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Crossroads Page 12

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  Morning classes dragged and multiple times I caught myself before I banged my head against the desk. I glanced at the clock above the whiteboard counting down the time until I had to face Jessie again. I wanted to scream and howl over the pain just seeing her caused me, but I wasn’t going to give her the pleasure of seeing me fall apart each time she asked about Caden. I even squashed Austin’s mental inquiries. I was going to fake it until I made it. When the bell for Calculus rang, I hoped my acting ability was as Oscar worthy for the rest of the day.

  I ambled to my locker exchanging my books and notebook. I debated between traveling at a snail’s pace or skipping altogether, but after two tardies I was pushing my luck. My teacher already had it out for me and I didn’t need to give her another reason to despise me.

  I took my normal seat and waited for the other students to walk in. Austin breezed to his seat behind me and Ryn paused in the doorway as he searched the room. A bright smile lit his face and he floated to the seat in front of me. Feminine chatter filled the air as many gasps and choking noises sounded. I hoped I didn’t partake in the noisy appreciation of the fae male or have drool running down my face.

  Caden and my other Guardians were purposely keeping me from Ryn and now when they were absent, I was able to study the creature who made my heart rate speed up and my knees weak. Each plane of his face was carved and sculpted by a masterful artist. His jawline was sharp enough to slice through metal and full kissable lips lifted on the right side in a knowing smirk as my own gasp joined the others. Where Caden was dark and brooding, Ryn was light and smug. He knew the effect he had on females and he relished it.

  “Hello, beautiful.” Ryn’s lyrical timbre created goosebumps along my arms. I rubbed them away and dropped my head. I was thankful I’d worn my hair down today because it formed a curtain for me to hide my flaming cheeks behind and gave me the barrier I needed to get my feelings under control. Shame leaked from my pores because of my reaction to Ryn. How could I swoon over him when I had the same reaction to Caden? Even though we weren’t dating and I couldn’t control my reactions to Ryn, my wolf told me I was cheating on the wolf she’d claimed.

  “Good morning, Ryn.” I peeked at him from below my lashes to see him still grinning with a twinkle in his eye and my cheeks reddened further. “I’m surprised to see you in this class.” Austin choked on the laugh he held in.

  “You wound me, Princess.” His hand went to his heart and he pretended to slump from my words.

  “I didn’t mean.” Panic reached my ears and I saw his grin turn wicked. “You’re incorrigible!”

  “Now. Now. I wasn’t the one to suggest my intelligence would hinder me from being placed in a Calculus class. That was you.” Ryn straightened as he watched my demeanor change to one of murder. “Is she always this easy to mess with?” He glanced over my shoulder to Austin. “I’m sorry. Forgive me. I was jesting.”

  “So why are you here?” My arms folded on their own accord as my eyes formed slits. Even if his presence made me hyperventilate, I wasn’t easily appeased.

  “Calculus is an upper level junior and senior course. I needed a math in my schedule so here I am.” He shrugged, but I wondered if it was to fulfill his duty to my aunt. “I hear you’re a fierce opponent when sparring. Do you mind if we practiced together sometime?”

  “I…I guess.” My stammer revealed my unsteady heartbeat. Why did he have turn me into a stuttering fool? I imagined what it would be like to face off with him in the gym. I would be as close to him as I had been with Caden when we sparred. My blush reached my toes and raced back to the tips of my ears.

  “Why do I think there’s more to your beautiful coloring than you’re letting on?” Ryn leaned closer and I smelled sandalwood and an ocean breeze. The silver blended into the green of his eyes, mesmerizing me as if I was under a spell and I lost all coherent thought. “Definitely another reason. One I’d love nothing more than to explore.” His scent surrounded me and I swayed in my seat. My eyes closed voluntarily and I leaned forward. I felt the need to be closer to him. The sensation was too much. The fae magic centering in my soul flared and pulsed, reaching out to mix with Ryn’s life force. What was happening? An invisible thread connected us and pulled us closer to one another.

