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Crossroads Page 14

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  I left the happy couple and got my own computer and then found the others downstairs working on school work. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and settled next to Gwen and she showed me how to get logged onto my online classes. For the next couple of hours, we all focused on our assignments and I was able to get a week ahead. Stretching in my chair, I rubbed my temples to rid the throbs drumming behind my eyes. Austin’s chuckle coaxed me to open my eyes. Everyone in the room was looking at me, grinning.

  “What?” The word came out harsh. I hated being the butt of a joke.

  “You feeling okay?” Austin fought his grin and finally put his hand over his mouth.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” My lips lifted with my snarl.

  “Well, Princess.” Ryn put his elbows on the table resting his chin on his knuckles. “Maybe the light show you’re creating says otherwise.”

  “Your fairy is showing.” Linc cackled grabbing his stomach.

  “What?” Purple sparks danced on my fingertips and some bounced off the walls in the room. The smell of melting paint reached my nose as another spark scorched the wall. How was I doing this? I wasn’t even trying? My breath shortened to small pants.

  “Kitten.” Caden’s voice broke past my panic. “Deep breaths. Good. Just breathe. In through your nose and out your mouth.”

  “Kitten?” Ryn’s brows wrinkled in disgust and I wanted to defend my nickname, but I was still trying to calm my racing heart. “Why do you call her Kitten?”

  “Why do you call her Princess?” Caden’s crossed his arms and hardened his gaze.

  “Because she is a princess. Heir to the throne of the Seelie Court and should be addressed as such.” Ryn mimicked Caden’s posture. “Only a significant other should use pet names with her.”

  “Good thing she and I dated then.” Smugness oozed from Caden’s pores and his lips spread into a Cheshire grin. “The details I’m keeping to myself.”

  Ryn’s posture stiffened and then the right side of his mouth tugged upward. “Dated. I believe that’s past tense.” He turned his forest gaze on me and winked. This caught everyone’s attention. “Doesn’t look like it will continue.” The heads of Gwen and the others switched back and forth as if they were watching a tennis match.

  “How about you both stop talking about me like I’m not even in the room?” My entire body turned a bright tomato red and I raised to my feet planting both hands against the table. “I’m not a piece of meat to be fought over. I can make up my own mind. I’ll go out with whomever I want to.” Both Caden and Ryn narrowed their gazes at one another, but didn’t say anything else and I sat back down. Stupid chauvinistic males. At least the sparks had stopped burning holes in the walls. Uncle Kalen was going to kill me. A twinkle glowed in Caden’s gaze brightening the blue of his eyes and his pillowy lips curved into a half smirk.

  “Doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way, Twinkle Toes.” Caden hopped up and kissed the crown of my head as he strutted from the room and my wolf sighed. The stupid shifter was going to be the death of me.

  “Anyone else want to punch him?” Ryn hadn’t turned from Caden’s exit.

  “All the time, Twinkle Toes. All the time.” Linc clapped Ryn on the back as he and Zander followed their fearless leader. I wondered what a showdown between Caden and Ryn would look like, but then I remembered my dream and I really didn’t want to see it.

  “Don’t call me Twinkle Toes!” Ryn jumped to his feet with his hand on the sword attached to his hip.

  “Calm down, Cousin.” Austin shot him a grin. “At least it isn’t Tink.”

  “Or pixie dust.” Gwen coughed to hide her laugh.

  “They call each of us derogatory names?” Ryn crossed his arms, turning his hateful stare on us.

  “It means they like you.” Ryn’s brows furrowed at my admission. “Well, maybe not Caden, but with the others, yes. They like you.”

  “Funny way of showing it.” Ryn glanced off to his side and noticed the destruction my fae magic created on the dining room. “On that note, you need more training. Let’s go outside.”

  After looking around the room, the retort I was about to release died on my lips. He was right. I needed more training. What I didn’t expect was how much of a drill sergeant Ryn would be. Maybe I should have, though. He was the Commander of a Faerie army. Why did I assume any less?

