Bar 49

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Bar 49 Page 15

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  Peeling myself out of bed, I shut off the alarm and give my body a little stretch. Normally, I would a have been getting back from my run around this time, but not today. I have a little over an hour before Greyson will be showing up on the doorstep, whisking me away to our ‘let’s figure out if we can be friends date.’

  Grabbing a towel from the closet, I poke my head into the kitchen and realize Uncle Mark is already gone for the morning. That man works more than any person I have ever met, letting the bar consume every waking minute of his life.

  Turning the water on, I close the bathroom door and flick on the fan. Tossing my clothes in a pile on the floor, I reach over and hit the power button on the radio. Country music comes blasting through the speakers, sending a shock to my system. I like listening to music in the morning, too, just a little softer than apparently my uncle.

  The steam starts to fill the small room as I pull the glass doors back and step in. There is something soothing about standing in the hottest water your body can possibly stand. My pale white skin starts to turn a light shade of red; letting the anxiety of this morning’s events rinse down the drain. Grabbing the soap, I quickly lather up my body, and then start on my hair. I am still unsure of what to wear for this shin dig, so I can’t spend forever daydreaming in this warm paradise.

  Climbing out, I quickly dry off and wrap the towel around my wet head. I hurry through the rest of my bathroom routine and slap on a thin layer of makeup before gathering my dirty clothes and heading to the bedroom.

  Softly humming to myself, I unlock the door and step naked out into the hallway. The cool temperature hits my skin, sending chills down my spine. “Balls,” I shriek, dropping the pile of clothes I had been carrying.

  “Oh shit, Charlie!” I hear from behind me, while bent over giving whoever that is a nice full view of my naked backside.

  Peering my head around my legs, I catch a glimpse of Greyson’s wide eyes. You have got to be kidding me. Swiftly, I stand up and bolt for my bedroom door. Slamming my body against the closed door, I scramble for the door knob, dropping my clothes for a second time. Panic takes control as I slam the door and start panting on the other side. Why in the hell did he just let himself inside my house, and how? Uncle Mark always locks the door before he leaves, and I still had at least a half hour before he should have been showing up. Looking over at the clock, my insides plummet as I realize it’s a little past eleven.

  “Uh, Charlie? You left your clothes out here,” Greyson says softly on the other side of the closed door.

  “It’s fine. Give me a couple minutes and I’ll be out.” Beating my head gently against the back of the door, I silently curse at myself for not paying attention to the time. I must have gotten lost in the warmth of the shower, and didn’t realize the actual time when I crawled out.

  Yanking the dresser drawers open, I pull out a pair of denim shorts and a thin blue long sleeve shirt. Pulling a clean white tank top from the closet, I rapidly toss on my clothes and rip the towel from my head. Finger combing the curly tangled mess; I shake my head upside down a couple of times, and then slip my feet into a pair of flip flops.

  Opening the door a crack, I peer out and find an empty hallway. Sighing, I grab the clothes from the floor and toss them into the hamper next to my closet. I can’t believe he just saw me completely naked. At least he only got a view of my backside.

  Sheepishly, I hold my breath when turning the corner for the kitchen.

  “Your uncle keeps a key under the red flower pot on the steps. I knocked several times and you didn’t answer.” Greyson shrugs while sitting at the kitchen table. He looks completely unfazed that he let himself into the house and caught me naked streaking from the bathroom. Technically, I wasn’t streaking. I had been casually strolling back to my room, humming the stupid theme song to True Blood.

  “Well, at least that explains how you got in.” Scowling, I release the breath I have been holding, and awkwardly shift in the doorway.

  “Go throw on your swim suit,” Greyson instructs with a smile.

  “Excuse me?” This asshole just saw me in my birthday suit, and now he wants me to basically get naked in front of him again?

  “Just do it, Charlie.”

