Harbour (Runaway Home #1)

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Harbour (Runaway Home #1) Page 17

by Penelope Louleas

  "How did you find out? Are you here?"

  "No, my friend Charlie is, she texted me. She said you're looking hot, too. And maybe cool it on the P.D.A." I laugh.

  "I think your friend sounds like a stalker, Jackie." I say while looking around.

  "Nah, just a massive gossip queen. Anyway, I called about Lincoln's party. Everything is ready to go. Has he figured it out yet?"

  "No, not that I'm aware. What time do you want us


  "Be there at nine p.m. That way everyone will have arrived." I sigh and ask her the question plaguing my mind.

  "Okay. Hey, Jackie? What do you know about Lincoln's ex being back in town?" She takes a deep breath and sighs. Great. Not a good sign.

  "She's back, but don't worry about her. Lincoln is in love with you, I know it. Trust me, he didn't love her. He might think he did, but he didn't."

  "She won't be at the party, yeah?"

  "Oh, hell no! No way. Don't even worry about her. Trust me, Har, she's nothing to Lincoln."

  We end the call with plans to meet for lunch next week and I ponder her words. “She’s nothing to him.” God, I hope she right. I can't stand the thought of not being with Lincoln. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him.

  Lincoln breaks me out of my depressing thoughts when he sits back down next to me.

  "What's wrong?" He looks genuinely worried. No, he's mine. I don't give a fuck who Rachael is. He's mine. Jeez, I'm starting to think like a crazy bitch. I clear my head with a nod.

  "I'm good, nothing serious. Ready to go?" He frowns at me. He knows something's up, but thankfully he ignores it for now.

  "Yeah, everything is completed. She'll be at our place tomorrow morning."

  "Who will be?"

  "The Harley." He grins at me.

  "Oh, right. Of course."

  Lincoln leans in, his lips grazing my ear. He speaks softly but authoritatively. "We're going for a ride tomorrow, then I'm going to park somewhere and fuck you over the bike."

  Yes! Yes! Yes! My face flushes and for a moment I have to calm myself down, scared there will be a wet patch on the back of my gown.

  "Um . . . yes please."

  Lincoln takes my hand and I'm whisked across the room saying hurried goodbyes. Once we're done, we enter the limo and Lincoln pounces. Our hot make-out session is only halted to exit the car. It resumes in the lift and once again after we enter the apartment. It pretty much doesn't stop until the sun breaks on the horizon and we both fall into a deep sleep.


  "Good morning, beautiful." If I couldn't feel him kissing my face gently I'd think I was still dreaming. I slowly open my eyes to see Lincoln showered and changed.

  "What time is it? How long have you been up?"

  "It's eleven thirty a.m. and I've been up for two hours." I grin and reach my hand over to grab his crotch.

  "If you've been up for two hours why didn't you wake me? I could've helped."

  He grabs my hand and pushes it away hesitantly. "Okay, I fucked you for hours last night, or this morning, rather, and now Junior needs time to recuperate. As tempting as you are all mussed up from your sleep, we need to get ready."

  He walks away and stops, shaking his head. He lets out a sexy growl that makes me smile. I love that I'm hard for him to resist.

  "No. Get that sexy ass in the shower and let's go for a ride."

  He leaves the room, but before the door closes he calls out, "Your clothes will be on the bed when you're done."

  I hop out of bed excitedly and run to the shower. There's just something extra sexy about a man who picks your clothes.

  My shower is quicker than normal because I don't wash my hair. I've removed all of the remaining pins from my up-do and it's still curly. My hair is so thick and long that curls usually fallout from the weight of it, so I take advantage. After a quick tidy up with some hair product, it looks perfect.

  I make my way over to the bed and spot my clothing. Leather. I could even smell it. I pick up the jacket and examine it. I love it. It’s short and black with silver details. It's so pretty that I could wear it out to dinner and not look like a biker-bitch wannabe. I put on the black lacy bra and look for the panties. There are none. Of course. Instead of pissing me off, it makes me giddy with excitement. I put on my new skinny jeans and they feel weird. I'm not a go without panties kind of girl. Well, there's a first time for everything. At least he didn't pick out a skirt.