  A clearing throat jerked me back to reality and Ryn’s euphoric features faded to confusion as he realized my absence. His brow scrunched together as he peered at me and I watched as he scratched his head, ruffling his styled hair from it previous perfection. His brows rose and his lips pursed as he scrutinized what had passed between us. Sitting back, I hated to think about what I must have looked like if his reaction to my magic was anything to go by. His head tilted as he studied me with a spark of new interest.

  Movement from the corner of my eye stole my attention. Jessie stood next to my desk with her hands on her hips as she appraised Ryn. My wolf’s hackles rose, but I fought the growl which begged to spew from my vocal chords.

  “I don’t know how you do it, Kitra.” Annoyance dripped in every syllable. “Two guys wrapped up in you.”

  “I’m sorry. What?” The fog coating my brain kept her words from computing.

  “After homeroom, Caden turned me down flat.” A sneer twisted her features into something feral. “All because of you. Why you? You’re no different than the rest of us. You aren’t anything special.” She walked to her seat when the teacher called the class to order.

  Relief filled my veins. Caden didn’t want her. I glanced at the back of Ryn’s golden head and my soul stirred. What was I doing? Now wasn’t the time to focus on dating anyone. Aelfric was going to strike again. I knew it and so did the others. So why was my mind focused elsewhere? Sandalwood and the ocean surrounded me and I knew why. My life was a mess. A complete and total hot mess.

  The rest of the day was filled with hateful, jealous glares from my female classmates because either Caden or Ryn was constantly by my side until the end of the day. Football season was winding down, but the Banshees were in the playoffs and the coach had doubled the practices for the next two weeks. Caden informed Uncle Kalen once the coach gave the instructions for the increased practices. We were told he’d be waiting for us in the parking lot after school.

  Allie and Gwen met me by my locker and I sniffed, inhaling a rusty scent coming from inside my locker.

  “What’s wrong?” Gwen’s stance widened to be more defensive as she searched the hall for danger.

  “Something’s in my locker.” I reached out and and spun the lock through its combination and opened it to reveal its contents. A small blue box with a white bow sat atop of my books.

  “OMG! Did you get jewelry? Who do you think its from?” Allie snatched the box up and pulled the ribbon. “Eww!” She shoved the box to me. “That’s not jewelry.” She gagged as I glanced inside. Dried blood coated the wax paper and the animal heart inside was rotting. I expected flies or maggots to cover the contents, but it was empty.

  “There’s a message written inside the lid.” Gwen flipped it to where I could read it.

  So many hearts have you stolen. Mine is a goner too and now is my gift to you. It’s only fair for you to give yours in return. The people you most care for are not safe, until you’re mine. Mauve was the first, but she isn’t the last. I’ll alienate you until I’m all you have. --Aelfric

  “Yuck.” I gagged myself and put the lid back in its place. “We need to show Uncle Kalen.”

  “What do we need to show your Uncle?” Ryn appeared with his gray backpack thrown over his right shoulder. I passed Ryn the box and he gave an angry hiss. “Let’s go.” We hurried outside and I located Uncle Kalen’s Range Rover.

  I don’t know what tipped him off that something was wrong, but he jumped from the car and raced towards us.

  “What’s going on?” Panic filled his voice as he grabbed my upper arms and searched for any injury before he crushed me to his chest.

  “Kitra received another token.” Ryn’s body vibrated as he passed Uncle
Kalen my gift from Aelfric. “I’ll kill him.”

  “Get in line.” Uncle Kalen growled and pulled out his phone taking pictures. He typed in a few numbers and hit send. An immediate response was received. “Lucian is putting the pack on high alert. Get in the car.”

  Allie rode shotgun. We didn’t want Aelfric to think his gifts had any effect on us, but how could we appear normal? She plugged in her iPod.“We need some tunes to forget about what we’ve seen.” I didn’t want to listen to any music. I wanted to focus on Aelfric’s warning. My friends and family were in danger because of me. How could I keep them safe? If I let it, I’d let my worry eat up my soul. Maybe Allie was right and a distraction was what I needed.

  Once the music started, she and Gwen gave us an off key concert. Ryn and Uncle Kalen shared horrified grimaces and I stuck my fingers in my ears howling and forgetting about Aelfric. Uncle Kalen and Ryn joined me as we all pushed the stupid blue box from our thoughts.

