The Last Queen of Lemuria

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The Last Queen of Lemuria Page 8

by Gloria Mur

  Nastia once again experienced the same feeling she'd had in Aleur's room. It was as if she was trying to remember something- blurry pictures were popping into her head and disappearing just as quickly. She couldn't figure out what kind of pictures they were, but at the same time, she felt clearly that this man, holding her in his arms, was a near and dear being.

  - "Yuma! You're seem far from this place! You are pale.

  - Do you remember when we met?

  - Yuma, are you alright?"

  - "I guess."

  - "Come on, Yuma! We've known each other since early childhood."

  - "Sorry, I'm not feeling like myself today."

  - I think I can guess what's wrong," smiled Aleur.

  - "Yeah?"

  - Did you drink too much mileoki juice at dinner, my Queen? That juice can do strange things to our consciousness."

  - "You can say that again," admitted Nastia. - "There's definitely something wrong with my consciousness."

  Chapter 13. Temptation

  Guria extinguished the magic crystal. “So that's what her sister Yuma's been doing in the evenings! Running off to dates! The Princess snorted contemptuously. And that dumb bastard Grino still thinks she's his wife.. The bridegroom from hell! It's what he deserves!

  Yuma's bridegroom, the Lemurian insisted upon love... Yala talks about it constantly as well. Maybe that's because it's true? Does there exist an unknowable love? A feeling that conquers all, even the strongest sorcerer- is it real? Guria gave it some thought... If it's true... That means... That this great power is left to her sister!? It's always about that god-damned Yuma! She was already the older sister, having been born a year before Guria, then she was sent to Olmolungring, and now she'd surpassed her once again! She received a crown, she had the Chintamani, and now she had received Love?!” Guria was almost ready to weep from rage. And suddenly it hit her. The young sorceress approached the crystal once again.

  - "Show me Aleur from Olmolungring," she ordered..

  Aleur was nude, walking around a room, looking for something. Finally he found what he was looking for- a thick book, and lay down on his bed- having pushed the blue light a bit closer, he began to read.

  Guria ran her hand over the stone, and the image became brighter. He was handsome. All these Lemurians were nice to look at. Not the same as sorcerers. In Olmolungring, external beauty wasn't taken note of- it belonged to everything. Only on Groix was beauty worshiped, and considered the highest expression of a sorcerer's power. It was good that most sorcerers had never been to Lemuria. If they had, they would all burst with anger.

  Guria frowned in thought, and extinguished the magic crystal .

  - “I will have everything, Yuma! The Stone and the Power! And your Aleur!” she whispered aloud, taking a book with gold binding from the table.

  Aleur was hovering low, almost under the ground, avoiding the liana vines, and trying to stay away from the red and blue mycenae flowers. The mycenae is eaten by insects, and though it isn't dangerous for human consumption, no one wanted to touch its petals all the same. Its sticky, fragrant nectar stains the clothes and irritates the skin. Aleur steered his vimana to the edge of the forest. Lemurians were there, milling boards for construction. The sound of axes came from behind the trees. Aleur turned around when suddenly, his vimana grazed something below. A loud sound came. Aleur jumped to the ground, thinking he'd wounded an animal. The vimana fluttered down to the grass, having lost its rider.

  There was a little girl lying under the mycenae leaves. Abnormally swarthy for a Lemurian, in bright clothes. Her eyes were closed, her hands were covered in blue nectar, and her red robe was ripped at the chest. Aleur thought with horror that he'd killed the girl. He fell to his knees. He bowed to listen to her breathing, catching the sweet smell of roses in his nostrils. When he touched her, the stranger came to life. Aleur was stunned. The girl had black eyes, and her headscarf had fallen down to cover her dark hair. "Sorceress!" He stepped back abruptly. The girl moaned once more. Aleur, feeling ashamed at his fear, picked her up in his arms and carried her to the sun.

  - "Hey! Can you hear me?" he called, shaking her by the shoulder.

  - "Yes," she whispered. "Forgive me, it seems I have crossed your path at a bad time."

  - "Are you from Groix? What are you doing in our forest? It is forbidden by law.”