  Still glaring at Greyson, I cross my arms defensively across my torso and head back to the bedroom. I can’t believe I have agreed to do this. The whole thing should have been called off when he just let himself into the house and saw me naked in the hallway. Pulling one of my bags from the closet, I rifle through it for a swim suit. Of course I had a couple living in California, but I normally didn’t wear them. Before jail and rehab I would have been all for showing off my body, even with all my scars visible for everyone to see. Now, I really have a hard time just putting on shorts some times. Grabbing a top and pair of bottoms that I hoped somewhat matched, I quickly throw them on and toss my clothes back over it. I have to force myself out of the bedroom before panic starts to set in.

  “Are you ready?” Greyson asks with a smile as I round the kitchen doorway.

  “I guess.” Biting down on the inside of my cheek, I inwardly fight the panic raging inside me from making an appearance. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise,” Greyson beams, holding the front door out for me. I silently slip through and glare at the red pot sitting on the top step. “One sec, I have to put this back.” He wiggles the key in his hand. Picking up the stupid flower pot, Greyson chuckles while placing it back over the key.

  Making my way over to his truck, I mentally curse myself for being so excited this morning. Now, the rollercoaster of emotions have taken over my body and I can’t seem to decide my true feelings about what is happening. I’m once again torn in believing we can actually be friends, or just acquaintances who sometimes work together.

  “Stop thinking, Charlie. Just enjoy what I have planned, and make your decision on me later,” Greyson states while turning on the truck and pulling out of the small driveway.

  “Easier said than done,” I mutter.

  Forcing this interaction after this morning’s happenings might not be the best of ideas. Sure, Greyson looks absolutely delicious in his light khaki cargo shorts and tight white crew neck t-shirt. The tight sleeves on the shirt cling around his large biceps, as the front pulls across his stomach, giving off the hint of what is underneath. His relaxed attitude is somewhat irritating, knowing that I’m the only one with the issue of him showing up in the house unannounced. I need to get over the whole naked thing and try to relax.

  When we pull into the beach parking lot, I realize I was right in my assumption of heading to the beach; since he told me to put on my swim suite earlier. “I didn’t bring a towel,” I blurt out as Greyson shuts off the truck.

  “I told you to stop thinking, Charlie.” Greyson shakes his head, and climbs out of the truck. Opening the back door, he grabs an ice chest and a large duffle bag. “Are you coming?”

  Raising my eyebrows in question, I slide out of the truck with a smile. Of course this man thought of everything today. This is his last shot at winning me over. Why wouldn’t he pull out all the stops?

  “Do you need me to grab anything?” I ask, rounding the front of the truck.

  “Nope,” Greyson replies, hoisting the duffle bag over his shoulder and grabbing the ice chest with the other hand.

  I catch myself licking my lips when the sun hits the white t-shirt, letting those muscles flex and his tattoo’s shine. Greyson’s smirk catches my attention, and my eyes grow huge. I can’t believe I just did that.

  “Let’s get closer to the water.” Greyson nods his head over to the water, and I silently agree. Forcing my eyes to pay attention to the sand, I refuse to look up at him again in fear of what my body might do. Once again, it’s apparent that my mind and body are on two totally different playing fields when it comes to our relationship with Greyson.

  Greyson drops the bag, and gently sets the ice chest down. “Does here work for you?”

��Sure,” I stutter, still refusing to make eye contact with him.

  Greyson bends over and unzips the large black bag. Grabbing two beach towels, he hands one over to me. “Thanks,” I say, taking the towel from his hands and laying it over the hot sand.


  I finally break my no looking over at Greyson rule, and let a small smile spread across my lips.

  “I figured since you are a little pale.”

  “I don’t tan.” Laughing, I grab the bottle from his hands and set out to coat my white skin in a thick layer of the stuff. It only took one time to get burned to the point where I blistered to remember sunscreen every single time I go outside. Usually, it’s part of my morning routine in the bathroom. Some people lather on lotion; I smear sunscreen on any exposed body parts.

