Falling for a Wolf Box Set

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Falling for a Wolf Box Set Page 25

by Mac Flynn

  My ticket had to be returned without a refund when I heard a familiar howl in the distance. It wasn't from the dogs, but from Adam. His howl was quickly followed by a scream and a gunshot. The dogs barked and yipped, and I heard something rustle the leaves of the crop plants. In a moment Mark the Marijuana Man burst from the field. In one hand was a rifle, but when he saw the cabin he dropped that in favor of speed. His eyes fell on me and took on such a venomous look that I prepared my pan weapon for combat.

  A larger shadow broke from the crop, and I beheld Adam in all his furry glory. Gone was all but the bare minimum of his jeans, and in place of the clothes was thick fur that covered his ripped muscles. He landed on all fours a few yards behind Mark, who shrieked and tumbled to the ground. Adam stalked the terrified man and his yellow eyes looked down his long snout at the quivering Mark. My furry boyfriend stuck his face in Mark's and pulled back his lips in a drool-laden snarl.

  "P-please don't hurt me!" Mark shrieked.

  Adam lifted a pawed hand and extended his razor-sharp claws. I saw the deadly intentions in his furious eyes, and I rushed forward. "Adam, stop!" I shouted at him.

  Adam whipped his head up, and Mark took the opportunity to squeeze his way from beneath Adam. Mark scuttled to his feet and raced the few short yards to me. I expected a thank-you, but what I got in return was an arm wrapped around my throat and a large Bowie knife pressed against my cheek. Now I knew who to thank for stabbing the love-letter on my door.

  "Come closer and she gets cut," Mark warned him. Adam stepped closer and snarled. I yelped when Mark pressed the blade into my cheek. Hot blood ran down my face and into the collar of my coat. "I won't hesitate to do worse if you don't let me go."

  I stiffened and glanced at my right where Mark stood. My eyes caught on the power pole with its fuse box. An idea hit me. I glanced back at Adam. "Singed hair!" I yelled, hoping I could reach my love through his carnal anger.

  "Shut up!" Mark growled.

  I ignored him and my eyes darted from the fuse box to the werewolf. "Doc and singed hair!"

  Adam snarled, but stepped away from us and within a yard of the power pole. Mark chuckled into my ear. "That's a good doggy. Now just step the other way into that kennel and it'll be like shooting fish in a barrel for me." Adam didn't stop backing up toward the pole, and Mark tightened his grip on my neck. "Get in the other direction or she gets cut!" he repeated his order.

  Adam froze and a wide, long grin slipped onto his snout. In a flash he whipped his arm backward and his fist collided with the fuse box. There was a flash of electricity followed by complete darkness and the horrible smell of singed hair. I took advantage of the blackout to free myself from Mark's hold and race toward the pole. Mark dove at me and caught me about the legs which caused me to tumble to the ground.

  A shadow flew over me and collided with Mark. His hand slid off my leg and I flipped onto my rear in time to see the shadowy form of Adam lift Mark by the neck two feet off the ground. Mark's legs flailed in midair and he choked out some indiscernible pleas. I cringed when I heard the sounds of bones creaking under the pressure of Adam's strong paw. He would make my kidnapper pay with his life, but I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let Adam become the monster he feared he was.

  "Adam, put him down!" I ordered the beast. Adam's yellow eyes narrowed and Mark made a strangled sound. I leapt to my feet, grabbed Adam's arm, and pulled. "Please, Adam, don't be a monster! I don't know if I can love a monster!"

  Adam froze and I felt a shudder run through his body. He dropped Mark to the ground and the man crumpled like folded paper. The bad guy was alive, but unconscious. I dove into Adam's furry chest and wrapped my arms around him as best I could. A few tears flowed down my cheeks and I gave a shuddered sigh. "Please, can we just go home?" I whispered. Adam's strong arms wrapped around me and he nuzzled my hair with his snout. I giggled when his wet nose brushed against my neck and pushed his face away. "That tickles," I told him.

  Adam managed a toothy smile and scooped me into his arms. He took off into the darkness and I was never so glad to leave such a horrible little place.