  - “Yes, I know," sighed the tan beauty, raising herself off the grass and brushing off her dress. "But I have fled Groix. My father beat me and kicked me out of the house.

  She straightened her shoulders and looked determinedly at Aleur. The stranger was short in comparison with Lemurians, but she was no less beautiful than them. "Our people speak nonsense when they say that all sorcerers are ugly," thought Aleur. He had grown used to the beauty of blondes, and thus became fixated upon her tanned skin, burning eyes, and dark curls.

  - "You can go- I can take care of myself," said the girl, implying that if Aleur were to leave, she would die on the spot without a doubt.

  - "You're quite pale," said Aleur, succumbing.

  - "I'm very hungry, I haven't eaten for two days," admitted the stranger, "but don't let that worry you. I'm sure I'll find something..."

  - "You're hungry? Come with me…" said Aleur, stopping when he realized that the wood-cutters wouldn't appreciate seeing a sorceress, and would hardly be willing to share a table with her.

  - "Actually... I'll bring you something to eat. Wait for me here!" and he got on his vimana, directing his gaze at the small, blue triangle imprinted on its edge. Within a few seconds, the board began to shake and came back to the ground.

  Guria looked mockingly at Aleur's back. It was turning out to be easier than she'd supposed. The sorceress took a small vial of potion from her pocket. Finally, the hour for Aleur to forget Yuma has come.

  Aleur hurried. Passing Shonti La's instructions on to the wood-cutters, he grabbed some fruit and nuts and took off back into the air.

  - "Where are you going Aleur? Aren't we taking boards to the seashore?" shouted the wood-cutters' elder behind him.

  - "Not now- I'll be back within an hour! I've got some business to attend to!"

  - "You forgot your anti-sorcerer cap."

  - "I'll be back soon!" And the young man disappeared into the bush. When he was in the air, it occurred to him that meeting with sorcerers without any Qi herb is very very strictly forbidden. But he abandoned this thought right away. How could this fragile little girl hurt him? She's the one who needs help.

  At the same time, Guria was making the hole in her robe larger, so her breasts could be seen. She lay down on the grass and pretended to be sleeping.

  Aleur silently descended to the clearing, looked around and found his new acquaintance, dozing under a tree. Her skin shone a warm gold, her long eyelashes fluttered in her sleep, and one disobedient black lock had stolen away from the others and was resting on her lips. The stranger was dreaming and breathing heavily in her sleep. Her chest, almost completely uncovered was raising sharply with each breath. The young Lemurian stood in place like a stone, not able to rip his gaze away.

  The girl woke with a start, sensing his eyes. "Aleur, you're embarrassed.

  - Forgive me, I must have dozed off," pronounced the beauty, and sat up, not thinking to fix her dress.

  - "I brought you food," he said, trying not to look.

  - "Thank you. You're so generous. You're saving my life. Please, eat with me!"

  - "I'm afraid I'm in a hurry," interrupted Aleur.

  - "I understand. What could be more humiliating than to sit at the same table as a Groisillienne, right? Well, whatever," sighed Guria.

  - "Come on, now! It's just that I'm in a hurry... I would gladly share a modest meal with you on the condition that we'll only eat a little," answered Aleur, and began to lay out the provisions,

  - "I have a bit of juice," said Guria, "let's drink to our acquaintance! I made glasses from liana leaves."

  - "Why of course," answered Aleur, ta
king a green leaf filled with a dark liquid from Guria's hand.

  Guria watched tensely, making sure Aleur had drunk every drop, then breathed a sigh of relief.

  After he'd drunk the juice, a sweet warmth flowed throughout his body. Aleur found himself wanting to kiss the stranger. Surprised at his desire, Aleur wanted to leave, but couldn't take a step.

  - "Aleur! Come closer," she called.

  - "Who are you? Who are you really?"

  - "Guria.. My name is Guria," she smiled. She came closer, touching his shoulder with her bare breast. Aleur gave a start, and unable to control himself, embraced the girl...

  - "Tina! Are you sure?"

  - "Yes, your Majesty. Sir Aleur has not returned yet. The wood-cutters said that he left their clearing before they'd had dinner. And no one's seen him since then."

