Hell on Earth 1 - Hell's Belles

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Hell on Earth 1 - Hell's Belles Page 22

by Jackie Kessler

  My stomach fluttered from the thought. Of course he'd show. He said he would. My Cabin Boy/Gardener/White Knight had to keep his word. It's what mortals like him did.

  "Look at that," Daun said, laughing softly. "Jezebel's in love. Poor babes."

  "If this is love," I said, burying my face in my hands, "it sucks. I don't want to think about him, about seeing him, about fucking him. But I can't help it. It's like he's burrowed into my brain and is setting up shop."

  "Sounds painful."

  I turned to face Daun, who still wore Paul's form. "He's stolen part of my heart. I don't know how he did it, or when. And what stinks to high Heaven is that I don't want it back. I want him to keep my heart, to wear it next to his."

  "Jezebel the romantic." His eyes flashed crimson—sunset over the ocean. "You want to risk yourself even more than you are, all because you think you're in love, fine. You still belong to Lust, no matter what body you're wearing. I can't blame you for being led by your feelings." He placed his hand on the center of my chest, pressing against me as if he could touch my heart.

  "Thanks." Maybe it was the warmth of his hand; maybe it was his words. But for whatever the reason, something inside me loosened, relaxed.

  "Tell you what," Daun said. "You won't accept anything from Roman here, how about I at least have him call your dancer friends? Play the Good Samaritan. Maybe they'll help out in a pinch. Money, clothes, that sort of thing."

  So he had. Faith had come to work with two duffel bags stuffed to bursting. Circe donated an old purse, two pairs of shoes (one for work, one for play), and a trench coat. Candy brought cold, hard cash—nothing too extravagant, but enough to start my emergency nest egg. Daun as Roman left a message for Momma, but she hadn't shown up for work yet. Leave it to me to get assaulted and robbed the one day that the house mom was unavailable.

  "Earth to Jezebel." Faith snapped her fingers in front of my face. "You having a whatchacallit, an episode?"

  "Huh? Oh, sorry. No. Just lost in thought."

  "Well, get un-lost. If we're going to do the mirror image thing, I want to rehearse a bit."

  I put on the heels Circe had given me and wrapped the ties around my ankles. Suddenly I was five inches taller. "Holy crap, I'd forgotten what it's like to be above armpit level." Taking a few practice steps, I found I could balance better when I exaggerated the sway of my hips.

  Spinning to face Faith, I did a shimmy-bop and planted my hands on my waist. "Okay, sweetie. Let's dance."

  Heavy synth pulsing, drums thumping a beat through my body, I gripped the stripper pole and arched backward. Opposite me, hands crossed over mine, Faith shadowed my movements. Together we spun, our hair fanning out in a drastic pattern of platinum and obsidian, a follicle yin and yang. Sliding down to the floor, Faith and I rolled onto our bellies and crawled to the edge of the stage like matching jungle cats, radiating heat.

  Purr, baby.

  The customers dug the whole mirror image thing, based on the beads of saliva leaking from their mouths as Faith and I danced. Most excellent. On my side, I kicked my leg straight up and held the pose, running my hand up my curves, teasing its way over the white satin of my G-string, up my bare stomach, over my breast, up to my hair. Lowering my leg, I pushed my body up until I sat up on my knees, riding the music as my hands lifted my curls away from my face. Feeling eyes lock onto my crotch and my tits, I smiled broadly, showing the men how much I appreciated their attention.

  I pivoted to face Faith. We held our hands up and out, pressing against each other as we lowered our arms. I swayed right; she swayed left. Back the other way. Wrapping our arms around each other, we arched backward, our boobs high and pert, our hair brushing the floor.

  Ooh, the men, they like the girl-touch-girl scene. Green crashed over the tip-rail as customers waved their money.

  Faith and I straightened until we were tit to tit. Swaying in the spotlights, we untangled our limbs and raised our arms high, our gazes fastened. Her eyes danced wilder than her body, and her mouth locked in a grin wide enough to swallow Thunder the Wonder Horse. I didn't know if it was from our performance or from the sound of money rustling in the air. Me? I was loving the whole thing.

