Raging Love (A Mitchell Family Series BK#3)

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Raging Love (A Mitchell Family Series BK#3) Page 7

by Jennifer Foor

  If you want a man who understands

  You don't have to look very far

  I love you Darlin’ “

  Someone came and grabbed the microphone from Colt as the music finally faded into another song. He pulled me into his embrace and kissed me deeply. I was still speechless. I couldn’t believe he had sang to me in front of everyone. I had never heard him do anything like that before. Sure, he had sang to me as we danced, but never for everyone else to hear. I was overwhelmed with happiness.

  “That was amazing.”

  “Could you tell how nervous I was?” Colt got this embarrassed look across his face.

  I looked into those green eyes that made me melt every time I saw them. “Are you kidding me, you totally owned it baby.”

  “I used to sing in church when I was a kid. I hated people watchin’ me. I just wanted to give you everything today. Were you surprised with the barn?”

  “You have no idea. My God, it is more beautiful than the other one. I can’t believe you did this for us.”

  “For you Savanna. I did it for you. I would have married you anywhere, but I knew how important this was to you. I needed to make it happen Darlin’.”

  “I love you so much Colt. I have never been happier in my whole life.”

  We swayed to the music and he held me so tight in his arms. “Just wait until we fill that house with little feet. We are just beginning Savanna.”

  Colt and I broke away after the second dance and started on our wedding to-do list. I had originally planned it all out, but after his vows and his song to me, I just couldn’t think straight.

  Ty grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug. “Congrats Van.” He took both of his hands and grabbed my face to plant a kiss over my mouth. Miranda stood behind him laughing the whole time.

  “Thanks.” I started wiping my lips. Bella came up and grabbed my dress while she jumped up and down. I picked her up and got a giant slobber kiss. “Aunt Van loves you.”

  She poked me in the nose. “Van.”

  Colt came up and grabbed her, spinning her on to the dance floor in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he danced around wildly, while she clung to him laughing.

  I needed to be pregnant.

  The food was even better than when we had sampled it and the cake was to die for. Colt and I agreed to not make a mess with our first taste, but Ty and Conner taunted him so badly that at the very last second, I got it smashed all over my face and up my nose. As Colt began trying to lick it off my face, I grabbed his neck and pulled his face into the mess over mine. Instead of pulling away, he pushed his face all over mine, gathering the icing with his own skin. He pulled away licking his lips, smiling at me.

  How could anyone be mad at someone that looked like Colt?

  After we had done everything traditional on my list, we met everyone out on the dance floor. Even my grandparents were dancing, as best as four very old people could. Colt’s mother was dancing with Ty’s dad, while Ty’s mother danced all around with Bella.

  Miranda and Ty finally had a second to themselves, since Bella was occupied. Instead of dancing to the melody of the song, they were in a deep embrace with their faces buried into each other’s bodies. The old Ty would have been groping all over someone while he danced, but he held his wife so passionately, it made me so happy for them. I regretted all of the terrible things I had said to him when I caught them together. They were truly, madly and deeply in love with each other. It was picturesque. While Ty and Miranda fell in love with each other, Bella had made them a family from the beginning.

  Just as I was thinking about the little beauty, I watched her spot her parents and go flying toward them. Ty startled when her little body smacked right into his leg. With one arm still around Miranda, he picked her up and held her between them. She giggled as he placed kisses all over her face.

  “They’re beautiful aren’t they?” Colt asked as he watched them with me.

  “I want that.” I confessed.

  Colt pulled my gaze to his face. “We will have it Darlin’. Be patient. It will happen. Besides, not only do we have our whole lives together, but I’m really liking the tryin’ part of it all. Anything that gives me a reason to make love to my wife is a good reason to me.”

  We both started laughing as my father approached me. “I think they want to do the father daughter dance now Honey.”

  I had purposely requested this dance to be one of the last of the night. Marrying Colt while he cried was hard, but dancing with my father, at this particular moment was like sealing my childhood away. I know it was juvenile to think like that, but I couldn’t help be a little irrational about it.

