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Crossroads Page 10

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  I slid between Allie and Gwen. “What’s going on?”

  “Lucian’s sentinels found something when they patrolled after your attack at school.” Allie’s whisper tickled my ear, causing me to rub the lobe.

  “Alright.” Lucian uncapped a red marker and drew circles around different landmarks of Serenade Falls. A shadow crossed the wall from the doorway. “Chad, come on in. We were just getting started.”

  The man walking into the dining room was more like a giant bodybuilder. Dark mocha skin stretched his red polo to its limits and the chandelier lights shone off his bald head. Noticeable veins traveled over each bulged muscle as he swung his tree trunk like arms. I was ready to hide behind my uncle from Chad’s menacing presence. I really hoped he wasn’t my bodyguard.

  “Howdy, ya’ll.” Sparkling white teeth took over his face and my stance loosened. Friendliness radiated from his pores as he walked up to me. “This little beauty here is the only one I’m not acquainted with.” He held his large hand out for me to shake. “Chad Dawson at your service.”

  “Kitra Frost.” His warm hand engulfed mine. “Nice to meet you, Chad.”

  “You too, little lady.”

  Lucian clapped Chad on the shoulder. “Chad is going to escort you to school and back home each day. The staff already knows why he will be in all of your classes.”

  “How’d you get them to approve?” Schools normally wouldn’t let anyone come into classrooms without permission from a school board. There wasn’t any way to fly under the radar and stay out of the spotlight with the Hulk following me around. Thanks, Lucian. “After finding out a student had been attacked by one of Aelfric’s followers, they all but begged for help.” Lucian’s lips lifted into a wicked smirk. “Plus, threatening a lawsuit never hurts. Now, back to the problem at hand.” He rounded the table again with Chad on his heels. “Each of the points I circled on the map are where we’ve found some tokens that Aelfric and his people have left for us to find.”

  “Tokens?” Curtis’s eyebrows touched his golden hairline.

  “Yes. Small gifts he thought we needed.” Lucian’s timber suggested these weren’t the types of gifts we’d enjoy.

  “What were they?” Zander leaned over the table to peer at the map. “The park is circled. Isn’t that where Kitra and Caden smelled Aelfric on their date?”

  “Boy! She’s definitely an upgrade from that other girl you dated.” Chad whistled and my cheeks flamed.

  “Back to the gifts,” Caden coughed without looking in my direction. Things were still strained between us and I didn’t know if it’d ever get better.

  “Yeah, what did you find?” Austin elbowed Linc who was playing a game on his phone.

  “Dolls.” Chad shuddered and my mind went to the doll I hid under my bed.

  “Dolls?” Linc shuddered too and grimaced.

  “Yeah…those dolls.” Lucian scratched his scruffy chin stalling. “Aelfric is leaving Kitra look-a-like dolls all over the forest in various states of painful deaths.”

  The doorbell rang and everyone jumped.

  “I’ll get it!” Allie ran from the room. We waited quietly listening to the delivery man drop off a package. Allie carried a small, square cardboard box into the dining room. “It’s addressed to Caden. There’s no return address.”

  Caden took the box from Allie and removed the tape sealing it. He flipped back the flaps and tossed the box on the table with a low rumble in his chest. The contents rattled when it landed and we gathered around to see what was inside. Broken and busted pieces of a porcelain doll lay in the bottom and a white card sat on top of them. I reached for the note first and read it aloud to the group.

  Your strength and protection are nothing compared to what I have in store. Give Kitra up now and I promise to return her in the same condition as my gift. --Aelfric

  “Completely unoriginal.” Gwen blew out under her breath. “Is he watching crime shows and following them?” I had to tell them about the other doll, especially after I was attacked.

  “I need to show you all something.” I ran from the room, leaving many confused faces. It didn’t take me long to dig my doll from its hiding place and I held it front of me when I returned.

  “Where did you get that? When did you get it?” Uncle Kalen grabbed the rope and held it up letting the doll dangle like it was hanging.

  “Before lunch the day of the football game and party.” I glanced at Caden and quickly looked away when his features pinched.