  We finished the set to deafening applause, Lyle's voice over the speakers demanding that the customers give it up for us. And they did—the money flowed like blood from an artery. Intoxicated from the cash and the sexual tension in the show-room, I gathered my clothes and the tips while mentally clapping my hands for joy.

  Offstage, Faith and I giggled on our way back to the dressing room, where we'd squeeze into thin gowns and get ready to work the floor. "Oh my God," she said around her giddy laughter, "I think we're rich!"

  We bustled into the small room. By the vanity table, Lorelei wrinkled her nose at us. "Holy shit, is that all your stage tips?"

  "You bet," Faith laughed. "The guys loved us! I can't wait to get my ass back out there, get going in the VIP room."

  "Uh-uh," Lorelei said. "I already got me a date in the VIP room in five. I'll be there for at least an hour. Use the lounge."

  I sauntered over to the worn sofa and dumped my pile onto the cushion as Faith and Lorelei dickered over who got dibs on the VIP suite. Ooh, look at all the lovely dead presidents. Opening my purse, I stuffed wads of singles, fives, and tens inside. I'd count later. For now, I just wanted the money put away, and some clothing temporarily put on. After that smoking set, the crowd would be eager for my affection. And as long as the money beckoned, I'd be happy to oblige.

  Because let's face it: This would have to be my last foray into the land of the exotic dance. It was one thing to take a chance when I was protected by the shieldstone and still flighty from my transformation into a mortal. Now, with a couple of days of experience and lacking the peridot, I knew better. Hell would be sniffing out all such human temples of Lust. I was lucky in that only three entities knew my location, two of which were (sort of) on my side, and the third was licking its wounds.

  So tonight would be the money shot. Tonight would be my blaze of glory as a Seducer before I walked away from that life completely.

  Can you do it? my little voice asked. Can you really turn your back on all of this?

  Sweetie, I told my pathetic conscience, it's not like I'm becoming a nun. I'll still have sex. But seduction-as-occupation would have to go.

  It's who you are, the voice insisted.

  Maybe, I admitted. But if I'm going to survive, I have to do what I must.

  We all do what we must, the voice whispered. Jezzie's finally growing up.

  My heart lodged in my throat, and my purse slipped from my numb fingers. Meg?

  Hey, girl.

  Oh fuck me. All along, it's been you in my head?

  In my mind, I felt Meg shrug. Sometimes. I had to keep tabs on you.

  I didn't know if I was relieved not to have a conscience after all, or if I was pissed off at Meg's invasion of my privacy. Bubbles of disappointment rolled in my stomach. Bless me… I couldn't possibly be upset that I didn't have a stupid voice helping me think things through, could I?

  Someone parted the black curtain that walled off the dressing room, but no one entered. "Knock, knock. You girls decent in there?"

  Faith and Lorelei exchanged a look before the redhead called out, "Roman, since when you ever worry about whether we're decent? Your day's not complete unless you cop a feel."

  A warm chuckle from the other side of the curtain, then: "I'm a whole new person. What do you say, love? Can I come in?"

  Faith frowned. "Shit, maybe Dickhead really did find religion. That's just not like him."

  "Maybe he got himself a good screwing," Lorelei said, eyeing me.

  I ignored her. Meg? You still there?

  Nothing. Crap, crap, crap. A headache knocking between my eyes, I sighed as I tucked myself into the white sequined bra. "Hang on a sec, Roman."

  "Take your time, love."

  Faith shook her head as she shrugged into her white gown. "I'm te
lling you, he's found God."

  That made me chuckle.

  "All right," Faith said as she zipped up. "We're covered. Come on in."

  The curtain parted, and Roman strode inside, beaming from ear to ear. "I just had to tell you both that your act was hot. Good stuff, loves. Shame we lost Jemma, she's more your coloring, Faith. Now that would've been a fabulous mirror image." He smiled and shook his head.

  I wondered about the casual mention of Jemma. Was Daun trying to tell me something? Or was Roman really in charge, with the incubus staying below the radar?

  "Yeah, and I hear some guys're really into snuff," Faith said with a frown. "Me, dance with that psycho? I don't think so."

  Lorelei had the same reaction. "You fired her ass, right?"

