Corporate Cowboy

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Corporate Cowboy Page 7

by Bella Masters



  “I will walk you through it.”

  “I can read.”

  “Let me put that another way, Emma. I will walk through each item, and we will discuss. If there are negotiations to be made, we’ll do them now.”

  Gage fixed his gaze on Emma’s face. She held his stare while she opened the folder in front of her. Without looking at his paper, he began. “Item number one. We agree to one weekend of sex, and sex of my choosing. The location is at my ranch. You will give yourself over to me, and I will be in complete control for the entire weekend. You will be my submissive and follow my commands. The weekend will begin at five o’clock on Friday evening and end at nine o’clock Sunday night. You will choose to give up control to me, Emma, and in return, you will receive great pleasure.”

  Emma cocked her head. “That is a guarantee?”

  “Yes.” Gage paused. “Emma, there is something I want you to understand before we go any further. I am a Dom. I am an Alpha, dominant male. I have an insatiable sexual appetite. Vanilla sex does not satisfy me. I need more.

  “Sex, for me, is a business deal, as you so eloquently put it yesterday. I am not into relationships. I prefer scheduled, vetted hook-ups and never with a woman for more than one time. I do not have sex for love and definitely not procreation. There is never any emotion associated with my sexual experiences. Ever. I don’t caress, cuddle, or whisper sweet nothings in your ear. I fuck. That is all. Sex in my world is black and white. No gray. And you need to understand that this weekend is nothing more than that.

  “Of course, it is not all about me, Emma. I believe there are many things you can learn about yourself, and about sex, by having this experience with me. It simply depends on whether that is something you want—and if you will submit to me.”

  He measured the look on her face. It wasn’t a look of fear or disgust, but perhaps one of question and curiosity. Maybe a hint of concern.

  He continued. “Look, Emma. I am safe. I am very careful with my partners. I don’t go to clubs, dungeons, or attend BDSM socials. My lifestyle is not public. It is very private. But you need to understand something, and I mean really understand this. I need control. I have an intense need to control women. And I have a very strong desire to control you, Emma Lavender.”

  He paused.

  “So, what are your questions?”

  She didn’t immediately speak but let her gaze play over his face. Gage tried hard to maintain a steadfast demeanor, to show nothing to sway her questions one way, or another. He half expected her to flee. It wouldn’t be the first time a woman hearing that speech had done so. But Emma, she was different, and so perhaps….

  Then she said, “What if there is something I do not want to do?”

  “We will address that next.”

  “Okay… When?”

  “Do you agree to item number one?”

  Emma sucked in a breath, held it, and then exhaled. “Yes.”

  Inwardly, he was relieved but knew there was more ahead. “All right. Item number two has to do with your hard limits and a safe word. This addresses those things you absolutely will not do. Because I don’t believe you know enough yet to make a wise decision about this, we will come to terms in the coming days. Is that acceptable?”

  Emma swallowed and glanced to the contract, then looked up. “You are right. I need more information.”

  “I agree. That’s why I want you to do two things within the next twenty-four hours.”

  Her blank expression went wide-eyed in question. She waited for him to go on. “If you will look in your folder, you will see a separate sheet of paper with some website links. Tonight, you are to review those sites and when you come to work tomorrow, you are to present me with your lists. The first list is of things you like to do, or have done to you, when having sex. The second list is of things that intrigue you and you want to learn more about. The third list is of things you will not do. Your hard limits. They could also be things that frighten you.”

  “Frighten me?”

  “You may see some things on those sites that frighten you or you don’t understand. We should talk about those things.”

  She looked back at the paper. “It’s a lot of links.”

  “There is a lot to understand, Emma. I don’t expect you to know everything, but I want you to have a firm beginning understanding of what you are getting into. Explore, watch and read. Then make your lists and bring them to me tomorrow morning. We will then discuss.”

  She nodded. “All right, but I want it noted that if we do not come to agreement on this item, the entire weekend is off and the contract is null and void.”

  “Of course.” That was fair. He scribbled on his copy, glad that she was making some effort to have her thoughts known. Good. “Duly noted.” Chad would draft the final document later today.

  “Item number three. Emma, we discussed yesterday that I do not believe you are ready to spend a weekend submitting me. I believe you need information and training. For that reason, the weekend at the ranch will occur two weeks from this past weekend. In the meantime, you will begin training, of sorts, as my sub. That means, from the time we sign this agreement until the end date on that Sunday evening, you will answer to me, respond to my wishes, and do as I say. Sex may, or may not, be involved in this training. You will be available to me, twenty-four-seven.” Gage paused and watched her eyes dart back and forth. “Do you understand, Emma?”

  “I… I think so.”

  “Don’t hesitate, Emma. I may have to punish you.”

  “We haven’t talked about punishment.”

  “That will come.”

  “Can you write that in there? Because, I want to make sure that we do talk about punishment.”

  “Emma, it’s simple. Once you agree to our terms, if you need to be punished, you will know what that will entail.”

  “Can you tell me now? I’m…I’m actually fearful of pain.”

