Hidden (Shifters Unlimited: Clan Black Book 1)

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Hidden (Shifters Unlimited: Clan Black Book 1) Page 12

by KH LeMoyne

  “Jamaica. I met and worked for a blacksmith. I didn’t eat him.” He laughed, for her expression must have reflected some sort of curiosity. “He discovered my secret and, to his credit, taught me patience. One day he put me on a boat for bigger opportunities. I landed in New Orleans and found work with a gnarly old woman possessed by visions.” He’d released his death grip in favor of rubbing her arm and her stomach. Both distracted her, but she didn’t dare stop him, wanting more details.

  “Her tavern boasted magic dressed as glorious meals. She also introduced me to the love of paint, texture, and color when I wasn’t swabbing every floor, table, and pile of dishes she owned. Over the years, I’ve been working my way up one coast and down the other.”

  “You must have a hell of a résumé.”

  “A little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing.”

  “Your woodwork and art aren’t nothing.”

  “I’ve spent more time with those crafts than most things.” He shrugged, his muscles moving in a slow tease against her back. Then he bent and brushed his lips against her neck. She couldn’t withhold the shiver.

  “We can’t do anything here.” Her tiny moan said otherwise.

  “I’m very imaginative,” he said. “Just the thought of stealing moments with you makes me hard. Or haven’t you noticed?”

  Oh, she’d noted the evidence of that particular hardness against the back of her hip. Very distinguishable from her gun. She’d found her curiosity too enticing. “There’d never be anything but stealing time with a large family.”

  “I took you for a woman who appreciated a challenge.” He nuzzled against her neck and ran his tongue along her vein, his palm rubbing her breast in a maddeningly slow caress until she shivered again. “There would be plenty of time for us. Having family around just adds to the excitement, the anticipation. Besides, you can’t tell me whatever class you were working on at the coffee house wouldn’t have been more fun with the buzz around you of people who love you instead of strangers.”

  Hard to say. Until the Barducs, she’d never been surrounded by people who wanted her. “I couldn’t work like that.”

  “Such a little liar.” His lips worked magic along her jaw, heat erupting in places she wasn’t sure should feel so good. “My best work was done with Sam playing at my feet, and Cabot and Maggie bickering over playing video games in the background. Their presence freed me.”

  “Perhaps, but that’s hardly conducive to romance.”

  “Don’t you trust me to keep you satisfied? There’s always a locked door.” His palm skimmed her hip and slid beneath her sweater, his fingers teasing the skin above her waistband. “And you shouldn’t discount the comfort of waking up in the night in the middle of a child sandwich.”

  “You are so not normal. That’s called a slumber party. And sleepovers with kids are way beyond my idea of stealing a little romantic time.” She sucked in a breath as his fingers trailed higher, his palm cupping her breast in a soft squeeze as his fingers rolled her nipple.

  He kissed the nape of her neck, and she bent her head back on his shoulder to offer more access.

  “The beast in me disagrees. The beat of your heart says the same. I like hearing all those heartbeats and knowing they are mine to protect and keep happy. However, I’d dedicate plenty of personal time to you, dedicate myself to your pleasure. Let me show you.”

  She didn’t doubt him for a second.

  He pulled her firmly against his chest as his hand traveled south. Clothes seemed to be no obstacle for the man as he captured her lips and started a rhythm against her skin, proving his point. She clung to his bicep as the heat at her core built. Struggling to retain her own control, she broke the kiss and stared at him from beneath her lashes. “You can’t tell me you’re paying attention to the kids now.”

  He nipped at her lips, not even glancing across the water. “Sam and Trim are creeping up on a kingfisher’s nest. Maggie and Charlie are sitting in the back of our van, snacking on peanut butter cookies and chicken fingers.”

  She raised a brow at that one, since they weren’t in sight.

  Chisholm rubbed his nose against hers as his fingers continued his wicked assault. “I can smell what they’re doing. And Cabot…” He pulled back slightly and momentarily closed his eyes. Then with a broad grin, he stared into her eyes. “Is hiding at the water’s edge, waiting for a good picture of a turtle.” He closed the distance between them, his tongue tracing along her lower lip.