  Much to the amusement of Austin and Gwen, what seemed like a torturous lifetime of training with Ryn finally ended. It had only been a couple of hours. So far, I’d levitated, produced an energy ball in my hand, and called up fire. Now, Ryn was wanting me to create the same reaction I had in the dining room. How on earth could I do that? It was an accident! I tried to call up my sparks, but I was exhausted. My limbs, my wolf, and my magic was done. D.O.N.E. I wanted nothing more than to curl up in my bed without being disturbed for the next century.

  “Try harder.” Ryn’s voice snapped me from my happy place.

  “I am trying.” The response was weak even to my own ears.

  “No, you’re not.” He got close to my face and forced me to look him in the eye. “Do you really want to lose control and hurt someone? Hurt your friends?”

  “No!” I jerked back. Angry black waves engulfed my spirit as I thought about harming the people I cared about. I’d never hurt them.

  “There it is!” Ryn clapped and rocked back on his heels. “You’re an emotional sparker!”

  “Emotional what?” Austin and Gwen were rolling on the ground at my expense. I saw the purple lights flying in all directions around me. “Oh.”

  “That’ll be my nickname for you. “Sparkle.” Ryn jumped back from my stare. “It’s only fair.”

  “Only fair.” I mumbled a few not nice things under my breath about him and his nickname.

  “Can I talk to Kitra alone?” My eyes widened as Austin pulled Gwen to her feet and left me with the other person I now considered the bane of my existence. “Ok, I have to know.”

  “What?” I was completely clueless over what information he was trying to get from me.

  “You and Caden.” Ryn sat across from me with our knees almost touching. My magic reached out to him and my eyes fluttered. I couldn’t lose control with him like I almost did in class. “Why did it end?”

  “It never really got started. I’ve known Caden since we were kids and we went on one date.” I shrugged not making a big deal of my feelings for Caden. What I truly felt wasn’t any of his business.

  “But why not go on another?” He was sniffing where his nose didn’t need to be. “I’m just curious.”

  “It’s a long story.” I huffed hoping he’d leave it alone, but the look on his face told me he wasn’t going to let it go. “Caden only wants to accept my wolf side.”

  “He’s being stupid. The fae side is more powerful and is far superior.” He leaned back on his arms. “There’s nothing special about being a dog.” My wolf’s hackles rose and she bared her teeth.

  “I hate to remind you, Ryn.” I stood with my head raised and pulled myself up to my entire five-foot-two height dusting off my leggings. “He and I are wolves, not dogs.”

  “You’re no dog, Kitra. Fae magic runs through your veins. You’re fae.” Didn’t he hear the stupidity spouting from his lips? What was it with these guys and trying to tell me I was either wolf or fae only? Hybrids may be considered an abomination, but I was proud of my heritage.

  “I’m both.” I left him outside gaping after me.

  Inside, I grabbed a sandwich from the kitchen and tried to taste the stew Lilly had going on the stove, but she swatted at me and sent me on my way. Upstairs, I checked on Allie and Curtis. She was curled up in her chair asleep covered in a blanket and he was passed out, sprawled across the bed. I closed the door trying not to wake them and went to my own room, inhaling my food as I went.

  I stopped in the doorway. What in the world? My mouth unhinged and fell to my feet. Five crystal vases were scattered around my bedroom and each held a dozen of blood red roses. At fir
st, my heart clenched and my breathing quickened thinking Aelfric had somehow delivered them to my room without anyone knowing. I crept to the first vase and detached the only card with them and flipped it over.


  I’m sorry for being an idiot. I want all of you. Not just the parts I’m comfortable with. Please be patient with me as I navigate the unknown. Nothing can be bad or second best if you’re involved in it.

  You have my heart. –Caden

  I clutched the card to my chest and smelled each vase. I had the urge to sing and dance, but realized I’d be acting too much like a Disney princess and might attract the local wildlife to my door. My wolf was prancing, basking in the glow of knowing the wolf she claimed as her own was coming to his senses. He was going to accept all of me. That’s what I wanted most, but I wasn’t ready to go back to a toxic relationship. We both needed to grow and mature. I’d wait until he showed his acceptance before I acted on it.