  I slip on the T-shirt and jacket. Everything fits perfectly. I look around for shoes but there are none, so I grab a pair of ballet flats from the closet, put them on and head out to find Lincoln.

  He is standing in the kitchen drinking a coffee. He hands me a my mug while openly admiring my outfit.

  "Fucking perfect, except for the shoes. Take them off." I'm loving his tone. It's like he's trying really hard not to take me right there in the kitchen.

  I slip my shoes off and he hands me a gorgeous pair of black, stiletto ankle-boots. I carefully take them from his hands and examine them. They have two silver-tone zips on the side and two chunky buckles around the back. My eyes glaze over at the sight of them.

  "Jesus, Harbour, you're looking at them like you look at my cock. It's really hard to concentrate right now. Sit on the stool." I practically jump on the stool and watch carefully as Lincoln kneels in front of me and slips each of the shoes onto my feet. I feel like Cinderella all over again. Before he stands, I place my designer-shoe-covered feet on his shoulders.

  "You like?" I ask him seductively.

  "I fucking love," he responds in an almost menacing tone. He rises slowly and my feet drag down his torso until they reach the floor.

  "You're a fucking tease, sweetheart." He grins and moves over to where his jacket is laying. He slips it on, my heart picks up speed and moisture builds between my legs. The seam in the crotch of the jeans is causing extra friction which isn’t helping. No panties, Harbour! Remember?

  He grins as he slowly zips up his jacket. Who would've thought watching a man do up a zipper could be so erotic? I take him in from his leather jacket, his jeans that are tight in the all right places, then down to his boots. He's only missing one thing.

  He walks over to the small table next to the entry and hands me my clutch which has a strap long enough to go across my shoulder. He opens the door and signals for me to lead the way down to the basement. I feel like I'm operating in slow motion. My every fantasy is coming true at this exact moment and I'm trying to savor it.

  We reach the Harley and I suddenly get nervous.

  "I've never been on a bike before. I mean, one with an engine," I blurt out.

  He looks at me curiously. "Really? The way you looked at it last night made me think some of your best moments had been lived on the back of one of these." He sounds shocked.

  "No, not in real life. In my head, yes."

  He laughs and pulls me over for a deep kiss.

  "I love being your first, Harbour." He grins and pulls out a pair of Ray Ban Aviators from his back pocket. There they are. The one missing thing. Fantasy complete.

  He smiles knowingly at me and places a helmet on my head. After fastening it, he puts his on and climbs on the bike.

  "Wait!" I call out. "I need to get a photo of you to send to Melody. She'll wet her pants!"

  He laughs at me and lets me take more photos than necessary.

  "If you're done, your sunglasses are in your purse. Climb on, sweetheart."

  Oh, the swooning I'm doing is ridiculous. I put on my sunnies and climb up behind him. I wrap my arms around his waist and he starts the engine. A loud roar fills the basement, and I clutch him a little tighter.

  "You'll be fine, you'll love it," he assures me.

  Lincoln straightens out the bike and lifts the kickstand. The basement roller door lifts and we take off. It feels incredible. The ride is a lot smoother than I’d thought it would be, and after thirty minutes, my tight grip has loosened and I'm enjoying myself. I take in the
scenery and wonder here we are headed.

  The only flaw to a motorcycle? You can't talk to the driver. Then again, I'm sure people who own these would disagree with me. That's probably a perk to them. The engine is loud, but after a while, my thoughts drown it out.

  We arrive at a beautiful park full of trees and greenery. Lincoln takes us around the side down a gravel road and pulls over. He lowers the kickstand and turns off the engine. I climb off and he follows.

  "God, I’ve missed that." He smiles widely, his voice full of excitement.

  "That was amazing. Exactly how I had imagined it."

  He removes his helmet and then mine. "I need to fuck you, Harbour. Hard. Right now."

  He pulls me in for a hard kiss and undoes my pants. "Lean over and hold onto the seat." I'm stunned by his demeanor, but so turned on that I do as he says. I feel my pants being pulled down my legs. I'm fully exposed and I don't care.

