The Wife Lottery_Fallon

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The Wife Lottery_Fallon Page 9

by Charlie Hart

  Huxley, outgoing and adventurous. Emerson more reserved and sweet. But neither of them seem taken aback by the other’s presence, and I let them take the lead.

  Fingers curled in my thong, Huxley’s hard erection pressed into my back, he growls out, “Take your fucking briefs off Em, so I can get these”-he snaps the elastic of my panties-“off our wife.”

  Turquoise eyes watching me, Emerson shifts beneath me, pulling his briefs down, and allowing his cock to spring free. It’s large and hard against my stomach when I lean against him. My nipples tighten at the anticipation, both of these men want me, and I them. My body wants what it has never had … and my husbands seem just as needy.

  Huxley doesn’t waste a second; my tiny thong is tossed away with Emerson’s briefs.

  “You want this?” Emerson asks, palms cupping my jaw.

  “Yes.” The word comes out like a desperate little cry.

  “Thank fucking God,” Huxley says, rubbing against me.

  I shift above Emerson, the cool air nipping at my skin as I lift out of the water slightly. My breasts bobbing in the water, and Emerson’s mouth immediately captures one, a low groan vibrating against my nipple as he licks and sucks.

  My body is ready for him.

  I take his cock in my hand, inching his tip toward myself. I’m still so new to this, my body just learning what it means to open up and take a man, but it’s the most natural thing in the world. We were made for this--and the pleasure we can offer and receive as husband and wife overwhelms me. I ease myself down, filling up with his cock, and gasping at the tightness, at the fullness--at the way our bodies come together as one.

  He’s big. Thicker than Fallon, and I have to stay still for a moment to let my body adjust to his size.

  Forehead pressed against mine, Emerson drags his thumb across my bottom lip and asks, “You okay?”

  I whimper in delight, and my response seems to excite him. He bites my earlobe, sending shivers up my spine. And I know that I’m better than okay. Because when I look into his eyes, there’s a connection there. One I’d probably ignored because of Fallon.

  My heart beats wildly in my chest, giving me permission to fall for more than just one man.

  I’m aware of Huxley behind me, his hands on my hips as I slide up and down Emerson’s cock. It’s erotic and empowering. I had no reason to doubt my husbands’ sexual interest in me, they just needed to be reassured that I wanted this as much as they do.

  I gasp when he starts to massage my ass, one finger sliding in and stretching the sensitive flesh. I nearly come from the sensation of it. I’ve explored myself before, penetrating my pussy and circling my clit--but my backside is untouched. But now, as Huxley spreads my cheeks and fingers me, my core ignites. I need him to complete what he has started.

  “Fuck, Tia,” Huxley moans. “I want your ass so bad right now.”

  I suck in a shaky breath, not sure how this goes exactly, but at the same time wanting him to be my first time from behind. I want to experience everything with my men, I will deny them nothing.

  “Okay,” I say, voice trembling.

  Emerson’s holding me, his erection hard inside me, as both the men go still.

  “You sure?” Emerson asks, his gaze searching mine.

  “Yes. I want both of you.”

  Emerson looks over my shoulder and nods. I hear Huxley’s deep breath, feel him move against me, the thick head of his cock pressing against my ass.

  He moves slowly, and there’s a slight pinching feeling, but when he’s fully inside of me, there’s no pain, just a feeling of fullness, and a pleasure I’ve never experienced before. I moan, uninhibited, my back arching, my eyes closed.

  Filled by both Emerson and Huxley, I let them guide my body.

  The first time I come, I cry out so loud that a flock of birds that had been sitting in a nearby tree take flight.

  After soaking up so much pleasure, my body goes lax against theirs, but they aren’t done with me.

  They move in a way that compliments each other, their sole purpose to bring me pleasure. And they do. It’s not long before my release is stirring again, and I feel the waves of my orgasm rolling through my entire body.

  “My God, Tia,” Emerson groans against my lips. “I can’t hold back any longer.”

