Passion & Lies (Undercover Love Series Book 4)

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Passion & Lies (Undercover Love Series Book 4) Page 6

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Miles looked down at Sarah. “Let’s get you to sleep because when your mommy comes back she’s going to give daddy a hummer.”

  “Dane, is lasagna your favorite food?”

  “Yes, lasagna is one of them.”

  “Mine is ravioli.”

  “Those are good too.”

  “I like chocolate cake. Do you like chocolate cake or vanilla or lemon or strawberry or pie?”

  “I love them all. My favorite one though is warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream.”

  “Do you like plain milk or chocolate milk?”

  “Molly, Dane said he’d come sit with you, not play fifty questions.”

  “It’s ok. I don’t mind.”

  “So what’s your answer plain or chocolate milk?”


  “Mommy and I like chocolate milk too.”

  “Molly, I’ll be right back I want to go and get your birthday present from the car.”

  “But why? Aren’t you coming to my party tomorrow?”

  “I have to leave on business as soon as my boss calls. So I want to give you your present now, in case he calls. If that’s ok with your mom?”

  “Please, Mommy?”

  “Ok.” Lacey never looked at Dane she just continued smiling at Molly.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “Ryan, I need you.”

  “You ok?”

  “I leaned over to pack a box and before I knew it, I threw up in the box.”

  “Oh, Love.” Ryan hugged Faith.

  “I’m sorry. I just feel so sick. I shouldn’t be feeling sick anymore.”

  “Maybe you should call the doctor in the morning.”

  “That’s a good idea.”

  “You go rest. I’ll clean up the box mess and then I’ll make you some ginger tea.”

  “How did I get so lucky.”

  “I’m the lucky one, Faith.”

  Faith dropped down onto the couch and rubbed her belly. “Hey in there, it’s your Mommy, can you please calm down the nausea for me.”

  Dane walked back to the table carrying Molly’s present. As he sat the restaurant owner and the staff came over to the table singing happy birthday to Molly. The owner placed down a big chocolate cake with pink candles in front of Molly.

  Molly’s smile was so wide. Lacey had tears in her eyes from seeing Molly look so happy.

  Dane leaned over and whispered in Molly’s ear. “Make a wish, Princess.”

  Molly squeezed her eyes closed and when she opened them she blew out the candles and then everyone clapped.

  Lacey looked at the owner. “Thank you for doing this for Molly.”

  “Oh, don’t thank me. Mr. Carlton is the one responsible for the cake and he paid your dinner bill.”

  Lacey looked at Dane. “Dane…”

  “Not now, Lacey.” Dane knew Lacey was going to demand that she pay him back for her dinner and he didn’t want Molly’s evening to be ruined.

  “Can I have my present now?”

  “You sure can.” Dane handed Molly the gift bag.

  Molly reached into the bag and pulled out the cutest teddy bear. He had on a red ball cap and a green shirt. “Oh, Dane, he is so cute.” Molly got down from her chair and she hugged Dane. “I love him.”

  Dane was getting all choked up. He needed to suck it up and in a hurry before he got all teary eyed. He cleared his throat. “I’m happy that you love him. So what are you going to name him?”

  “Hmmm.” Molly inspected the bear, hugged it, kissed it and then she smiled. “Would it be ok if I called him Dirk, like my daddy?”

  Lacey wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “I think that Dirk is a perfect name for your bear, Molly.”

  Molly kissed her bear and then she hugged Dane again. “Thank you so much, Dane, this is one of the best days I’ve ever had.”

  “Me too, Molly.”

  “All good things must come to an end.”

  “I think that means it’s time to go home to bed.” Molly rolled her eyes. Dane stood up, pushed in his chair and then he knelt down. “Give me a hug.”

  Molly hugged Dane. “Dane, if you don’t leave for work will you come tomorrow?”

  “If I’m here I will come, but Molly, I don’t want you to be upset if I’m not there. I’m probably leaving in the morning. That’s why I wanted to make tonight special like our own party.”

