Passion After Dark

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Passion After Dark Page 16

by J. a Melville

  Fuck Fran and fuck Fabian. This was all Fabian’s fault. He’d had to push it and use Allegra’s house mate for the night and discard her when he’d had enough. Why couldn’t his sire have just put his own desires on hold for one fucking night?

  The look on Allegra’s face when she’d seen her friend suspended on her back and Fabian fucking her was something he wasn’t going to forget for quite a while. Why the hell did he think inviting his sire around was going to give him a chance to demonstrate they weren’t so bad? Fuck but that had been a complete disaster.

  Of course the worst thing for him was the expression on Allegra’s face when she’d made love to him on his bed but their last fuck in her hallway, the famous hallway that Cassie had teased them about, when he’d been doing up his fly and he’d looked down at her, her face had said it all, it was over, she was telling him goodbye with her eyes, although she had never voiced that final good bye. Still he knew, he knew it was over.

  When he pulled up in his driveway he mounted the stairs to his house feeling like an old man. His body ached from the effort it was taking to not give into his emotions and when he let himself into his home seeing Francesca sitting on his lounge didn’t do much to improve his mood.

  “Didn’t you go home earlier?” He asked her.

  “No Nicky, I thought it would be more fun to hang around here and see if you came home all weeping and wailing now your human doesn’t want you anymore.”

  “How do you know about Allegra and I Fran?” He sighed, dropping onto the lounge, too miserable to let her goad him into arguing with her.

  “Oh Nicky, Nicky, is that the best you can come up with? Stop looking so miserable. You’re better off without her anyway. She couldn’t handle our lifestyle and she was going to turn you into her little puppy. She wanted you to change and be something you’re not, to suit her. We are what we are and if others can’t accept that, then fuck them.”

  “Fuck you Fran, why can’t you just piss off now. Go home and leave me the fuck alone.” He snapped.

  She stood up and walked over to him where he sat on the opposite lounge to her and she kneeled by his feet. “Oh Nicky, let me make you feel better. I’ll give you a nice blow job. That always cheers you up.” She pulled at the button on his jeans and unzipped him.

  He watched her, knowing he should move, but unable to do so. He wasn’t even thinking about what Fran was doing to him and it was her sound of disgust when she pulled his soft cock out of his jeans and frowned at it then him that finally drew his attention.

  “Fuck brother dear but you reek of her, I can smell her cunt on you and this.” She held him between thumb and finger like she was touching something unpleasant. “This is pathetic Nicky. How am I supposed to work with this.”

  “Don’t you get it Fran? I don’t want you. I have no interest in you, I don’t want you touching me and I sure as fuck don’t get turned on by you as you can see.”

  “Is this what she’s turned you into Nicky? This pathetic limp dick now? You are nothing because of her. Just a shadow of your former self. How could you be so weak to allow a human female to rob you of your balls like this?”

  “Just get off me and go home Fran. This evening has not gone quite the way I’d expected and I’d prefer to be on my own now.”

  They both turned when they heard a knock at the door and Fran jumped up. “I’ll get it, you put that thing away.” She pointed to his cock and he glared at her while he tidied himself up.

  When Fran came back with Fabian, Dominick just wanted to get up and hit his sire. He wanted to tear his throat out and scream at him for what he’d done but no one did that to Fabian and got away with it. He’d be punished if he so much as laid a finger on his sire.

  “Fabian, is there a reason you’ve been in my home more than once this evening?” He asked, trying to keep his tone civil.

  “I came to see how you were my son. It was obvious that your time with Allegra was over and that you would not be seeing her anymore. I could see that from her expression when she walked in on myself and her friend. Most unfortunate that but the girl was very open to being fucked and I have to ask you, would you be able to say no to a woman who is making it extremely obvious that she is ready for you to bed her?”

  Dominick ground his teeth together as he struggled to keep his fangs retracted. Fabian was trying to antagonize him that was clear but then Fabian got off on doing that. “You did it deliberately Fabian. You wanted her to see you with Cassandra, didn’t you? Why? Just tell me why, please?”

