Just a Little Camera Shy: A Scripted for Love Novel

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Just a Little Camera Shy: A Scripted for Love Novel Page 18

by MK Meredith

  “Goddamn it, you feel so damn good.” He pumped into her, bending forward and branding her breasts with his mouth.

  They were hot and needy and greedy. Now wasn’t soon enough.

  Roque drove into her again, and again she met his thrust, tucking her bottom forward, opening wider with each one.

  “Oh God. Yes, yes. Don’t stop.”

  “I couldn’t if I tried.”

  The refrigerator shook, her arms ached, her body burned with the pulsing pleasure of need. Stroke after stroke filled her, rubbing her to a point of ecstasy so sharp all she could do was scream her release. “Yes!”

  He followed, burying deep, hard, faster and faster.

  “Fuck, yes.” His voice was low and gravelly with his own pleasure as he ground his pelvis against hers.

  Bodies slick with perspiration, she lowered her arms back around his neck and held on with all her might as her body continued to pulse around him, tickling her insides in the most delicious way.

  She felt him throbbing inside her, felt it slow, and then finally lowered her legs to the floor. He slid from her and pulled her tight to his body.

  With his face buried deep against her neck, he mumbled, “I think I have a new thing about kitchens.”

  She sighed. “Me, too.”

  “And Scotch.”


  He continued to hold her as their breathing slowed. “Yeah?”

  “I’m hungry.”

  “Dinner’s cold.”

  “What’ll we do?”

  He grinned. “Pizza.”

  Her stomach rumbled.

  Roque turned with a laugh. “So loud.” He shook his head. “I’ve never met a more insistent stomach.”

  “Feed it, then.”

  He grabbed her and pulled her in tight. “Oh, I want to feed you, but something much tastier than food.”

  As Addi sunk into the kiss, his taste, she agreed. He was much more flavorful than anything else she’d experienced. Dangerous, too. What just happened stole her breath. Why, every time they had sex, did she get pulled further in instead of getting over him? She dropped her forehead to his chest. “You just did.” Nudging him back to arm’s length, she grabbed her phone and pulled in a breath. “Okay, let me order before I expire.”

  She called and placed the order, slapping away his hands and shushing him every few seconds as he worked double time to try and dress.

  Disconnecting the call, she swung on him. “Oh my God, they are going to think I’m some sort of sex-crazed exhibitionist.”

  “Then maybe we won’t have to wait as long for our food.” He wiggled his brows and dove his hands up and under her loose-fitting blouse.

  “You better make it quick then.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, Addi reveled in the feel of his strong arms as he lifted her.

  Roque walked through the house to her bedroom and dumped her on the bed, following closely behind. He pressed his weight into her and took her mouth. They kissed like it might be the last thing they ever did. Exploring, learning, appreciating. She didn’t know how long it had been since someone put so much time and attention into a simple kiss. She marveled at how sexy she felt in his arms, how relevant. Finally, she left a loud smacking kiss on his cheek, then sidestepped him with a giggle when he tried to pull her back in. “You forgot our clothes.”

  “I didn’t forget anything.”

  The doorbell rang.

  She slapped his chest. “No time, I need food.”

  Roque groaned but went in search of his pants.

  Addi followed him into the hallway.

  A teenage boy with more muster than muscle took in the sight of Roque’s chest, then craned his neck to catch Addi peeking from around the corner. “Lucky son-of-a-bitch.”

  Taking the pizza, Roque nodded. “Yes I am.”

  He closed the door in the young man’s face then didn’t waste any time getting the pizza and Addi back into bed.

  They leaned back against her pillows, silently consuming piece after piece of cheesy, spicy heaven.

  “I would willingly lick the feet of whoever first came up with this food.”

  Roque grimaced as he took another bite. “Not appetizing, but I get it.”

  “I could say worse, but I’m trying to be respectful.”

  “Ha! Yeah, right.”

