Passion After Dark

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Passion After Dark Page 30

by J. a Melville

  “Cara, stop, enough, I don’t want to come in your mouth.” He said huskily and her eyes shot to his but she didn’t release her lips from his cock.

  “Cara, please, stop.” His voice was more urgent as he felt the pressure building in his balls and cock, his stomach tightening as he rapidly approached his climax.

  Allegra ignored him and if anything she started moving faster up and down on him, sucking more firmly and Dominick knew he was lost. Fuck her but he couldn’t hold back. His fangs descended and he groaned with frustration that he couldn’t stop his response and with a string of expletives he exploded into her, pumping his cum into her mouth, over and over again until he was empty.

  She raised her head and smiled at him, her eyes moving over his face, seeing his fangs and she grinned. Damn her, she’d made him lose control.

  With a deep growl he dragged her up his body, flipping her until she lay beneath him. He roughly parted her thighs and before she could do or say anything he’d rammed his still rock hard cock into her wet cunt and began to pound into her, unrelenting and forceful as he drove them both towards their release.

  He nuzzled into her neck and as he bit down, she gasped, her inner muscles clamping down on him and he felt the flood of moisture as she came around him. Struggling for control and silently cursing her for having him on the edge again so quickly, he bit harder, drawing her blood into his mouth and slamming his hips against her as he fucked her with what almost felt like desperation, like this was to be their last time together.

  When he felt Allegra’s fangs on his shoulder, he welcomed the pain and with her name shouted from his lips, he came hard, his body jerking from the force of his release.

  He collapsed on her and they lay together, their arms around one another, reluctant to part but they were going to have to move soon. Dominick knew that Fabian would be calling him this evening and they would soon know what his decision was over them leaving the country.

  Allegra ran her fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his face and her expression was serious when she looked up at him. “What’s wrong baby? You’re worried about Fabian and what he’s going to say, aren’t you?”

  He nodded. “My sire enjoys dragging things out. He gets off on torturing others and he would know that the longer he makes us wait, the more anxious we become and he likes that.”

  “He is such an arse Dominick. Maybe I should kill him. That would please Katarina if she really is inside me.” She smirked.

  Dominick chuckled at her words. “You question whether Fabian is right about Katarina do you cara? He believes it to be true and since he has no other option to explain your abilities it’s the only thing that makes sense at this point. Still, I agree, the death of my sire would solve a few problems, that’s for sure.”

  Just at that moment his mobile phone rang and Dominick reached over Allegra to pluck it off the bedside table and saw that it was his sire calling. Reluctantly he answered it, greeting Fabian with a fake relaxed voice.

  “Be here in one hour.” Fabian told him, ignoring his greeting and with his usual style and tendency for the dramatic, he hung up leaving Dominick no time to respond.

  He looked over at Allegra. “One hour cara. We’ve been summoned.”

  “One hour baby? Well that gives us time for this then, doesn’t it?” She told him, wiggling against him and instantly his cock was rock hard again.

  “Cara we don’t have a lot of time. It would have to be a fast and hard fuck.” He warned her.

  “Just the way I like it.” She murmured before lifting her lips to press them to his and with a deep groan he was lost, forcing his tongue into her mouth. His straining cock pressed against her pussy and with a smooth lunge of his hips, he was back inside her, entering her easily since she was so wet and as their bodies came together, they both sighed at the feeling of being where they belonged, in one another’s arms.



  With that sense of déjà vu we followed Francesca down the long corridor in Fabian’s home wondering if this walk was more like the Green Mile and we were walking to our deaths. I tried to read Fran’s face to see if she had any insight as to what was coming but either she didn’t or she had a remarkable poker face on.

  When we arrived in the circular living room Damien and Lucian gave us bored looks from their respective seats and Francesca dropped down into another chair, but there was no sign of the great man himself. Was this another one of his ploys to play mind games with us even more so and keep us waiting and wondering what the hell he was going to do next?

  Suddenly I felt him rather than heard him and before I could react, he’d swept me into his arms and his lips crashed down on mine, his arms pinning mine to my sides as he hauled my body to his where I could feel his growing erection.

  Fuck him, fuck him for doing this and fuck him for holding me too tight and fuck him for having that power enough that I felt attracted to him. I could feel my body starting to soften and become pliant in his arms and I cursed my weakness before calling on all my self control and attempting to drag myself from his arms.

  I’d almost done it too when something hit us hard, knocking me free from Fabian’s arms and when I looked it was Dominick. He was fuming, his eyes glowing with so much rage that the blue had become a deep purple and his teeth were bared, his fangs down and he was shaking, shaking with such anger, he looked ready to kill his sire.

  “Dominick no!” I cried trying to get to him, but Fabian barked out some order and next thing Damien and Lucian held him captive. Fabian advanced on him, his hands balled into fists by his side and he struck out, slicing up Dominick’s face with his nails, blood beginning to pour freely from his wounds. “NO!” I screamed again. “Bastard!” I cried when I noticed the metal tips on his fingers that he’d used to do the damage to my poor vampire’s face. He’d planned this?