  Greyson continues to pull out items from the bag, setting them around the beach towels. My smile deepens when I notice the small speakers he attaches to his phone. The weather is perfect for an afternoon at the beach, and music is key for a relaxed good time.

  “Are you hungry? I brought lunch,” Greyson exclaims, placing the ice chest in front of him. He pulls out several containers and then hands me a bottle of water.

  “I figured it would be bar food.” I chuckle while watching him open the containers. A couple of the containers have fresh fruit and veggies, and the other has a tossed green salad.

  “I figured you have eaten that enough the last couple of weeks.” Greyson reaches into the ice chest again and pulls out two wraps. “Turkey or ham?”

  “Turkey, please. Did you make all this?” I ask in shock. I’m not used to guys that put any preparation into kind-of-sort-of dates.

  “Truth?” Greyson pauses. “I had Cameron’s help this morning.” Laughing, I shake my head and peel the plastic off the wrap. Sinking my teeth into it, my stomach growls as the soft bread and crisp lettuce adorns my taste buds.

  “This is good,” I say between bites. My stomach quiets its self as I continue to indulge in the lunch he brought for us. Twisting the cap off the cold water, I gently bring it up to my lips.

  “I didn’t know what you wanted to drink, so I figured water is a safe bet with the past and everything.”

  Instantly, a pain surges inside of me. He struggled with knowing what to bring because of my drinking problem. Having someone else concerned about my past isn’t something that I want anyone else to deal with. If Greyson wants to have a beer then he should be able to.

  “It’s my problem, Greyson. I’m learning how to adapt to certain things, and being around alcohol is something I just have to deal with.” Twisting the cap back on the water, I set it down in front of me and start to pick at my sandwich. It’s amazing how fast things can go downhill when my past gets drug into things.

  “Fuck, Charlie. That’s not how it was meant to come out.” Greyson sighs while rubbing his chin roughly with his hand. An uncomfortable silence follows his last comment, leaving us both sitting there wondering what to say next.

  Greyson reaches over and plugs his phone into the small speakers. After running his finger over the screen for a few seconds, soon the smooth sounds of Incubus comes blasting through.

  “This okay?” he questions, waiting tensely for my response.

  “It’s great.” Forcing a smile, I quickly return my gaze out into the water. Several people are splashing amongst the waves. I love watching people like that. They seem to have no cares in the world, just enjoying what life has given them. A part of me harbors some jealousy, but knowing that I have complete control over stupid things like that, makes it easier to pretend that it doesn’t exist.

  “Come on,” Greyson breaks the silence, tossing the wrapper into the bag; he stands up and offers his hand outward to me.

  Scrunching my eyes from the sun, I place my hand into Greyson’s as he hauls me up from the beach. My hand gets pulled as he starts down toward the water.

  “Greyson, I don’t swim,” I quickly burst out. The only time you are getting me in a large body of water is if I can see the bottom clearly.

  “Aren’t you from California?” Greyson looks back and tosses me a confused grin. Obviously this man has a preconceived notion that all Cali girls come from the same mold.

  “Northern California; like inland, no ocean,” I stammer, dragging my feet as Greyson continues to drag me closer to the water. Panic is starting to creep up again. My toes hit the wet sand, and I manage to pry my hand away from his.

  Greyson goes bounding for the cold water, splashing his way into the waves, getting deep and deeper into the dark scary ocean.

  “Come on, Charlie. Nothing is going to happen to you,” he calls out, waving his arms for me to get closer.

  I firmly shake my head and plant my feet firmly in the sand. The water is just lapping up over my feet in this location, and I’m perfectly fine standing right here. It is seriously not going to happen. I don’t care how sure that man is that nothing will happen. If I can’t see the bottom, which I can’t even see Greyson’s legs as he wanders out further, there is no way in hell I’m getting out there.

  “Do not push me, Greyson. I have no intention of dealing with this crap right now,” I growl, narrowing my eyes and scowling at him. I doubt the man can see me back on the shore line, but it makes me feel better being angry at him.