  Chapter 11

  We made only one stop to fetch his bag from the cave, and then Adam ran along the ATV road for a couple of hours. I blissfully slept in his arms, exhausted from my harrowing ordeal. He never tired nor slowed until we reached the creek atop our hill. There he set me down and turned back to the Lost Valley. His eyes took on a melancholy look as he looked out on the wooded scenery.

  "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," he gruffly told me.

  I wrapped my arms around one of his and shook my head. "You protected me when I really needed it. I wouldn't have been able to escape without you distracting that Mark guy."

  Adam lowered his head and raised one clawed hand so the palm faced upward. "Do you truly think me a monster?" he whispered.

  "Did you kill that guy?" I returned.


  "Then you're not a monster any more than I'm a fat, balding, forty-something year old man."

  That got a small chuckle out of him, and he turned to me with a softness in his eyes that thrilled my heart. He reached up and clasped my chin in his hand. I smiled into his long-snouted face. "Will you never be afraid of anything?" he wondered.

  "Oh, there's plenty of things I'm afraid of. Take taxes. Have you ever tried to file those things?" I quipped.

  Adam smiled. "Only once, and then I hired an accountant."

  I grasped his hand in both of mine and snorted. "You're a brave wolf, Mr. Smith." I glanced past him at the valley. "And speaking of brave, what are we going to do about those guys down there? Go back and keep beating their butts until they behave?"

  Adam followed my gaze and shook his head. "No, we will allow the authorities to manage them. I will place an anonymous call telling them the coordinates of the road and compound, and who is responsible."

  "And the stories Mark will tell about a werewolf with me?"

  "They will believe he's mad, and you will argue it was a wild wolf that saved you."

  "You know this isn't going to make the neighbors like us, right? And those Owens boys were so hoping I was going to cook for them," I teased.

  Adam raised a bushy eyebrow. "'Cook for them?'"

  I snorted and waved off his question. "It's a long story. I'll tell you when we're not standing on a mountain top in a couple of inches of snow freezing our butts off. At least, I'm pretty sure mine fell off a minute ago."

  Adam grinned and reached around me. I yelped when I felt him pinch my rear. "I believe it is still there," he argued.

  I rubbed the sore skin and glared at him. "You've got a hell of a pinch in those fingers. They better be useful for love-making."

  He stepped toward me so close that our bodies touched and he pulled back his lips in a toothy grin. "I would be very willing to show you my skills in bed."

  I snorted and pushed him away. "Only if you can give me a fur carpet as thick as yours to lie on. Until then I'm chilled to the bone and only wanting a warm fire and some hot cocoa."

  Adam sighed and scooped me into his arms. "Your wish is my command, my love."

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and rubbed my nose against the end of his. "I like the sound of that."

  A half hour later found us at my cabin. Parts of it were still trashed, but with Adam's help a fire was started and we sat down in front of the warm flames each with a mug of cocoa in our hands. Adam reverted back to his human form and refused my offer of clothing. He sat beside me in only his ragged pants, and I couldn't help but cast a few longing glances at his muscular physique.

  "Do you admire the view?" he teased.

  I choked on my cocoa and turned away. "I didn't mean to-well, no actually, I really meant to look."

  "And do you approve?" he wondered.

  I leaned toward him and grinned. "Well, let me just say this: I'd be lying if I said no."

  Adam took my mug and set our cups aside. He wrapped his arm around my shoul
ders and I snuggled against his side. "Do you still feel safe with me after witnessing my inner demon?" he wondered.

  I leaned my head against his chest and shrugged. "I've dealt with worse."

  He raised an eyebrow. "In what instance?"

  "Have you ever woken up with a tangled mass of hair that would make Medusa jealous?"

  "Actually, my fur does mat very easily," he revealed.

  I snorted. "See? That sounds a lot worse than dealing with your inner demons. Nothing's as bad as waking up to a bad hair day."

  Adam leaned down and nuzzled his face into my neck. "I wouldn't mind seeing your impression of Medusa."

  "You say that now, but wait until you turn to stone," I countered.

  "I'm willing to take that risk," he argued. Adam pressed his lips against mine. Heat spread from my head to my toes, and I deepened the kiss.

  We separated only for air. My cheeks blushed crimson and when I looked into Adam's face I could see my lust reflected in his bright eyes. "You promise not to take too many big bites out of me?" I teased.