  I feel him come hard inside of me, and almost instantly Huxley tenses behind me and lets out a deep moan as he finds his own release.

  My body is still trembling when Huxley slowly pulls out of me. I sink against Emerson, who hasn’t released me.

  “That was incredible,” I murmur against his skin.

  Both men murmur a happy, but exhausted sounding agreement.

  “I really don’t want to have to go out in the cold now.” I trace the patterns on his arm, smiling at the ink that spells out family on his bicep. There’s still so much about them that I don’t know. But I want to.

  “I’ll get towels,” Huxley says, his voice sounding distant, and I hear the water splash on the concrete as he gets out.

  “I could fall asleep right here,” I say drowsily.

  Emerson presses his mouth against my temple. “I’d rather you sleep in my bed.”

  I glance up at him.

  “Unless you don’t want-”

  “No. I do.” I place my hand on the side of his face, brushing my fingers over his whiskers. “I’d like that a lot.”

  He smiles, a hint of shyness back in his expression.

  This man is good. Through and through. And I thank fate or luck, or whatever god was responsible for pulling his name from the lottery. For all of them really. I’m still getting to know them, but each one - even Banks - have edged their way into my heart.

  And I know I’m one lucky woman.

  Chapter 16


  Listening to them is torture. For hours, they’re down in that damn hot tub, doing God knows what. Well, hell, I have a pretty good idea what they are doing, and thinking too much about it is giving me a hard on. And an ulcer.

  Eventually I decide I just need to get out of the house for a while. Downstairs I find Giles still sleeping on the couch and I know better than to wake a sleeping bear. Maybe it’s just as well, I already know Giles, and if I want to make this marriage work I ought to get to know some of the other men.

  Salinger is in his room, still on the damn telephone–which is fine by me. Making nice with that man is going to take some time.

  Banks though, is in the study, book in hand, and truth is, I know next to nothing about him. Maybe it’s time I build some bridges in this house instead of just starting fires.

  “Hey, uh, want to go to town and get some dinner?”

  Banks frowns and then looks over his shoulder. “You’re talking to me?”

  “You’re the only one here.”

  He sets down his book, one brow cocked. “So, you’re ready to start treating us as equals, not enemies?”

  I run a hand over my beard. “Trying.”

  He stands. “I can work with that.”

  The car ride into town is tense. I’ve never been good at small talk, and I get the feeling Banks is the same. The man is never without his damn books.

  I pull up to Frank’s Pub and park the truck in front of the decrepit building, a satisfied smile tugging at my lips when I see Bank’s expression.

  The man looks fucking uncomfortable.

  “Ever been to a bar?” I ask when we’re inside, handing him a pint of ale that the bartender has placed on the counter. The only kind they have on tap.

  Banks looks so damn stiff, wearing a tie and a blazer, like he has no idea how to shoot the shit.

  He coughs and shifts his gaze around the place. “Not one like this.”

  I smirk, knowing this dive probably isn’t the sort of place a high brow scholar would frequent. “They have good food. You hungry?”


  We slide into a booth, beers in hand, and place an order with the waiter. Banks’ lip curls a
s he hands the menu to the waiter as if disgusted to hold the damn thing. Guess fish and chips aren’t his ideal meal. Not sure where he’s been eating his whole damn life to get snobby over food someone else prepared.

  “So why did you put your name in the lottery?” I ask, when we’re alone again.

  “Why does anyone?”

  I lean back, this man is just full of conversation. Not like I should talk. I’ve been making the house tense as hell the last few days.

  Finally, the silence grows awkward and Banks must realize I’m not going to fill it - I invited him out, I did my part to be a team player. Now it’s his turn to pick up the slack.

  “You and I may be different in a lot of ways, but even if I go to a science lab each day and you pilot a bush plane, we’re still Alaskan men at heart. We believe that there is more good than bad in this world. And we want someone to share that with.”

  I pick up my beer, raising the pint to Banks. “Couldn’t have said it better.”

