Clara's Greek Adventure

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Clara's Greek Adventure Page 8

by Lacey London

  Remembering her warnings about mothering, I purse my lips and decide to keep shtum. If Gina wants to end this trip with a visit to a severe burns unit, that’s her decision.

  ‘Eat your breakfast.’ Oliver instructs, pushing a plate of pastries towards me. ‘It’s going cold…’

  Not needing to be told twice, I pick up my cutlery and look out at the incredible view. Being situated on a secluded corner of the island, Stelios’s mansion is shielded by cliffs on either side, making you feel completely cocooned in its luxury. Janie must have to pinch herself waking up to this every day. The enormous villa, the dozens of staff and the impossible-to-ignore luxuries. I find it hard to accept that Stelios actually lives like this. For him, this isn’t a treat, a special break or a glimpse into how the other half lives. It’s simply his life.

  ‘Stelios is really something, isn’t he?’ Vernon muses, pushing away his empty plate. ‘What a character!’

  Studying Vernon’s face carefully, I try to decipher if he thinks Stelios being a character is a good personality trait or a glaringly-obvious flaw.

  ‘He’s amazing!’ Marc replies, a huge smile on his face as he reaches into his pocket and takes out his ruby. ‘I mean, just look at this!’

  I smile back at him, a little surprised by his glowing opinion of Stelios.

  ‘Honestly, when I grow up, I want to be Stelios Christopoulos!’ Marc continues, gaping at the gemstone as though it holds the answer to all of life’s unanswered questions. ‘The guy’s a god!’

  Nodding along, I finish my coffee and turn to Lianna and Gina. ‘What do you guys think?’

  ‘I think he’s spectacular.’ Lianna says adoringly, dropping her sunglasses onto the table. ‘He’s the most generous man I’ve ever met.’

  Vernon coughs playfully and raises his eyebrows.

  ‘Apart from you, of course.’ She adds, reaching up and kissing his cheek. ‘Stelios’s only fault is that he’s too generous.’

  ‘I agree.’ Vernon adds. ‘He should be careful, or people could take advantage.’

  Gina nods in agreement and I let my friend’s opinions of Stelios sink in. Whereas Oliver and I have been questioning Stelios’s extravagant actions, it seems the rest of the gang have a different view of him entirely.

  ‘Have you got your golf shoes ready?’ Marc asks Oliver, who is devouring his croissants in complete silence.

  ‘Golf shoes?’ Oliver repeats, shielding his eyes from the sun. ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘You didn’t get the letter?’ Reaching below the table, Marc retrieves a piece of paper and hands it to Oliver. ‘This was on our breakfast tray. Stelios has arranged a golf trip.’

  Reading the letter over his shoulder, I feel my skin prickle with excitement as I take in the words on the pages. It appears that while the boys whack a ball around acres of land, us girls are going to be treated to our own day of fun, Janie style. Usually, the idea of a liquid lunch with my mother-in-law is enough to send me running for the hills, but today I am hugely grateful.

  Ever since we arrived here in Mykonos, I’ve been itching for some time with Janie away from Stelios and Oliver. I want to ask about her life here with Stelios and not hear the edited version she tells when he is sitting by her side. I want to hear the cold, hard truth, no holds barred. The same dirty laugh floats out of her mouth, the same overdone makeup is plastered on her face and the same hideous dress sense is in full swing, but something about Janie has changed and I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. Today will give me an opportunity to discover exactly what’s going on with her and Stelios and a chance to establish where this relationship of theirs is going.

  ‘You love golf!’ I say to Oliver, rubbing his arm encouragingly.

  He responds with a look that says I do love golf, but I hate Stelios and I bite my lip.

  ‘Why the glum face?’ Gina teases, positioning her chair to face the sun. ‘This will give you some time to bond with your new stepdad.’

  ‘Or to hit him with a club…’ Oliver grumbles, tossing a grape at Gina.

  ‘Oh, come on!’ Marc protests, taking Oliver’s cap and dropping it onto his head. ‘Who here would want Stelios as an in-law?’

  Right on cue, everyone raises their hands and I suddenly feel guilty for questioning Stelios’s intentions. Taking a final look at the jaw-dropping landscape, I hold up my hand and shrug my shoulders apologetically at Oliver.

  ‘With views like that, who could possibly say no?’

