared at the remnants of her drink.

  Shonna choked, slammed her glass down onto the table, and coughed. “What? When?”

  “After I helped Dixie with her cuddly uncle.” Chloe grinned as she remembered that muscled black-haired man and the feel of his arms wrapped around her.

  “Did they take anything? Do they know who did it?” Dixie asked. “How do you know it was a whyr?”

  “Odin and I took care of him. The police carted him away.” Chloe shrugged. He hadn’t been a problem. A meeting with Odin’s teeth and a bat had kept the man in human form long enough for the police to get there.

  “Is that the trouble you’ve been having? Did he get out?” Leslie reached over and cupped Chloe’s shoulder.

  Chloe finished her drink. She wished it were that simple. “No, he’s in jail. Two of his relatives know what I look like and I presume where I live.”

  “Damn, Chloe, you can’t stay there. They’ll come after you again.” Shonna stared at her. “Do you know what type of whyr?”

  “No, the police didn’t tell me, and he didn’t get through his shift before Odin and I got to him.” Chloe bit at her lower lip and tried to stay still. “I’m not staying there right now. I don’t know what to do. Should I leave the city? Would they follow me if I did?”

  “It depends on what type of whyr is after you and how serious they are. What’s the name? Do you know it?” Leslie leaned forward.

  “Tunney. I heard it when I went to file my report.” Chloe took a drink of the rum and coke that had been placed in front of her.

  “Ah, hell, foxes.” Dixie shook her head. “They’re fucking crazy and vindictive. They’d follow you. Leaving wouldn’t help.”

  “Then what am I supposed to do?” Chloe put a hand to her head. Maybe she should slow up on the drinks. She couldn’t think clearly and felt a little wobbly in her seat.

  “I can’t believe you kept this from us this long. We could have helped you.” Shonna shook her head.

  “You don’t tell me everything. You have secrets.” Chloe frowned.

  Her friends’ heads snapped up. Three pairs of eyes locked on her.

  “Do you have something else you’re not telling us?” Shonna’s eyes narrowed.

  “Can’t tell you. You’ll get in trouble.” Chloe drew out the last word and giggled. She couldn’t say why she found that funny, but it seemed hilarious.

  “We’ll get in trouble? What are you hiding from us?” Dixie asked, but her phone skittered across the table as it buzzed.

  The tempo of the music changed. Bass and drums filled the club. Chloe felt like dancing and forgetting her troubles for the moment.

  “Can’t tell you.” Chloe wriggled on her seat. “Let’s dance.”

  “No, we’re leaving. Someone’s here to meet us. We need them to drive one of the cars while we go to wherever you’re staying and get Odin. They’ll also act as extra protection in case there’s trouble. You won’t be alone.” Dixie shook her head.

  “But I want to dance.” Chloe glanced at the dance floor.

  “Chloe, I know you. You’ll be asleep in less than thirty minutes. When you get drunk, you get chatty and happy, but then you go to sleep.” Dixie shook her head. “We’re walking outside to meet them, and before you slip off to dreamland, you will tell us where you’re staying.”

  “Doesn’t dancing look fun?” Chloe gazed at the people on the dance floor.

  “Try getting up from your chair fast,” Dixie suggested.

  Chloe popped up from her chair and swayed on her feet. Dizziness swept through her. She grabbed for the table while she waited to regain her balance.

  “Exactly. Let’s go. They’re outside waiting.” Dixie stood and took Chloe’s arm.

  Normally, she’d be a little upset by the guiding pressure, but when she considered how the room tilted around her, she was happy for the extra support. Dixie guided her toward the doors. As they stepped outside, the cool night air surrounded Chloe, making her feel light-headed.

  “We have to know where you’re staying, Chloe. We have to get Odin.” Shonna came up on the other side of her. They urged her down the sidewalk toward the club’s parking lot.

  “I have the directions on my phone. I thought that I might be a little tipsy by the time I left the bar and need a ride, though I expected it to be later tonight.” Chloe frowned.

  “Well, you’re a lot tipsy right now. Give me your phone and keys. I’ll get the directions from your phone. One of us will drive your car.” Dixie held out her hand.