  Addi continued to chew, watching him out of the corner of her eye. He really was beautiful. Golden skin, rich dark hair, and eyes the color of an icy heaven. “Why aren’t you married?”

  He paused and looked at her. Finishing the bite in his mouth, he wiped sauce from his lip with a napkin, leaving Addi to kick herself for not licking it away first. “I could ask you the same question.”

  “That’s easy. I still have to grow up.”

  His bark of laughter made her smile.

  “But I know that about me. You have already grown up.”

  He took another bite and chewed. Apparently he didn’t feel like sharing, so she shoved the end of another piece into her mouth, savoring the tang of marinara and the savory melted cheese.

  “Have I?”

  It was her turn to laugh as she looked him up and down with a lascivious grin. “Very well, I might add.”

  His wink was straight from the devil himself. “I have the worst track record when it comes to relationships,” he said with a serious tone. “But the truth is, I’ve missed out on a lot more than just being with someone because of work. Still, I can’t pull away. Especially not now, or what would it have all been for? I end up hurting the people I love most. With the work I do, the hours, the way I lose myself in it. It just doesn’t work. I’ve ruined a lot of relationships trying to find balance. I don’t want to put myself in the position to hurt anyone again by setting expectations I can’t meet.”

  She scooted up and offered him a bite of her pizza. After he accepted, she stole a kiss. “You just proved you can meet the expectations I’ve set. So we’re good to go.”

  He snorted as he tried to swallow, his eyes going wide, and she fell back on the pillows laughing. Throwing him off-kilter was one of her favorite things to do. Life was looking up.

  “I thought we’d just stay here for the night. It’s already late,” he said.

  Addi fell back to her pillow with a smile.

  “You really miss your bed, don’t you?”

  She grimaced. “You have no idea.”

  “If I remember correctly, The Huntington’s beds are quite comfortable.”

  She grunted, then grinned wide.


  “I’m going to take a shower. A long, uninterrupted shower.”

  He shrugged. “Sounds good. I’ll clean up dinner.”

  Following her toward the bathroom, he watched her set the water temperature and grab a towel. “Did I ever tell you about the night I heard something in here?”

  She froze and slowly looked his way. “What do you mean?” she asked, working hard to find something to look at.

  “Nothing really. I was just here late and heard a loud bang. When I came back here, there was nothing, but the room was humid like someone had been in the shower.”

  Addi gave a nervous laugh. “Aunt Addi always did love her hot showers.”

  “Aunt Addi, yeah right.”

  She raised a brow. “What? You don’t believe in ghosts?”

  “Not if it means she just watched me have sex with her great-niece.”

  “Oh please, Aunt Addi is up there cheering, ‘Go get ‘em, girl!’ every time.”

  A look of mortification crossed his face. “Don’t ever say that again.”

  He closed the door against her peal of laughter. Crisis averted. Turning on the water, she held her hand under the spray until it got warm. She hated the reminder of her secret. But she’d fixed it, or rather was fixing it. To start, she’d found a cheap hotel down the road, no longer sneaking around after film hours. Taking the project to Gage had felt really good, too. A smile spread her lips wide.

Her job was safe, her writing was steady, and she had days of hot sex with an intriguing man ahead of her. To top it all off, she’d get to sleep in her own bed for the night.

  Things were working out well if she did say so herself. She was taking care of her business like an adult.

  And she was even beginning to feel like one.

  Chapter 18

  Roque stepped through the door, greeted by Addi, a cup of coffee, and a kiss hot enough to burn down the west coast. She seemed to pour all the happiness she felt into the kiss.

  Work on set had been going really well the past few weeks; morale was high, and attitudes even. The budget was robust, and deadlines were well on their way to being caught up. He didn’t know the last time he’d felt quite so thrilled with life.

  Addi released him, but he quickly reached for her with focused intent—intent on another round.

  “How’d you sleep?” she asked, easing in to him.

  Pulling her against his chest with his free hand, he nibbled her lower lip. “What was that for, and can we start every morning the same way?”