  Fabian threw his head back and laughed. “I would have thought that was obvious my son. You were letting that woman rule you too much. She was turning you into a puppy. I was about to buy you a collar and lead so she could at least take you out for walks or something.”

  Dominick snickered. “You’re trying to tell me you did this for my own good? I don’t believe you.”

  “Well I didn’t say that my motives were entirely selfless Nick. You see I wanted you and her to be parted from one another so I can claim her for myself.”

  At his words, Dominick rose from his seat, anger surging through him and unable to control himself, his fangs descended and he growled at Fabian.

  Fabian leapt to his feet, his fangs dropping too and a menacing look came over his face. “Think long and hard son about what you do from this moment on because your future depends on it.”

  Dominick sprang forward, leaping into the air, arms out, mouth open, his fangs ready to strike, his fury driving him to react with all commonsense gone. It was suicidal to launch an attack on Fabian, but the thought of his sire doing to Allegra as he’d done to Cassandra caused a wave of red to cloud his vision.

  Of course he never even got close to him. With one sweep of his arm and an angry roar, he threw Dominick across the room and sprang, landing over his fallen body. He dropped down and bit into Dominick’s neck, sucking his blood until he’d drained him of nearly everything he’d taken from Allegra earlier that evening.

  Dominick collapsed back on the floor, eyes closed and waited for his fate, whatever Fabian deemed suitable punishment, but nothing happened. He opened his eyes and looked up at his sire but Fabian’s expression held no rage.

  “I will not punish you son although you have definitely shown me a marked lack of respect. I will forgive you on this occasion as I know you are hurting over the loss of your human but I will tell you this.” He leaned in close to Dominick. “Don’t…that…again. Do that again and I will punish you in such a way that you will regret every single day of your sorry existence.” He stepped back so Dominick could get to his feet. “I’m going now. There’s nothing more to be done here. Fran, I suggest you come with me.” He turned and with a final bow to Dominick, he left with Fran trailing after him.

  Once they had gone and he was alone Dominick stood for a moment in the silence of his home, his anger and frustration rising with the situation he was in. Fabian wanted Allegra, he’d done what he’d done, fucking Cassandra to cause trouble and it had worked, Dominick had lost the woman he wanted to spend eternity with and now he had the very real worry that Fabian would make a move on Allegra and claim her for himself. He wouldn’t want her for anything more than sex and he would more than likely do as he’d done with Cassandra, fuck her, wipe her memory and leave her with no knowledge of what he’d done to her.

  The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Everything had so rapidly gone to shit and he couldn’t control any of it. His eyes fell on a small figurine sitting on a coffee table. He picked it up and in a fit of rage, threw it, watching as it smashed against the wall sending fragments of porcelain scattering out in all directions.

  Dominick walked over to the shattered figurine and bent down, picking up a piece with a savage, jagged each to it and his hand closed around it. He tightened his grip, fisting the porcelain until he felt it cutting into him and still he squeezed on it until his blood flowed freely, dripping onto the floor and only then, did he finally re
lease it where it clattered to the polished timber floorboards.

  He didn’t feel the pain of his wounded hand, all he could think about was that he needed to feed. Fabian had drained him of most of what he’d taken from Allegra and now he didn’t have her anymore, she didn’t want him. He would never feed from her again. He knew he should go and feed but he couldn’t bring himself to go out and do so. The pain he felt was too raw yet so although it was still a few hours off the time when he would normally rest, he found himself wearily mounting his stairs until he got to his bedroom where he fell into his bed and slept, his dreams filled with Allegra.


  When I woke the morning after the night my world had fallen apart, I felt like crap. In fact crap probably felt less like crap than I felt. I had done it, I had ended it with Dominick.

  Well, I hadn’t actually said that it was over, but we’d both known, the sex in his home and our last fuck in the hallway was that of two people who knew it was over.

  “I just wish the pain could be over.” I whispered to myself as I rolled over in bed and felt fresh tears burning at the back of my eyes.

