Bar 49

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Bar 49 Page 5

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  Going back to the house, relishing in the silence, sounds like a fantastic way to spend the rest of my evening. Maybe drawing myself a warm bath, and staying in the water until my skin shrivels up and turns a weird shade of purple red combo. The only thing better would be waking up back in my old bed in my mother’s house. Sadly, I have to settle on the small twin bed tucked into the corner in my uncle’s small three bedroom house in the Bay. Letting out a soft sigh, I grab my purse and sweatshirt from the small cubby, and flick the light switch off.

  Swiping my finger across the touch screen, I quickly go through the steps my uncle taught me earlier to clock myself out for the night. My head is starting to ache as the thumping house music blares out the speakers placed around the bar.

  “Are you ready for dinner?” a deep voice rumbles behind me.

  Whirling around, I narrow my eyes at the tall tattooed man leaning carelessly on the end of the bar.

  “Did you not get the memo?” A questioning smirk spreads across Greyson’s face as I shake my head and turn back down the dark employee hallway.

  “I take it you’re driving?”

  “Not going to happen, Greyson,” I laugh, pushing the exit bar and stepping out into the warm evening air.

  “I’ve kind of got a craving for Mexican, and there is this little cantina on the other side of town that serves some kickass pork tacos.”

  Stopping in my tracks, I whirl around and forcefully place my hands on his well-defined chest. His short sleeve, dark grey t-shirt hugs every crevice and every curve of his well oiled upper body. Any girl would be a fool to turn a man like this down, but, once he opens his mouth all the magic is instantly spoiled.

  “We are not going anywhere, Greyson. You can go grab pork tacos with some other chick, because I’m taking myself back to my uncle’s place. Good night.” Removing my hands from his warm body, I force myself to turn around before a reply can be ushered. I really do not have the patience to hear any more of his pathetic lines accompanied by his cocky smiles tonight.

  “Why are you fighting being my friend, Charlie? I’m hungry, and I bet you are hungry after working all afternoon. So, if you really feel the need to drive, let me lock up my truck real quick and we can get on the road.”

  Rolling my eyes, I shake my head and offer him a half wave as I walk away. This man crawled under my skin, and not in the good way. Sure, he is good looking, but that is as far as his charm can carry him. Dinner sound fantastic right about now, but the frozen meals I know my uncle keeps in his fridge sounds just as good as the pork tacos Greyson offered. “Good night, Greyson,” I call out while shutting my door. Without glancing over to where he is waiting, I throw my car into reverse and flip on the headlights. A quiet evening is what my body craves. Not an evening listening to that man ramble on about god only knows what while stuffing his face with pork tacos.

  Briefly, I look into my rearview mirror and watch Greyson as my car pulls out of the parking lot. There is plenty of short skirted, big boobed, blonde bimbos lurking for prey in the bar. I’m sure one of them would love the opportunity to take him up on his pork taco offer. Snickering to myself, I roll down the window and take a massive breath of the dense sea air. Two days down, only thousands upon thousands more to go.

  Chapter 6


  It’s official. This woman will be the death of my ego. I have never had to work this hard to get a female to speak more than a few words to me. Normally, all I need to do is give them a sloppy grin, cock my head to the side, and shove my hands into the front pockets of my jeans. A trademark move I have mastered since middle school and it seems to have absolutely zero effect on the small dark haired beauty who continues to blow off my advances. The next logical move would be to move on, find another conquest, and let this little something slink out of my mind. But, for some reason, I can’t help the desire to wrap my hands around her silky brown hair, beg for chance to taste those pale pink lips, and groan during the moment when she presses that tight little body against me. Charlie has gotten under my skin; the complete undoing of my wandering playboy ways. Karma is a real bitch sometimes.


  The buzz of a tattoo gun instantly clears the fog from my mind as I step into the small shop. The heavy glass door slams behind me, causing Cameron to look up from the desk. Flashing a crooked smile, I nod my head at the customers waiting in the lounge and head over to the large glass desk.

