Dark Menace MC: Stone

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Dark Menace MC: Stone Page 17

by Tory Richards

  “Hey, Prez, you eye-fucking my candy?” Max came up behind me, and as I straightened from the table he wrapped his arms around my middle and nuzzled the back of my neck. “You smell good enough to eat, babe.”

  I pulled away from him. “I have to get back to work.”

  “I’ll see you in our room later,” he said, clarifying where I’d be sleeping. Maddie would probably be asleep long before the end of my shift, anyway. I could see her in the morning.

  I was standing at the bar talking to Ty when Rita waltzed into the room. Ohmygod! The woman had to be the biggest slut ever, and she’d come undressed for action of the sexual kind. Her long, bottle blond hair was swinging free, the color of her scarlet heels matching her sheer thong, which showed off her shaved pussy, and the tiny little triangles that just covered her nipples. Her fake boobs barely moved as she swayed her hips over to Stone’s table.

  There was no way I was going to be able to hang around for this. I knew the expression I turned on Ty was desperation. “Ty—” I headed toward the kitchen door.

  “Wait.” He halted my progress with a hand, his gaze on what was going on behind me. Finally he said, “Look.”

  Releasing a huff because he’d guessed why I was leaving, I turned. Rita went straight to Stone, a huge smile on her painted lips, and began to sit down on his lap when he said something that stopped her. Her smile faded slightly, she looked like she was about to get mad, when Stone nodded towards the man I’d dubbed “handsome biker.” The next minute she made her way to him and planted her ass on his lap.

  “How did you know?” I asked Ty.

  “It’s something the Prez has done in the past when he’s done with a sweetbutt that he’s used exclusively for a long time, like that bitch. Tells her that her time is up and he’s moved on for good. He might fuck her again, casually, but that’s all.”

  “I thought that Rita had already slept with other men,” I said with confusion, recalling the other night when she’d slept with Ripper.

  “Yeah, but Prez probably doesn’t know that, and probably wouldn’t give a fuck if he found out. When you came along, the way Prez eye-fucked you, we all knew Rita’s days were numbered. She knew it, too.”

  I glanced back to see Rita rubbing all up against Handsome Biker, his hands all over her, yet at the same time his interest was clearly focused on what was being discussed at the table.

  “Well, I didn’t last long, he’s already moved on to—” I stopped before saying Trudy’s name, even though I knew that he knew because he’d been present. “Ty, I’m sorry, I—”

  He shrugged. “Looks like you’re needed.”

  I followed his gaze to see a man waving me over. Pasting on a smile, I made my way over to his booth, took his order, and filled it. I managed to avoid going back to Stone’s table and finished out my shift. By the time twelve o’clock came I was exhausted, but seeing that he was still occupied with his friends, I decided that now was a good time to retrieve what few items I still had in his room. Our eyes met and clung, something dark and dangerous flickered in his before his gaze dropped down my body in a lazy sweep.

  His smoldering look made me hot, but I ignored him and his look and continued on my way.

  Chapter 20


  Son of a bitch! Rachel and leather together spiked my libido to depraved heights. The beast in me wanted to bend her over a table, yank up what little skirt she had on, and put on a show that would make me the envy of every other brother in there. I’d bang her so long and so hard that she wouldn’t be able to work the rest of her shift. Fuck!

  She was hot, and I was horny from watching her bend her sweet ass over all night while serving drinks. At other times, when she was facing me, I’d caught glimpses of creamy flesh between the laces of her top. The tight leather hugged her full breasts like a fucking second skin, exposing mouth-watering mounds that swelled over the top. I’d had to adjust myself several times, trying to rearrange my aching dick.

  Christ, it hadn’t even been a full fucking day and already I wanted to take back my anger-induced words and force her back into my bed. As she sashayed her way toward me I watched the seductive sway of her hips, the bounce of her tits, and the length of her sexy legs in those fucking heels. Her hair, which looked like it was about to fall down around her shoulders at any moment, managed to remain up, and the silky mess was calling for me to lose my fingers in it.

