Clara's Greek Adventure

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Clara's Greek Adventure Page 5

by Lacey London

Dreading to think what outrageous tasks Stelios instructs Calix to do, I respond with a nervous laugh and excuse myself to go in search of my husband. Squeezing past a young family, who are enjoying an enormous plate of meze dishes, I follow the sound of Oliver’s voice through the bar.

  Eventually finding the guys playing cards with a friendly bartender, I dodge a snoozing cat and make my way over to them. With beer bottles in their hands and their t-shirts tied loosely around their waists, they look like they started their holiday a long time ago. Pausing by a pillar, I take a moment to study them from afar and remark at the stark difference in Oliver. His deep laugh echoes around the room and I automatically grin. In just a few hours, his eyes appear brighter, his smile seems deeper and his shoulders are no longer tight with stress.

  Catching his eye, I raise my hand in acknowledgement and walk over to them.

  ‘Hey!’ Oliver says, pulling me onto his lap and kissing my warm cheek. ‘How’s Gina doing over there?’

  ‘Erm…’ I screw up my nose and look back at where Gina is currently snoozing. ‘Just give her another ten minutes.’

  Marc laughs into his beer bottle and squints at his snoring wife. ‘Yeah, just let her sleep it off. She’ll be fine.’

  Tactfully leaving us to talk, the bartender places a bowl of exotic nuts on the counter and disappears to serve another customer.

  ‘When Gina said she intended to relive her youth on this vacation, she wasn’t joking, was she?’ Vernon remarks, slipping a crisp note beneath his empty bottle. ‘What’s next on her list? Skinny-dipping and wet t-shirt contests?’

  ‘I think today has been more than enough to prove she isn’t as young as she thinks she is.’ I reply, reaching for Oliver’s beer. ‘Trying to act like a teenager is the quickest way to realise you’re not one. She’ll probably sleep for the rest of the trip.’

  ‘Do you want to place a bet on that?’ Marc chuckles.

  ‘I think one bet is quite enough for this holiday, don’t you?’ Sliding to my feet, I adjust my shorts and twist my hair into a ponytail. ‘On that note, we should probably make a move. Janie will be wondering where we are.’

  Nodding in agreement, the guys swiftly finish their drinks and say their goodbyes to the bartender before following me through the bar. My feet burn on the hot tiles as I lead the way over to where Gina is sleeping and prod her sunbed with my foot. Not getting a response, I bend down and slowly lift her towel.

  ‘Don’t look at me.’ Covering her eyes with her hands, Gina stumbles as she pushes herself into a sitting position. ‘Nobody talk to me.’

  ‘We’re going to set off now.’ Marc says gently, holding out his hand to help her to her feet. ‘Do you think you can make it the rest of the way without hurling, or do you want another cocktail for the road?’

  ‘Absolutely not.’ Roughly shoving on her sunglasses, Gina stands up and steadies herself on Marc’s arm. ‘I don’t want to hear the word cocktail for the remainder of this holiday.’

  Trying not to laugh, I rub her back reassuringly and move away when she quickly shakes my hand off. ‘Add no touching to the list. Nobody look at me, speak to me, or touch me.’

  ‘What happened to Ibiza, 1999?’ Oliver teases, winking at Marc as he tries to comfort her.

  Not bothering to respond, Gina wraps the towel around her body and gingerly wobbles over to the waiting limousine.

  ‘I don’t think we need to worry about Gina becoming a holiday rep, put it that way.’ Lianna jokes, reaching for Vernon’s hand as we watch Gina scramble into the back of the limo. ‘Mykonos One – Gina Nil…’

  * * *

  Fifteen minutes and a whole lot of air-conditioning-hogging later, Calix indicates left and pulls up outside a set of impressive iron gates. The sporadic breaks in the railings provide a glimpse of the magnificent property behind it, making my stomach flip with excitement. An imposing fence surrounds the expansive plot, completely shielding the prestigious villa from the winding road.

  Straining my neck for a closer look, I watch in awe as Calix leans out of the limousine window and presses a button on the intercom. Almost immediately, the gates swing open and the vehicle effortlessly glides into the grounds. The white mansion is unbelievably bright under the strong rays of sunshine, causing all six of us to reach for our sunglasses. Acres of perfectly-manicured lawn stretch out around the snaking path, which leads to a carport holding several stretch limousines identical to this one.