  She pressed her lips more fully to his. The front door swung open, and she jumped back.

  Roque laughed, wiggling his brows at her, and he stepped close again.

  She placed a hand against his chest, keeping him in his place.

  “I think they know, Addi.”

  She scrunched her nose. “No. Do you think?”

  Jimmy stepped up beside her and swung a beefy arm about her shoulders like a twenty-pound scarf. “Affirmative, Tink.”

  His new nickname for her had her rolling her eyes.

  “Tink?” Roque questioned. “My thoughts exactly. I have to admit it’s the first time I’ve ever been turned on by a Disney reference.”

  Jimmy laughed, and Addi slapped them both on the chest.

  “I am not anything like Tinker Bell.”

  “Really,” they said in unison.

  She stared from one to the other. “This conversation is ridiculous. Don’t you have some place to be, Jimmy? And you.” She placed a finger on Roque’s chest. “Have a movie to produce.”

  Jimmy glanced at the cup in Roque’s hand. “Any way I can get my hands on some of that?”

  Addi jabbed her thumb over her shoulder. “In the kitchen.”

  They watched him walk away, and Roque threw an arm around her. He slipped his fingers under the hair at the nape of her neck, tracing the sunburst birthmark. “Have I ever told you how much I love this spot right here?”

  She tilted her head. “I think I need to hear it again.”

  “How about if I just show you.” Pulling her around the corner and down the hallway, he pressed her against the wall. His chest to her back, he traced the same path of his fingers with his tongue.

  “Have dinner with me tonight.”

  She shook her head. “We have dinner together almost every night.”

  “No, we eat together almost every night. I want to take you to dinner. I just realized I haven’t taken you on a real date yet. There’s this place I love. Great food, great music.”

  She smiled. “Okay.”

  He grinned. “Perfect. I have to take care of a few things once we break for the evening. Be ready at eight.”

  She nodded.

  He held her gaze for a beat, just taking her in. “Good. Let’s get to work.” Walking back toward the kitchen, he found Gage leaning against the counter. “Ready?”

  “When you are.”

  “I wanted to go over the storyboards. Tighten up a few things.” He pulled open his laptop, followed by Gage.

  They settled into the rhythm he was coming to expect. Volleying ideas back and forth, he’d push, Gage would pull. Leaning closer, he pointed to a block. “See here? I think the whole shot would have a greater impact if the focus was on her hands. Trembling, hesitant.”

  Gage nodded, slowly. “I see what you mean. Really magnify that touch to her has brought nothing but pain. This is her chance to experience it in a different way, but she’s terrified. Drive home her bravery in something as simple as reaching forward.”

  Addi walked up, studying the images over Roque’s head. He could feel the heat radiating off her. Leaning forward, her breast brushed against his back and his palms heated. She pointed at one block in particular. “Her hands. I’d make them grittier. Broken nails, dirt rubbed deep in her knuckles. She’s had a hard life. It will make the contrast in reaching out to something so pure really beautiful.”

  Roque looked at Gage. He recognized the look in the man’s eye. Jackpot.

  He clapped his hands together and shot up from his chair. “Let’s go take a look at this through the lens.”

  Addi stepped back to make room for the two men. “I’ll set up lunch on the front porch to keep the backyard free and clear. You’ve had a few calls but nothing that can’t wait until later, and Jimmy said to tell you he’d be back by three.”

  Roque took in the sight of her. Her blond hair and bright blue eyes were made piercing by the deep shade of her blouse. He wanted to step in to her, to take her out back onto the hammock. Gratitude for saving his film made him grab her by the arms and leave a hard kiss on her mouth.

  Once he released her, she pushed her hair out of her face with trembling hands. “Well, if that’s what happens every time I give you messages, I’ll do it more often.”

  Gage laughed. “You two have a good setup here.”

  Roque glanced from one to the other. His chest swelled with the rightness of it all. Everything was falling into place. He was working his ass off, and Addi stood by his side.

  She understood the hours, the effort.