  * * *

  ‘Is this another one of your throwbacks?’ I ask Gina, who is admiring her garish jumpsuit proudly. ‘I haven’t seen one of those in decades!’

  ‘It is indeed!’ She replies, shaking her legs to show off the baggy trousers in all their glory. ‘How can you tell?’

  Not wanting to admit the hideous outfit just screams MC Hammer and bad fancy-dress costumes, I rack my brains for a suitable adjective to describe the monstrous ensemble.

  ‘It’s quite obviously vintage.’ Lianna says quickly, coming to my rescue. ‘They just don’t make clothes the same these days.’

  Flashing me a discreet wink, Lianna tosses her magazine onto the coffee table as Janie steps into view.

  ‘Finally!’ Gina yells, standing up as Janie sashays along the hallway. ‘What time do you call this?’

  Laughing off Gina’s remarks, Janie envelopes the three of us in a huge bear hug.

  ‘It’s called being fashionably late!’ She cackles, giving Gina’s jumpsuit a strange look. ‘Fashionably being the operative word.’

  I look down at Janie’s orange minidress and resist the urge to tell her that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

  ‘So, what’s on the agenda?’ Lianna asks, dusting herself down. ‘I can’t wait to explore Mykonos!’

  ‘In that case, let’s get going!’ Adjusting her floppy hat, Janie turns on her heel. ‘But first…’

  Wandering over to the bar, she takes four tiny glasses and places them in a row on the counter. Before she can make another move, two members of staff run across the foyer and take over. Wearing slick suits, they mumble a few words to Janie in Greek, which she strangely seems to understand and fill the glasses with a clear spirit.

  ‘This is how we start the day here at Casa Janie!’ She declares, gesturing for us to help ourselves to a glass. ‘It’ll put hairs on your chest, that’s for sure!’

  Choosing not to tell her that hairs on my chest are the last thing I want, I hesitantly take a glass and hold it to my lips.

  ‘What is it?’ I ask, grimacing as a strong smell of aniseed assaults my nose.

  ‘It’s ouzo!’ Janie says proudly. ‘Stelios’s favourite! Go ahead, taste it.’

  Peeking into the shot glass, I feel my stomach churn and shudder. After devouring a huge breakfast of exotic fruits, rich pastries and a variety of meats, I don’t think adding high-strength alcohol to the mix is a very good idea. Clearly not having the same concerns, Gina clinks her glass against Janie’s and throws it back in one swift gulp.

  Knowing Janie isn’t going to let me leave without drinking the ouzo, I take a deep breath before copying Gina. My face immediately screws up as the ouzo slips down my windpipe and crashes into my stomach like a firework.

  ‘Who wants another?’ Janie cheers, not waiting for a response before beckoning her butlers to line them up.

  ‘Not for me.’ Wiping her tongue on a paper napkin, Lianna shakes her head.

  ‘Me neither.’ I splutter, dashing to the bar in search of some water. ‘One is quite enough, thank you very much.’

  Accepting a bottle from one of the men, I whip off the cap and down half the contents.

  ‘I’ll have another!’ Gina says, hooting loudly as she and Janie dance around the bar. ‘I might even have two!’

  Watching the pair of them giggle like teenagers, I am reminded of Gina’s pledge to steer clear of alcohol for the rest of the trip.

  ‘Do you think that’s wise?’ I ask, wondering if I can
find Calix and order his hangover remedy in advance. ‘Remember what happened yesterday?’

  ‘Nope, I don’t remember a thing about yesterday and I would like to keep it that way.’ Gina retorts cockily, already going in for another shot of ouzo.

  Raising my eyebrows at Lianna as Janie motions for us to follow her to the door, I try to waft the stench of ouzo out of my hair. No matter how far away from the bar we walk, the medicinal smell creeps after us in full force, refusing to be left behind.

  Coming to a stop in the entrance hall, Janie waits patiently as two guards step out of the shadows and lead the way outside.

  ‘How the hell do you get used to this?’ I murmur to Janie, who casually walks outside as though dumb and dumber aren’t stalking us like prey. ‘They give me the creeps!’

  ‘Who? Ioannis and Georgios?’ She hoots, pointing to the two massive minders. ‘They’re a pair of teddy bears. Aren’t you, boys?’