  What the fuck was all this? This wasn’t supposed to be happening and as the initial shock left my body and my limbs began to work again I turned to Fabian who was watching me, a smirk on his face. The bastard was testing me. Did he suddenly doubt I had power? Well, maybe it was time for him to see that I did.

  My body started shaking as I stared at him and poor Dominick who was bleeding profusely. He would need to feed to heal his cuts properly as they were so deep, down to the bone from what I could see.

  Again my eyes moved to Fabian and I felt like I was stuck in a time warp where nothing happened, no one moved, nothing at all, just everyone staring at everyone else.

  With a cry, like some sort of tribal call, I lifted my arms, not even sure what was going to happen if anything but running on the pure rage that fueled me, I threw my hands in Fabian’s direction, fingers straightened towards him and to my surprise and I think the shock of everyone in that room, bolts like lightening shot from my fingertips and hit Fabian, one in the chest and another to his face, igniting his hair and he screamed falling to the floor as he rolled around trying to put himself out.

  My eyes shifted to Damien and Lucian who still held Dominick and when they saw my expression, they released him so quickly, he stumbled and fell to the floor. I was on him in two seconds, cupping his poor ravaged face in my hands and I gently ran a fingertip over the deep cuts watching with a mix of surprise and pleasure as they healed under my touch. What the fuck was I? What was I capable of?

  Fabian was still on the floor moaning, clouds of smoke rising from his melted skin and hair. He looked terrible and I felt a moment’s satisfaction that his attempt to hurt us had more than backfired on him. I think he’d intended to hurt Dominick as a warning to me and knowing that to hurt the man I loved would certainly hurt me. Obviously he’d misjudged my power but then so had I. I had no idea what I was capable of but suddenly I knew, we didn’t need Fabian’s permission to leave. He couldn’t stop us because he wouldn’t be able to stop me. Finally I understood that I was far more powerful than Fabian would ever be and yet my victory was a hollow one. I had no de
sire to rule over these vampires. I simply wanted out, to be far away from them all and go to Italy with Dominick and live our lives there.

  I left Dominick’s side and crouched down beside Fabian. “Do you now believe that I am powerful? Are you ready to accept that I can hurt you and anything you do to try and stop me will result in causing you pain or even death?” I watched his barely perceivable nod. “So we have reached an understanding?” I saw his nod again. “Would you like me to heal you now Fabian? Are you worth it because if you’re just going to continue to be an arse, then I’ll leave you the way you are and trust me, you’re not looking too pretty right now. I don’t think the ladies will be lining up to fuck you any time soon and by the way, don’t you dare touch me ever again.”

  “Very well little one. I think you’ve proven you are quite the adversary and yes I would like you to help me heal as I saw you do to Nick. Either that or someone is going to have to go out and find me a nice human to feed from. You’ve done some serious damage to me.” His voice was little more than a husky sounding whisper.

  With a look that told him to behave, I touched my fingers to him, watching as some strange light filled all the scars and melted skin. It was like watching a film in reverse as the skin healed and moved back into place and his hair was restored to it’s pre burned state. Within just minutes he was back to being sexy, attractive Fabian who at times I just wanted to kill.

  I moved away from him and got to my feet leaving him alone and taking Dominick’s hand to help him stand. He seemed ok again, all scarring gone from his face but I still cupped his cheeks, my eyes moving over him, checking for any damage and finding none. His eyes were filled with his love for me but there was something else there too and I wondered if my newly discovered abilities made him wary of me. I couldn’t hurt him though, surely he remembered that, but I could heal him, as I’d demonstrated.

  Given Fabian’s past with Katarina and Carmella, I was slightly surprised that I’d been able to heal him. If her rage towards him had been simmering away for 500 years, then leaving him horribly disfigured could have been her ultimate revenge. So why had I been able to heal him? The only thing I could think of was that maybe my will was strong enough to overpower hers and perhaps since I had no real desire for vengeance, she couldn’t exact her revenge and control my responses.

  I had hurt Fabian and despite him now trying to appear nonchalant, I could see what my power was doing to him by the look in his eyes. Perhaps now, he would give us his blessing and let us leave.

  “So Fabian, what is it to be? Will you give us your blessing and let us leave or is there to be more of this foolish testing of my powers? I think you now know that you are the one who will come out of further tests poorly, should you decide you want to try again.” I warned him.

  “I think you have made your point little one, in more ways than one. I have a contract drawn up, well, perhaps contract is too strong a word, but it is a document that outlines what I expect from you two and the consequences should you violate any of the stipulations of the document. Would you both like to see it?” His eyes shifted between Dominick and I.

  I glanced over at Dominick who was still fuming at Fabian touching me, kissing me and I knew his pride had been dented that he had not been able to stop his sire, that it was my abilities that in fact had taught Fabian a well deserved lesson.

  “Dominick.” I said his name softly, placing a hand on his arm and feeling the tension in his body. I needed him to stay calm. Despite everything and it being obvious that I could more than take care of myself, I needed my poor raging vampire to not do anything to stir things up again.