  Chloe fished in her purse for the device and handed it over, not up to an argument. She wouldn’t admit it, but Dixie had a point. She felt a little tired. Unlike Dixie. It took a lot to get a whyr drunk. Their metabolisms ran fast.

  “There they are.” Shonna’s voice drew Chloe’s attention off the sidewalk.

  She looked up and saw two men standing beside a big SUV. She didn’t know the second one, but she recognized the first. Dixie’s uncle.

  “There’s Mr. Cuddly. Who’s the sexy hunk with him?” Chloe tilted her head.

  “That’s Jason. I wonder where Tony is. I texted him. I know he’s with them.” Dixie’s voice turned curious.

  The two men straightened away from the SUV. They strode toward the women. Chloe would swear those two men’s eyes locked on her. The focused gaze never wavered. They walked straight over to join them.

  As the men drew closer, she saw their shoulders lift as they inhaled. Their gazes became more intense. She swore she heard a soft growl.

  “Thanks for coming.” Dixie stepped forward. “We have to get her dog and her things. She’s in some trouble. Once she sobers up tomorrow, we’re taking her to the police station.”

  “She knows why the foxes are after her?” Jason frowned.

  “How did you know foxes hunted her?” Shonna asked.

  “Tony met her at the store the other day and two women tried to get to her. She’s our mate. We’ve been searching for her.” Jason strode forward until he stood right in front of Chloe.

  “She’s your mate?” Dixie glanced from the men to Chloe and back. “She didn’t tell us that.”

  “She might have figured it out from what Tony said, but he didn’t come out and say the words.” Mr. Cuddly took her hands. He eased in closer. His short black hair was combed back today. His green eyes looked darker than normal. “No time with those women threatening her.”

  “And you’ve been in mating heat. It must have been from when she helped me get you back to the ambulance. There wasn’t much contact, not even a kiss.” Dixie shook her head. “Let’s go before she falls asleep standing right here.”

  “Falls asleep?” Jason frowned.

  “Yeah, she’s a happy, sleepy drunk, and she’ll fall asleep soon. She’s a lightweight when it comes to drinking, and she’s had more than her usual.” Dixie

  “You got our mate drunk.” Mr. Cuddly turned a scowl on Dixie.

  “No, she did that. She was nervous about telling us what had been happening, that she feared someone coming after her.” Shonna shook her head.

  “Where’s Tony? We need to get her in a vehicle and leave,” Dixie said.

  “She’ll come with us. Logan won’t be able to let her out of his sight.” Jason glanced over at Dixie, but his eyes slashed back to Chloe.

  “I’ll ride with you then.” Shonna stepped forward. “We don’t want her panicking if she realizes she’s all alone in a vehicle with strange men. Leslie will take her car and Dixie will drive Chloe’s.”

  “Are you safe to handle a car?” Logan glanced at Shonna and Leslie.

  “I am and Dixie should be. Shonna probably not. Once we realized she was in trouble, we didn’t drink much, but pretended to if she noticed. Shonna sat right in front of her, so she couldn’t get away with it.” Leslie glanced over at Chloe.

  “Do you know where her car is?” Jason asked.

  “Yes, right over there.” Dixie pointed.

  “Then let’s go. Tony’s coming back to the car.” Jason turned away and began walking toward their big black vehicle.

  Logan drew her up beside him and put an arm around her. He urged her toward the big vehicle. She looked over and saw Shonna.

  “Shouldn’t we go with Dixie?” Chloe frowned.

  “No. There’s more room in their SUV.” Shonna shook her head.

  Chloe went along with them. She settled into the back seat and noticed Shonna take the front passenger seat. Logan sat beside her and Jason took position on her other side. She buckled her seatbelt, relaxed, and closed her eyes.

  Chapter Three

  Dixie hadn’t lied. Within moments of buckling her seatbelt, Chloe fell fast asleep. Logan peered down at the woman leaning against him. He wanted more than his arm around her. Before they could get to that, she had to sober up, and they had to take her to their home. He found some comfort in the feel of her head nestled against his chest.


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