  With a harsh swallow, she pushed back and dislodged his hand from her pants. Good heavens, she was about to orgasm in his arms in public view in a state park. She did a mental run through the public indecency charges. At least the thought of them provided a cold splash to wake her from his sensual attentions.

  But in retaliation, he teased at her lips, giving her no respite from her hunger. No longer able to resist, she opened for him. The kiss delved hot and deep, distracting her enough that she didn’t realize he’d turned her from the cradle of his thighs to his lap as their intensity grew.

  A laugh followed by a bird’s call above brought her back to reality. She pulled back, fingers pressed to her lips, avoiding his gaze. In a few moments of pleasure, she’d forgotten control. Just because she wanted answers and found him irresistible didn’t mean she could afford to be weak. And while nothing about being with him felt weak, she wasn’t yet ready for the fast turn on the merry-go-round of sensual excitement he promised.

  “I think it’s time for me to go.” The declaration sounded pitiful to her ears and a bit too breathless to be convincing. “I’m sorry.”

  Eyes glistening with just a shade of gold, he let her off his lap. “Your choice, Dani, but I hope one day you’ll trust me to show you what we can have.”

  “I’ve enjoyed this.” Sliding her feet to the ground, she took a moment to steady herself. Frankly, she hoped to find a safe haven to explore with him as well. But it wouldn’t be here in front of the kids and within finely honed earshot of other shifters. She glanced at him sideways as he stood with her. “You have so many conflicting goals. There’s no way all of them can succeed. Especially not the ones with me.”

  His fingers traced along her cheek, his eyes still molten, the colors around him more brilliant than the sun. “I can’t accept failing with any of them. Especially the ones dealing with you.” But he dropped his hand. “Call me.”

  Reluctantly, she walked away, needing the distance. The man messed with her mind. She needed to review all that he’d told her, even though the only thing she wanted at this moment was to revel in his soft glow and feel more of what he’d started. What did his past and future mean for her? Or was she too far past practical concerns of backgrounds and compatibility and already headlong into the need to guard herself from the devastation of his departure?

  He was a shifter with a clan who wanted him desperately, if she believed Wharton. A man in witness protection and on the run from a mob assassin. Detective Dani Leggett didn’t belong in his world of turmoil. Dani Leggett didn’t do wild and flaming romance. She didn’t do big families. Hell, she’d never even considered having children. And most certainly, Dani Leggett didn’t change her life just because she couldn’t stop thinking about a man.

  She reached her car and sank into the front seat, gripping the steering wheel.

  Now, if she could just get her heart to stop racing and the delicious tremors rippling throughout her body to agree.


  Chisholm waited twenty-four hours, then left a phone message, relieved to hear her voice on the answering message. “An intelligent decision means giving us a chance, Dani.”

  That balm only lasted several hours until the dominant side of his nature clamored for control—the side screaming for him to take charge and fix this. Only Dani didn’t need fixing. She was perfect for him the way she was.

  Reaching the two day mark, he glanced at the clock every half hour. The beast wanted to find her and drag her to his bed. The man wait
ed on Dani for a decision. She’d been consistent in avoiding an intimate relationship, but he’d scented her desire. It was only a matter of time. Passion lurked just beneath her reserved persona, waiting with a brilliance he’d caught fleeting glimpses of in her eyes.

  She would come to him if for no other reason than closure. He just needed patience. Despite his shifter existence and her shock at his claim on her, Dani prided herself on compassion and rational thinking. She wouldn’t leave him hanging. Without even embracing the shifter concept of bonding with one person at a level that defied logic or need or even faith, she at least understood it meant everything to him.

  Still, her silence left him searching for any mundane task to fill his time. Any task to keep him moving and avoid brainpower sufficed. Heaven help him if he stopped and thought about her too much. So, laundry—done. House—cleaned. Groceries—stocked for the next month. The kids’ summer clothes sorted and boxed. Winter clothes out—finished. Hell, he even had three chickens ready for dinner.