  He doesn’t reply, and he doesn’t need to. I may not understand every man who married my wife, but it’s good to know that Banks is a solid one.

  Our food is delivered and we both dig in.

  “So, any regrets about the decision?” I ask.

  He snorts. “Regrets? Hell no.”

  “I wondered. I haven’t heard you say more than a few words to Hypatia.”

  He picks up his silverware, pretentiously eating his fish and chips. “You know how you made an ass of yourself the minute we all met?”

  I raise my eyebrows, wanting to know where he’s headed with this line of talking.

  “Well, I know if I started telling everyone what I actually thought, I’d be doing more than making an ass of myself.”

  “Oh yeah? What would you make?”

  “Well, I sure as hell wouldn’t be making love with Tia.”

  At this, I laugh, shaking my head. Maybe Banks is more salt of the earth than I gave him credit for.

  There’s a commotion at the bar, one that has both Banks and I craning our necks.

  Three burly men, dressed in flannel and wearing matching black toques and unkempt beards have a smaller guy pinned to the bar. A few of the other guys have stood up from their chairs, but most keep their distance, as if they know the kind of trouble the three men are about to start.

  Even the bartender, the owner of the dive, has gone into the back. Either to hide or grab his shotgun.

  I start to stand, and Banks growls out a low, “Sit down. It’s not your fight.”

  Maybe not. But there’s something about the men that has me uneasy. Maybe the guy who looks like he’s ready to piss himself did something, but three against one is just wrong.

  Banks hisses a curse under his breath when I start toward them.

  “Is there a problem?” I ask, leaning against the bar, and refilling my glass from the pitcher on the counter. Then I calmly take a sip, hoping things settle down.

  The larger of the three men pulls his lips over his teeth, or what’s left of them, in a sneer. “Nothing you need to bother yourself with.”

  “Best you go back to your seat,” another one warns. He has deep pockmarks in his face, and his nose is blackened on the end like he’d suffered extreme frostbite.

  All three look like trouble.

  “Haven’t seen you around here before.” I set my beer on the counter. “Are you new to these parts?”

  A look passes between the three of them, and the one holding the scrawnier guy lets him go with a shove, then all three turn to me.

  “You the law or something?” The toothless guy asks.

  “Or something,” I say, standing my ground as they move towards me. “No one wants trouble here.”

  “And yet that’s just what you’re causing.” He cracks his knuckles.

  I sigh, squaring my shoulders and readying myself for a fight.

  “Wait.” The man who’d been relatively silent points at me. “I know you. And your buddy over there. You won that chick the other night. The hot one with the weird name.”

  I frown, knowing there’s no way these men were part of the lottery. Yet somehow they know who I am, and worse, they know who Hypatia is.

  “Is that right?” The toothless one asks. “Lucky bastard has a wife and he’s here picking a fight with us. She must not know how to fuck.” He smirks and places an arm over my shoulder. “Maybe we should go home with you and teach her.” He grabs his junk and my blood boils. No way in hell is this man ever getting his hands on my woman.

  “You’re into that, right?” Pockmark guy says, his breath making my stomach turn. “Sharing.”

  I shrug the man’s arm off, ready to lay into the guy. With all the tension of the past week, it would feel good to slam my fist into one of their ugly faces.

  “Fallon.” Banks’ hand is on my shoulder. “Time to go.”

  “Time to go, Fallon,” Toothless guy repeats, his nose inches from mine.

  My hands are fisted at my side, and I see his gaze travel down to them, when he looks back up there’s a smirk on his lips, daring me to throw the first punch.

  “They’re right,” Banks says behind me. “Tia’s waiting for you.”

  There’s a warning in his words. A reminder. What would it look like if I came home with another man’s blood on me? Not to mention that the three assholes staring me down look like they could do some damage.

  Maybe if Giles was with me, I’d stand my ground. But I doubt Banks has ever thrown a punch in his life, and the last thing I need is to drag him home bloody and bruised. Tia wouldn’t take that well at all.