  The goings on between Rita and Skid drew my attention briefly. Rita was doing everything within her power to get him to fuck her right there at the table. I felt nothing looking at her nearly naked body, even though she made sure to draw my attention to her every once in a while, hoping to make me jealous. That was never going to happen, I didn’t care enough to get jealous.

  My gaze sought out Rachel again as I lifted my glass and drained it. She was walking our way, and I knew it was the end of her shift. We made eye contact briefly, but I was more interested in her fucking sexy body in that leather dress than her eyes. My dick reminded me that it was still hard, and I reminded myself that I could still fuck her if I really wanted to, in spite of her having been claimed by Max.

  It didn’t matter what my reasons were. Shit, the whole situation was fucked up. I should take a sweetbutt to my room just to relieve myself. I counted Rita out, but there was still Rhonda and Lulu, done with waiting tables now, and Trudy and Sissy were getting done at the stripper poles. Trudy was out, too. After looking the other girls over I realized that they did nothing for me, and my dick started to deflate.

  That was a first.

  Fuck this!

  I got up. “I’m done for the night.”

  No other woman but Rachel would do. I had to get her the fuck out of my system before I went fucking insane. Walking down the hallway, I paused outside of Max’s door. I was about to knock when the sounds from inside revealed the room was definitely occupied, and from the moaning and cries I guessed that there was a fuck session going on. Oh, hell no! I actually turned the doorknob before reminding myself that I had no right to interrupt them.

  Shit. I’d made my bed, now I had to lay in it, and it left a bitter fucking taste in my mouth. So, it looked like Max had really claimed Rachel for his old lady. I stood there for a moment, clenching my teeth, when I heard their moans of pleasure. The urge to storm in there, beat the shit out of Max and force Rachel back into my bed was so strong that I was afraid. I moved away from the door and headed to my room before it was too late and I’d made a fool out of myself.

  The first thing I saw when I pushed the door open was the clothes on my bed, and then Rachel bending over an open drawer. What the fuck? I knew she couldn’t be in two places at once, and the fact that Max was obviously banging someone else in his room wasn’t my concern. I was secretly ecstatic that it wasn’t Rachel. My deflated dick jerked to attention in record time.

  I purposely slammed the door shut, getting the expected reaction when she let out a small shriek and stood up. Our eyes locked, and something in mine must have warned Rachel what kind of mood I was in. By the time her gaze checked out the front of my pants my dick was in full fuck mode. She gasped and took a step back, but the arousal in her eyes belied her actions.

  “I was just getting the rest of my things,” she explained. “Max—”

  “Is in his room fucking a sweetbutt.” She didn’t look surprised, which told me she’d probably done the same thing I had.

  “That’s okay. I’m spending the night with Maddie.” She picked up her few things from the bed and I could tell that she was planning to make a fucking run for it.

  “You don’t care that he’s fucking someone else?”

  “Why should I? I’m not like you, Stone. I don’t just fuck for the sake of it, and besides, I’m too tired to care about anything right now.”

  I didn’t want to let her go, but I did. Fucking her would do more damage than good. Releasing a heavy breath, I stripped and went to bed.


  I cried myself to sleep, hating myself for being weak, hating Stone for being strong. He was such a prick! If his decision to toss me to the wolves was affecting him in any way, he wasn’t showing it. Yeah, I’d seen his hard-on, it would have been hard to miss. I was only glad I’d been able to disguise my reaction to it, because even as tired as I was, my libido had jumped from zero to a hundred in a second flat. The man turned me horny with just a glance.

  I was thankful that Maddie was sound asleep when I entered her room. I nudged her and she scooted over with a low, protesting mumble, but remained sleeping. I spent the night on the edge of the bed and woke the next morning a little stiff, and surprisingly alone. Once I realized that Maddie was gone, I panicked and jumped from the bed. Jerking the door open, I rushed from the room and dashed down the hallway to the bar.