  “I knew something was wrong. Why didn’t you tell me?” Austin smacked his hand against the table and I jumped for the second time in less than twenty minutes. “We could’ve prevented your attack if we’d known.”

  “I...I’m sorry.” He was right. I should have told them when I found it. My head dropped and I tried to fight the tears beginning to leak from my tear ducts. I wouldn’t make the same mistake again. “I thought it was a prank.”

  Everyone started speaking at once and Lucian tried to reign them back in, but they all faded to white noise. I was close to chasing the white rabbit down his hole. Aelfric was a sick man. I knew it and so did the others, but to hear he’s leaving dolls that resembled me posed in death scenes around Serenade Falls and after my own doll and what was delivered today, it was too much. Was my time getting shorter? What did I do now? Anyone could see those stupid things, especially humans. Was he trying to expose supernaturals to them?

  “Well, what do we do about it?” Caden’s harsh growl pulled me back to their conversation.

  “Up our patrols.” Linc shrugged his shoulders mirroring some of the others’ expressions.

  “Keep Kitra on lock down.” Zander mouthed “sorry” in my direction. It was like Uncle Kalen had said earlier. They’d be devastated.

  “We’re already doing all of that. What else?” Caden’s fist slammed onto the table with enough force to cause it to groan and shake.

  “Contact Mauve and the Council.” Uncle Kalen took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. “We need that weapon. It’s the only way.” Silence met his idea. He was right. The only way to defeat Aelfric and the Dark Ones was to find the weapon. I wished we were already in Faerie just so I could see my aunt again. I missed the warmth of her embrace and the advice she’d give me in a time like this.

  “I’ll get on both.” Lucian pulled out his phone and dialed while walking out of the room.

  “Okay, so what about Aelfric? Did you find any clues to lead us to him?” Austin began to pace and his agitation rolled off him in waves.

  “No. He disappeared like a puff of smoke.” Chad’s jolly smile fell. “He didn’t even leave a scent to follow.”

  Lucian came back into the room shoving his phone in his pocket. “Brannon Bishop found some information on the weapon. He’s going to be here in a few hours, but said he’d contact Mauve and update her on the situation before he leaves.”

  “What information?” Uncle Kalen glanced up with hope dancing in his gaze.

  “He wouldn’t say.” Lucian took a deep breath. “His tone led me to think it wasn’t good. Gwen, go tell your Mom that your Dad is coming to the Manor. She’ll want to be here when he arrives.”

  Gwen raced from the room with an extra pep in her step. I envied her moment of carefreeness and wished my life were as simple, but then guilt soured my stomach. Gwen was here because her father’s pack wouldn’t accept her. Maybe we both were similar in that aspect.

  “Let’s prepare for his arrival.” Lucian motioned for my uncle and Chad to follow him. With nothing left to do, I went upstairs to get some sleep and allow my body to heal.

  Chapter 10

  T HE LAST TIME we prepared for a Council member to arrive, the Manor was immaculate and we dressed for the occasion. This time around, Lucian and Uncle Kalen made sure they had all their information on the weapon ready. We were told Brannon wasn’t one for pomp and circumstance so we were to behave normally and were left to our own devices. Since I was still recovering from my a
ttack, I lounged around when I failed to fall back to sleep while the others returned to school to pick up our homework and Gwen stayed with her mother.

  In the kitchen, I was pouring myself a glass of sweet tea when Gwen trudged through the patio doors. She tucked a loose strand of coffee colored hair behind her ear as she slouched against the countertop of the island. Her usual peppiness had been washed away and was replaced by a hollow stare.

  “What can I get you?” Condensation beaded on the side of my untouched glass.

  “Whatever you’re having.” Gwen mumbled past her arm and I slid the sweet tea in her direction. By the time I poured myself another glass, she had taken an enormous gulp and almost drained the contents of her glass.

  “Want to tell me about it?” The sweet tea had just the right amount of sugar and I sighed into my drink.

  “None of my problems are worse than yours. I’m being ridiculous.” Her head dropped back to the counter.

