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9781618854704HolidayGemBeckNC Page 2

by Paloma Beck

  “Seamus, now this is an order. Talk to me right now.” Madden spoke and Seamus immediately responded to the order.

  “Madden, she’s my mate.”

  “It’s a terrifying feeling, I know. There has to be a lot going on in that mind of yours but here’s what I want you to do. Tomas says she can travel. She’ll come out of this on her own in time. It’s a coping mechanism, that’s all,” Madden’s voice softened.

  “Her soul sin is greed. According to Eloise, her greed has manifested itself in a need for knowledge,” Caedon jumped in to explain, “This is good for her as a researcher. It’s not so good in everyday life when she can’t always have knowledge of foresight. Chiara’s sheltered her a bit hoping to minimize her panic attacks but sometimes they happen.”

  “She’s taught herself to cope using her powers. She’s pulled inward which is why she seems unresponsive. You just keep her warm and relaxed and she’ll come around,” Tomas added.

  “Okay. You need to move. You’ll be secure at the Sinster home until Nicolaus and Gage get there. They’ve already headed out. You good, bro?” Madden’s focus on the task helped pull Seamus out of his shock.

  “Got it. ETA to the Sinster home is fifteen minutes. Once I’ve got her secure, I’ll check in,” Seamus reported before disconnecting the call. Never again would he think nothing more could happen to an already fucked-up day. This was not how he imagined first holding his mate in his arms.

  Chapter Two

  Seamus picked Gemma up from the back seat and carried her up the front steps to her parents’ home. Surrounded by acres of vineyards with only the long-time workers anywhere close by, this was the safest place for them as they awaited further instruction. Now that he realized she was his mate, the stakes had just been raised.

  Wondering if she would respond to him now, Seamus asked Gemma, “Where can I put you that you’ll be most comfortable while I look around?”

  “On the sofa please.” Gemma was still getting her bearings. Her senses must be dulled because he didn’t think she was noticing the connection. Yet every time Seamus touched her, his skin was nearly electric. He needed to ease her from the fog after that panic attack. Shit, this wasn’t something at which he was good. Now, jokes he could handle but this-this taking care of someone crap-was so Donovan. It’s why sharing women had been their thing. It was the only way Seamus could deal with intimacy. Donovan filtered the emotion. Only now, Seamus realized they hadn’t considered once they found a mate, and what that would mean for their arrangement.

  Seamus thought about what Donovan would do. He would start by talking to her. He’d get to know her and put her at ease. Right, Seamus could do that. “So I bet you didn’t think you’d be back here so soon?”

  Gemma looked up from where she sat on the sofa. Her eyes were hidden by the long bangs that fringed her porcelain face. Now that he’d seen those cinnamon eyes though, he couldn’t get enough. She was his mate except, for whatever reason, Gemma didn’t seem to know it.

  Gemma had been a quiet observer as he’d gotten them safely to her parents’ home. Seamus wasn’t certain if that quiet was a good or bad thing. Her eyes remained blank as if she was unseeing, her skin clammy and he could tell her throat was dry. He wanted to ease her distress. Normally he’d talk to Donovan but right now, that was a no-go. Shit, he needed advice. He wouldn’t risk hurting his mate.

  “How about something to drink? You’re dehydrated. Some water?” Seamus talked quickly and then sprang from the room before she could answer. An overwhelming need to protect this precious woman propelled him from the room. He needed to get away long enough to think. He wandered the house until he found the kitchen but before he poured Gemma’s water, he made a phone call.

  “Father,” Seamus was relieved when his father answered the phone. His mother–the well-meaning but spirited Irish mother-would’ve insisted on becoming involved and right now, he needed his father.

  “Seamus, what is it? Your voice tells me there is trouble for you,” his father cut right to the reason for his call. Anthony Bonmarito was not a man for mixing words. He spent his days in a lab with herbs and medicinal supplies creating new drugs to help humans fight the diseases that ransacked their race. He had no need for anything but straight facts, even from his son.