  The local freight company had picked up his latest commissioned works: a heavy carved cherrywood bed, a matching hope chest, and the sculpture, for their circuitous journey. Seven warehouse locations and seven different freight companies would deliver the signature pieces to his art broker. He hated the subterfuge, but even after a ten-year relationship contracting for all his furniture, sculptures, and paintings, he couldn’t afford loose ends that left his family vulnerable.

  Now he searched for something new. Anything that didn’t require creativity or thought. Otherwise, he’d end up with a dozen paintings of Dani and a line of carved statues, all naked. After their meeting in the park, his projects turned into pitiful replacements for the woman who drove him to distraction and left him with an unrelieved hard-on.

  He patted his pockets for his buzzing cell phone as Maggie dodged past him and grabbed the waiting lunches. She tossed one bag to each of her brothers and turned, frozen in place, waiting for details of the call. No, she mouthed. We are not moving. You promised. She pointed her forefinger at him with a laugh and hustled her siblings into the car to wait for him.

  A swift kick of regret punched through him. He hadn’t promised and he never lied to his kids, but control of their options was out of his hands. And Maggie knew the realities of their existence. Their days in Garrison were numbered. Her teasing acceptance didn’t make him feel any better.

  With a halfhearted effort, he listened to his neighbor’s invitation for Charlie. “I’m sure he’d enjoy spending a few hours with your grandkids. How about I drop him by after I take the kids to school?”

  Grabbing Charlie’s travel bag, he shoved a clean set of clothes for the son who got dirtier than the rest of the family combined. Then he went in search of the youngest in the family. Just the jingle of fake keys on the diaper bag roused Charlie’s attention. He grabbed the dark blue backpack decorated with a large yellow star and dragged it toward the back door.

  “Guess you’re ready to ditch Dad for new company.” Chisholm didn’t blame him. He’d been a bear lately. And for a laid-back hundred-and-fifty-three-year-old lion shifter, that wasn’t a compliment.

  With less fanfare than usual, he delivered the children to school and Charlie to the welcoming pack of Mrs. Full Moon Jensen’s young grandchildren. When he finally returned home, the awkward silent wrapped around him like a blanket. Shaking off his lethargy, he wandered over to his studio and stood in the center of his workspace eyeing options for work. Odd, since he hadn’t lacked for something to do in more years than he could remember.

  Adrift in his thoughts, he pulled a chair across the scattered wood shavings and sat straddling it with his arms over the back. Resting his chin on his forearms and closing his eyes, he almost imagined Dani’s scent in the room. Conflicting emotions battled from the blessing some part of her still lingered here and the curse that he couldn’t have the real thing.

  “Is this a bad time to interrupt?”

  Shocked at the live vision of Dani standing before him, Chisholm sprang from the chair, sending it crashing to the floor.

  “I didn’t mean to surprise you.” Eyes wide, she didn’t move as he righted the chair. “I thought your super senses would let you know I was here.”

  “I thought I was dreaming.” If he could take back the words, he would. Though true, he regretted the unease they brought to her expression.

  “Can’t believe you have time for that with the kids.” The corner of her eyes crinkled, hinting at a smile.

  Not a true smile, but he could scent her attempt to recover their lighter banter and forced the tension from his body. “No kids, between school and Charlie’s playdate.”

  Her brows drew together. “Is that safe for him, given everything? He’s so young.”

  Running a hand over his head, he turned away toward the window. “Our neighbor is just down the street and has a full house today who enjoy his company. Charlie’s entertainment value seems to have no limit.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Besides, he needs socialization with other kids. My need to lock them away safe won’t prepare them for life.”

  She nodded with a tilt of her head. “You’re absolutely right. I’m not sure how you’ve dealt with this situation for so long by yourself. I would be second-guessing myself all the time.”

  “Not true.” He didn’t want her to second-guess anything, especially a commitment to him. “You have an ease with older kids, which is rare, even for many parents. The Dani Leggett I know would always do her best.”

  She contemplated the floor. Uncertain of her purpose, he waited, giving her time and space. As if suddenly decided, she glanced up, her brows drawn together. “Care to share with me what you were dreaming about?”