  Giggles erupted and Ryn began to sing louder than the girls’ laughter as the next song played. His voice was like velvet caressing my skin, awakening my inner fangirl and enabled to me to believe I was enjoying my first music festival. None of the musicians I listened to compared to Ryn. He hypnotized me with each rise and fall. We pulled up in front of the house as the final note ceased. Silence filled the Range Rover as Allie unplugged her device.

  “I didn’t know you sang.” A slight rasp coated my words. Sitting next to him caused my fae magic to swell. “That was beautiful.”

  “Thank you. I love to sing. Music is my second passion.” Humor danced in his eyes.

  “What’s your first?” We climbed from the vehicle and walked inside with Uncle Kalen carrying the gift box to his office. I wanted the thing out of my sight and was thankful he took it.

  “Besides talking to gorgeous ladies.” Ryn pulled me back to our conversation and he jumped away from my swatting hand. “Make that talking to gorgeous, feisty ladies.”

  “Be serious.” I deadpanned. “What’s your first passion?”

  “I was being serious.” He stepped away just in case I swatted at him again. “I love what I do. I’m the commander of the Royal Guard.”

  “And my aunt sent you here?” Disbelief oozed from my lips. The commander? What was she thinking?

  “The Queen loves you and wants the heir to the throne protected.” He reached out, but I pushed the strand of hair he was going for behind my ear and his hands dropped to his sides. “Don’t worry. She knows what she’s doing and I left my capable second in charge. She’s safe.”

  My feet shuffled. “But the last time she trusted someone, I was almost killed.” I didn’t know what else to say and I bit my lower lip.

  “I didn’t trust Florian. I told the Queen my suspicions about him on many occasions.” He sighed and cracked his fingers. “She didn’t listen. After what happened though, she let me choose a new Royal Guard. Only the men I deemed worthy enough protect her do so now. I’m loyal to the crown, Kitra, and I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize it. Neither would Bretton, my second.”

  “Thank you, Ryn.” His words filled me with a small sense of relief. After Florian’s betrayal, I still didn’t trust members of the Seelie Court.

  “Kitra?” Our gazes met. “Do?” Uncle Kalen called for Ryn from his office. “Another time then.” He strolled down the hall, disappearing past the open door to what I was sure was a discussion about the events of this afternoon.

  I wondered what he wanted to ask as I followed the aromas making my wolf salivate to the kitchen. Lilly was humming and dancing in front of the stove as Allie and Gwen sat at the breakfast nook doing homework. I joined them and we worked silently. Thirty minutes later, Lilly was plating food in serving dishes to be taken to the dining room when I heard the squeal of tires on the gravel. There was a short pause between the vehicle stopping and the front door banging open. Shouting filled the Manor and the four of us raced to the foyer. The scent of tangy copper saturated the air and Linc was the first of the boys I saw. My stomach turned. Every inch of exposed skin on his forearms, neck, and face was bathed in blood. Even his hair was matted to his head and I couldn’t tell if it was his blood or not. I noticed Zander next with a deep gash still open on his forehead. Why wasn’t he healing faster? All the bodies kept me from seeing the one wolf I needed to check on. Where was Caden?

  Austin swung around with terror still on his pale face. Was he hurt? I’d have felt it like I did last time, wouldn’t I? Why didn’t he tell me through our link? My blood pressure skyrocketed knowing he left me in the dark, but I searched him visually for injuries. The only blood on him was connected to the arm resting over his shoulders. A long, cornstalk mane was tinged in blood and I released the breath I was holding and held back tears when I saw Caden underneath Curtis’s other arm.

  “What happened?” Uncle Kalen and Ryn helped carry Curtis through the door. Lilly ran back to the kitchen to get water and cloths to clean some of the blood.

  Allie crumpled and started rocking back and forth as she surveyed the damage her boyfriend had sustained. Gwen soothed her and wrapped her arms around our friend.

  “They came from everywhere.” Zander covered the cut which finally began to mend. “We were ambushed.” Lilly returned with warm wet towels, passing them to each of the boys.

  “Who else is hurt?” Lilly quickly assessed them.