  “I liked our own party.”

  “Me too.”

  Molly gave Dane another squeeze and then a kiss on his cheek. Dane stood up. He glanced over at Lacey who he caught staring at him. He walked over to where Lacey was seated and looked down at her. “Take care of yourself.”

  “You too.”

  FAITH WATCHED RYAN AS he stood there blinking at the doctor. He couldn’t process what she had just said.

  “Ryan, maybe you should sit down.” The doctor sat Ryan down.

  Faith started to cry. “I don’t know what to say.”

  The doctor rubbed Faith’s back. “Faith, it will be ok, I promise.”

  Ryan rubbed his face. “But how did this happen?”

  “I blame you, Ryan.” Faith wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “I’m going to give you two a few minutes.” The doctor left the room.

  Ryan got up and hugged Faith. “Faith, Baby, I’m sorry.”

  “You’re not happy?”

  “I thought that you were upset.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Faith, you immediately started crying.”

  “Happy tears, Ryan.”

  “So you’re not upset?”

  “The only thing that could possibly be better than having your baby would be to have two. I’ve never been happier.” Faith smiled.

  “YESSSSS!” Ryan hugged Faith and then kissed her.

  “You have a minute?”

  “Dane, come in. I thought you took off already?”

  “I’m on my way out now.”

  Miguel stood up and walked over to Dane. “What’s going on?”

  “I have a bad feeling about this one.”

  “Then don’t go.”

  “I have to go, Migs, it’s what I do.”

  “So then why are you here? What can I do?”

  Dane handed Miguel an envelope. “I need you to hang on to this in case…”

  “Is this what I think it is?”

  Dane nodded. “If I don’t make it back can you give that to Lacey.”

  Miguel looked up at Dane. “I’m guessing she has no idea that you’re leaving her everything.”

  “No, and I’d like to keep it that way.”


  “I have to get out of here.”

  Miguel grabbed Dane and hugged him. “Watch your back.”

  “Thank you for always being there for me.”


  “Alex! Alex! Alex!”

  Alex barely had time to turn around before Faith tackle hugged her. “What in the world, Faith?”

  “Hey, Sis!”

  Alex peeled Faith off her and then looked between Faith and her brother. “Ok, so first the baby, then the house…now what?”

  Ryan smiled and kissed Faith’s cheek. “We just came from the doctor.”

  “Oh! So is it a boy or a girl?”

  Faith grabbed Alex’s hands. “Both!”

  Alex opened her eyes wide. “Twins?”

  Faith nodded and Alex started jumping up and down with Faith. “OH MY GOD!”

  “Hey, what about me? I helped make them.”

  Alex looked at Ryan and laughed. She let go of Faith’s hands and she hugged her brother. “Ry, I’m so happy for you.”

  “I’ve never been so happy.”

  “What’s going on here?”

  Alex turned to Miguel. “We’re having twins!”

  Miguel stopped dead in his tracks and gasped. “What?”

  Alex realized what she said. “NO! Not us. Faith and Ryan.”

Miguel let out his breath. “Congratulations!” Miguel shook Ryan’s hand and then he kissed Faith on her cheek.

  Dane exited the elevator and Lacey was standing right in front of him. “Good morning.”

  “You’re still here.”

  “For another hour.”

  “I see.” Lacey looked down.

  “I had a good time last night…with Molly.”

  “She was still talking about it this morning. Thank you for making her birthday special.”

  “My pleasure. She’s a great kid.”

  “Well, I better get to work.” Lacey stepped into the elevator.

  Dane wanted to hug her, to kiss her one last time but instead he shoved his hands into his pockets knowing it would be less painful to walk away. “Goodbye, Lacey.”

  Lacey stared at Dane as the elevator doors closed.

  Miles sat down, put up his feet and Miguel walked in. “Get your feet off my table.”

  “Sorry, Migs.”