  “They matter enough to bother you so they bother me. We’re friends remember?” The sound she made was indistinguishable. “Come on. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “It’s stupid really.” Gwen squirmed on her stool. “I’m nervous about seeing my father.”

  “Why?” I knew Gwen and her mother were outcasts among her father’s pack, but what did it have to do with Brannon?

  “Sometimes, I feel I’m not good enough for him. His people won’t accept me and one day he may not either.” Her lip quivered and her hair fell into a curtain around her cheeks. Where was the vibrant hunter who protected society by taking on rogue supernaturals?

  “Has he ever given you any reason to believe he doesn’t love or accept you?”

  Gwen peeked up at me with a shake of her head.

  “No, but what if I’m never good enough?” I stared at her and wished she could see her own worth.

  “Well, if they can’t see what an amazing person you are, Gwen, they don’t deserve you anyway. So you’re stuck with us.” I gave her a playful nudge. “But I don’t think you’ll have to worry about your dad.”

  I finished my sweet tea and gave her a side hug before leaving her to think about what I said. She slumped back down and started tracing her finger over the slick glass. I too suffered from similar thoughts, but since I had been kidnapped and was almost sacrificed, I’ve learned to value myself. I learned to love myself for who I am and not worry about what others thought of me, even though I still had problems with not caring about snide remarks. Gwen had the same conclusions to come to; only then would she believe in herself.

  An hour later, my sensitive hearing picked up gravel crunching under quick moving tires and we all gathered in the foyer. Gwen gave me a brief sincere smile, however, it didn’t mask the tangy scent of nervousness hanging in the air. It clung to my tongue, leaving remnants of citrus dancing over my taste buds and the urge to fidget. I realized I wasn’t the only one affected after several others shuffled from foot to foot, but no one mentioned her unease.

  The low purr of an expensive engine shut off and after the sound of a soft pop from a car door closing, footsteps were heard coming closer. Opening the front door before the figure outside could raise his hand to knock, Uncle Kalen met our guest. Bright, wild, shoulder length red hair glowed like fire in the sun’s warm rays. I thought Brannon Bishop would be as huge as the other male shifters in the room, but he was smaller in stature with a lean build. Of course he still towered over me.

  “Brannon, it’s good to see you my friend.” Uncle Kalen grasped his outstretched hand between both of his.

  “The same Kalen, but my visit isn’t one of reminiscence.” He slid past the door with enviable grace. Serious brown eyes searched the room and softened when they landed on Gwen and Lilly. Plump rosy lips spread showing all of Brannon’s white teeth. “My girls!” He brushed by everyone, wrapping them in his arms. “I’ve missed you so much!”

  “Dad, you’re hurting me,” Gwen groaned after a minute and wiggled against Brannon’s chest.

  “Sorry.” He chuckled as he released her. Lilly was still locked in his embrace and Brannon’s eyes shone with tears as he glanced down to her lips. He captured her mouth with a deep groan deepening the tender kiss.

  “Let’s give Brannon some time with his family.” Lucian motioned for us to join him in the living room. “After all they’ve been through, they…they deserve some time alone.”

  I couldn’t agree more. Gwen and her mother deserved happiness. It was at times like this I realized our world needed change. Prejudice tore Gwen’s family apart and who knew how many couples were in love and hid their emotions. I guess part of me understood the reasoning to create laws prohibiting different races from entering into relationships, but there had to be a better way to prevent a hybrid from opening the prison gate.

  I sat on the ornate couch more defeated than I’d ever felt. Something had to be done to alter Supernatural thinking, but first I had to save the world from beasts like Aelfric and the notion left me sick to my stomach. It was too much to handle. How could one girl save the world and revolutionize it? If I gave much thought to the gravity of what was expected of me, I’d lose all hope.

  Each of my friends seemed to sense my anxiety. I didn’t need to worry about saving the world. All I needed to focus on was saving the people under this roof. They were what mattered most and with that thought my mission didn’t seem as daunting.

  Brannon, Lilly, and Gwen broke my inner monologue with their entrance. Lilly’s hand was clasped with Brannon’s while Gwen was held against her father’s side. Gwen’s eyes met mine and were filled with the spark I was used to seeing. I knew she would be okay.