  Gage sighed and leaned closer into the desk. “Emma, I promise you, I will not harm you or cause you great physical pain. A punishment will match the offense, so that you will associate one with another. I can’t guarantee that I won’t resort to spanking your ass if the need should arise. But I will tell you now that if you challenge me today and require discipline, your punishment will be to stand naked at the window behind me, spread eagle, your tits smashed against the glass, wearing nothing but those delicious red heels you have on, while I work. Afterward, if you have endured your punishment nicely, I will reward you by fucking you from behind while you are clinging to that glass. Is that clear enough?”

  She shifted in her seat. Her cheeks flushed pink. “Yes. Quite.”

  “All right. The rest of this will go quickly.”

  “Thank God,” she said.

  Gage lifted a brow, but ignored that. “Item four is the nondisclosure statement. You must agree to total confidentiality. I am to remain anonymous. And you are to practice complete discretion.”

  “Agreed,” she said.

  “Items four, five and six have to do with physical and mental health checks and a background screening. Fortunately, we’ve already done the regular company background checks. I require a clean bill of health, mentally and physically, before we move forward. You will visit the company doctor for a complete blood work up and physical. Chad will make the appointment. Is all of that understood?”

  She nodded. “Yes. And you will do the same?”

  “I will provide you with the paperwork of my clean bill of health.”

  “Physically and mentally?” She grinned.

  Gage closed his eyes. “Woman, you are bound and determined to try my patience, aren’t you?”

  “I just want to make sure I’m not hooking up with someone who had not been duly vetted.”

  Her face was a mite smug. Was she teasing him? He felt the most uncanny urge to round the desk and gather her in his arms and kiss the smugness off her pert little face. Instead, he
peered into her eyes, lowered his voice, and said, “Emma, I will provide anything you like as long as you consent to giving over your pretty little pussy to me. But I assure you I am physically and mentally healthy. I get an exam monthly from my doctor. Chad will provide the latest results for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Gage cleared his throat. “May I go on?”


  “All right. Item seven.” This clause might be a deal breaker if she reacted in any way other than was acceptable to him. Of course, if she stopped to think about it, she’d realize her hands were figuratively tied. Gage continued. “In exchange for this weekend, you will receive a new job—back in Charlotte. You will relocate immediately, and I will pay the expenses. Once this weekend concludes, you are never to contact me again. You are never to speak of me, or our time together, personally or professionally, with anyone, at any time, now or in the future. Our relationship will not exist once the weekend is over. Do you understand this, Emma?”

  For the first time, her face was devoid of emotion. Gage was unsure what that meant. Her expression reminded him of someone who might be in shock—blank and emotionless. He was certain what he just said to her was unexpected, and that sent up warning signals for him.

  Goddammit, please don’t let her be clingy and needy.

  He lowered his voice. “In order to do this, Emma, it has to be clear that this is not a relationship in the making. I don’t do relationships. There is no hope for any kind of future—friendship or lovers—for you and me. This is the way I live my life. If you choose to be a small part of it, then so be it. But Emma, if you have any hesitation whatsoever, do not consent.”

  She cleared her throat. Her gaze remained fixed with his. “I agree.”

  Gage let those words hang in the air for a moment. “You agree that you should not consent?”

  She shook her head. “No, I agree to your terms. I consent to submit to you. Sir.”

  “You are certain.”

  “I am.”

  All right. “I’ll call Chad to make those few changes on the contract.”

  “I will sign that one,” she said, “if that works for you. I’m ready to sign now. I’ll initial your notes and you can too. Let’s do it.”

  Before you back out. “Are you certain?”

  “I am.”

  He wasn’t going to ask again. Gage initialed his notes and signed at the bottom, then pushed the paper over to Emma. He watched as her gaze traveled down the page and she, one by one, initialed the notes on the agreement. Then with a deep sigh, she signed the bottom, her name under his.


  Her gaze slowly lifted until their eyes connected. Her irises danced. “I suddenly feel very vulnerable,” she said, and then after a moment, smiled. “And a little wicked.”

  Gage laughed. “Oh, Emma. You are a gem.”

  She smiled that sweet, southern belle smile, and it was all he could do not to kiss it off her face. But not yet.

  “Emma, stand up.”

  Without hesitation, she did, her gaze downcast.

  She’s a natural. She just doesn’t know it yet.

  Gage stood and rounded the desk, coming up beside her. For a long moment he purposely waited, then told her, “Take off your panties.”

  He held out his hand.

  Emma’s gaze fluttered but she didn’t look up. Slowly she raised her skirt and shimmied out of her underwear.

  “Look at me.”

  Her eyes lifted. His hand stayed outstretched. She placed her panties in his hand. Gage tucked them into his jacket pocket.

  “From now on, no panties, Emma. And only skirts to work.”

  She looked fully at him. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Now, back to work and please take care of the details with Ms. Long.” He glanced to his watch. “Fifteen minutes has already passed.”