  Miguel looked at Miles. “Jeez, you look like crap.”

  “Cruz is teething and every time he woke up crying he woke up Sarah.”

  “Ok, put your feet back up and I’ll ask Lacey to make you some strong coffee.”

  “Thanks, Migs.”

  Miguel stuck his head out his office door. “Lacey, would you mind making Miles a cup of extra strong coffee.”

  “I’m on it. One extra strong coming right up.”

  “Thank you, Lacey.” Miguel closed the door and then sat down across from Miles.

  “You don’t look so good either, Migs.”

  “I’m worried about Dane.”


  “He said he had a bad feeling about this assignment.”

  “That doesn’t sound like Dane. He’s usually the reckless one with no fear.”

  “Yeah, I guess that’s what has me so worried.”

  “Did he say why he had concerns?”

  “No, but I’m sure it has to do with Smitts.”

  “I have a lot of respect for Simmons but what the hell with his kid!”

  “I know. It’s almost as if his hands are tied or something. It’s obvious that he isn’t happy with his performance or lack thereof.”

  “Maybe he’s afraid of his wife?”

  “I can’t imagine that he’d be intimidated by any woman.”

  “My wife scares the hell out of me.” Miles laughed.

  Miguel shook his head as he laughed. “You know, my wife is quite scary too.”

  “Look, whatever it is, Smitts is there for now whether we want him or not.”

  “I know I just hope that he doesn’t get Dane killed.”

  “Oh my God!”

  Miguel looked up to see a horrified Lacey. “Lacey, we were just bull shitting. I’m sure that Dane will be fine.”

  “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop; I was just coming in to deliver Miles his coffee.”

  “It’s ok, Lacey.”

  Miles took the coffee. “Thank you, Lacey.”

  “You’re welcome.” Lacey turned to leave.


  Lacey turned back toward Miguel. “Yes.”

  “Don’t worry about Dane, he can take care of himself.”

  Lacey nodded before walking out the door.

  “Migs, I hope you’re right.”

  “Yeah, me too, Miles.”

  Dane climbed onto the jet, dropped his bags and poured himself a drink.

  “I could use one of those.”

  Dane refilled his glass and then poured one for Jakey. “Here you go, Buddy.”

  Jakey grabbed his drink, held it up and tapped it against Dane’s. “To us, may we make it back home.”

  “You have a bad feeling about this too?”

  “I was hoping it was just me who had a case of bad vibes.”

  “No. I’ve been feeling rattled. Something just isn’t right.”

  “And I think it has to do with Smitts.”

  “I agree.”

  “You don’t think that Simmons is sending him out with us again after what happened last time, do you?”

  “I don’t know what to expect, honestly. Simmons never would have allowed any of us to fuck up like Smitts has. Either Simmons is going soft or Smitts has something on him.”

  “I can’t see Simmons going soft, not ever. He’s a hard ass.”

  “I know but what’s the alternative? God, if Smitts has something on Simmons it has to be huge.” Dane grabbed the bottle and sat down.

  Jakey placed his glass down and sat back in his seat. “Maybe after this mission we need to figure out what the hell is really going on.”

  “Yeah.” Dane took a swig of his drink.

  Three months later…


  Faith gasped as she looked around at all her friends and family. “Oh my God!”

  Alex came over and hugged Faith. “I want you to know that Ryan planned all of this himself.”

  Faith looked over at Ryan. “You did this?”

  Ryan smiled a huge smile. “I wanted you to have the best baby shower ever.”

  “I love you, Mr. D.”

  “Ok, enough of this mushy crap. Let’s get this party started.”

  Faith proceeded to greet all of her guests that is until she needed to use the bathroom. She opened the bathroom door and almost hit Lacey. “Oh, Lacey, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s ok, you didn’t hit me.”

  “I feel so large and awkward these days.”

  “Umm, you don’t have to remind me.”

  “Thank goodness it only lasts for nine months.”