  "You took the hint. No panties." He runs his hand down from my shoulders to my ass. The wind is blowing slightly and I can feel it on my exposed pussy. "I don't think you understand how sexy you look right now."

  He reaches into my purse which is still hanging around my shoulder and takes my phone. He's not . . . No. I hear a click and turn to face him. He smacks my ass hard and orders me to turn back around. I hear another click and I'm suddenly very curious to see the pictures.

  "Look at this," he whispers in my ear whilst holding the phone up in front of me. The image is hot. Really hot. My legs are spread as far as my jeans will allow, and my pussy is gleaming with signs of my arousal. I moan and I'm almost embarrassed at my reaction over my own photo. He swipes the screen and the picture disappears. Now the camera is facing us.

  "Hold it," he orders me. "I want you to watch me fuck you from behind. I want to see your face when you come."

  Oh my fuck. This is so wrong but so right.

  I don't have the guts to press record; instead, I just hold it in the perfect position to capture both of our sunglass-covered faces.

  Lincoln thrusts into me with such force I'm scared the bike will tip over. As if reading my mind, he practically grunts at me. "The bike isn't going anywhere. It can take it. Can you? You're so fucking tight, Harbour."

  It feels so naughty, watching him through the camera. I want to make this a moment to remember. I clench my pelvic muscles around his cock and he stills.

  "What the fuck was that?"

  The awed tone in his voice tells me he enjoyed it. I do it again. He releases my hips and stands there, looking down at where we are joined. I do it again and he groans loudly. He leans forward and plays with my clit.

  "That feels fucking incredible. You've been holding out on me." He slaps my clit hard and I instantly come. Lincoln grabs my hips and pounds into me. The camera has been forgotten and nearly dropped. As he comes, I regain my composure and take some photos of his face. Fair’s fair.

  He leans over my back and holds me tightly. "Fuck, Harbour. I don't know what you just did but we can't leave yet. I need a minute to regroup."

  He removes himself from me and helps pull my jeans up. Once we’re both back in our pants, he kisses me roughly. "Seriously, that was something else. Where . . . How . . .?" Mission accomplished.

  "Don't worry about the details, just remember it."

  "I'll never forget it as long as I live." We laugh and put our helmets back on.

  I smile to myself, full of pride, knowing that he's probably slept with more women than some men have had hot dinners, but none of them have done that to him. Or they couldn't do it. I silently thank Melody for the pelvic floor exercises she forced me to do.

  "Nobody likes a loose pussy, Harbour," she once bluntly informed me. Coming from the most promiscuous girl in our group that meant a lot. I listened to her explain how they're done and they've become part of my daily routine. Thank you, Melody!

  Lincoln takes me to a quiet cafe for lunch and then we head back home. When we arrive back to our apartment, it's not long before the leather jackets are carelessly thrown on the floor with the rest of our clothing joining them in a trail leading to the bedroom. We only stop for dinner, and finally fall asleep, sated and exhausted.

  Chapter Twenty

  "Well, that’s everything. All you have to do is make sure the birthday boy turns up."

  I've been sitting in this deli with Jackie for just over forty-five minutes. We have finally organized everything for Lincoln's party. Just in the nick of time, too, as it's tomorrow.

  "Don't worry, he'll be there. Do you have our outfits ready?"

  "Sure do. They'll be in Linc's old room. Come out the back first for the big surprise, and then you can go up and change." I’m a little nervous that I let Jackie pick my outfit for the party. I know she has fantastic taste; I just worry it might be a little 'risqué' for my liking. Just to be safe, I'm sneaking a sundress in my bag.

  "Did you get him a present? Do I even want to know what it is?" She smirks at me. It's a cheeky expression that makes her beautiful face even more gorgeous. I bet she's made a lot of men drop to their knees with that look.

  "I haven't got it yet, but I'm going tonight after work. Lincoln has a meeting, so I have a few hours to find something." Jackie rests her elbows on the table and props her chin up with her hands. She waits for more details.

  "No. Nope. Not sharing. But I will say you don’t have to stress; we definitely will NOT buy him the same thing." We both laugh and prepare to leave.