  “Good morning, my little spitfire,” I laugh, leaning over the case and placing a soft kiss to the side of Cameron’s head.

  “I just showered, you asshole,” she mutters, never once taking her eyes off the magazine in front of her. Cameron is one hell of a woman. She can bring a man to his knees with a single glance; crushing your heart like it’s made of thin glass. Not to mention she is absolutely gorgeous with her pin straight long blonde hair, deep tanned skin, and piercing green eyes. She is every man’s late night fantasy and my best friend for the last ten years. She is the sole reason this shops stays open. Sure, the guys that work with me have talent, but none of us know anything about keeping a business open. I struck fucking gold when she came through those front doors years ago looking to apply for the receptionist position. Not only does she make sure the shop is completely taken care of, she keeps pretty close tabs on my personal life, too.

  “I need you to sign off on payroll. It’s sitting on your desk,” Cameron calls over her shoulder as I head to the back of the shop.

  “Got it.”

  “Seriously, Greyson Gene Chambers. Your employees expect to be paid, and I refuse to work for free.”

  “Don’t worry, Love, you can still afford your weekly hooker nails; I’ll sign the damn checks.” Reaching for the door to my office, a loud thud radiates through my ears as I glance quickly to the floor.

  “Don’t forget, asshole, that I played softball for fourteen years.”

  Flipping her the bird, I hit the light switch and drop my bag in the chair next to me. Fluorescent light spills into the darkness of the room, making my once almost black walls to a darker shade of plum. Smiling, I walk around the large black desk and grab a pen to scribble my signature on the waiting documents. Lord knows that woman’s heels would come clicking down the short hall in a few short moments if I didn’t get these signed and out to her quickly. She might be stunning, but her looks can definitely kill.

  “Are you done yet?” Cameron demands, standing in the doorway with one hand cocked on her hip.

  “Calm down, woman,” I snap, thrusting the paperwork out for her to grab.

  “So, I didn’t get a call from the cops this weekend. That means either you got too wasted to muster up any evil shenanigans, or you were handcuffed to the bed having kinky sex all weekend.” Cameron grabs the stack of papers and flops herself down in the old black chair across from me. Carefully crossing her legs, she lightly tugs on the short black skirt, pulling it a little further down her tanned toned legs.

  “Are you trying to give the guys a heart attack today? I thought we talked about keeping the goodies under wraps when working?”

  “Please tell me we are not going to discuss that shit again, Greyson.” Cameron lowers her eyes at me while her lips dip downward into a frown.

  “Don’t get so full of yourself, Cam. I just don’t want you getting your heart broke again by some asshole who only wants in your pants.” A little twitch came across my chest as I remembered the last guy who shattered my best friend’s heart into a million pieces. It took everything in me not to beat the shit out of the jackass. But, I knew it would only hurt Cameron more in the end. Why she always went for the loser types was a mystery to most people. Then again, we did date for several years, too.

  “Stop avoiding what I said earlier. The length of my skirt has nothing to do with you not calling me this weekend. So spill it, Greyson. Where in the hell were you?”

  “I worked all weekend.” Opening the laptop to the side of me, I sneak a glance at Cameron’s face, waiting for her r

  “Bullshit. I know you were not at the bar last night, cause me and a couple girls came by for some drinks. They said you came by, but then left chasing after the new hire. So, I’m going to ask you this once, Greyson Gene Chambers. What in the hell happened to you?”

  Snorting, I shake my head and open my email. There is no way I am having a discussion with Cameron this early in the morning about Charlie. With my luck, my damn mouth would start rambling on about how fascinated I am with her. I didn’t chase girls, or let one fill every fucking thought of mine from sun up to sun down.

  “Please tell me this is just a little crush, Greyson.”

  The tone in her voice wavered a little when she spoke my name. I know her feelings for me have never really gone away, even though we broke up over six years ago.

  “It’s nothing, Cam.” Forcing a smile to appear on my lips, I watch as the breath slowly leaves Cameron’s body. I refuse to tell her that Charlie is the only thing my mind can think about right now. “What time is my appointment getting here?”