  Lilly called us down to eat and I became a shy, love-struck girl getting to see her crush for the first time. Was my hair okay? Did I need to change? I told myself to quit be silly and be the fierce, independent woman I knew I was. I sat between Linc and Gwen across from Caden and he gave me a tender smile.

  Dinner passed in barely contained excitement after Curtis and Allie filled the doorway. I was grateful Curtis was healing. When Uncle Kalen noticed the damage to the walls, all I received was a stern stare and I sagged in relief. After a slice of chocolate pecan pie, Gwen and I volunteered to clean up and the others disappeared like figments of the imagination. Gwen and I were a great team and finished up in record time. I told her about Caden’s gift and we gossiped like harpies. Caden strolled in and Gwen gave me a thumbs up before leaving. I didn’t know what to do and became unsure of myself. The boy sent my head spinning anytime I was around him.

  “Thank you for the flowers.” I ducked my head and put my hands behind my back.

  “You’re welcome.” Caden crept forward and slipped his arms around me. “I want you to know I’m serious. It may take a bit for me to fully understand your fae side, but I will. You’re too important to me.”

  “I know.” I squeezed him and my wolf hummed. She loved the contact. “You’re important to me too.” I gazed up at him and his eyes locked onto my mouth. His head descended, but before we made the contact we both wanted, a throat cleared.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Zander cleared his throat again. “Your dad and Chad want to see to you in Kalen’s office.”

  “Duty calls.” Caden’s arms dropped from around me and I stepped away from him. He and Zander left and I leaned back against the sink.

  “He’s smooth.” Ryn popped around the corner.

  “Were you watching us?” Why would he be spying on us? My arms crossed protectively in front of me. After what he had said earlier, who knew what he’d spew this time.

  “I didn’t watch.” He sat at the island and tilted his head. “I heard everything though.” My mouth opened to tell him off but he kept going. “What you said earlier made me think. There is a lot more to you and I want to get to know all of you. I want to understand your shifter side.”

  “Why?” My brow arched and my hands went to my hips. What game was he playing? “I don’t appreciate my personal moment being infringed upon by you because you think you can.” My eyes rolled. It was better than the alternative of ruining his perfect face.

  “I want the same opportunity you’re giving Caden.” Now, I was the one gaping like a fish. Was he serious? “At school, I felt our magic calling to each other. I know you felt it too. I didn’t say anything because I’ve never experienced this sensation before and it only happens when I’m around you.”

  “You’ve never had feelings for someone or is it your magic reacting to mine?” As attractive and full of himself as Ryn was, it made it hard for me to believe he never had feelings for someone.

  “Not feelings that mattered. Nothing significant.” He shrugged and I knew he was the playboy I assumed him to be breaking hearts wherever he went. “My magic wanted to meld with yours. It’s never behaved in such a way before.”

  “Why do you think it did this time?” I scanned his exposed skin for any markings and found none.

  “I don’t know, but I want a chance to explore it.” He leaned across the island and I was engulfed in sandalwood and an ocean breeze. My own magic flared and I fought my response. I wanted to wrap myself in his arms and never leave. “Can you give me a chance?”

  “I.” I leaned forward and my eyes closed.

  “You won’t be sorry.” Ryn’s breath fanned my cheeks and I smelled the sweet scent of cherries on his breath. I waited to see what he’d do next, but he didn’t touch me. When my eyes opened, he was gone. Why did he cause this reaction in me when not even a couple of minutes ago, I was putty in Caden’s arms? Now, I was dealing with Ryn’s intentions too. What had I gotten myself into?

  Chapter 15

  “K ITRA!” ALLIE’S SCREECH pierced my eardrums. “Don’t make me come up there and drag you out of bed!” They were all well acquainted with my displeasure of leaving the comfort of my bedsheets and usually they left me alone, but today wasn’t going to have the same happy ending.