  Thank, God! I came to an abrupt halt when I entered the room and saw her sitting at a table having breakfast with a couple of the girls, along with Reggie, Bulldog, Pit Bull, Max, and Shooter. Instant relief had me smiling at everyone as they all stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

  “God, Maddie, when I woke and you weren’t there I panicked.”

  She smiled shyly. “Reggie came to get me, he thought I might like breakfast. He didn’t know we were sharing a room, and you were sleeping so soundly—”

  Maddie’s voice faded away as I digested what she was saying. I glanced at the big, hairy biker, but nothing on his serious expression gave anything away as to what he might be thinking. Now that I thought about it, he’d been very attentive to Maddie since our rescue the day before, and he’d even carried her to her room. Was he interested in her? I glanced back at Maddie, but she seemed oblivious, and besides, it would be a while before she would be interested in men again.

  “As you can see, she’s alright, babe.” There was a big smile on Max’s face. “Not too sure about the rest of us though, seeing as you’re almost naked.”

  I glanced down at myself. Shit! He’s right. I’d been so worried about Maddie that I’d rushed from the room in only my thong and a cropped t-shirt. I resisted the urge to flee and forced a small smile. “I, ah, guess I’d, ah, better go get dressed.” I backed out of the room amongst their friendly laughter, and when I was out of sight spun around, slamming right into Stone.

  He grunted.

  I gasped sharply.

  His hands grasped my upper arms, my hands went to his naked chest.

  His gaze raked down my body like a predator sizing up edible prey. Another grunt followed, only this time it came from me as he pushed me up against the wall. Our breathing grew harsher, seemingly loud in the narrow hallway. The smoldering fire in his eyes captured and held mine. My blood caught fire with the volcanic heat spreading through my body. I felt the pulse in my throat throb with the same violent tempo in my core. Everything was happening so fast that my mind couldn’t catch up to my rampant emotions. The world was spinning, but I was held in place by something far more dangerous than Stone’s hard grip.

  He swooped down, catching and swallowing the words I’d been about to utter. I opened my mouth wider, accepting his punishing kiss, his thrusting tongue, and the bite of his hunger. I felt his hands slide down my shoulders and back, over the curve of my rump, taking the naked flesh in his hands. With little effort he lifted me up against him, and I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist. I bit down on his bottom lip and ground myself against his erection.

  More grunts followed and then we were moving. I had little doubt that Stone was taking us to his room. He opened the door and kicked it closed, taking me to his bed. I expected him to drop me, only he paused at the edge and pulled away. Eyes clinging, breaths mingling, I felt his fingers at the bottom of my t-shirt. In a flash, he was lifting it off me and tossing it. Then he lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth, rolling it and sucking it hard.

  I threw my head back and cried out softly when he sank his teeth into me. A bolt of pain traveled down my body, gradually dimming into fucking pleasure by the time it reached my clit. He repeated the same action on my other breast, the feeling so intense that I thought I was going to come. He kissed me again roughly, growling deep in his throat.

  “Damn you,” he rasped when he was done, his expression taut with an emotion he couldn’t control. He kissed me again. “You’ve been fucking with my head since the first time I took your sassy mouth.” He dropped me onto the bed, watching my breasts bounce. His hands made quick work of slipping off his cut and t-shirt. “You’re damned lucky Max claimed you.”

  I was watching his hands go to his belt, raising my eyes at his comment. “No, you are,” I said with cocky assurance. We both knew what the outcome would have been had Max not claimed me.

  Stone hesitated, weighing my words. The corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk. “Yeah, baby, maybe I am.” With a flick of his fingers he unsnapped his jeans and then yanked the zipper down, kicking off his boots at the same time.

  “How do you know Max didn’t fuck me?”

  Again Stone hesitated, his thumbs inside his jeans as he’d been about to push them down. He looked as if he were running through different scenarios in his head before finally asking, “Did he?”

  I shook my head.

  “And he won’t get the chance to, either.” He pushed his jeans down and stepped out of them.

