The Battle For A Home (Norman Genesis Book 3)

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The Battle For A Home (Norman Genesis Book 3) Page 11

by Hosker,Griff

  "Yet it is a hill fort. They cost men to take them."

  I nodded, "But if this is like the one we burned there will be no ditch. They do not use archers and their shields are smaller. I think the Jarl is right. Why raid the burghs of Wessex when there is easier prey here?"

  The Franks did not contest our landing. While the majority of our men formed up Jarl Siggi sent Skutal and the others without armour to search the huts. They found little enough although Sigtrygg Rolfsson found a small pot, buried in the earth inside a hut containing coins. The land below the low mound had been cleared. They had made a path but the fields on both sides had been tilled. We were able to approach the mound in three lines. At the front we had the better warriors. We were the older ones and there were twelve of us led by Siggi. Behind us were the Eriksson brothers and the new warriors from Dyflin. The third rank was made up of the warriors who were new or had no mail. We were a flattened wedge.

  We halted below the walls and Siggi looked up to assess the potential for an attack. The one on the haugr had had but one way in and one way out. Did this one have the same? We could not see a ditch but the entrance was high up and the path to it twisted and turned so that the defenders could harass anyone attacking the gate. There was no space to use a ram. Siggi turned to me and said, "Send your man, Skutal, around the back to ascertain if it has another way out."

  I did not turn but shouted, "Skutal Einarsson, run around the burgh and return to me! Tell me what you see!"

  "Aye hersir!"

  He appeared to my right and ran. He ran so that his shield was facing the burgh. They had a couple of archers for arrows were loosed at him. None got close. Most fell short and those that had the range fell well behind him.

  Ulf Big Nose said, "Their archers are poor. Looking at the fall of arrows I think they are short hunting bows. Ours have a greater range." He jammed his spear into the ground and said, "I will be back!"

  He left us. Anyone else might have been questioned, but not Ulf.

  We studied the walls. They were lined with men. Not all were warriors. I counted just twenty helmets on the front wall. There was a banner flying from the gate. It had yellow and green stripes like that borne by the noble at the haugr. The sun was higher now and it shone on the spear heads of those on the walls. I noticed that they were like the ones the other Franks had used. They were broad headed with a bar below the head. They were more like a boar spear and would be hard to throw. All of this was stored in my mind for to a warrior knowing your enemy's strengths and weaknesses was more than half the battle.

  Skutal appeared and stood before the Jarl. He was panting. "They have a few men on the walls to the east, south and west, but most are here on this wall. There is no ditch and this is the only gate."

  "You have done well. Return to your place."

  Ulf returned and he handed me my bow. He had his too. I had given it to him as a gift. He looked at Jarl Siggi who pointed to the burgh. "There is but one entrance. What have you in mind, old friend?"

  Ulf gestured to the walls with his bow. "The walls are two hundred paces from us and the fighting platform is thirty paces higher than we are. Their bows were used from a height and yet they reached barely one hundred paces. If Hrolf and I can loose a few arrows from here it might make them even more wary. When we close with the walls we can use our own archers. I think we can hurt their leaders. They will be over the gate. What say you, Hrolf?"

  I nodded, "It is worth wasting a few arrows and it will warm up my sword arm!"

  I rammed my spear into the ground and took off my shield and helmet. I carefully selected an arrow. This was well within range but I wanted it to fly straight and true. There were two figures who stood out on the walls. One had a helmet with a plume and next to him was a standard bearer. Ulf said, "You take the banner."

  "Aye, whenever you are ready!"

  We knew each other well and we pulled back as one. Our arrows soared high. Those on the wall expected them to fall short as their arrows had. The one with the plume had a shield. At the last moment he tried to pull it before him. The arrow plunged into his right arm. The standard bearer had no shield and a sudden gust of wind took his banner before his face. My arrow hit him in the chest and flung him and his standard from the walls. There was a cheer from our men. It was a symbolic moment for their banner had fallen. That could take the heart from the bravest of warriors. Ulf and I sent another arrow towards the walls but they had seen our skill and they sheltered under their shields. We wasted another four arrows and then laid down our bows and quivers.