  The door chimes in the background as Cameron stands and straightens the little skirt. “Now,” she replies with a smile. I watch as she gracefully glides out the door to greet the customer. It’s a total girl thing being able to flip their emotions on and off like a damn switch. One moment she can be in tears with snot dripping down her face, and the next a perfect smile will splash across her face, with not even a hint of her sob fest from only moments ago. Men might think they are big shots in the world, but we all know who really runs it; women.

  “Please tell me you’re about done. You promised to feed me if I got rid of that weirdo earlier,” Cameron whines from the doorway of my tattoo room.

  Laughing, I wipe off the excess ink from my customers back piece and spread a thin layer or ointment over the area. Grabbing a large square bandage, I gently place it over the fresh ink, securing it in place with the green medical tape I ordered last week. “Please excuse my receptionist, Matt. She tends to get a bit dramatic when hungry.” My client laughs as I peel off my gloves and toss them into the trash.

  “I don’t get dramatic, you ass. I just want what was promised.” Cameron grins while giving Matt a quick once over.

  Shaking my head, I start to clean up the room while Cameron starts the inevitable routine of flirting with the customers.

  “I can take you out to grab a bite,” Matt offers while buttoning up his black fitted shirt.

  “Easy there, stud, I’ve got her,” I state, glancing between my horny receptionist and now aroused client.

  “Really, it’s no problem.”

  “I bet it isn’t, but I’ve got her. Cameron, can you get Matt on the books in another couple weeks to finish the session?”

  “Sure,” she replies with a giggle. Smiling, she quickly turns for the door and shakes her hips more than usual as Matt eagerly follows. It’s like dangling a steak in front of a starving dog. While it might taste good during the initial chow down, the aftermath of devouring it so quickly will be disastrous later on. Cameron is the perfect girl, but not for the everyday man.

  Tossing the towels into the garbage, I flick off the overhead light and shut the door. “We are heading out for the night. Are you going to be much longer?”

  Poking my head into Ayden’s room, he briefly looks up from his work. “Maybe another hour or so.”

  “Alright, don’t forget to set the alarm when you leave, Man.” Walking up to the front, I shake my head at the shameless flirting happening at the counter. Cameron is leaning on her elbows on the counter, forcing her breasts closer together while batting those dark long lashes at Matt. That stupid man is doing everything possible to keep the drool from spilling out over his lips. A man like him will never be good enough for her. Fuck, most of the population is not good enough for a girl like Cameron.

  “See you in a couple weeks, Matt?” I interrupt their little love fest, slinging my arm around Cameron’s shoulders suddenly.

  “Yeah, sounds great,” he rambles, quickly fixing his eyes on mine.

  That’s right, Buddy. Stop looking at her tits and your little Viking scene on your back won’t be all jacked up in the next sitting.

  “Bye Matt,” Cameron cheers, pushing herself up off the counter and wiggling her fingers at him. Following behind Matt, I basically shove the man out the door and quickly lock it behind me.

  “I locked the door, Ayden.” Shouting down the empty hall, I smile as I catch a disappointed glimpse on Cameron’s face. “Please, Sweetheart, that man works at the gas station down the road.”

  “Dang it. That’s why he looks so familiar,” Cameron exclaims, flicking her long hair back over her shoulders with a huff. “Are you ready to feed me?”

  “The bar?”

  “Since that’s the only place you seem to eat at, I guess so.” Smiling, I motion for Cameron to walk in front of me, placing my hand on the small of her back. “I’m not driving you home if you get drunk.”

  I laugh. “Don’t worry about it.” I have no intentions on getting drunk. My only thoughts are of a certain small, pale skinned stunner that hopefully will be working tonight. Eventually, she will give in to my charm. They always do.

  “You know, listening to this crap will destroy your brain,” Cameron rambles, as she puckers her lips in the visor mirror.

  “This coming from a woman who still takes duck-face selfies every freaking day.” I pull my truck behind the bar and toss it into park. My nerves are starting to rattle my normally rock solid core. The things this chick does to me is wild.