  “It’s not my blood.” Linc swiped the blood with the towel revealing his tattoos.

  “We need to get Curtis upstairs. I need to check his wounds.” Lilly barked out her order and headed for the second floor. Caden and Uncle Kalen carried him behind her. “He isn’t healing.” Allie’s sniffles became a wail and I went to her. I was terrified she’d go into shock.

  “Why isn’t he healing?” Ryn watched with a raised brow as we quieted Allie. I assumed he knew about her relationship with the shifter, but apparently I was wrong.

  “The blades were covered in Wolfsbane.” Linc wiped at his arms. “He and Zander were jumped first and injured. They weren’t able to shift.” I knew what Wolfsbane did to a shifter’s system. The inability to perceive your wolf was the loneliest one of us could feel. That separation was a physical ache.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I rounded on Austin, startling him enough that he jumped? “Did you not think I could be of any help?”

  “I…” He looked away and I snarled when he didn’t answer.

  “If it had been me, you would’ve wanted to know. All of you would be jumping down my throat if I didn’t notify you.” Steam was coming from my ears as they roared and my head tightened.

  “We were trying to keep you safe!” He bellowed, throwing his hands in the air.

  “Just remember one thing if it happens again.” My voice dropped to a whisper. “I fight just as well as anyone in this room, if not better. I’d be broken if I lost any of you.” Tears filled my eyes and I turned my back on them.

  Caden stood at the top of the stairs. “Allie?” His interruption broke the tension between Austin and me. Allie’s catatonic state ended as her watery gaze turned to him. “Curtis is asking for you.” She bolted from her place on the floor and ran up the stairs.

  “I’ll go help mom.” Gwen made a quieter exit. “Zander, you should let her look you over. When she’s not hunting rogues, she’s a nurse in the trauma ward.”

  Zander mumbled about already healing, but followed her upstairs.

  “They were orchestrated in their attack. We’d just made it to the Hummer when it happened.” Caden ran bloody fingers through his raven locks as he descended the stairs. “If Kitra had been there.” He trailed off as he turned toward me. Red specks were scattered across his throat.

  “The Dark Ones fell back once Caden and I ripped through several of them.” Linc pulled his shirt away from his torso breaking its suction like grip.

  “They didn’t waste any time.” Ryn shifted closer to my side.

  “What are you talking about?” Caden’s brows fu
rrowed as he watched Ryn’s movements.

  “Kitra received a message from Aelfric at school.” Austin, Caden, and Linc crowded us.

  “What did it say?” Austin eyes narrowed and I knew he thought I acted like a hypocrite after demanding to be told about their attack especially when I hadn’t mentioned my gift to him.

  “That my friends and family were in danger if I didn’t give myself to Aelfric.” I gave Austin a pointed look with my next statement. “Uncle Kalen contacted Lucian when we gave him the box.”

  “Box?” Linc’s head tilted. “What was in it?”

  “An animal heart.” Ryn’s face scrunched up as he spit out the words.

  “He’s getting creative.” Sarcasm dripped from Caden’s plump lips. “We received the high alert from Dad right before they jumped us.”

  “Will Curtis be okay?” My voice wavered when a groan came from upstairs.

  “I don’t know. He was stabbed several times and hasn’t healed.” Caden glanced upstairs and we all flinched as another groan bounced off the walls. “We’ll have to wait and see.”

  Chapter 13

  W E CAMPED OUTSIDE of the room Curtis was in propped against each side of the hallway walls. We’d asked about his condition and it was touch and go for a while with Curtis passing out when Lilly dug a broken piece of a serrated blade from one of his wounds. Curtis stabilized thereafter, but remained unconscious. Once, I peeked in to check on him. To see if he was really still alive. Lilly was checking his pulse and Allie was sitting in a chair by his bedside sleeping with his hand clasped in hers. I crept back outside and kept my vigil with the others.

  Lucian arrived not long after we camped outside the room. He’d been aiding Chad in a search of some cave systems running under the town when the attack occurred. He never said what they found and Caden, Zander, and Linc gave full reports on the attack against them. After checking on Curtis, he was off again with a new directive. Seeing Lucian broken wasn’t something I wanted a repeat of.


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