  - “My God! Something must've happened to him!"

  - We've sent twenty men to search for him. He will be found. Don't be afraid, your Majesty, there's nothing for him to be afraid of in the forest. Maybe he's simply lost his way and decided to wait for the sunrise..."

  - "How can he lose his way on that... what's-it-called... board! Because, he should be able to fly above the forest and see the road!"

  - “Yes, your majesty, but perhaps his vimana couldn't fly."

  - "And why might that be?"

  - "Maybe Sir Aleur got so tired that he couldn't take off."

  Nastia paced around the royal bedchamber from corner to corner. They agreed to meet in the garden, but Aleur hadn't come. It had become clear that no one had seen the young scientist since morning. It was already dark in the courtyard. What could have happened? The Queen couldn't figure it out.

  Guria looked triumphantly into the crystal. “Everything is happening as it should. Yuma is in despair. Aleur, it seems, couldn't raise his vimana into the air. After what they'd done, his thoughts had become impure!” The princess smiled. The poor bastard, he's sitting in the forest waiting for the sun to rise, regretting that he dirtied his conscience. But what a man this Lemurian scientist was! Strong, handsome! And so passionate! Everything had gone according to plan. Tomorrow, they'd see each other again. And he'd drink juice with a bit of potion again. A couple visits, and the princess would have this young Lemurian firmly under her thumb. How boring and predictable these giants were! The young sorceress yawned. “It's time to sleep. Tomorrow will be a hard day.”

  Aleur lay under the mycenae bushes, and breathed in the sweet aroma of the flesh-eating flowers. The forest around him lived its life as normal. The sounds of the night enveloped the young scientist. The wings of unseen butterflies brushed his cheek from time to time. Lying on his back on the stiff board, and looking up at the starry sky, Aleur thought back on the previous day.

  How could he have succumbed to sorcery? He knew perfectly well of the danger coming from Groisillons! And he was so careless! He didn't bring his protective amulet, and allowed the sorceress to touch him… Even though he'd heard all the laws and made vows since he was a child, he became the lover of a witch! How would he ever show his face to Yuma again? What will she say? How can I pay for this sin? How can I kiss my bride-to-be after... everything that's happened? How could he?... He decided. He would go to Shonith La and admit to everything. Let the wise Lemurians find a punishment for his terrible crime. It was with these thoughts that Aleur met the sunrise.

  Chapter 14. Sorcery

  The gray-haired Keeper of the Stone sighed heavily, fixing his eyes on the young Lemurian bowed down before him.

  - "Stand, Aleur! Your crime is a great one. You know how Lemurians treat people who've had close relations with sorcerers."

  - "Yes, I know," Shonith La.

  - “In another time, you'd be sent to the mines of Groix, Aleur. But now, every pair of hands must be accounted for. Let your own conscience be judge. To purify your soul, you must refuse food. You mustn't eat a crumb until you can make the vimana fly again. And every evening, come to me to touch the Chintamani- it can take the heavy burden from your soul.”

  - "I understand, Shonith La," answered Aleur.

  - "And you aren't to say a thing to the Queen!"

  - "But..." protested Aleur.

  - "She must not suffer. It's already hard enough for her, she lost her memory because of you…"

  - "Her memory? What are you talking about?"

  - "Oh, you don't know? Because of you- because of the fact that Yuma refused to marry the heir of Groix, breaking the eternal law, Gorr has deprived her of her memory! She needs her strength. She must lead the people to the new lands when the Flood will come. And be careful with that sorcerer girl! She will not leave you in peace. What is her name?"

  - "Guria.. She said her name was Guria."

  Shonith La looked grimly at Aleur.

  - "Then you must be twice as careful, Aleur. Guria is a Princess of the Kingdom of Groix. She is a daughter worthy of her father."

  - "Princess Guria? Yuma's sister?"

  - "Those sisters are as far apart as the stars and the sea. She must need something, that black sorceress. Be vigilant, my boy. If you see her again, don't look her in the eyes, use all your defenses. Go. The Queen is waiting for you."

  Shonith La walked up to the window. He could see the whole city from his room under the roof of the palace. The people of Lemuria were getting ready for work. Men and women, old people and children have all been working six days a week for the last three years to build the ark.