  Ioannis and Georgios offer her a subtle nod in response and inspect the limo before signalling for us to get inside. Giving them a dubious glimpse, I wave at Calix as he appears from the villa and jumps into the driver’s seat.

  My warm skin sticks to the leather as I slide closer to Janie and rearrange my dress.

  ‘Is that… is that a tattoo?’ I gasp, pointing at Janie’s ankle in shock as a flash of black catches my eye. ‘It is! Isn’t it?’

  Smiling at her ankle with sheer admiration, Janie places her tanned leg across my knee. At first, the small inking just above her foot resembles a messy scribble, but on closer inspection, I see it is some kind of stick symbol.

  ‘Do you like it?’ She asks, twisting her leg from side to side.

  Dreading to think what Oliver is going to say about his mother having acquired a tattoo, I think hard for a suitable reply.

  ‘I love it!’ Lianna exclaims, once again saving me from an incredibly awkward moment. ‘What does it mean?’

  ‘It’s a Greek symbol.’ Janie begins, smiling at the tattoo. ‘It says… well, it doesn’t matter what it says. It was a gift from Stelios.’

  Squinting at the inking once more, I try to work out what it could possibly say. From my angle, it almost looks like a half-finished game of hangman.

  ‘We should all get tattoos!’ Gina cries suddenly, jumping up and down in her seat. ‘On my Ibiza trip…’

  ‘1999, by any chance?’ Lianna asks sarcastically.

  ‘That’s the one!’ Gina replies, not realising that Li is poking fun. ‘My friends at the time, they all got matching tattoos and I’ve always regretted not joining in.’

  ‘You’ve always regretted not getting a booze-fuelled tattoo as a teenager?’ I say dismissively, not quite believing what I’m hearing. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me?’

  ‘It’s not about the tattoo itself.’ Gina explains. ‘It’s about what the tattoo represented.’

  ‘And what did it represent?’ Not having an ounce of faith in a drunken holiday tattoo being a good idea, I shake my head. ‘Come on, enlighten me.’

  ‘It represented freedom, youth and vitality.’ Inhaling deeply, Gina closes her eyes and smiles to herself. ‘It represented faith, hope and liberty.’

  ‘You got all that from a damn tattoo?’ Janie jokes, pushing Gina’s arm playfully.

  ‘I got all that and more…’ Opening her eyes, Gina looks down at Janie’s tattoo. ‘That’s it, I’m getting a tattoo. Who’s with me?’

  ‘I’ll get a tattoo with you.’ Lianna fires back, not hesitating for a millisecond. ‘Why the hell not?’

  Shooting her a glare, I wonder what has got into my friends. Is there something in the water here in Mykonos that sends people on a bungee jump to insanity?

  ‘Oh, to hell with it! Count me in.’ Shrugging her shoulders, Janie gives Gina a high-five. ‘I’ve already got one. What’s one more?’

  Feeling my jaw drop open, I stare at them in disbelief as Janie raps on the privacy screen to get Calix’s attention.

  ‘Calix, can you take us to the tattoo studio?’ She asks, as Gina shrieks with glee.

  Holding my head in my hands, I screw up my nose and groan. Little over an hour ago, I was blissfully enjoying my breakfast under the morning sun. Now, I am being whisked to a tattoo parlour against my will. How? How did this happen?

  ‘You’re not seriously going to do this, are you?’ I ask, becoming increasingly perturbed by the drastic change of plan. ‘I thought we were exploring Mykonos.’

  ‘We are exploring Mykonos!’ Janie protests, steadying herself on the seat next to her as Calix swings around a corner. ‘I’m taking you to Mykonos’s best tattoo studio! What better way to discover the island?’

  Knowing that the harder I push against this the more they will fight for it, I try a different tactic.

  ‘Don’t you think you should run the idea past Marc first?’ I say lightly, trying my hardest to act like I no longer care what they do. ‘I’m sure he would be very interested in what you are about to do.’

  ‘What I choose to do with my body is no one else’s business.’ Gina says firmly, obviously taking her impulsive idea super seriously. ‘I may be a wife and a mother of three, but right now, I am Gina Cockburn and I am going to bloody well enjoy it!’

  Holding my hands up to surrender, I turn to watching the world rush past the window as the others chat about their spontaneous detour. I had such high hopes for today. I was really looking forward to reconnecting with my mother-in-law, but instead, I am rushing across the island in a last-minute dash for Gina to live out her teen fantasies and unbelievably, Janie and Li are getting in on the action, too.