  I’ve seen so many photographs of Stelios’s home online, but viewing it for real has left me completely lost for words. I simply cannot believe this is where Janie has been for the past twelve months. Of course, Stelios’s wealth isn’t a secret and I completely expected to be impressed by his home, but this is on a whole new level altogether. It seems there’s money and then there’s money. Stelios’s billionaire status is evident everywhere you look and it’s almost difficult to take it all in.

  Feeling Calix bring the limo to a stop, we clamber out onto the path and look up at the impressive building. Judging by the shocked expression on Oliver’s face, it seems the realisation of Stelios’s wealth is finally sinking in for all of us. Too stunned to speak, we stand frozen to the spot as Calix promptly unloads the suitcases with the help of two assistants, who seem to have magically appeared from nowhere.

  Slipping my hands into my pockets, I watch as Calix whispers into his headset and two burly security guards step out from behind the pillars by the front door. Instantly recognising them as the pair of heavies who accompany Stelios on his London trips, I offer them a nervous smile as they come to a halt in front of the limo.

  After giving us a quick once-over, they turn back to the wooden door and slowly walk up the stone steps in silence.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Li discreetly murmurs into my ear. ‘Where’s Stelios?’

  As if answering her question, the doors swing open with a flourish to reveal a very giddy Stelios. Wearing a crisp white shirt, which is hanging open to expose his impressive amount of chest hair, he holds open his arms as he races down the steps. His teeth are littered with gold and his bouffant hair is perfectly combed over, emulating a retro porn star.

  ‘My family!’ Stelios sings, throwing his arms around my neck and squeezing me tightly. ‘My family have arrived!’

  Hoping that family translates into work colleagues I am on a first name basis with in Greek, I hug him back as he shifts his focus to Lianna. Clearly not bothered by his overly-friendly greeting, Lianna giggles as he delights in complimenting her new hair.

  Noticing Oliver freeze as Stelios reaches up and gives him the eager beaver treatment too, I wait until everyone has been greeted before speaking up.

  ‘Thank you so much for inviting us to your home, Stelios.’ I gush, as he embraces me once again. ‘It’s an honour to be here…’

  ‘Nonsense!’ Stelios yells joyously, cutting me off with a cheer. ‘My home, is your home. You are all my family now!’

  Nervous laughter titters around the group and I feel Oliver tense next to me.

  ‘Please, come with me!’ Clicking his fingers at the cases, Stelios nods as they’re swiftly ushered away by Calix and his helpers. ‘I show you the way…’

  Tracing Stelios’s footsteps, I look at Oliver as Vernon tugs on his sleeve.

  ‘Better get that money ready, Morgan.’ He jokes quietly, making sure to keep his voice low. ‘This engagement is in the bag!’

  Oliver attempts to stop himself from smiling as Vernon continues to wind him up.

  ‘My family! My family! My family!’ Vernon sings, clapping Oliver on the back. ‘Say hello to your new stepdad, dude!’

  Trying not to laugh, I bat Vernon on the arm as we jog up the steps and follow Stelios into the building. With Stelios’s eccentric style and often garish choices of clothing, I was expecting his home to reflect exactly that. The truth is, this place has been designed with elegance, grace and heaps of class.

  The neutral walls are complimented beautifully with touches of go
ld and bronze, in the form of various ostentatious ornaments and decorations. Heavy mirrors, which wouldn’t look out of place in Buckingham Palace, make the palatial entrance hall appear even bigger than it already is. Enormous bouquets of roses and bubbling water features fill the open space beautifully, providing the perfect finishing touch.

  ‘Wait a minute…’ Lianna hisses. ‘Where’s Janie?’

  Pulling my brow into a frown, I look at Oliver expecting him to know the answer. Being so consumed with my admiration for Stelios’s home, I hadn’t realised the person we flew out here to see is missing.

  ‘Where is Janie?’ I repeat, intentionally raising my voice for Stelios to hear.

  ‘My Janie is right here.’ He babbles excitedly, signalling for us to keep walking. ‘Don’t you worry, my friends. I bring you to my Janie right now.’