  "I make no guarantees," he replied.

  I closed my eyes and expected another kiss, but I yelped when Adam lifted me in his arms. My eyes snapped open and I glared at him as he carried me to my bedroom. "You better not have given me false advertising or I'll sue."

  Adam chuckled as he set me on the bed and climbed onto the covers with me. He slipped his leg over both of mine and pressed himself against my side. His hot body excited mine and I wrapped my arms around his back. He left a trail of sensual kisses down my neck and I hardly noticed when one of his hands slipped inside my shirt. His fingers slid up my skin and caught one of my breasts in his grasp. He massaged my mound of flesh, but the bra frustrated me. I squirmed and whimpered, wishing to free myself of my clothes.

  In a thrice my shirt was over my head and my bra was undone. I blushed beneath his heated eyes and tried to cover myself. He caught my hands and pulled them apart to admire my heaving, swollen breasts. "Beautiful," he growled.

  I shuddered as Adam leaned down and caught one of my sensitive buds in his warm, wet mouth. He toyed with me as he alternated between suckling and nipping at my flesh. I grasped his hair and found it was longer than I remembered. One of his hands slipped beneath the band of my sweatpants and brushed against my nub. I gasped and jumped into his hand, eager for more.

  Adam raised himself on his arms and looked into my face with dark yellow eyes. His teeth were long and sharp, and he panted. "I. . .I can't hold back much longer."

  I coyly smiled and massaged his chest with my hands. "Then don't."

  My caress and words broke his restraint. Adam curled back his lips in a feral snarl and dove at me. My pants were torn from me and his flew across the room. His sharp teeth nipped at my trembling flesh. He was everywhere at once, touching, caressing, heating me and preparing me for his swollen manhood. It brushed against my inner thigh and made me tremble in anticipation. I groaned and gasped as each touch heightened the need that grew inside me. Our bodies pressed against each other in a sensual dance of flesh.

  Adam parted my legs and pressed his tip against my wet opening. I wrapped my legs around him to show I was ready, and he thrust deep into me. He filled me, completed me, and I trembled as he pulled out and penetrated again, pushing deeper and rubbing against my nub of nerves. Thrills of pleasure raced through me and I gasped for breath. Each stroke was heaven on earth as he began the rhythm of our love-making. He was slow at first, achingly slow, but his beastial side wouldn't allow him to be gentle for long.

  His swollen manhood penetrated harder and faster. I clutched onto him as tingles of desire and powerful need enveloped me in their lustful embrace. We pushed and pressed against each other in a furious fight to push one another into bliss. Our sweat-soaked bodies rubbed and pressed against each other as the tension inside us built to agonizing levels. I clutched onto his back and shouted my pleas to my lover.

  "Yes! Oh god, yes! Faster! Oh god, faster!"

  My groans fell on willing ears as my lover thrust faster than I could follow. I held on as he took me to dizzying heights of pleasure. Every muscle in my body screamed for release, for the bliss his penetrating manhood promised with each forceful stroke. Something inside me tightened. My eyes widened. I flung my head back and cried his victory to the world.

  "Yes! Yes! Oh god, yes!"

  I was awash in an earth-shaking pleasure as my orgasm came upon me like a tidal wave. A blinding light clouded my vision. I gasped for breath even as my lover kept thrusting. His demands sent me higher to a realm of convulsing muscles and sensual, demanding lust.

  I leaned my mouth against his ear. "Come with me. Fill me," I whispered.

  He grunted and thrust once. Twice. He came inside me and collapsed atop my exhausted body. I cringed and tried to wiggle my way out from beneath him, but he was a little too heavy.

  "Adam?" I squeaked.

  His face was buried in the sheets beside my head. "Hmm?" came his muffled reply.

  "Air," I croaked.

  He lifted his head and sheepishly smiled. "Sorry." In one smooth motion he rolled off me, grabbed the covers and slipped the sheets over our naked bodies.

  I sighed and snuggled against him. At the thought of the warm bed my mind recalled one loose end in this adventure, and I chuckled. Adam pulled away from me and raised an eyebrow. "Something you wish to share?" he wondered.