  “I have found my mate.” Seamus went for the direct route too.

  “And you aren’t happy because…” his father paused for Seamus to explain.

  “She’s sick. She gets these panic attacks when she’s overwhelmed and apparently I overwhelmed her. Now she’s so distracted, I don’t think she’s picking up on the connection between us. Donovan…”

  His father cut him off, “One thing at a time. She isn’t in the throes of an attack?”

  “No, I spoke with her sister who was able to help me calm her. She’s resting now,” Seamus explained.

  “Good, son, very good. Now you would like to calm her so she can naturally notice the mating connection. You need her to understand before you lose control and claim her without consent.” His father’s reassuring words and calm voice were easing Seamus’ stress. Despite his parents living in Ireland while his home was now in the US, just a phone call could relieve stress when life became too much.

  “How?” Seamus implored Anthony for answers. For as long as he could remember, his ever-rational father knew how to fix anything.

  “Lavender. Find some lavender and sprinkle it into a tub. Allow it to soak and then have her take a warm bath in the water. It has calming qualities that will help. Once she relaxes, her natural powers should reform and she’ll sense you.”

  “That’s it? Lavender?”

  Anthony chuckled, “Seamus, you will find that despite the jokes many men tell, women are quite simple. Love them. Care for them. Be there for them. And they will be happy.”

  “It’s really that simple?”

  “Yes. Now get back to your mate,” his father paused, “Son, what is the name of my future daughter-in-law?”

  “Gemma,” Seamus answered. Her name sounded good on his lips.

  “Gemma Sinster?” Seamus was taken off guard that his father knew her name.

  “Yes. How do you know her?”

  “We’ve met through her research on the Valendite Breed. She’s traveled to see us on occasion in order to gather some information. Your mother will be thrilled, son,” his father seemed excited. He clearly liked Gemma.

  “Great. Now let me go on the hunt for lavender and get her well. I’ve got other TEU issues to deal with as well.”

  “Okay, son, and please contact us once your Acclimation is underway so that we may meet her. Perhaps if you are still over on this continent, we can be together sooner rather than later.” His father was right. With them in Ireland, he could make a trip to introduce them. Shaking his head, Seamus thought first things, first. He needed to get her well and then claim what was his.

  “Thanks. Will do.” Seamus hung up the phone and went in search of lavender. He might have to hunt but it was a mission. Missions he was good at. He was glad to have a task to focus on. Damn, he felt so out of his element with Gemma. He knew after the claiming that he would be able to read her emotions. Thankfully, she couldn’t do that yet because he would seem like a real ass. Seamus and Donovan had laughed as they watched Madden and Caedon go through the Acclimation, but this was so not funny now.

  Once Seamus found some lavender in their cellar-thankful he knew from his mother that all women of the Magdalena Circle stored dried herbs-he brought a glass of water to Gemma. She said nothing when she took the glass from him. He watched as Gemma drank in deep gulps while seemingly paying him no attention. He should look away but he couldn’t seem to make himself move. Watching her head tilted slightly, her deep red hair spread along her back and her throat working to swallow the water caused wicked images to form in his mind. He shouldn’t have these thoughts while trying to remain calm.

  Clearing his suddenly dry throat, Seamus said, “I’m going to run you
a bath. I found lavender and it should soothe you.” Without giving Gemma a chance to respond, Seamus dashed out of the room again. He needed to minimize their contact until she came out of her haze and recognized him as her mate.

  Using his senses, he quickly found her room. It was stacked with large books that could’ve been older than his father. The seating area looked more like a library though without a single fictional book in sight. The books were all nonfiction, historical collections. Clearly, she enjoyed history; something they did not have in common. Seamus needed to be active and in constant motion. He liked video games, sports and anything athletic. What would they have in common?

  He took a few minutes to walk around her room. His own impatience with not being able to search for Donovan pushed aside at the knowledge he would soon claim his mate. He could do nothing until the others got here for back up. He sat on the large bed adorned in deep purple silks and just a single pillow. He’d have to do something about that. The room smelled just as Gemma did, with a sweet flowery fragrance. As Seamus inhaled, his cock stirred. Fuck. He needed to stop this and get her bath ready. His father was confident the lavender would help her come back to herself after the attack. No one knew medicinal herbs like Anthony Bonmarito.