  Nothing had ever felt so perfect.

  The rest of the day raced by in a blur of brainstorming and filming. He couldn’t believe the progress they were making. Taking Addi out tonight would be the perfect end to an incredible day if he could only get out on time. But creative forces couldn’t be ignored, and when he was on track with something, he had to finish. Eight p.m. quickly turned into nine, and Roque hurried to Addi’s hotel.

  “Fuck.” He got stuck at another red light and hit the steering wheel. He hated being late. If he was already letting his work affect his other commitments, he was in real trouble. It was little things like this that could slowly bring an end to the best of relationships.

  Walking up to her hotel door, he knocked, ready with an apology.

  She’d moved to a less expensive hotel, wanting to save as much as possible. He understood it; he’d just been surprised. But the location was good, and she hadn’t missed a beat with work on the set.

  The door swung open, revealing a blond bombshell in a blue thigh-skimming dress. Her waist was cinched to impossible measurements with a wide black belt, and her heels brought her almost to eye level with him. He whistled. “You look stunning. I am so sorry I’m late. I tried calling. I got stuck in a meeting and—”

  “Well, then you’ll just have to make it up to me.” Sucking her lip between her teeth, she looked him up and down. “And you look good enough to eat. Why don’t we just stay in?”

  He loved the idea but shook his head as relief washed the tension from him. “I’ve been wanting to share this place with you for too long.” He held out his arm so she could take his elbow.

  “Fine, but just so you know, this evening would be a hell of a lot easier if you didn’t look so damned delicious.”

  He laughed. “I knew I had to do something to make up for being late. Besides, it’ll just make you want me more by the time we get back. I’m sorry. My meeting ran over, and then I had a few loose ends I couldn’t leave for tomorrow.”

  Addi simply nodded and slid onto the leather seat as he held the door open. She stretched her legs out long, lifting the edge of her dress just a bit to get his attention. As he closed the door she said, “I’m not wearing any panties.”

  The door fell shut with a satisfying thud, leaving him standing completely still outside. He clenched his fists, his eyes glued t
o the expanse of skin running long and lean from beneath the hem of her damned, too-short dress. No panties. Son of a bitch. If she even bent her head to look down, her ass would show.

  His fingers itched to run up along her thigh and test her statement for himself—and he just might.

  Damned minx.

  He made his way around the car and slid behind the wheel. “You’re going to pay for that.”

  She winked at him. “Good luck. You’re going to need it.”

  He laughed and started the car. “What’s your favorite kind of food?”

  “Easy. Italian. How about you.”

  Addi’s dress hitched higher as they went, making Roque’s collar all too tight and his pants impossibly snug. “What was the question?”

  Her giggle made him scowl. She was doing it on purpose. Damn the woman—he loved it.

  He paid the valet and led Addi into the opulent seaside dining experience. Live jazz crooned as they entered, and the airy, reflective ambience lifted him as it always did. White on white on cream was the basic pallet. Lights and mirrors and sheer fabrics seemed to float the room in a bubble of ocean waves and piano keys.

  Addi sucked in a breath beside him. “This is incredible.”

  Though the venue was packed, it was the hushed melodies of the singer that registered, softening the usual cacophony of clattering dishware and conversations.

  Roque’s parents introduced him to the place when he graduated college, and he made it a point to come back for any and all special occasions. This was one of them.

  They were seated at a secluded table surrounded by sheers. The effect was as if they dined on a cloud. Good food and wine softened Addi’s teasing agenda, and he watched her look about the space, her eyes wide and a half smile playing on her lips.

  The waiter came and tempted her with a tiramisu and dessert wine. Addi bantered with him and they both laughed.

  He loved how open and friendly she was. From anyone else, the personal conversation with the waiter might seem odd, but from her, it was simply Addi. She stunned him with her beauty and tempted him with her grace. Yes, that was it. It wasn’t her brazen act or flirty nature that made him yearn to feel her beneath him but the smooth, easy way she moved and accepted people into her space.


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