  “Well with twins, chances are you won’t have to wait that long.”

  “I just want to hold them.”

  Lacey smiled. “There is no better feeling than holding your baby for the first time.”

  “Oh and I get to hold two at once.” Faith smiled a huge smile.

  “I’m pretty sure Ryan will want to hold them too. I remember how excited Dirk was when Molly was born. There’s nothing like seeing the man you love holding his child in his arms.” Lacey tried to hold back the tears but they rolled down her cheeks.

  “Oh Lacey, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s ok. I just get emotional from time to time.”

  “I understand. I’m always here for you if you want to talk…except now because if I don’t pee I’m going to wet myself.” Faith started to undo her pants while she did the pee pee dance into the bathroom stall.

  Lacey chuckled. “Thank you, Faith.”

  “I’ll be out in a minute!”

  “Ok, I’ll see you out there.”

  “I don’t know, it’s been almost three weeks and no word from Dane.”

  “I called Simmons and he hasn’t heard from Dane or Jakey.”

  “Migs, I thought about…”

  “I did too but our families have to come first and Dane would be the first person to agree.”

  “I know but he’s family too and now…”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Hey, Sis.” Miguel wrapped his arm around Eden’s waist and kissed her forehead.

  “I know you both well enough to know that something is going on here.”

  “Baby, we were discussing Dane.”

  “Did you hear something?”


  Eden looked between Miles and Miguel. “You want to go look for him, don’t you?”

  Miguel stepped back from Eden. “Eden…”

  “Baby, before you get all upset…”

  “I am upset.”

  “We’re not going anywhere. I made a promise to you.”

  Eden hugged Miles. “I love Dane but I love you more.”

  Lacey sat at the table helping Alex make Faith a hat out of ribbons and bows. “Some of the other wives on base made me a crown at Molly’s shower.”

  “Oh a crown! Faith would probably rather have a crown than a hat.”

  “Whatcha doing over here?” Faith giggled.

; “Faith! You were supposed to stay at your table.”

  “My table isn’t any fun. The guys are all talking about Da…” Faith stopped herself.

  Alex looked up at her. “Faith!”

  “It’s ok. You can say his name.”

  “I wasn’t thinking.” Faith pulled out a chair and sat down.

  Lacey reached her hand over and placed it onto Faith’s. “We can’t pretend that Dane doesn’t exist.”

  “I know, but you’ve been through enough, Lacey. You shouldn’t have to worry about him too.”

  “Miguel and Miles are worried?”

  Faith nodded. “They are.”

  Lacey got up. “Would you excuse me.”

  “GET UP!”

  Dane looked up from the cold concrete floor. “No!”

  A steel toed boot gave Dane a couple of swift kicks in the ribs. “I SAID GET UP!”

  Dane managed to get up onto his knees and then stand. He was filthy and hadn’t eaten in days. “Why don’t you just kill us and get it over with?”

  “Get your friend up. We have to move on.”

  Dane leaned down and extended his hand to Jakey. “Come on.”

  Jakey grabbed onto Dane’s hand. “We have to take him down.”

  “Walk and no funny business or I’ll put a bullet in each of your heads.”

  Dane and Jakey practically held each other up while they managed to follow the man outside.

  Once they were outside Jakey came to a stop. “I’m done. I can’t walk anymore.”

  The man turned and put the gun against Jakey’s head. “Don’t be a dick! Get into the fucking truck.”

  Jakey walked toward the man. Another man jumped out of the truck. Dane punched the man in the face knocking him to the ground. Then he grabbed Jakey and pushed him back. “Get out of here!”


  Dane jumped in front of Jakey to shield him from the second guy who came at them with a bat. “Dammit! GO!”

  Jakey got into the truck and took off. He made it as far as the main road before passing out at the wheel and driving into a ravine.

  Miguel and Miles both got emergency alerts at the same time. Miguel jumped up. “I’ll be right back.”


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