  In ancient manuscripts, it was written that a great flood would come on the full moon of the fifth month of the three thousand fifth year.. And no one will be spared from its destruction. Shonith La, the oldest resident of Olmolungring kept it a secret for many years, supposing that it would be better for people not to know about the unavoidable catastrophe. Because there was no way to save themselves from it. But for the three years leading up to the foretold end of Lemuria, the young Aleur, his scientist, was able to work out ancient designs on golden plates and fashioned a flying machine. The vimanas helped the Lemurians build the huge ship. They could transport timber, carry heavy loads, and travel long distances in search of food- all thanks to the vimana. In order to survive on the ark, it would be necessary to stock up on provisions. Because no one could say for sure how long their travel would last. They dried fruits, prepared grains, and collected nuts. The ark was almost ready. And now Aleur had put it all at risk. The ark was planned as a huge vimana. And it ran on peoples' psychic energy. Pure energy. In order to move the colossus from the shallows, they would need the strength of all the Lemurians, united towards one goal. They were all needed to hold their thoughts and souls in purity. There was so little time left until the flood. And Aleur had lowered himself to contact with a sorceress. Shonith La shook his head. Youth! Carelessness, thoughtlessness! It would be good if Aleur succeeded to normalize himself before the foretold day. The old man approached a small altar, that was built into the wall, in front of which, a bejeweled box sat.

  - “O Great Rigden Djapo," quietly pronounced Shonith La, bowing his head and kneeling. “You gave us the Chintamani, saved us from degradation in the Dark Epoch of the sorcerers. You cannot abandon us now! I pray to thee, my Great Father, turn your merciful glance to poor Lemuria in this terrible hour!"

  - “Keeper!" - called out a soft voice. Shonith La turned around. - "Keeper, people are ready to go to work. Everyone is waiting for you."

  - "I will go now, Maret," said the old man, standing up.

  Below, at the foot of the mountain on which Olmolungring was located, the ark builders had already gathered.

  "Get on your vimanas!" - commanded Shonith La.

  The townspeople jumped to their boards, taking with them bags of provisions.

  - "Direct your focus to the blue triangle!" ordered the Keeper. "Now unroll the cylinders. Let's take off! Don't hurry! "Be careful flying through the forest- don't harm anyone," and, having remembered something, added, "and do not remove your Qi defense. sorcerers never sleep."
br />   Hundreds of vimanas, one after the other, lifted up into the air at different heights, and flew in a motley flock to the ocean. Several dozen city-dwellers with guilty faces shouldered their vimanas and marched to the forest in a narrow chain. Shonith La sighed. No matter how hard you try, you can't ensure the purity of all Lemurians' thoughts.

  Only Shonith La and members of the Council knew the exact date of the Flood. Most Lemurian citizens didn't really believe that their amazing city could be destroyed. But all the same, they all worked on the building of the ark nonstop, but hoping in secret that the Keeper had misinterpreted the ancient manuscripts and the Flood will never happen. Life in the city went on as normal.

  In the Queen's reception hall, preparations were being made for the celebration of the solstice. Four times per year, all the people of Lemuria were invited to the palace to perform the holy "Dance of the Golden Apple," as their ancestors had called the Sun. This dance involved making a long chain of people, holding hands and singing the Hymn of the Sun. The big pink hall couldn't fit all the people of the Kingdom of course, and so an endless procession of singers flowed in and out of the palace at once. And thus all residents of Lemuria could bow to the Queen and touch the holy Chintamani stone. In order to organize such a long dance-procession, the servants of the palace carefully prepared the way to the royal throne for the townspeople. They couldn't allow any obstacle to break the chain, or interrupt the song.

  Every Lemurian awaited this holiday with impatience. It was possible for everyone to feel that they were a part of this legendary country. To see the Queen and touch the blessed Chintamani, which could heal the body and purify the soul. After the general procession, the Lemurians went out into the streets, where tables were set. Songs, dances, and joy lasted until the morning. This holiday was to become a double. The day of the Golden Apple came on the same day as Queen Yuma and Aleur the engineer's engagement.


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