  ‘We’re here!’ Janie sings, reaching for her handbag as Calix brings the limousine to a stop by the side of the road.

  Not waiting for the engine to be turned off, Gina pulls on the handle and jumps out onto the hot pavement.

  ‘No! Wait!’ Janie shouts after her, making a grab for Gina’s jumpsuit and missing.

  Shouting in Greek, Ioannis and Georgios leap out of the limo at lightning speed and hustle Gina back into the vehicle.

  ‘What the…’ Gina curses, as Mr and Mr Scary patrol the perimeters of the vehicle.

  ‘You get used to it.’ Waiting for the signal from Ioannis before accepting his hand and stepping out of the limo, Janie slips on her oversized sunglasses.

  ‘Does that happen every time you go out?’ I ask, smiling at a few passers-by as they stop to admire the limousine. ‘It seems a bit dramatic.’

  Janie nods as Georgios holds open the door to the tattoo studio and I apprehensively follow her inside.

  ‘It comes with the territory…’

  Grimacing in response, I look around the studio nervously as Gina and Li make a beeline for the portfolios.

  ‘What can I do for you?’ A heavily-tattooed man behind the counter asks.

  As they excitedly inform him that they want matching tattoos to mark their trip to Greece, I walk around the room and study the various images on the walls. A collection of intricate sketches is displayed for customers to see. Some beautiful, some not so beautiful, but each and every one is distinctively individual.

  Frowning at a scary-looking skull design, which has a knife protruding through one of the eye sockets, I spin around when I hear Gina mention a full sleeve.

  ‘You don’t think it would be a little too much?’ Lianna asks, looking down at her arm and then back to the page.

  ‘A little?’ I hiss, practically falling over with shock. ‘Are you two drunk?’

  ‘What do you think?’ Li says to Janie, as though I’m not even in the room. ‘Should we just go for it?’

  Pursing her lips as she looks at the intense design, Janie nods and points to another sketch. ‘Maybe we could just get half a sleeve…’

  ‘Alright!’ I yell, positioning myself between the tattoo artist and Gina. ‘That’s quite enough! This is getting out of hand.’

  ‘We also have a whole bunch of colour tattoos.’ The tattoo artist says regardless, passing a
nother folder over my head to Lianna.

  Keeping my gaze fixed on Gina, who appears to be the ringleader in this charade, I narrow my eyes to show how serious I am.

  ‘Gina, I’m not going to stand by and watch you cover your entire arm in a tattoo that you have put absolutely no thought into.’ I warn sternly, lowering my voice to a whisper as to not offend the bulky tattoo artist. ‘Getting a tiny tribute inking is one thing, but this is quite another.’

  Almost unbelievably, Gina quickly gives in and flips back to the small designs.

  ‘I say we go for this.’ She says decidedly, pushing the folder towards the tattoo artist and pointing to a small sketch of a plane. ‘What do you guys think?’

  Taking a closer look, I squint as I try to decipher the Greek writing next to the wing.

  ‘I like it!’ Janie says, running her fingers over the paper.

  ‘Me too!’ Digging her purse out of her handbag, Li hands a wad of notes to the tattoo artist. ‘Let’s do it!’

  ‘Wait a minute!’ I yell, as they start to walk into the workshop. ‘Just hold fire. What does that say?’

  Holding out his hand for the folder, the tattoo artist shrugs his shoulders and scratches his beard.

  ‘No regrets.’ He says uncertainly, after studying the design for a moment too long. ‘It says no regrets.’

  Not being satisfied with his blasé response, I shake my head as the others smile back at him.

  ‘Perfect! I couldn’t have picked anything better myself!’ Gina cries, practically dragging him to the chair. ‘Come on! What are we waiting for?’

  Not wanting to say how completely ironic that is, I slowly walk behind them and take a seat on a battered old bench. My skin prickles uncomfortably as within seconds they all have stencils printed onto their wrists. Scrambled chatter fills the room as they grab their phones and take adrenaline-fuelled selfies to mark the occasion. Choosing to abstain from the jovialities, I look at the clock on the wall and wonder what the hell I am doing here.

  ‘Do you think this is a good idea?’ I whisper to Ioannis, who is staring straight ahead blankly. ‘Yes? No?’


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