  I take a step away, then grab my beer, draining it before slamming the empty glass back on the bar, then turn and walk away.

  “I’m sure we’ll be seeing you around,” one of the men calls out. “Better keep that sweet little wife of yours locked up.”

  I’m ready to spin around and knock the threat out of him, but Banks grabs my arm with more strength than I’d given him credit for and drags me out of the bar, causing laughter to echo behind us.

  “Jesus, are you always so hot-headed?” Banks grabs the keys from my hands, and then moves around the truck, slamming the door when he gets in.

  “Did you hear what they said about Tia?” I slam my own door.

  Banks sighs and shakes his head. “They’re men who probably haven’t seen, let alone touched a woman other than one of the disease infested whores down at the pier.”

  “That’s what makes them so dangerous.” I rough my palms over my face and breathe out some of my anger, but something doesn’t sit well with me. “They knew us. Knew Tia.”

  “The compound is safe.” Banks pulls out into the street. “It’s not like you’d bring her to a place like this.” When I don’t respond, he growls out, “Right?”

  “Of course not. I’m not that fucking stupid.”

  He gives me a look like he doesn’t believe it and then turns his gaze back to the road.

  I’d never bring Tia to a place like that. But then I start questioning my choice of taking her sledding today. God only knows what dangers lurk in the forests. There have been rumors of men forming groups in the north. Displaced vagabonds wandering the forsaken wilderness searching for trouble.

  Seeing those men tonight only confirmed what I already knew. Outside the gated walls of the compound I can’t keep Tia safe. And that scares the living hell out of me.

  Chapter 17


  “You’re really all going to leave me here alone?” I ask no one in particular, tightening the belt on my bathrobe as I sit at the kitchen table. All the men are hurrying around the house, preparing for work.

  Banks and Giles already left, and Salinger is getting ready to go. He’s in a suit and tie, the polished look fitting him like a glove. Before he goes, he leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. His aftershave smells of cinnamon and I have the distinct urge to pull him in close and inhale.

  But I have too many watching eyes to give int
o that craving, and I have no interest in getting the men riled up on their first days back on the job. Instead, I tug on his tie, giving him an exaggerated pout.

  “Don’t go.”

  “Sorry, Tia,” he says. “You know I’d much rather stay here and play another round of strip poker than go to the office.” His smile is infectious, and I feel the heat rise up my neck.

  “You’re so bad,” I tell him, swatting his butt as he stands to leave. We may not have slept together yet, but flirting with him is my secret pleasure.

  “Maybe we can play another round tonight,” he says as Huxley walks in the room.

  “If that’s going down later, I’m in.” Huxley gives me one of his sly grins. “Sounds like work caused me to miss out on some fun last night.” I don’t think that man has an ounce of self-doubt. He doesn’t flaunt his confidence either; it’s like he just knows who he is.

  I shake my head. “I don’t know if you can handle it, Hux. I’ve got a pretty good poker face.” I take a sip of coffee, smiling at the memory of Salinger and Giles down to their briefs. Meanwhile I only lost a sweater the entire game. “How long will you guys be gone today?”

  Our official government sanctioned honeymoon is over. Today marks my first day as a domestic goddess. Whatever that means. I have a feeling I should have paid more attention at Saint Augustine’s.

  “I’ll only be down at the shop for a few hours,” Huxley adds. “You could finalize that shopping list this morning, and then we can talk it through over lunch when I get back?”

  I nod. “It will give me something to do. I’m going to be so bored all alone.”

  Emerson and Fallon join us in the kitchen. Fallon is dressed in his pilot jumpsuit--which has a cut that shows off his tight butt and broad shoulders perfectly. He’s grabbing a cup of coffee, but can’t seem to resist adding a word of caution. “There was a snow storm last night, Hypatia. So don’t get any crazy ideas about leaving the house--not even the yard. Don’t want you to get hurt when no one is here to help.”


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