  Finally his eyes shifted to mine and I could see the confused mix of anger, frustration, love but most of all there was that look that only a man who felt his manhood had received a huge blow could harbour. I knew instantly what his expression meant. He thought he had failed me that he couldn’t protect me but he could. He was all I cared about, he was my hero, my saviour, my safe port in this confusing, potentially dangerous world of being vampire. I needed him and I needed him to realise that he was still my hero even if he couldn’t overpower Fabian. Fabian was his sire and by nature would always be stronger than those he turned. I wasn’t stronger than Dominick because I couldn’t use my power on him and I needed him to realise that and not look at me with those stunning blue eyes that showed a wounded soul hidden in their depths.

  “I love you baby. Please don’t anger him. Let’s listen to his written demands and counteract with ours, ok?” I spoke softly and saw him nod before his gaze shifted to his sire.

  “You would do well to listen to Allegra Nick.” Fabian said and I turned to him incredulously. He was still trying to make out he was in control here after what had happened?

  I smirked at him and raised my hand, pretending to admire my fingernails and I saw the brief flash of fear in his eyes. ‘Ok, let him have his moment Allie’ I told myself. No man liked to have his male ego dented and Fabian’s had taken one hell of a blow, so time to back off and play the diplomat now and we could all leave this meeting today happy with the outcome.

  “Show me this document of yours Fabian so I can see what you’re expecting of us.”

  I watched him pull the folded sheets of paper from his pocket and hand them to me. Dominick’s curiosity momentarily overshadowed his dented pride and he looked over my shoulder as we both read what Fabian had stipulated.

  It was fairly straight forward and surprisingly reasonable coming from him.

  Request To Forfeit All Contact

  With Those Listed.

  1. Allegra Anderson and Dominick Cavallo will leave the country within 48 hours.

  2. You will not return at any time to any part of Australia.

  3. You will have no further contact in any way with Fabian, Lucian, Damien or Francesca.

  4. Should you violate these rules in anyway it will result in the death of Dominick Cavallo.

  5. If you think you can exact your revenge on myself Fabian Sorensen should it be necessary to perform rule No. 4 then I accept that I will probably die in the process but I will leave this earthly plain safe in the knowledge that you Allegra Anderson will live an eternal life without the man you love.

  6. I Fabian Sorensen shall in return, should you both follow my requests, leave you both in peace.

  7. I will make no attempt to find you at your new location.

  8. I will not come after you in anyway unless of course rules No.2 and/or 3 are broken.

  9. You have my blessings to go and live your lives as free of the vampire lifestyle you both can.

  As these rules are in writing, they are binding by vampire law.

  ……………………………………. Allegra Anderson.

  …………………………………… Dominick Cavallo.

  …………………………………..Fabian Sorensen.

  This contract will come into effect immediately, this time 02.15am January 12, 2013.

  The last line was penned in by Fabian before he handed it back to us to witness his addition. So we had a date and time to work from now.

  We both read over the contract and although there were certain things I thought Fabian was fooling himself into thinking he could control, I said nothing and although Dominick tensed alongside of me, he too realised it was best to stay silent and sign this foolish document if it meant we’d be free. The time of just 48 hours to leave was perhaps the most difficult request to comply with as we’d had no opportunity to look into flights, passports, nothing.

  Still money talked. We could probably buy whatever documentation we needed to get out of the country so quickly.

  Then there was Frank and Cassie. I had to act and act quickly to put in place what I wanted to do for my house mate and friend. Frank could suffice with some vague text message for now and I’d deal with him from Italy. The third book was done and published so he wasn’t likely to start harassing me until he got back on the ‘doing interviews’ bandwagon.

  We could do this in that time constraint I realised. It would be tight, but that was Fabian, always wanting to test us.

  “The time we have to be out of the country might be difficult.” I told him. “We have passports and airfares to arrange. Some flexibility with that might be necessary.”

  “Very well, you can have up to an additional 48 hours Allegra. I’ll make a note of that on the contract. Now, to give you both time to make your arrangements, I suggest you take your leave once you both sign.” He said, his pale eyes shifting between us and I didn’t need him saying it twice.

  Hastily we signed the contract, Francesca took it to the library, the library I didn’t realise the house had while she ran off copies of it and armed with ours and Fabian still carrying the original, we bowed and left them, hopefully never to see any of them again before we flew out of the country.



  Fabian sat with the newspaper held up as he read the headlines for the 14th of January, 2013. It was blazed across the front in big bold letters, complete with photos that showed wreckage strewn and little more than blackened hulks barely recognizable as parts that once belonged to a passenger plane that had been in service as a chartered plane for the last few years.

  A slow, smug grin came over his face as he read the article.

  Privately Chartered Flight Bound for Italy goes down in Fireball.

  It seemed the flight that Allegra and his defiant son Nick had been booked on had developed some sort of electrical problem and had gone into a steep dive before slamming into the ground not long after taking off from Sydney Airport on the mainland of Australia.

  “Such a shame.” He whispered with a false note of sadness. “It seems everyone on board had died. Shame about the pilots and the couple of cabin crew but sometimes these things were unavoidable.”

  The article said that one of the maintenance crew had a grudge with one of the crew and had tampered with the plane which led to it coming down.


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