  Seamus hated that Gemma suffered from these panic attacks. Eloise had sounded laid back about the episodes but Seamus couldn’t keep letting it happen. He’d talk to his father again to see what he could do to prevent them. The fact that anything outside the ordinary-any change to her schedule-could upset her so much to cause this was unacceptable. Seamus would need to learn to be more predictable for her. He’d have to change how impetuous he could be to become a pillar of strength for his new mate. First, she had to know he was her mate. That was step one; and one-step at a time was how he’d get through this.

  Seamus gave a disbelieving laugh when he saw the bathroom was also accented in shades of purple. Clearly, he now knew her favorite color. At least it wasn’t pink. Purple he could live with but he’d rather dress up in a pair of Eloise’s heels than sleep in a pink room. The thought made him shiver and he sighed before leaning in to turn the tap on for the oversized tub.

  * * * *

  Gemma entered the dining room where the man named Seamus had obviously set up as the mission room. He’d strewn schematics, maps and reports all over the large family dining table. Her entire body tensed. Neatness was definitely not his forte and it was likely to drive her insane. Having just worked through one of the most powerful panic attacks of her life, she pushed herself to remain calm. His choice of a lavender bath had been perfection. He might be a mess but his sensitivity scored him points in her eyes.

  Seamus must’ve sensed her. He looked up from his laptop, aiming his gaze directly at her and pulling a gasp from somewhere deep inside. His eyes turned from a glassy sea foam green to blazing yellow. Gemma was all too aware of what that meant. Her body reacted instantly. He was her mate.

  “You…” With her throat suddenly too dry to speak, she stood still and took Seamus in. He was as large as any Valendite Breed she’d ever met, maybe six foot two or so. His messy light brown hair was cropped short; but there must’ve been a cowlick or two at his crown that caused his hair to stand up on the top. His handsome face defined with ridges along his cheekbones and a cleft in his chin struck Gemma as most intoxicating. Seamus was strong, masculine perfection. With some softer features, he was also clearly only part Italian, which was rare in their race.

  It was when Gemma allowed her eyes to drift south that she saw how well sculpted his body was. The muscles pulled along his shoulders and back as he leaned forward and turned towards her. The rippling showed each defined groove of his strength. Her hands ached to touch him. Suddenly, she wanted nothing more than to move towards him, to be held by him again so that this time she could memorize the feel of his body touching her body.

  She tried to speak again. “You are my-my…” Again, she couldn’t finish her sentence.

  Seamus moved towards her until he stood toe-to-toe with her. Taking one of her hands in his and entwining their fingers, he spoke almost reverently, “You are my mate.” It was the words she couldn’t bring herself to say aloud though they were screaming inside her head.

  When Gemma looked up from where their hands were connected to look into Seamus’ eyes, they were glistening with unshed tears. She took the hand he wasn’t holding and wiped at the corner of his eye until the tip of her finger held a single teardrop. Seamus ducked his head.

  “Don’t hide from me. I am in awe of your strength and for you to feel so much that you would have tears is humbling. I have been blessed by you.”

  “No,” Seamus shook his head, “I have been blessed by you.” He brought their heads together-touching foreheads-and took deep breaths.

  “Do I smell okay? I should smell like the lavender you put in my bath,” Gemma inquired, curious at his reaction to her closeness. “The lavender, by the way, was a very smart move.”

  “My dad is a chemist of sorts. He is always working with medicinal herbs to find medicines for humans. I called him for help,” Seamus explained.

  “You called your father to find out how to help me?” Gemma felt an overwhelming appreciation for this sensitive man.

  “Yes,” Seamus answered as a slight blush worked across his cheeks.

  “You must be close?” Gemma was intrigued by a man who would seek his father out for assistance. Then another thought crossed her mind. “Wait. Have you known since you first saw me? And why am I just sensing it?”