  "You know what, Har? You and your sexy Aussie butt are the best thing that ever happened to Lincoln." She hugs me tightly and I reciprocate. I miss Melody and Art so much, but having a Jackie has made it so much easier.

  "Hey, you're not going to drop me after the party planning is over, right?" I joke.

  She pulls away and holds onto my shoulders, her look serious. "I expect to see you at least once a week. For lunch, or mani-pedis, or whatever. We're friends, Harbour. I feel like I don't have any friends who aren't trying to gain something from me. You're real, and honest. Brutally so, sometimes. I love that about you, so no. I won't be 'dropping you.'" She hugs me again and as she climbs into a taxi, she reminds me to text her when we leave the apartment tomorrow night. With a wave, I make my way back to the office and prepare myself for my shopping expedition later today. I shake my head and smile to myself like a crazy person.

  I wonder if there’s a Sex Toy Shopping for Dummies book.


  I only get to see Lincoln for five minutes that afternoon before he's called to the meeting. The kissing and heavy petting in his office leave me feeling bereft and aching when we part. Judging by the quick adjustment Lincoln makes to his pants, I'm not the only one.

  So I may not have found a book to help with my shopping trip but I quickly learnt one thing. Never, ever go to a sex shop horny. It's like going grocery shopping when you're hungry. You want to buy everything.

  I wander around for a few minutes, trying to look like I know what I want. I fail. Maybe it was the look on my face when I picked up the rubber fist, but the casually-dressed sales assistant notices my inexperience immediately.

  "Can I help you, hon?" Her accent is southern, and she seems friendly enough.

  "I'm looking for some . . . um . . . toys. For my boyfriend and I."

  "Okay, you're new to this, so let’s step away from the fists and go to the beginners’ section." She smirks at me, but not in a condescending way. Thank God.

  "Here we have basic bondage kits, vibrators and other fun things. On a scale of one to ten, how kinky are you in the bedroom?" I quickly glance around to make sure no pervert is listening in for material for his spank bank.

  "Maybe a four, but I'd like to take us to about a seven." Before I know it, I'm being handed all kinds of vibrating devices, kits and games. I quickly select a few, pay, and run out of there like I'm on fire, which isn't far from the truth. My face is burning, and probably bright red.

  I walk out of the alleyway where the store is located an
d jump in a taxi. I don't feel completely safe until I'm back in our apartment.

  I quickly hide my purchases under the bed and begin preparing dinner. It's going to be hard not pulling them out with Lincoln tonight. They look like a lot of fun.

  I put the toys to the back of my mind for the rest of the night. I'm excited about tomorrow now . . . and slightly nervous.


  I wake up before Lincoln. He's wrapped around me, clinging to my waist. I want to make him breakfast, but if I move, I'm worried I’ll wake him. I reach over for my phone and check the time. It's just after nine a.m.

  I slowly shift and remove myself from his grasp. After a quick trip to the bathroom, I make my way to the kitchen and begin making pancakes. I set the table with all types of condiments and an array of cut fruit. I quickly check to see if Lincoln is still asleep, and he's out cold, so I whip some cream and even cut the pancakes into heart shapes. I add my final touch to the stack of pancakes—an unlit candle—and go to wake Lincoln.

  I strip off my clothes and lie back in bed next to him. He instantly reaches for me.

  "Morning," he mumbles into my neck.

  "Happy birthday, handsome." He grins up at me and I run my hand through his already messy locks.

  "This is already the best birthday ever."

  He rolls onto his back, pulling me on top of him. "How about a birthday present?"

  "Breakfast is cooked and waiting."

  "Sorry, sweetheart, but we'll have to eat it cold."


  After giving Lincoln a hot breakfast in bed, we settle in the kitchen to eat cold pancakes. He says my rendition of "Happy Birthday" gives Marilyn Monroe a run for her money. We discuss our plans for the day, which don't involve us leaving the apartment until we have to go to "dinner" at his parents. I figure since we're staying in, I might as well give Lincoln his present. My nerves are obvious as I excuse myself to get it.

  Lincoln follows me to the sofa with a look of curiosity. I ask him to sit down and I hand him the first bag. He looks up at me with a devilish grin when he realizes what is inside. Slowly and almost painfully he begins examining each item.


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