  The temptation to tell her I want you with me forever was so great. A truth bound to scare her away. “Chaos. Choices.”

  She moved toward him, scrutinizing his expression as her grey eyes grew darker. “I understand completely.”

  It wasn’t an invitation, but unable to stop, he bent and skimmed her lips, a whispered touch as his hand smoothed her hair. She leaned into him, her mouth yielding beneath his. The kiss deepened, but uncertain where this was heading, he pulled back. He refused to send her running for another two long days. “I’m thrilled if this is why you came, but a good man would ask before seducing you. So I’ll try that approach.”

  With a smile, she nodded and glanced toward the corner. After a brief hesitation, she pushed away from him and strolled over to his easel. Lifting the cloth cover from the canvas, she gasped. Her fingers hovered about her mouth as if covering her response. “Your work is incredible, but that woman doesn’t look like me. She’s too…”

  “Carefree.” Chisholm moved beside her. Caressing her shoulder, he pushed her hair back with his free hand as he considered the painting. He’d added color and texture to the sketch, oil paints bringing Dani’s image to vibrant life. Every facet exuded energy and sensuality and—passion. He considered it love, but he wasn’t certain Dani would see it that way. “She’ll be you in a few years, once you embrace your hungers.”

  He rolled her hair around his hand, giving the pale, silky strands his full attention. “If this pose strikes you as too Renaissance, I have a more conservative fantasy about you. It involves a pair of black-framed librarian glasses with your hair in a loose bun. Just the thought of your stern reprimand could send me to my knees.”

  Her laugh broke the tension, but her blush remained. “From our past history, I don’t believe that would take much.”

  “Only with you.” Wrapping the silver-blonde strands around his finger, he moved her hair from her nape and tasted the skin there. Just a brief lick. She shuddered with a small sigh. He loved that sound. His beast rumbled, the need to break free and rub growing. “What finally brings you to me?”

  She slanted a glance at him. “I have some questions. A request, really.”

  “Just ask.” If she worried her lips anymore with her teeth, he’d have to intercede an
d kiss her again. Then they’d never discuss her concerns.

  Mouth pursed, she walked back across the room and leaned against his workbench. “I want to see you change.” She waved her hand toward the vacant section of flooring. “I’ve seen the other adults change, but I don’t have the relationship with them I do with you. I need—to see the other part of you.”

  At her admission, his grin broke free. A relationship! “Anything you want, Dani.” Tugging at his shirt, he pulled it over his head and tossed it onto the couch.

  “Wait.” Brows drawing together and arms crossed, she stared at him. “The others didn’t strip. Can’t you just—”

  He shook his head. “Deacon is older than I am, more powerful. He controls alpha magic and seems to share the abilities with his people. I suspect the control of clothing will transfer to me once I pledge my loyalty to him.”

  “But Maggie’s clothes disap—she hasn’t pledged to him, has she?” Mouth tight, she cocked her head at him, puzzlement and concern obvious. “She won’t have to pledge, will she?”

  Taking a deep breath, he returned to her and rubbed his hands up her arms. “At some point soon, she’ll need to decide. You saw her shift at the barbeque without disrobing. That was Deacon’s doing, a sharing of his gift that claims protection over her.” He tipped her chin for her to look at him. “It’s not like I’d leave her to fend for herself. I choose the best option for all of my family.”

  Her rigid stance proclaimed her effort, her harsh breath and rapid pulse emphasizing her struggle to understand what he was sure she considered slavery. To be fair, he’d considered it slavery until recently.

  “Why didn’t you shift the other day? Both you and Deacon held back.”

  Releasing her, he moved back to the couch and sat to undo his shoelaces. “I didn’t shift with the others to maintain my position of power. The same was true with the alpha.”

  From a side-glance, he saw her scowl. At least he had her attention.

  “Shifters don’t reveal themselves without complete trust. Deacon’s people shifted with Maggie, knowing their alpha would have their backs and I would have Maggie’s. He and I will maintain our status quo until I decide to officially submit.”


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