  I could hear the music to Heartland’s “I loved her first” coming on. My father reached out his hands and took me in his arms. I buried my head into his broad chest and tried so hard not to cry. He started rubbing my back and I could feel him crying against my body. Saying goodbye to my parents when I moved to Kentucky was a rushed decision. They wanted me to finally be happy after so many years of uncertainty with Ty. Colt changed my life, at a time when all I had on my side was my parents. Sure, they had respected my decision, but I knew they missed me terribly.

  “I love you Daddy.” I cried on his shoulder, forgetting all about my perfect wedding face of makeup. The cameras flashed like crazy around us, but my father never let go of me. He squeezed my hand and held me tight.

  “I love you too Honey. I’m so proud of the woman you have become. Please promise you will come to visit as much as you can. I miss you so much already.”

  I saw Colt watching us, he was dancing with his mother. She was much shorter than he was so just watching them was really cute. I knew what they were talking about and it made me even more emotional. As the song ended, my father kissed me on the cheek and slowly let go. He gave Colt a quick hug before finding my mother.

  “You okay Darlin’?”

  “I am now.” I smiled and accepted his gentle kisses to my lips.

  “I know we live together, but for some reason, I can’t wait to get you home and strip off your clothes tonight.”

  I ran my hands around his perfect butt and pulled his body toward mine. “I can’t wait either.”

  “So did I do good?”

  He spun me around and pulled me back into his arms. “You have no idea how happy you’ve made me. This day was more perfect than I had ever imagined.”

  “You know I aim to please.” He teased.

  “Well, I can’t wait to show you how grateful I am to be your wife.” I ran my lips over his, causing an instant heat between my legs.

  People around us were starting to get rowdy, including Conner and Ty. I wasn’t exactly sure where Bella had gone, but the music got a lot more clubby and Ty and Miranda were lighting up the dance floor with their provocative dancing. It wasn’t classy, but it wasn’t as dirty as I had seen them dance in the past. They were both good dancers to begin with and together, they were fun to watch. Of course, Brina and Conner took it as a challenge and began trying to out dance them.

  Miranda and Ty had them from the beginning, in fact they never changed their pace, while Conner was reaching under Brina’s dress and grinding her into his body. Since they’d already hooked up, I knew where it was leading, in fact everyone there did. Ty and Miranda knew they were together, so the chase wasn’t an issue for them. As much as Conner tried, everyone watched Ty and Miranda who were so in sync you would think they rehearsed.

  Colt and I stood back and started clapping and egging them on. Even the older guests were getting a kick out of the two guys competing for bragging rights.

  “I think Ty’s got it.” Colt laughed.

  I shook my body to the beat of the song. “Yeah, Brina has nothing on Miranda. Ty told me one time that Miranda danced better than any stripper or Porn star he had ever watched. Since I have no idea what they dance like, what do you think?”

  He started laughing hysterically. “Yeah, she’s pretty good, but she’s my
younger cousin and I hate comparin’ her like that, besides, I think it’s okay for Ty to say that but he wouldn’t want anyone else doin’ it.”

  Colt was right. Ty was a protective person. He could brag all he wanted, but if someone said anything about either of those girls, it was on like Donkey Kong.

  After three more long songs, Conner and Ty finally high fived and went back to their seats. Even with everyone seemingly entertained by their immaturity, it was good to have a break from laughing. People were starting to head out, so Colt and I made it a point to walk around and make sure we thanked everyone for joining us.

  When it was just our immediate family, Colt’s mother came up and told us to just head home. She said that she had arranged for the cleanup and we needed to enjoy our night.

  I didn’t want to leave my parents since I barely ever got to see them, but they also insisted it was our night to enjoy.