  “Space cadet, are you getting me a burger or what?”

  Yanking the keys out of the ignition, I slide out of the truck and slam the door. Cameron knows how to push every damn button of mine. We may not make it through this meal without me drowning my sorrows in a bottle of Jack.

  “Seriously, it’s like talking to a damn brick wall right now.” Cameron flails her arms about her head in dramatic fashion as I let out a small chuckle. Punching the code into the back door, I hold it open for Cam and slide in right behind her. Sometimes I wonder how we ever dated, let alone remained friends all these years.

  “What are you doing here, Greyson?” Mark yells once we pass the small office.

  “Just grabbing some dinner. I promised Cameron I’d feed her, and you know how that woman is.” Giving him a quick nod, I hurry around the corner looking for Cameron.

  The clang of glass and a blow to my stomach startles my senses while I quickly reach down to steady the bucket. “I know you are dying to see me today, but you really could have waited until I sat down and ordered.”

  “I was going to apologize for running into you. But, since you are being a complete ass, I’m going to forget that thought all together.” Charlie’s blue eyes sparkle in the dim light of the hallway. Her dark hair is carelessly braided to the side and hung over her shoulder. The small black Bar 49 tank top skims the top of her tight worn jeans, showing off a sliver of her toned, pale skin. She is the exact opposite of everyone I have ever conquered, but for some reason I can’t seem to catch a break with her.

  “So temperamental.” I reach over and flick the thick braid over her shoulder, letting my fingers skim across her bare skin.

  “Just around you,” she barks, quickly shaking her head then stepping around my body to head back to the kitchen.

  “I would offer to take you to dinner tonight, but I’m already here to eat. Dessert?” Letting a naughty smirk creep across my face, I can’t help but notice the corners of her lips turn up ever so slightly before disappearing around the doorframe. Laughing, I swing open the partitioning gate and glance around for Cameron. Immediately, my eyes land on a round table in the middle of the room. Of course there are already several men swarming like vultures around her; I can’t take this woman anywhere.

  Most of the customers in the bar are college students. When school is in session, it’s the best kind of business this place can have. Young twenty something kids with pock
ets full of their parent’s money, just begging to forget the day of classes with beer and food. The girls behind the bar tonight will be raking in the cash once the night crowd starts to pick up. Weekends gave you the best tips, but no one does shabby during the week either. All it takes is some dim lighting, girls serving in tight pants, beer on tap, and some music blaring out the speakers to get this place rocking.

  “Can you just go behind the bar and get me my beer, please?” Cameron sighs, dropping her head into her hands resting on the table. We had placed our order with Marcy earlier, but our drinks have yet to make it to the table.

  “I can’t step on the girls toes tonight and just walk behind the bar. That’s like someone booking an appointment without looking at the schedule. Back there is their world tonight; I’m strictly a paying customer.”

  “Yeah, a paying customer without a beer,” Cameron grumbles.

  My focus turns to the well behind the bar, where I catch a certain blue eyed stunner staring directly at our table.

  “Please, go get me a beer.” Cameron drapes herself across my shoulders and rests her forehead against the side of my face. Wrapping my arm around the backside of her body, I pat her shoulder and push her off me. Glancing back over at Charlie, I notice the sullen expression on her face as she catches my gaze and quickly turns back to her job. Why did I think bringing Cameron here was a good idea?

  Chapter 7


  All I want is one quick sip. My lips desire to feel the coldness of the bottle, the smooth glass texture, the wonderful liquid that easily slides down my throat with a single pull. Shoving the bottle into my bucket, I let out a rough sigh and continue to grab the bottles from the cooler. Working around this stuff isn’t a walk in the park, considering I would do anything to twist the cap off a cold Miller Light again. But, that would put me back exactly where I was less than a year ago. Drinking can’t give me my life back. My mother will still be gone once the bottle is empty, and I will still be alone in this little beach town. Life is real cruel sometimes, but then again, I probably deserve every little thing that she throws at me.


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