  Jarl Siggi said, "Now we will see how they stand! March!"

  We stepped forward and Ulf roared, "If any step on our bows I will tear them a second mouth!"

  We headed towards the walls. From their attempts on Skutal we knew the range of their weapons and we did not need to raise our shields. When we were close enough for them to think about releasing Jarl Siggi shouted, "Shields!"

  We brought our shields up to overlap. The rim of mine was just below my nose. An arrow could strike me and I was confident that it would find no flesh. The same could not be said for those within the walls.

  "Archers! Loose!"

  As a few Frankish arrows struck our shields our ten archers halted behind us and released. Our bows had a better range and our archers were quite safe where they were. As we stepped closer I saw at least four of our arrows find their mark. Two archers fell over the wooden walls. When we reached the entrance the Jarl shouted, "Halt!"

  It was only wide enough for five warriors. We had to change our formation. "Front rank, move with me. The rest wait here until you are ordered forward."

  The twelve of us moved, with our shields over our heads, on to the gravel path which rose to the gate. We had a roof over us and we began to walk. The only danger came from stones and spears from above. I knew, from the spears they used, that they would be useless if they threw them and so we endured a barrage of stones. Our locked shields meant that they could bear the weight but that was sorely tested when we turned the corner and a body, struck by an arrow landed on the top. It made us stop. Jarl Siggi said, "Tilt!" We lifted up one side and the body fell. The stones grew in intensity as we made our way up the incline towards the gate.

  We had one short turn and then we were before the gate. Gunnar Stone Face and Harold Haroldsson stepped forward. We held a wall of shields above a space before the gate and the two of them slipped their shields over their backs. They began to hack at the gate with their axes. Siggi nodded to Ulf who roared, "Knut One Eye, bring the second rank!"

  Suddenly we were showered as they poured boiling water from the walls. Our shields bore the brunt and the odd drop which struck flesh annoyed rather than hurt. The two men continued to hew at the wood. Rowing for many hours gave us all strength which those who lived on the land could only imagine. The two men would not tire. The Eriksson brothers brought their eighteen men to join us. We now had a force of thirty warriors. No matter who faced us I was confident in my brothers. Our clan was as one.

  When a spear darted out from a gap in the gate we knew we were almost through. Ulf pulled the spear as it came through and was rewarded with a grunt as the warrior's head struck the gate.

  Siggi said, "Ready! How goes it Gunnar?"

  "One more blow each, Jarl and the bar will be almost through." He and Harold gave one last mighty blow and then stepped back. The five of us from the front rank brought our shields down and locked them together.

  As stones were thrown down at us Siggi shouted, "Now!" The five of us hurled ourselves at the weakened gate. It creaked, cracked and then burst open. We cascaded into Frankish warriors who were surprised by our sudden entrance.

  I jabbed my spear at a face. It struck the warrior's eye and, as he screamed his hands came up to grip my haft. When he fell backwards my spear was torn from my hands. I moved my shield up to block the blow from a spear as I drew Heart of Ice. I could not see the warrior for it was from the side. I was slow and it hit the side
of my helmet. My helmet had let me down. I had not seen his approach. I saw stars. Instinctively I swept my sword to the right and when it hit something I half turned and saw the Frank. A spear keeps an enemy at bay but his thrust and my step had taken me inside his spear and it was now a piece of wood with a metal end. We were so close that I could not stab and so I used the guard to punch him in the face. I hit his nose so hard that it broke. I heard the crack. A broken nose makes your eyes stream. I shifted to the side and back and, pulling my sword behind me, rammed it up into his chin and skull. His helmet flew into the air. I used my shield to push the corpse from my blade.

  "Push them away from the gate to allow our men in!"