  “We must’ve never locked eyes before you collapsed on me. When you opened them as I held you, I felt it but you weren’t fully aware yet. My father told me the lavender mixed with a warm bath would help you relax enough to become aware of your natural reaction to a mate.” Seamus explained and seemed uncomfortable. Gemma had no idea why. It should be her embarrassed about how they’d met.

  “So you know what happened? That I had an anxiety attack?” Seamus did something not many people could do. He caught her off-guard. Now Gemma truly found him intriguing. Something warm fluttered in her stomach.

  “I called in to TEU. Caedon found out from Eloise. Your condition wasn’t listed in the mission report.”

  “The mission report?’

  “Yes, since I was picking you up to fly back to the US, I received a packet with information about you…”

  Gemma cut him off, disbelieving, “So just to pick me up and take me to my family for the holidays, you had a full file on me?” She quirked her eyebrow up at him, not sure yet how violated she should feel about this. What exactly did he know about her? Quickly she wondered if he had her bra size.

  “Is this getting me into trouble?” Seamus grinned at her and quirked his eyebrow back at Gemma. She giggled-actually giggled-at his response.

  “No, I guess not. Should it? I think I want to know exactly what you know about me.”

  “Can’t. It’s confidential information.” Seamus’s straight-faced response confused her for a moment before he laughed and she threw a punch up at his arm. That flash of skin-on-skin sent a rush through her. In that instant, Seamus forgot everything about that file and his mission.

  Gemma licked her dry lower lip and bit down on it, considering all that now belonged to her. She might not know much about Seamus yet but she knew enough. He fought for the TEU and was strong in both physical strength and disposition. He sought his father out for advice and obviously had strong values. He took care of her, was sensitive and kind. Gemma smiled to know she was a very lucky woman.

  “I should feed you,” Seamus spoke in a huskier voice than she’d heard before.

  “Yes. You should.” Gemma thought she might have a different idea of their meal than he did.

  Seamus grinned at her tone. “Dinner first, Snow White. Then we’ll see about dessert.” He tugged on her arm and walked out of the room and into the kitchen.

  “My mother always let me have a sampling of dessert before dinner,” Gemm
a teased. She followed him but the kitchen wasn’t the room she wanted to go to.

  “A sampling?” Seamus asked the question just before he reached around and without warning, swung her up onto the counter. She squealed and grabbed his waist with her legs to hold him to her. Gemma needed this more than food.

  “I like you here,” Seamus agreed, “You’re just my height now. It’s the perfect height to…” Instead of finishing his sentence, Seamus brought his lips gently to hers. Despite a brief spark, the touch was soft. He explored her lips with his tongue until she opened to him and their tongues danced. It was a moment she would never likely forget and then it was over too soon. “A sampling,” Seamus said before trying to move from her.

  Gemma locked her legs around him, not wanting to let him go. “I want more.”

  “Yes, I was warned of your soul sin,” he teased.

  “That’s right. Until we’re mated, I can’t fight the greed. You’ll just need to claim me so we can be done with this nastiness of my soul sin.” Gemma taunted him by undoing a few of the buttons on her oversized men’s shirt. She loved to wear these shirts with leggings whenever she was at home but now it seemed more convenient than ever.

  Realizing what she was doing, Seamus tried to cover her hands to stop her from unbuttoning the next one. “You stop right there. You need food. Don’t deny it.” He shook his head and then continued, “Let me make you dinner. Then I promise to spend the rest of the night claiming you.” Seamus raised his eyebrows and then winked.

  Laughing, Gemma released her legs and acquiesced. She was hungry. And the food would give her strength to last through the night he promised.

  As it turned out, Seamus was a remarkably good cook. He made her a pasta dish with whatever he found in the refrigerator. Since she’d cleaned it out for her visit to the US, there wasn’t much there. That fact made his meal even more incredible though she worked alongside him to clean as he cooked. It seemed Seamus made a mess wherever he went.


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