  Roman spread his hands wide, helpless as a baby rattler. "She's sick, girls. Once she's clean, I'm sure she'll be a real asset to the club."

  "Really fucking charitable," Lorelei muttered.

  "Told you," Roman purred. "I'm a new man. Anyway, good show. Lorelei, aren't you due in the VIP room?"

  "I'm going," she said, grabbing her purse and giving her dress one final tug. How her boobs stayed covered was anyone's guess. If I hadn't known better, I would've sworn there was a levitation spell on her cleavage.

  Roman's gaze wandered over my body. "You look good in white," he said. "Pure. I like that."

  Faith glanced at me. "You coming out to do the tables?"

  "Be right there," I said, picking up a red gown. "Just got to slip this on."

  "You go ahead," Roman said to Faith, his eyes not leaving mine. "I need a word with Jezebel anyway."

  Frowning deeply, Faith strolled out.

  As soon as she left, Roman's eyes gleamed red. "You've got to hurry up, babes. Your case is all over the Underworld. I heard Rosey and Berry going at it, gloating over who would be the one to bring you in. Rumor has it that He's getting ready to send the Hounds out on you."

  My eyes widened at the word. Hell Hounds. That was code for the Furies. My body went ice cold, and I sat down hard on the sofa.

  "It's not too late," Daun said, his voice as soft as a caress.

  "Come back with me now. Maybe claim the Rapture took you, or some celestial bullshit like that. He'd buy it."

  Biting my lip, I shook my head. "No. I won't go back to that. I can't."

  "Maybe He'll reassign you."

  "He won't. You know it. And it's not just that anymore." Rubbing my arms didn't bring me any warmth. "Knowing the truth behind everything… I can't go back there, Daun. Not with Him in charge."

  "Why? Does knowing the truth really change things that much?"

  "Yes!" I stood up and paced, my heels making angry clicks on the bare floor. "It changes everything. Before, every creature had its place, its role. Its purpose. Now everything's all fucked up, and nothing makes sense. I don't know what to believe anymore."

  "Believe? What does belief have to do with anything? You're not some flesh puppet born on the mortal coil, in for a short trip before moving on to the next stop. You're a demon, no matter what form you're wearing. You know better."

  My voice a whisper, I said, "Not anymore I don't."

  I felt him watching me. Turning to face him, I saw confusion in his red-rimmed eyes. "What's the issue, babes? So some of the roles changed. New jobs, same company."

  "No, bless me, it's not the same company at all!" Hearing my words echoing, I realized that I'd been shouting. Clenching my teeth, I lowered my voice. "It's not the same."

  "Maybe you weren't really paying attention during the Announcement," Daun said. "It is the same. And maybe that's what's got you all in a bunch."

  Glaring at him, I said, "What're you—"

  The look of surprise on his face killed my voice. Surprise turned to fear, and he shouted, "Run, Jez! She's coming! She's coming for—"

  His words stretched into a screech. Roman's body flew backward as if a truck had plowed into it. He crashed into the bathroom door and landed in a heap, his body jittering. The stink of rotten eggs made my eyes water as I cried his name.

  Dashing to his side, I helped him up. He shook his head, wiped away spittle from his lips. "Holy shit, what happened to me?"

  Roman's voice, not Daun's.

  Something had torn Daunuan out of Roman's body.

  Chapter 24

  Belles (III)

  "Jezebel? Love, you've gone pale. I'm the one that passed out. What's wrong with you?"

  Dazed, I helped Roman to his feet. Very few entities were strong enough to pull a demon out of its host. Usually it required something that repelled the nefarious; holy water was a biggie, as was silver and iron. But that was all on the host's end of the equation—an exorcist used the repellent to banish the malefic presence.

  For something to rip a demon from its host without such a tool, that required power. And lots of it.

  My heart pounding, I started shoving my borrowed clothes into the two bags that Faith had given me. I had to leave. Now.


  I brushed Roman aside to grab the black trench coat and pull it on. No time to change. My throat constricted, and for a moment I couldn't breathe. Don't panic, I told myself. If you panic, you die. Just pick up your bags, like that, sling the purse over your shoulder, like that, and leave.