  I shrugged. "In all this fun we've been having I forgot to ask you my question. The one I wanted to ask before we got Doc's squirrel food," I reminded him. "I'd ask it now, but I'm pretty sure I know the answer."

  "I would still like to hear the answer," he pleaded.

  "Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to come down here and live with me, but it looks like you've made yourself at home here already," I pointed out.

  Adam chuckled and nuzzled his face into my neck. "And what answer do you expect me to give?" he cooed.

  "I'm pretty sure it's a yes."

  "Then you would be incorrect."

  I jerked away from him and frowned. "Then what would it be?" I growled.

  "It is an emphatic yes," he corrected me.

  "Good. You move first thing in the morning."

  "I believe the first thing in the morning will be another sex session," he protested.

  I snorted. "Fine, second thing in the morning you move in."

  He leaned down and pecked a kiss on my lips. "Agreed."

  Falling For A Wolf #5

  Chapter 1

  My nose was chilly. So were my fingers and toes. Hell, most of me was chilled to the bone as I lay beneath the heavy load of blankets and quilts. The small heater in the corner couldn't fight against the chill that invaded through the walls. I inched my foot out of the covers to test the air. It was cold, almost freezing, or at least it felt that cold to my shivering little toes. I pulled my foot back inside the blankets and snuggled against the furnace that lay beside me. He was always so warm and sometimes fuzzy, but I never asked him to shave. I never had to. He was his own shaver and fur coat.

  I stayed there until I was nice and warm, and well-prepared for the cold world outside the covers. My clothes were scattered about the room after another wild night of love-making. I jumped from the bed and snatched them from all corners of the romm. They were cold and I shivered as I slipped arms and legs into their appropriate clothes. In a thrice I slipped from the room and hurried to the chimney. The coals were black, but still warm, and I'd been practicing. A few moments later and I had a small, crackling fire beneath my chilled hands.

  Next was the cocoa, and that was quickly taken care of. In a few minutes I stood at the front windows with a piping-hot mug between my warming hands. I gazed out the window and sipped on my cocoa. Outside the cabin the world was a white wonderland of wet stuff. Six inches of snow lay around the cabin and over my newly-fixed car. This first fall of the year was just the beginning. Full winter would come and there would be even more inches of snow. The white
stuff would lean against the walls and encase us in its cold embrace.

  That would be when the cabin-fever would set in. I could imagine myself in a fruit-bowl headdress and a yellow towel draped over my body like a toga. I would dance past the windows with maracas made of pine cones and shish kabob sticks in my hands, and a conga line of squirrels behind me with nuts in their mouths.

  The last image made me spit my cocoa onto the panes of glass. "I think it's already setting in," I mumbled to myself.

  "What has?" a voice spoke behind me.

  I started and spun around, spilling more cocoa on the floor and myself. At least I was warmer. I held out my dripped hands and shirt, and glared at the half-naked figure in front of me. That was Adam Smith, my lover and now-roommate. A thin bed sheet was wrapped around his middle and ruining my view of his perfectly sculptured body.

  "Don't you know how to knock or make some sort of tapping noise when you walk around?" I scolded him.

  "It's the habit of a predator to be quiet," he defended himself.

  I walked over to the kitchen and deposited my half-empty mug into the sink while I cleaned my hands and shirt. "Then I might get the habit of hanging a bell around your neck so I know you're coming."

  He slipped over to me and wrapped his strong, muscular arms around me. His face nuzzled into my neck. "That sounds intriguingly kinky."

  I rolled my eyes and slipped out from his grasp. "Uh-huh, and you sound like you're distracting me from my work. You know, it's not all work and play for me. I don't have a couple of centuries of a retirement account to live off of."

  "You could if you would accept my offer to quit your job," he argued.

  I reached the couch and pushed a box of his stuff off one of the side cushions. His unpacking still wasn't quite complete. I plopped myself down on the cushion and pulled my laptop into my lap. I only hoped the internet still worked with all that snow on the antenna. "Then what would I do with myself?" I countered.

  Adam walked over to the rear of the couch and leaned down beside my left side. "I could think of some interesting positions."

  I snorted and pushed him away. "You're as horny as a teenager. How many decades did you go without getting any?"


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