  How long was this going to go on for? How long did it take to get over a broken heart I wonder? Why couldn’t he have loved me too? Why couldn’t he have cared enough to keep me from the other vampires? I couldn’t do it, I just couldn’t accept his lifestyle. It horrified me.

  I think the images of Fabian with Cassandra were going to haunt me forever. The sight of those two fucking, with my poor house mate strung up by ropes, hanging there completely at the mercy of him as he’d fucked her with total abandon had shocked me.

  To stand in that room as my friend had climaxed and then to endure the craziness of Fabian and Dominick talking through the whole thing and to watch Fabian come and then go back to talking still blew my mind when I thought of it.

  Then there was Dominick’s room or dungeon whatever it was with the bed with the shackles and the cross, the chains and no explanation as to why he had all that.

  It had totally freaked me out not because it scared me necessarily but I hated that for a brief moment it turned me on. It made me wet to be in the same room with a couple who were fucking and much as Fabian had me unsettled around him, he, like the rest of them was a stunningly good looking man but his eyes unnerved me the most with that pale ‘look right through you’ stare. Still, it didn’t stop me from being turned on watching him fucking Cassandra and to see those pale eyes meet mine as he’d come. It was like some silent message had been passed to me in that moment and it scared me and disgusted me that I could be aroused through all of that. Deep inside I was no better than them. I was ruled by basic animal instincts and I was supposed to be the more civilized one of the lot being human.

  The ropes, the chains, shackles and cuffs had turned me on and I’d fought to hide my arousal until I’d seen that Dominick was aroused too and for some reason that had killed my excitement as quickly as a bucket of ice water thrown over me would have.

  I don’t know why the whole thing had upset me, to see how sexual vampires are, how free they are with sex shouldn’t have caused the reaction in me that it did. Hell I wrote erotica and yet when I walked in on two people having sex and seeing a room that was lightly equipped for someone who might like a little BDSM or something and I’d gone all anal over it.

  I’d over reacted a little but at the same time I wasn’t ready to be exposed to Dominick’s kind of lifestyle. He denied that he was like Fabian and Francesca but he was vampire, it had to be inside him and sooner or later he’d want to be a part of that scene again. He might have chosen to live a life as close to human as he could, but he couldn’t avoid those around him and they were always going to be in his life.

  No matter how many times I thought about it though and convinced myself that I was better off without Dominick, it didn’t lessen the pain. He had brought something to my life, a sense of belonging, of excitement, a feeling of having something that made my days enjoyable, that I looked forward to.

  He’d simply blown me away with his stunning good looks, those sexy, magnetic eyes of his and god the sex, the sex was amazing, unbelievable, mind blowing and the most incredible sex I’d ever had. Who would have known that being bitten and losing blood through sex would be so fucking erotic, but it was.

  Dominick had made me feel beautiful and special with the way he spoke to me and treated me plus all the huskily spoken Italian had been so sexy even if I had no idea what he was saying to me.

  “Oh god Dominick.” I whispered, my heart aching at the thought of my life without him and with a muffled sob into my pillow, I began to weep for all that I had lost and the bleak future I faced without the man I’d come to love being in it.


  Dominick woke in a tangle of sweat soaked sheets and immediately his memories tortured his mind and he moaned as the pain of losing Allegra closed in on him again.

  He’d dreamt that he’d heard her crying and she’d been sobbing his name over and over again. God but it had felt so real but it could only be a dream. She didn’t want to see him anymore. She’d been so calm about walking away, much calmer than he was and he was supposed to be the creature some considered had no soul.

  He was hard, his cock straining up, tenting the sheets and he groaned. If this is how it was going to be every time he thought of Allegra, it was going to be a long, painful, hard, eternity.

  With an impatient growl he kicked the sheets off and grabbed his cock, closing his fist around it, squeezing it until it hurt. As his anger at how his life had fallen apart in less than 24 hours crashed over him again, he began to work himself through his hand, hard and fast.