  “Charlie, it is only water.” Greyson rolls his eyes while disappearing further out in the ocean.

  “Really? I did not know you could predict the future, Greyson.” Sure, my irrational fear of the water might be a little overkill, and the odds of a shark eating me are probably one in a billion, but it does not matter. Holding on to some fears in life is healthy; survival at its finer moments.

  “Help me, Charlie!” Greyson shouts, disappearing under the water suddenly.

  My world begins to spin and my chest tightens instantly. I cannot seem to get my feet to carry me further out into the water; even though my mind is screaming help him. The feeling of panic only adds fuel to the fire of fear that rages on inside my body. I need to get out there and help Greyson, but I’m frozen in sheer terror.

  “Shit, Charlie. I would have drowned by now,” Greyson shouts, standing back up in the waist deep water and wiping the remnants off his face.

  My eyes turn black and my breathing starts to even back out again. Greyson is a complete dick hole.

  “Charlie, it’s okay. I’m fine,” he says, walking back out of the water toward me.

  “Fuck you, Greyson,” is all I could muster out.

  This man is certifiably crazy if he really thinks this tactic would get me out in the water. I had been preparing to let that man drown for my own crazy fears of getting into dark water. Regaining my composure, I turn and stomp my way back to the sand. I am done with his ridiculous games. There is no way on God’s green earth I could spend any more time with someone who blatantly disregards my fears in life. Today has been a disaster, and I’m pretty sure the decision has finally been made in regards to our friendship.

  “Charlie wait,” Greyson calls.

  “I am done, Greyson,” I shout over my shoulder.

  “Seriously, Charlie, just stop for a second.”

  Whirling back around, I watch as he jogs up the sand embankment. It takes everything in me not to rip him a new one for that little stunt.

  “I’m sorry, Charlie. I did not realize you were that scared of water,” Greyson comments, resting his hands behind his neck.

  “Greyson, when have I ever given you a moment to doubt me?” I sigh.

  “It was a dick move, I know. Please don’t shut me out,” he begs, his eyes sparkling in the sunshine.

  “Just take me home, please.” Shaking my head, I start heading back to his truck. I’m done trying.

  Chapter 20


  “Charlie, I’m sorry.” I apologize again, tossing the stuff into the back of the cab and closing the door. “Please don’t let that ruin the rest of the day.”

  “I just want to
go home, Greyson,” she states. The brims of those stunning eyes are fighting back the tears, and she quickly turns back to face the window. I know her insecurities are deeper then I could have ever imagined, but trying to realize when I’m hitting those push able moments, the ones that set her over the edge like this, is something I need to work on better predicting.

  “I know I said this would be the last shot at proving we can be friends. But, let me take you somewhere special.” Everything is riding on this single response from her. Either she gives me another shot, or I end up taking her home and it’s finally over.

  I hold my breath while waiting for her answer. Everything inside me is begging for another shot, but I manage to keep my mouth shut. Begging her while she tries to mull it over isn’t going to get me any more favorable points.

  “Okay,” she whispers softly. I notice her fingers start to trace over the scars underneath her long sleeve t-shirt. I want to reach out and grab her hand, forcing her to break the habit and let her know I’m here for her. But, I know I have to take this one step at a time.

  “I promise you won’t regret it,” I ramble hurriedly, shoving my keys into the ignition and tossing the truck into reverse. I glance over at Charlie as I pull out of the parking lot. I have to make this work for the both of us. I know now that I need her in my life, and I can be the perfect addition in helping her live again. I just need to put my cockiness aside and show her how serious I can be about us.


  “Your store?” Charlie pipes up, giving me a puzzled look.

  I simply nod my head while turning off the truck. This store means everything to me, and these last couple days have really started to open my eyes as to the reason why. This is my second home, a place that lets me express myself, the one true spot that tells my entire story.


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