  “Lucian. Kalen.” Brannon smiled down at his family. “I hate to bring this news to you, but Faerie is still closed to you.”

  “What? Why?” Caden growled standing up. “Do they want Aelfric to open the gate? Is that what their waiting for?”

  “No.” Brannon’s eyes followed Caden as he paced across the room. “They aren’t sure they want the weapon to be found.” Caden stopped dead in his tracks. “Kalen, they want to keep Kitra at the Council Estate.”

  “They won’t touch her!” Caden roared and his breathing sped up as his eyes glowed and claws extended. Authority similar to his father’s alpha power rolled off him in waves as he stared down Brannon. “She’s not going anywhere.”

  “No one said Kitra had to go. I’m actually here to prevent that from happening.” Brannon pushed Lilly and Gwen behind him, stepping between them and Caden as the rest of my guardians rose from their seats. “The other Council members think I’m here to interrogate her. I’m going to report she poses no threat, Caden. Your father asked me to protect her so I will.”

  “Why?” His growing snout garbled his words.

  “It doesn’t matter why.” I laid my hand on Caden’s heaving chest and watched his breathing slow. “Brannon’s here to help us.” I whispered.

  “I’m sorry.” Caden’s shaking fingers covered mine. “I can’t let anything happen to you.”

  “You won’t. I trust you to keep me safe.” I wrapped my arms around his stomach and his agitation faded away, but his wolf was right at the cusp of his senses. I pulled back once he calmed but my insides yearned to stay exactly where I was. I didn’t want Caden to think our break was over. “Take a few minutes and get your wolf under control.”

  “Okay.” Caden’s shoulders stiffened as he left the room. A collective sigh was released once the drama was over.

  “Well, Brannon. Now that we know the Council wants us to stay out of Faerie, why don’t they want the weapon found?” Lucian pulled the focus back to the matter at hand.

  “This is what I found.” Brannon unfolded a slip of aged tattered parchment. “I smuggled it from the estate’s private library.” He passed it to Lucian.

  Lucian’s eyebrows drew together as he scanned what was written. “This is all you found?”

  “Unless they have more stashed elsewhere, that’s it.” Brannon�
�s head dropped.

  “What does is say?” Uncle Kalen stepped behind me putting both hands on my shoulders.

  “Only that the weapon was hidden to prevent its usage. King Oberon felt it wasn’t safe for any one person to harness its power.” Lucian passed the parchment to Uncle Kalen.

  “We can’t go to Faerie because these two sentences warn of how powerful the weapon is. We don’t even know what it’s capable of doing.” Linc threw his hands up and stomped off.

  “Right now, the passages to Faerie are being monitored.” Brannon’s confession caused Zander to laugh.

  “They know us all too well.” Curtis’s mouth curved into a mischievous grin.

  “That they do.” Brannon’s boisterous laugh startled me and I jumped which made him cackle even more. “They expect you to make your move soon.”

  “We were planning on it.” Lucian’s confession shocked me. No one had mentioned we were getting ready to leave. “Now, we’ll have to wait a little longer. Think you can get us an opening to make a run for it?”

  “I’ll try my best.” Gwen stiffened next to her dad and he glanced down at her curled in form. “But first I need more time with my girls. If you’ll excuse us?”

  “Sure.” Uncle Kalen stepped around me. “Stay as long as you want. Lilly and Gwen are staying in the cottage.”

  “Thanks Kalen.” Brannon, Lilly, and Gwen left the room.

  “What now?” Austin turned towards Lucian asking the question we all wanted an answer to.

  “Hang tight. Don’t draw attention to ourselves.” Lucian tapped his pointer finger against the police issued gun strapped to his hip. “Brannon will find us a way in. Until then, stay alert.”

  I thought Brannon’s visit would bring answers, but it only left me with more questions. Why was the Council afraid of the weapon we planned to find and use against Aelfric? Did they know something we didn’t? Was the weapon really evil? Like Lucian said, we’d bide our time until we left for Faerie.


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