  Daisy had already been taken back to her own personal corral, so Colt and I rode away in a very fancy decorated golf cart. Between the beer cans, the bells, the shaving cream, and the opened condoms, it was hard not to laugh, while we made our way down the gravel and dirt lane. The cans were so loud, and the condoms were unsticking and hitting us in the face. Unfortunately they bought lubricated, which in turn stuck to us, as they flung off the dash. When we stopped at the house, I found myself pulling them out of my hair and off my dress.

  Colt laughed as he grabbed me and lifted me up to carry me into the house.

  He had remembered every detail to my perfect day, and I would never forget the most unbelievable day of our lives.

  Chapter 9


  I couldn’t believe that I had pulled off everything without a hitch. When Savanna came walking into that barn she took my breath away. I couldn’t believe how perfectly beautiful she looked. She radiated with beauty and I knew everyone in that barn felt the same way. I tried to hold it together, but I couldn’t hold in my emotions.

  I was finally married to my best friend, the one girl that I had finally given my whole heart to. Carrying her over that threshold felt so different than all of the other nights. She was mine in every way and this was the first day of the rest of our lives.

  I had planned for us to go away for a week to Hawaii and as a treat; we had invited Ty and Miranda to tag along for the first three days. It was part of their wedding present from Savanna and I. They were shocked that I could get them a last minute reservation, and begged both of their bosses for the extra days of vacation. While they went away, Ty’s parents were going to drive Bella back home with them. As much as my Aunt Karen wanted her to stay, it was just too much of a worry with Tucker still out there somewhere.

  Ty and Miranda weren’t too worried about losing money and taking a couple extra days. It wasn’t like they had a lot of bills. My uncle’s farm was finally making them money and his life insurance had paid everything off. They never had to worry about money, and Ty knew the farm would one day be his and Miranda’s.

  Knowing that Savanna and I wouldn’t be alone for the first couple of days, I had made the decision to give her the most fulfilling wedding night possible. I had got the best wine and had it chilling next to our Jacuzzi tub. Savanna and I had gotten many baths together, but tonight was going to be the best one yet.

  I was careful to grab Savanna’s dress as I lifted her over my head. She screamed out when I did it, but I never sat her down. I continued to carry her over my shoulders until I sat her down in the bathroom. She sat down on the step to the tub, while I started the water. Once I got the temperature perfect, I knelt down in front of her.

  I removed one shoe at a time, chucking them behind me. My hands slid up her sexy legs until I reached the tops of her stockings. I let my fingers brush across her panties before sliding the thigh highs down, the left one first and then the right. I ran both hands up her hips and onto her inner thighs. Her dress was so full and it was hard to maneuver. Savanna stood up slowly and turned around. Her face was so serious and I could tell how much she wanted me from her increased breathing. I started unfastening each little button to the back of the dress as slow as my eager fingers would let me go. With each button, I could see more of her bare skin. The pale blue strapless bra was sitting beneath the dress just waiting to be unfastened. I ran my fingers over the skin to her shoulder and then reached down to kiss it. My tongue just needed a taste before I pulled away to get the dress removed.

  Savanna’s chest was lifting higher and higher, the closer I came to undressing her. After enough of the buttons were removed, I reached my hands into either side and let it fall down to her feet. Before she turned around to face me, I got to see the matching pale blue bra and thong she was wearing. A soft moan came from deep inside of me, as I took in the site of her perfect ass.

  I let my fingers trace the skin of her shoulders, as she finally turned around to face me. Her long hair hung down in random curls and the rest was pinned up in several intricate twists. I decided to save her hair for last and focus on the rest of what was still on my wife. With a one handed snap, I was able to remove her hook in the front bra. Her soft breasts bounced free as the bra fell to her feet.

  I let my hands slide from her shoulders and down over each of her nipples. She gasped when I reached them and circled them with my fingers. “So beautiful,” I said as I brushed my fingers over them again.

  She bit down on her lip and watched my fingers touching such a sensitive part of her body. As I squatted down I slid my hands with me, tracing her perfect hips and tucking my fingers underneath her panties. I kissed her hips as I slid them down inch by inch, kissing her at every exposed area of skin.