  Oliver’s daggers burn into the side of my head at hearing Stelios label his mother my Janie twice in as many sentences and I pretend not to notice. Tugging my handbag onto my shoulder, I look up as we turn a corner and find ourselves in a narrow corridor. An intricate stained-glass door glistens at us in the distance as we continue to walk, sandwiched between Stelios and his minders. Not daring to look at Oliver, I chew the inside of my cheek anxiously as Stelios punches a code into a keypad and pushes open the door.

  Glistening tiles welcome us into the room, leading to the most outstanding indoor swimming pool. A huge fountain spurts a foaming stream into the glittering water, making the sparkling black tiles appear deeper than the ocean. Lights resembling stars are sprinkled across the ceiling, giving the illusion we’re actually on the beach at midnight and not indoors at midday.

  Resisting the urge to dive straight in, I take a few steps to the left and squeal as Janie drifts into view. Wearing a tiny bikini, my crazy mother-in-law is sprawled out in a pink flamingo, with an elaborate cocktail glass in her hand. Her famous beehive is hanging loosely in delicate waves around her face and her mahogany tan is ten shades darker than the last time I saw her.

  ‘Welcome to Mykonos!’ She cackles, splashing her legs in the water and showering us in the process. ‘Well, what you all waiting for? Get in here!’

  Dipping a toe into the water, I turn around to ask Stelios where our cases are when I’m suddenly drenched by water. Wiping my eyes, my jaw drops open as I realise Li has jumped straight into the pool, fully clothed.

  ‘Lianna!’ I yell, watching her swim over to Janie in her tiny denim shorts. ‘Aren’t you waiting for your swimsuit?’

  Remembering her swimsuit is the most inappropriate excuse for a swimming costume I have ever seen, I’m quietly glad when she ignores my question.

  ‘I’m going for it.’ Not hesitating, Vernon whips off his Hawaiian shirt and places his shoes neatly next to the steps. ‘Who’s with me?’

  Quickly mimicking Vernon, Marc sheds everything but his shorts and removes his glasses. Without hesitation the pair of them dive into the water, quickly followed by Gina, who seems to have miraculously overcome her hangover at the sight of Stelios’s magnificent pool.

  Not wanting to be left out, I look at Oliver before stepping out of my sandals. The cheers of my friends egg me on as I take a deep breath before leaping into the unknown. Adrenaline rushes through my body as I hit the surface of the water and kick my legs frantically to stay afloat. Swimming across the mammoth pool, I join the others by Janie and reach up to give her a well overdue squeeze. The second my arms wrap around hers, I am reminded of just how much I have missed having her around. Her familiar perfume makes me feel weirdly emotional as we hug one another closely, neither one wanting to let go.

  Finally tearing myself away, I turn around in the water as Janie clears her throat and fixes her gaze on Oliver.

  ‘Son?’ She says, a soft tone to her voice I haven’t heard before. ‘Are you joining us?’

  My ears ring with adrenaline as Janie and Oliver lock eyes for the first time in a year. Identical expressions are glued to their faces as they stare at one another in silence. Shifting my gaze over to Stelios, I notice he is also holding his breath. As hard as Stelios has tried to pretend the tension between him and Oliver isn’t there, I know Oliver’s refusal to accept him in his life hurts Stelios a lot more than he would ever let you know.

  Without making a sound, Oliver steps forward and allows himself to fall into the water. Clapping my hands together as he comes up for air, I feel my heart fill with pride. Despite him being a grown man, I am beyond proud of Oliver for putting his opinions to one side to please his mum, even if it is just for the time being. Whether you are four, fourteen or forty, sacrificing your own feelings for the sake of a loved one is always an action to be celebrated.

  Shaking water out of his eyes, Oliver brushes his hair back before swimming over to Janie. Leaving the two of them to become reacquainted, the rest of us splash one another animatedly as Stelios watches on from the safety of the deck. Holding up a pizza-shaped float to avoid Marc’s attempts to dunk me under the water, I catch Stelios smiling fondly.

  ‘Are you coming in, Stelios?’ I ask, abandoning my float and holding on to the edge of the pool.

  ‘No.’ Suddenly looking rather uneasy, Stelios fidgets with his hands as we all turn to look at him. ‘I enjoy the pool at all times. This is your time to enjoy the pool…’

  ‘Oh, come on.’ I press, feeling a little sorry for him. ‘Join us!’