  Two steps to the curtain, Roman's hand on my shoulder stopped me. "Love, where're you going? And in such a hurry?"

  Shrugging out of his grasp, I said, "No time. Got to go."

  Suddenly Paul was in the doorway, blocking my path. For a moment I thought it was Daun wearing his form again, and I nearly hugged him in relief. But there was nothing red about his stormy green eyes. All in black, a bulky vest covered his torso. Brandishing an open wallet with a picture of a shield in one hand, and a gun in the other, he stared hard at Roman.

  "Police! Roman Tuvell, you're under arrest for operating a house of ill-repute. Put your hands where I can see them."

  I nearly tripped over my jaw as it hit the floor. Before I could ask what the fuck was going on, Roman shoved me right into Paul, then pushed past me and took off like a Banshee, screaming his damn head off.

  Paul wrestled me off of him, cursing under his breath. Barely sparing me a glance, he said, "You okay?"

  "Yeah, but—"

  "Good. Stay here." Then he took off in a sprint.

  For a moment, I just blinked, trying to process what just happened. Then I decided that it didn't matter; getting out of Belles, pronto, was the only item on the agenda. Grabbing my bags, I trotted down the hallway to the showroom floor, where I froze.

  INXS blared from the speakers, but onstage Circe wasn't moving to "Pretty Vegas." She and the fifty some-odd patrons in the audience were all watching the six men dressed in black, with oversized blue vests and shiny black guns. Faith, paler than her white gown, stood next to a group of businessmen by table six. Joey, Ben, and the two cocktail waitresses hovered by the bar, where two bartenders stood looking like they'd been poleaxed. Marching down the stairs, two men firmly escorted a nude, squirming Lorelei and a worried-looking man (also naked as a jaybird, but his feet weren't in stilettos) toward the exit. Dalton followed, followed by still another man in black.

  Rooted to the spot, I spotted two more men in black as they led Momma across the showroom floor, coming from the direction of Roman's office. Look at that, she'd been here all along. Momma looked mad enough to spit fire, but she held her head high… until she saw me.

  "You," she hissed, her eyes glowing red. In the split second it took me to understand that Lillith had possessed Momma, she lunged at one of the two men and snatched his gun.


  Next to her, the other man screamed, "Drop it!"

  I dove to the ground as two guns fired.

  Hitting the floor, I scrambled behind one of the tables. My heart jackhammered and blood roared in my ears, yet I heard everything around me clearly—the men with guns yelling, the frightened shouts of the other people assembled in the ro
om, JD Fortune's sultry voice telling us all that the party was over and the road was long. Footsteps thudded on the floor as a group of customers went for the exit; footsteps screeched to a halt when the men with guns ordered them to stop. The terrified yammering of the humans pitched high, like a mosquito's whine. Biting my lip, I took a slow, deep breath to try and calm myself down enough to think, and…

  Unholy Hell.

  The sharp, sweet smell of blood filled my nostrils. Even as I recoiled from the odor, a deeper part stretched up and grinned, relishing the scent as I ummmed.

  No matter how I tried, wanted, to be human, how I fooled myself into thinking that a witch's brew could completely transform me into a mortal, my reaction to the bloodshed proved that at my core, I was still a creature of the Pit. Tears of despair streamed down my face, the salty water mingling with my nervous sweat.

  Enough of the game, my core whispered. Shed your mortal costume.

  No! I covered my ears with my hands, opened my mouth and screamed.

  This is a temple of Lust. Blood and sex ride the air; music thrums along your flesh. Touch your power and revel in the destruction to come. Be a demon once more.


  Ripping my heels from my feet, I grabbed my purse and tore ass out of the showroom. Behind me, the men with guns yelled something, but I didn't listen. I had to escape, to flee before my willpower faded and I surrendered to the desire bubbling within me.

  The scorpion will always sting, King Lucifer whispered in my mind. That's its nature.

  Blindly, I ran down the hallway and threw open the glass doors to Belles. Outside, a group of police cars waited, lights pulsing red in the night like a demon's baleful gaze. Breathing hard, I took a moment to see where there was a gap between the patrolling officers and the curious bystanders, and I took off like a shot. Behind me, someone called my name, but I kept running.


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