  She began to tremble as she watched me. I thought about the first time I had removed her clothes, before we had even had sex. I wanted her even then and now two years later, my mouth was just inches away from her hot sex. She shimmied her way out of the panties while I pushed her back to sit on the edge of the tub. I leaned over and turned the water off, before I stepped back and began to slowly remove my own clothes.

  I hadn’t wanted her to help, so when she stood up I shook my head and made her sit back down. I tossed the jacket to the floor and started to removed the dress shirt, while Savanna ran one of her hands over her own nipple. She never took her eyes off me while she did it, which in turn made me even harder than I already was. I tried to go slow with my pants, but Dammit if she wasn’t setting me crazy by touching herself like that.

  My pants and boxers came off within seconds and I rushed toward Savanna, meeting her lips with my own. Her tongue entered my mouth and pressed against mine, slinging away to only meet again for more. Her lips were wet and slippery and I found myself sucking on her lips as we pulled away and then came back in for more. She grabbed my hand and guided it between her legs, showing me how badly she needed me to touch her.

  The ache between my legs needed to be attended to. I grabbed Savanna’s hand and helped her step into the hot bubble bath. Her beautifully naked body disappeared into the deep water and I climbed in front of her to touch what I could no longer see. I slid right into her body and felt her slippery legs wrapping around me. Savanna leaned her body back so I could take the soap and wash each of her breasts. She reached over for the bottle of wine and handed me the corkscrew to open it. Once the cork went flying, Savanna took the bottle into her hand and drank it without taking her eyes off of me. She slid her body toward me and kissed me hard, before backing away and leaning up on the edge of the tub. I slid toward her, and watched as she slowly poured wine down over her breasts. I watched the red liquid naturally slide down every smooth inch of her skin until it came to rest between her legs.

  I shoved my face in between her legs, lapping up every drop that had fallen there. It added a sweet fruity taste to her natural essence and I couldn’t get enough. I grabbed the bottle and took a few drinks before pouring more right over her pussy. I caught some of it with my tongue while I poured and Savanna threw her head back after attempting to
watch my tongue stroking her sensitive spot at the top.

  She grabbed both of her breasts and squeezed each nipple as her face scrunched up and she came right into my thrashing tongue. While her body trembled against my mouth, she started to slip back down in the tub, positioning her body over top of mine. I pulled the main clip out of her hair and let it fall down into the water. Savanna ran her wet hands up and down my chest. She leaned into my chest and licked her way to one of my nipples. I cringed at her first bite of it, but got off when she did it a second time. She licked it again before moving to the opposite side. I lifted her chin up so that I could kiss the side of her lips and drag my tongue over them. She tried to touch me with hers, but I pulled away before she could. Her eyes were fixed on my mouth and I licked my lips just knowing how turned on she was for me.

  “Please kiss me,” she whispered.

  I could feel her breath on my face, while I continued to tease her with my tongue.

  The combination of the slipperiness of the water and the way her body glistened from being wet, sent me over the edge. I grabbed her body and let it float over my hard shaft. Savanna gasped as I slid right inside of her. The friction was so much tighter in the water, not allowing the natural lubrication of her body to help. She moved up and down slowly, using the water to allow her to go up and down while still floating. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her lower back as she rocked her body over mine.

  She leaned back enough to allow me to suck on each of her nipples. As they got hard in my mouth, I pulled away and blew on them. She was trying to keep her eyes on mine, but as the feelings became too much to take, I saw her closing her eyes and biting down on her lip. Savanna wrapped her legs tightly around me and began thrashing harder against me. The water was splashing all over the place, because with every thrust a loud pouring sound could be heard on the floor.

  Savanna’s ass muscles began to tighten and I could feel her internal walls closing as she came. Just feeling how tight she was, caused my own explosion to mimic hers. I stilled her in my arms and held her tightly by the back of her hair, kissing from her shoulder, to her neck, and then finally her full lips.


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