  Chapter Nine

  A draft of cool air bursts up my skirt as I step off the elevator at the lobby level. I am heading to the front desk, feeling the need to check in after having been gone several minutes. No panties feels both fantastically sensual and a little unnerving. Can anyone tell? Of course not, but I feel like that fact is stamped across my forehead.

  As I round the corner, I run straight into Candy.




  “Where are you going?”

  “Uh…” I bite my lip. Where am I going? “Back to work.” I grasp Candy’s arm and drag her out of anyone else’s earshot. “I had the meeting about the promotion. I need to go over a couple of things and then get back with Christina Long.” I glance at my watch. “I need to get moving.”

  Too many minutes had passed since Gage gave me that hour to handle this.

  Candy smiled. “I’m so happy for you!” She leans closer. “Christina Long is a witch, though. Be careful.”

  I have already deduced that fact. “I know. I can handle her.” I grin and step back. “Thanks again for lunch, Candy. Next time’s on me, okay?”

  She nods. “You got it. Hey, I gotta run.” She turns to leave and then steps back. “Oh, Emma? What about…?” She waggles her eyebrows.

  Shit. She means Gage. I’ve signed the NDA. “Huh?”

  Candy laughs. “You silly girl, what about…” She points toward the ceiling. “Mr. Corporate Cowboy?”

  I have to diffuse this. Why in the world did I tell her? Well, I had to talk with someone… I shake my head. “I told him no way.”


  “Yeah. Not worth the hassle. Besides, I’m just coming off a relationship from back in Charlotte. I don’t need to go there.”

  Candy agrees. “I hear you. Men!” She steps back and makes a gesture with her fingers at her ears. “I’ll call you,” she mouths.

  Whew! She bought it.

  I give her a thumbs up and then head off to find a quiet corner for a minute to look over the offer letter.

  But my plans are disrupted as I round the elevator bank and notice a line backed up at the front desk. I quickly make my way to an empty computer, stash my folder of paperwork underneath the counter, and log in. “May I help the next person please?”

  I glance at the growing line and an older gentleman steps up.

  “Checking in?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Name please, credit card and driver’s license will get us started.”

  I work with guest after guest until I glance at my watch again. “Crickets!” I have been here much too long. I don’t know either of the women working with me very well, and since I am unofficially promoted, I decide to take the initiative.

  I step to the left. “Hello, Connie?”

  She glances up. “Yes?”

  “I know we are busy, but I need to run up to corporate for a moment. I’m logging out but will be right back.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. You were late and now you’re leaving? Good luck on your next job.”

  I don’t even honor that with a response. “I’ll be back as soon as possible,” I tell her.

  She shrugs. “Do what you gotta do.”

  I decide right there I really do not like this woman. But I dismiss that, grab the paperwork from underneath the counter, and head toward the elevator bank. I’ll think about the specifics I need to tell Christina on the way up.

  What a day.

  The elevator lands on one and the doors open. I take half a step and realize Gage is standing there, blocking my way.

  “Emma, you are late.”

  “I am heading that way now. There was a line, and I felt that as the ‘almost’ supervisor I should take initiative and…”

  “Emma, step into the elevator.”

  He shifts slightly and I move past him. The doors close. He sends the elevator to twenty-two.

  I look at Gage. “We need to stop meeting like this.”

  He dismisses my words. “An efficient supervisor would have delegated and seen to the task tha
t her own supervisor had given her.”

  “You are my new supervisor?”

  “I am.”


  “And I had to come looking for you. I am not pleased.”

  “Oh.” His expression is firm, unmovable. It feels like his gaze might burn a hole through my heart. I simply wait.

  We go all the way up to the twenty-second floor without stopping. “After you,” he says when the doors open.

  We both exit.

  “Three minutes to finish with Ms. Long, Emma, then meet me in my office.”

  I dip my head. “Yes, Sir.”

  He turns and steps away, and my gut does a flip-flop.

  For two weeks, I belong to him.


  Three minutes.

  I try like hell to get in and out of her office. Not happening. Christina is difficult, not really listening to me, and we have to go over a couple of things, like, sixteen times. By the time we work it out, I realize three minutes have come and gone probably six times over. Finally, we reach agreeable terms.

  I move through the lobby and toward Gage’s outer office and Chad’s desk. He glances up as I approach and gathers some papers. Standing, he takes my elbow and leads me toward Gage’s door. “This folder contains the personal records you requested of Mr. Parker. And this,” he hands me a business card with a date and time written on it, “is your appointment with Dr. Burrows.”

  I take both. “Thank you, Chad.” I decide I have to trust him because obviously, he is Gage’s right-hand man.

  Chad winks and smiles, then keys in the code to open the doors to Gage’s office. I wonder if I will ever learn that secret-code-punching thing. Probably not.

  I step inside. Chad moves back, and the doors close and latch. Click. Clickety. Click.

  Gage is working at the desk. I take a step forward, and without raising his head from his work, he says, “Stop.”

  I halt. He continues to work, shuffling papers and writing things down. I wait and wonder how long I will stand there. I don’t dare ask.

  Finally, Gage clears his throat and looks up. “Emma, look at me.”


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