  Two days had passed in quiet monotony since Caden had given me flowers and Ryn had asked for a chance to woo me. Following their declarations, neither male had made any passes at me or spoken of the instances. I considered it a relief. It allowed me time to mentally process what they were both asking. Did I really want to be involved with either of them? I envisioned myself standing at the bottom of two steep mountains trying to decide which was easier to climb. The choice they had given me was one I didn’t want to make. I’d fallen for Caden and after the rough patch we crossed, Ryn presented an alternative, but he came with his own preconceived notions. Did it even matter since neither shared my mate marks? Pathetic didn’t even begin to describe my state of mind. Right now wasn’t the time or place to make this type of decision. I’d just go with the flow; Caden would have time to learn more about fae magic and it would give me the opportunity to get to know Ryn better.

  “Kitra Frost!” I imagined Allie at the bottom of the stairs, with her hands on her hips, glaring up at the second floor.

  “I’m coming! Give me a few minutes!” My feet hit the floor and I stretched, popping each vertebrae along my spine. The others were complaining after three full days of being on homebound, but I enjoyed the extra time it allowed me to stay in bed and I was catching up on a lot of reading. I cherished the peaceful moments when I pretended I had a normal life and when I wasn’t worrying over Aelfric. Now that Curtis was back to his old self, Caden made a training schedule and today was our first session back in the saddle. I wanted to ride out this feeling of euphoria, but I knew all good things eventually came to an end and I wanted to savor these moments when it happened.

  After brushing my teeth and dressing in a blue tank top and black leggings, I moseyed downstairs delaying the moment of having to do any physical activity. Most of the time I jumped at the chance to work out, but lately I was becoming a couch potato. I wished Aunt Mauve were here so I could lay out all my emotions and she could make everything feel better. She always knew what to do to get me out of my weird funks. I couldn’t wait to see her again.

  In the gym, Allie and Gwen were stretching while Caden and the others were doing some cardio workouts. I joined the girls and received the stink eye from Allie. Gwen bit her lip and turned her head to keep from laughing when I stuck my tongue out in response to her glare. My childish behavior earned me a charley horse above the elbow and an evil grin from Allie. Watching her smile and joke around created a burn behind my eyelids and in my nose. I blinked a few hundred times to keep the tears from falling and knew it appeared as if my lashes were trying to take flight, but I didn’t care. I was happy my friend was back to her cheerful and playful self once again.

  When Curtis had been injured, Allie’s brokenness wounded my heart and I wasn
’t sure how to give her comfort. It reminded me of the dark state of depression I had fallen into after my parents died. All the specialists in the world were rendered useless and I just wanted to be left alone. She gave off the same vibes when she realized she might lose Curtis. Sometimes, the only person who can help you is yourself. I knew she hadn’t escaped the fear of what had happened because he was back on his feet. Trauma was hard to forget and no matter how hard the mind and body tried, any reminder set it off again, creating the chance to spiral out of control. I’d just try to be there to catch her if and when it happened.

  “Alright to your feet.” We gathered around Caden. “Today, I want us to work on defense. After our last attack, I don’t want to be surprised or unprepared.” Caden and I shared a look and the lump in my throat choked me.

  They had been completely unprepared for the Dark Ones to bombard them after football practice. I knew the emotion glazing over his eyes. I knew the scent of fear was sour decay and that smell was all around us. Fear not for himself, but for the guys he considered to be his brothers. Fear of losing what he held dear. To not be in control.

  Each shifter shuffled in place as we all digested Caden’s words. We had been playing offense this entire time as we tried to find Aelfric and his followers, but they always slipped past our reach and returned fire. We had to learn to play a different game. Strategize and wait for them to come to us. If we didn’t, we’d not only lose the battle but lose the war being waged on us.

  “Okay,” Caden continued when Ryn strolled into the gym. “Ryn is playing the part of a Dark One and will try to blitz attack us.” Caden’s jaw ticked when he glanced in my direction. Oh great. Here we go. “Kitra, I want you to stay in the middle.” I began to protest, but he ignored me. “You’re Aelfric’s prize. I only want you to fight physically if and when Ryn breaks our circle. Use your fae mojo until then. Everyone one else will surround you.”


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