  He dove at me, literally, covering my body with his. I felt his hands at my thong and he tore it away without any problem. In the next instant his mouth was kissing its way down my body, leaving me twisting and clenching my hands in the sheets beneath us. He spent time where it mattered, nibbling and teasing my breasts while his hands roamed up and down my sides. He nibbled and licked down my ribcage, over the roundness of my belly, over my pelvic bone to the curls beneath.

  I watched as long as I could, my head dropping back to the bed with gasps of pleasure. Stone tugged at my hair, burrowing beneath the hood protecting my clitoris to the knot beneath. When he flattened his tongue over it and applied pressure I went through a series of mini orgasms that took total control of my body. Crying out and convulsing, there was nothing else I could do but enjoy the ride.

  I could feel Stone’s smile against my pussy when after a little while he continued to explore my swollen labia, which put his nose in direct contact with my sensitive clit. I jerked and twitched beneath him, but he held me down and fucked me with his hot, piercing tongue, going in as deep and as hard as he could. He was relentless, uncaring when the sensitivity got to be too much and I could barely take it anymore. I started pleading with him, then damned him, then pleaded again for him to end it, but every time I got close to exploding he pulled back.

  “Stone!” I was determined to come now. I arched wildly beneath his mouth and tangled my hands into his hair, holding him tightly against me. Deep down I knew that he could easily overpower me, but finally he let me roll over the peak of no return.

  I screamed my release. It was intense, mind-blowing, and I wasn’t even aware of Stone moving until I felt his thick, heavy cock inside me. My eyes flew open, falling into the intensity of his, drowning in the moment of supreme bliss. His sexual expression was feral, almost frightening, drawing out the wildness inside of me, making me hungry while satisfying me at the same time.

  “I’m going to fuck you so long and hard that you’re going to feel me for a week.” I raked my nails down his back, tearing at his flesh. He bared his teeth, snarling at me. “Every time you feel a throb or a spasm you’ll remember my dick was inside you.” I sank my teeth into his shoulder. A deep growl rumbled through his chest and he grabbed both my wrists, pinning them above my head with one hand. “Every time your panties get wet, it will be because you’re remembering my tongue on your clit.”

  “Yes!” I hissed, arching beneath him. His free hand moved down my writhing body, zeroing in on the small package of nerves between my legs. I was close to climaxing again. “Stone, please!” I pleaded, squeezing his cock as hard as I could. He trembled,
but continued to pound into me.

  “You’re fuckin’ mine, babe. Max might have claimed you, but we all know it was just for show.” Stone was thrusting so deep that I felt his cock hitting my cervix. He would pull out almost to the tip, and then plunge back in, causing us both to moan. “I was a fool thinking I didn’t want you anymore.” He was picking up speed. His hand released my wrists and then both of them took hold of my hips, and suddenly we were moving.

  I gasped at the speed Stone changed our positions. He got to his knees, picked me up, and then flipped us around so we were facing the mirror above the dresser. My backside was now against the front of him, my butt against his cock. With his hands on my hips he was able to lift me and enter me from behind. I watched us in the mirror, the sight of his cock disappearing inside my pussy making me lose control.

  I caught my breath at the new position, climaxing the second his cock hit my G-spot. Stone wasn’t just happy that he’d brought me to orgasm. He continued to fuck me through my climax, drawing it out until I was twitching uncontrollably and whimpering. As I stared at my reflection, I raised my arms up and wrapped them around Stone’s neck. His hands came around and cupped my breasts, weighing them and plucking at the nipples.

  Suddenly his mouth was at my ear as he peered at our reflection. “Look, baby, see how good my dick fits your sweet cunt.” Stone pulled downward and thrust back upward briskly. “How tight it fits. Fuck,” he groaned, meeting my eyes in the mirror. “You want me to come in your pussy, baby?”

  “God, yes,” I said, mesmerized by our mirror image. “Fill me with you cum, Stone. Fill my pussy. I want to feel it shoot from your cock and fill me. I want to feel it run down my thighs.”


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