  On and on he pulled on himself, deliberately causing himself pain, not stopping when he began to shred the skin on his cock and the blood flowed freely and when he was finally a raw, bleeding mess of torn flesh, he cried out and pumped out his release, his cum mixing with the blood on his bed. He collapsed back on his pillows and with a gasp which turned into a sob, he passed out again, falling into a deep sleep.


  It was late by the time I woke again and I climbed out of bed, feeling suddenly much older than I was. My body ached for him. Every single inch of me wanted him again but I had to be strong, I couldn’t go back to him because nothing would be different. His lifestyle and mine were too alien. I don’t think I could ever come to accept it. The fact that I’d felt a moment of arousal meant nothing. I had no desire to participate in that kind of lifestyle, not really. A moment’s curiosity did not pave the way for a lifetime of what took place in Dominick’s and his family’s lives, not in my book.

  I peered at myself in the mirror of my bathroom and found a part of myself wishing I’d never taken that drink of Dominick’s blood. I wanted to feel sore from his possession of my body, to see the puncture marks in my neck where he’d fed but his blood had healed me, wiping all evidence of my time with him away.

  My body ached like the devil though but it wasn’t in memory of the sex with Dominick, it was the ache of defeat, of bone crushing pain and misery that I would never see him again, that my body would never accept him into it again, that he would never drink from me or share his blood with me again.

  As the reality of my situation settled over me and the pain speared through me yet again, my tears began to fall until I collapsed on the tiles of my bathroom floor and sobbed until I was spent, my body weak and nothing more than the occasional shudder ran through me. I needed to be free of this torture, I needed to forget, I just wanted the pain to be gone.

  I finally dragged myself off the floor, washed my face, brushed my teeth and reluctantly dressed on day one of my future without Dominick.

  When I made it downstairs Cassie was in the kitchen drinking a cup of one of her herbal teas and she smiled at me when I walked past her to put the kettle on.

  “Good morning sleepy head.” She chorused at me and then her eyes met mine and her expression changed. “God Allie, what’s
wrong? You look terrible.”

  “Gee thanks Cass. I love you too.” I attempted to smile at her but I just couldn’t seem to get my lips to make the necessary move and curve up. I’m sure the end result was more of a grimace than a smile, but it was the best I could manage.

  Beau must have sensed something wasn’t right and he pushed his nose into the palm of my hand and I patted him, glad that there was one male in this world that loved me even if that one male was my dog.

  “What’s wrong Allie? You look like you’ve been crying?” Her expression suddenly changed. “Oh god, please tell me everything’s ok with you and Dominick.”

  As soon as she mentioned his name I burst into tears again and heard Cass say something although I wasn’t sure what and then her arms came around me and I dropped my head on her shoulder, sobbing until I thought my heart would split in two inside my chest.

  She held me until my tears were nothing more than a few hiccupping sobs and finally I straightened and continued to make my coffee.

  “Are you and Dom over?” She asked and I nodded as I wasn’t game to try and answer her or I’d be in tears again. “Can you tell me what happened?” She spoke softly, her voice filled with concern for me, but all I could manage was to tell her I couldn’t talk about it yet.

  I looked at Cassie and images of her hanging from the ropes with Fabian pounding into her so hard, she would swing away from him only to have him drag her back and the sound of their bodies slamming into one another, played over and over again. I dropped my eyes from hers suddenly embarrassed for her over how I’d seen her and now here she was, totally oblivious to what had taken place last night.

  Fabian, suddenly I thought of him and what he could do. The thought entered my head and I straightened as the idea took root in my brain. I wanted him to do to me what he’d done to Cassie. Not the sex, but could I get him to wipe my memory as he’d done with Cass? I wanted the pain I felt over losing Dominick to be gone and if I could have my memory wiped, it would be like I’d never known him. The question was would Fabian do it for me and what price would I have to pay? I knew he wanted me, he’d made that clear already but could I have sex with him in exchange for him wiping my memories clean of Dominick’s existence?


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