  Ulf Big Nose had something of the berserker in him. He roared and using his sword and shield at the same time, he hacked and punched his way into the Franks who stood before us. Arne Four Toes followed him. The warrior I had killed had left a gap and I stepped into it knowing that Rurik One Ear would be right behind me. The Franks were using spears. Four of them presented them like a hedgehog. I shouted, "Rurik, throw your spear!"

  He hurled it from a range of less than three paces. The leading Frank had no time to react and the spear buried itself in his chest. Even as he fell I leapt into the gap between the other three spears. I sliced sideways at one throat as I punched with my shield at a warrior to my left. The fourth tried to punch me with his shield. It was of typical Frankish design; it was pointed and intended to be used offensively. The point stuck in my shield. I moved my left arm away exposing his side and I rammed my sword so hard that it came out of the other side. Rurik took a mighty swing and the head of the last warrior before us fell. We now had a gap.

  "Stand to one side!" The Jarl's voice was one we obeyed. Fresh warriors led by the Eriksson brothers burst into the fray. They were not tired and were armed with sharp weapons. They would bear the brunt of the next advance. As our archers rushed in I looked for Gilles and Skutal. They both lived still and they followed on behind our reserve warriors. If the Norns had spun the right thread then they would live. If not I would see them in Valhalla for they had swords in their hands.

  I saw that Erik Green Eye had a cut leg which Karl Swift Foot was binding. I knew that my face bled and most of the others who had assaulted the gate bore badges of honour. My mask had stopped me from seeing my enemy and yet I had still been wounded. It was a sign. Gunnar had had his cheek sliced open by the spear which had jabbed through. His stone face was now carved like a rock.

  Ulf pointed to the hall which lay on the far side of the citadel. A line of warriors stood before it. Our fresh warriors were slaying those who still stood between us. The skills of our men and our arms made us superior in every way. These were warriors who were used to fighting from the backs of horses. They could always ride away, rearm and return to the fight. You could not do that when you fought within walls.

  I shouted, "They have their people in the hall. Those warriors are the only ones who stand between us and them. If we defeat these warriors then we will have won."

  "Then we fight in a wedge."Jarl Siggi White Hair turned, "Archers form up behind our wedge."

  We formed into the smallest wedge we ever used. Siggi was the point and I was behind to his left next to Ulf. Rurik and Arne were behind me and Erik Green Eye behind Ulf. With four warriors behind them we had Beorn Fast Feet and Karl Swift Foot as the two who would fill the gaps for any who fell. I picked up a Frankish spear. It was not as good as my own but it would do. I sheathed my sword but slipped my seax into my left hand.

  Siggi shouted, "Clear a space! Raven Wing Clan!"

  The twelve of us and the ten archers began our chant. It helped to keep us in step and gave each of us extra courage. I know not why this was but it worked every time. Perhaps it was like the priests of the White Christ singing their paeans.

  Raven Wing goes to war

  Hear our voices hear them roar

  A song of death to all its foes

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  Raven Wing goes to war

  Hear our voices hear them roar

  A song of death to all its foes

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  The power of the raven grows and grows

  Our last line took us close to the Franks. They were in a single line. They had yet to feel the power of a Viking wedge. The small number of us must have looked pitifully few. Then the arrows fell and, as we closed to five paces, Jarl Siggi shouted, "Charge!"

  The arrows made the Franks lift their shields and the three of us at the front of the wedge rammed our spears into the unprotected middles of the three Franks who faced us. We punched their bodies out of the way and stepped forward allowing the ones behind to do the same. When our last line was through Beorn and Karl used their spears to make a hole which was twelve men wide.

  "Circle!" We turned our backs on each other to form a defensive circle and the Franks attacked. Our archers had an easier time now for there were backs facing them. Knut and Ketil led the rest of our warriors to fall on the backs of those who tried to get at us. As Ulf slew the plumed leader the battle ended. Men threw down their weapons, dropped to their knees and shouted. I guessed it was for mercy. We usually ignored such pleas but we looked to Siggi when he shouted, "Let them, live. Take their weapons from them! Raven Wing Clan!"