  After initially hesitating, Stelios nods and slowly makes for the steps, much to the delight of Janie. Pleased he has decided to join the party, I shoot him the thumbs-up sign as he reaches for the railing. Abruptly stopping halfway down the stairs, Stelios walks back onto the deck and shouts loudly in Greek. With a sudden burst of determination, he takes a running jump and bombs into the water like a small child.

  Being very aware Stelios is pushing seventy, I cover my mouth with my hands as Janie shrieks in shock.

  ‘What the hell are you doing?’ She cries, shaking her head in disbelief as Stelios resurfaces. ‘You’re going to give yourself a damn heart attack!’

  Throwing his arms into the air, Stelios sprays water over Janie as she beams back at him.

  ‘And if so, my Janie, I would die a very happy man…’

  Chapter 7

  Stepping out of the shower, I reach for a towel and wrap myself up like a fluffy burrito. Despite only spending a slight amount of time in the sun, my skin feels warm and toasty as I wipe condensation from the mirror and reach for my moisturiser. Smothering my face with soothing aloe vera, I smile as the bright lights around the glass shine back on me, creating a halo effect around my reflection.

  After our impromptu swim in Stelios’s ocean, sorry, pool, earlier, Stelios instructed his chefs to cook up an array of mouth-watering snacks to wet our appetite for dinner this evening. While we dried our clothes on the outdoor terrace and enjoyed the most delicious canapés, Janie took great pleasure in filling us in on the last twelve months of her life.

  It seems while the rest of us have been worrying about her antics over here, Janie’s life has actually been quite serene. Apart from lounging by the pool and accompanying Stelios to business dinners, the only thing that tears her away from the villa are her weekly dates with Stelios’s mum, Konstantina. From coffee dates at Azure to shopping trips around the local markets, from what I’ve heard, Janie has made a friend for life and been granted the royal stamp of approval in the process.

  Astonishingly, it appears Konstantina genuinely adores Janie and just like the rest of the gang, I’m still trying to work out how that could possibly be. With her outlandish behaviour, crude language and refusal to act her age, Janie isn’t exactly the woman a mother dreams of for her son. Although, I have to hand it to Janie, being with Stelios has really calmed her down and not made her go off the rails as we had anticipated.

  Although he didn’t say anything in response to Janie’s revelations about her life here, I did notice Oliver was quietly surprised at the change in his mother. We were all concerned that ha
ving access to such an obscene amount of money would allow Janie to become even more intrepid than she already is, but if this initial meeting is anything to go by, Stelios has brought the best out in Janie and her in him.

  ‘It feels so bizarre to be showering in the middle of the bedroom…’ I muse, shaking all thoughts of Janie from my mind and abandoning my towel.

  ‘And it’s even more bizarre that I can’t see you.’ Walking over to the enormous booth, Oliver marvels at the privacy glass. ‘You can see me, but I can’t see you. How amazing is that?’

  ‘It is pretty cool, but I wouldn’t want one at home.’ Stepping out of the cubicle, I drop down onto the cloud-like bed and pull open a drawer in search of the underwear I unpacked earlier. ‘It makes a feel a little… exposed.’

  ‘I’d totally have one!’ Oliver replies energetically, as he walks around the bedroom with wide eyes. ‘I’d have the whole interior of this place at our apartment!’

  A slight twinkle plays on the corner of my mouth as I watch him speak. ‘You would?’

  ‘Yeah.’ He says hesitantly, swapping his smile for a frown. ‘Why are you looking at me like that?’

  ‘No reason!’ Realising I’m smiling manically, I clear my throat and reach for a dressing gown. ‘I’m just so pleased you’ve decided to accept Stelios…’

  ‘Accept Stelios?’ He repeats, almost angrily. ‘What the hell gave you that impression?’

  Completely flummoxed by his response, I pause with my hands on my hips and wait for him to laugh. ‘Are you joking?’

  ‘Are you joking?’ He replies, an edge to his voice I don’t like.

  ‘No…’ Sitting back down on the bed, I laugh uncertainly. ‘You seemed to be getting on so well just now. From where I was standing, it looked like you two were really bonding.’

  ‘Clara, laughing at the guy’s jokes and swimming in his pool does not mean I have accepted his relationship with my mother.’ Oliver snaps, reaching behind the partition and turning on the shower.


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