  We all banged our shields and took up the cry! We had won!

  Jarl Siggi, bleeding from a wound to his arm said, "Hrolf, ask who is the headman."

  The surviving warriors all stood when they realized they were not to be slaughtered. They were amazed, I had no doubt, to be alive yet. I went up to the one whose eyes met my gaze. He was not afraid of us. He had been the last to throw down his weapon. "Who is the leader here?" I already knew but needed confirmation. I spoke to the bloodied warrior with the dented helmet and plume.

  "Brego there and you slew him."

  "Then who speaks for your people?"

  He looked around and said, "That would be me I am Baldred, the brother of Brego."

  "Tell your people to come out of the hall. We will not harm them nor enslave them."

  He laughed, "You think me a fool?"

  I smiled, "There is no other way out of the hall. We broke down the gate to your citadel. Do you think that a small door would stop us? We have spared you but if you annoy us then you will die."

  He nodded realising that we had the advantage. "This is Baldred! Open the door and come out. The Vikings have said that they will not harm you." He looked at me. "If this man is foresworn then he will not go to Valhalla."

  I smiled, "You know our ways."

  "I have sailed the oceans and spoken to such as you. What is your name, Viking? You fight well."

  "I am Hrolf the Horseman."

  He looked surprised, "A Viking horseman? I have never heard of such a thing."

  "Perhaps I am the first." The door opened and an older woman flanked by three other women with grey hair stepped out. Their jaws jutted as though they dared us to harm them. These were the matriarchs of the Franks. "Come, you will not be harmed, I have given my word." As they came out I recognised the boy we had spared. I smiled at him. "Did the horse survive?"

  "No, it died on the road."

  "A shame but he saved you did he not? He will be in Valhalla."

  Jarl Siggi said, "Tell them that we have spared them but they owe us. We will take tribute now and when we return at harvest time we will take more."

  I nodded and told them. They looked surprised. Baldred said, "You keep your word? We will neither be slain nor enslaved?"

  I shook my head. "This and your settlement by the island now serve us. We have priests with us. If the Bishop who lives close by wishes them returned then we would like a chest of coins. If we have not heard by m
idsummer's day then we will sell them in Dyflin."

  "You are strange raiders."

  "We are Raven Wing Clan and we live on the island by An Oriant."

  While we had been talking Ulf had led some of our men into the hall. They came out with chests. There were three of them. Siggi said, "Take two and leave them one."

  Ketil Eriksson asked, "Why leave them any?"

  Siggi shook his head, "When you have a cow you do not milk her dry. We will return at harvest time and collect food. If it is not enough then we will take all of their treasure. This is a test. Hrolf, will they tell followers of the White Christ that we have their monks?"

  I asked, "Who built the monastery?"

  "King Louis."

  "Then he will be keen to have his monks returned safely and their holy books." He nodded. "They will not be mistreated but he has until Midsummer Day to send the treasure to our island. There is a bay on the north of the island. He is to send it there."

  "You have my word that we will do so." He smiled, "When you broke through our gate I thought my days were ending. The air smells sweeter now."

  "Aye, it does, does it not?"

  We loaded the drekar. I saw the disappointment on the faces of the monks when I told them the news. I believe they thought we would have died attacking their citadel. We had planned on another raid but with what we had taken from the two Frankish settlements there was no need. We headed for my bay. Unpredictable winds meant it took a night and half a day to do so. I spent long hours looking at my helmet. It was battered in two places. It still fitted but it would need repair. There had been a warning and I had to heed it. I needed a new helmet. Suddenly as the sun began to emerge from a low cloud and bathed the sea in a golden light I knew what I wanted. The sun was a sign and the Norns threads became clear to me.


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